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PPL2OF Fitness Summative

Exercise Explanation

“The most common and critical training mistakes may be those of exercise

technique. The tendency to use too much weight typically results in poor form, which
decreases your ability to get results, and increases the risk of injury.” – Chad Tackett

For your exercise demonstration (voice over OR video recording) you will need to
explain 3 exercises (Lower Body, Upper Body & Core) to your teacher. Three areas
must be addressed in your demonstration.

1. The proper technique and motion, knowledge mechanics (step by step process).
2. Safety considerations when performing the exercise including corrections.
3. A description of the primary muscle groups being worked.

3 Exercises: Squat, Push up, Plank

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 < Level 1

Knowledge: of Mechanics are Mechanics are Mechanics are Mechanics are Mechanics are
Mechanics explained, explained, explained, explained, explained,
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
and and and and and
commented on commented on commented on commented on commented on
with a high with with some with a limited inadequately
degree of considerable degree of degree of
effectiveness degree of effectiveness effectiveness
Thinking: Muscles Muscles Muscles Muscles Muscles
Muscles involved are involved are involved are involved are involved are
Involved explained with explained with explained with explained with explained
a high degree a considerable some degree a limited inadequately
of degree of of degree of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Communication Safety is Safety is Safety is Safety is Safety is
: maintained maintained maintained maintained inadequately
Safety with a high with a with some with a limited maintained
degree of considerable degree of degree of
effectiveness degree of effectiveness effectiveness

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