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Music Video Analysis

Names: Maddison Evans, Shivani Srinivasan

Music Video link: Beyoncé - Formation

Do you see any symbols Near the beginning of the video, a scene of a police car in a flood with
in this video? What do Beyonce riding on top is shown. This is showing the devastation of hurricane
they symbolize? katrina as well as correlating with the fall of the justice system in america.
The music video repeatedly cuts back to this part, each time the police
vehicle sinks lower and lower still with Beyonce on top. By the end, the
police car is completely submerged and Beyonce is shown sputtering and
drowning. This could symbolize how protesting for civil rights and the
ruination of the justice system as the goal and result is a double edged
sword. POC are always having to fight for their rights. It’s been 200 years
since plantation slavery has been eradicated, and yet these issues are still
continuing today. This quite literally shows how hard it can be to have to
continuously know you’re oppressed and fight to not be.
Other symbols gravitate around themes such as black pride and creole
culture. Black pride/power can be seen in the scene in which Beyonce wears
expensive black clothes and is surrounded by black men. This shows black
people in a wealthy situation that historically they were not allowed to hold.
Wealth is often associated with power as is physically conveyed with
powerful dancing.
There is also a moment where beyonce is surrounded by black male backup
dancers all wearing black. This symbolizes a funeral as black is the
traditional funerary color. The color black has a double meaning as it also
ties back to the Black Panthers from the 1960s.

Why do you think that Hurricane Katrina destroyed billions of dollars in damage. I think by having
the artist used these the police car slowly sinking throughout the music video with Beyonce on
symbols? top sends the message that the storm that is the Black Lives Matter
movement will achieve its goal; however, it will have detrimental effects to
the psyches of young black Americans who are involved with it.
Now with the scene in which Beyonce and all her backup dancers are
sporting black clothes, it forces them to remember of the murder of Sandra
Bland and Trayvon Martin. It is not a coincidence that Beyonce dropped this
video in February, Black History Month, right around the birthdays of Ms.
Bland and Mr. Martin. This may make us uncomfortable to be reminded of
such horrible events, but Matsoukas knows that this discomfort is
necessary. Trayvon Martin and Sandra Bland were never allowed to survive,
no matter how uncomfortable they were. They were targeted and
murdered ruthlessly, and no one gave them the option of looking away. In
this same way, Beyonce subtly brings up the Black Panthers from the 1960s.
The Black Panthers are so often forgotten in our education system, so with
this mention Beyonce has hurdled their names to the forefront of the Black
Lives Matter movement. I think Beyonce knew that the education system
was and is against giving us the honest truth about slavery and the Civil
Rights movement. So many important names are forgotten, and Beyonce
and Matsoukas were aware they had the power to do something about it.
This same scene depicts black people in a wealthy household. There are
more scenes like it in which other black people are shown wearing
expensive clothing from the 1800s in what is a plantation house. I think by
doing this Beyonce and Matsoukas intended to flip the power disparity on
its head. Black people for so long were not given these opportunities to gain
wealth and power in America. Beyonce pushes this image that many of us
were previously unable to see before. It gives young black people the
representation they need. It means a lot to see an influential person in the
spotlight, especially in an industry where race has been an unsubtle criteria.

What culture do these The symbol of the sinking police car most closely resonates with the black
symbols resonate with? community, and other POC. The symbolization of the corrupt justice system
Would they symbolize the could resonate with people of different races differently. Some white
same thing in another people may not be able to relate to the image the same way that black
culture? Do they resonate
people relate. Black people are often indicted for more time and are much
with you?
more likely to be affected by police brutality than their white counterparts.
Police departments may consider this scene offensive as it depicts a police
vehicle in a compromising situation. Some white people may feel oppressed
when viewing this video. It seems like an attack on them for something that
their ancestors did a long time ago. This is true, but their ancestors actions
have inevitably forced the brain chemistry of black people to change. Their
entire psyche is damaged by this incessant need to fit into the standard of
whiteness and being told that they are not the beauty standard. These may
only be few of the less harmful microaggressions that blakc people go
through. Black people are afraid for their lives by the department that is
supposed to be protecting them. No citizen should have to be afraid of the
police, and I think this is what white people need to understand. POC
understand that slavery was 150+ years ago. What we need now is the
collective agreement that we are all racist, and self reflection to be
consciously anti racist. We need to achieve a system that is equal and just,
like what our founding fathers wanted. We need to get to a point where the
police are policing what needs to be policed, not skin color. These symbols
do resonate with me, specifically the scenes in which black people are
depicted in situations of wealth. I like to believe that I am anti racist,
however this scene shocked me. Never before had I seen so many black
people depicted as wealthy. I absolutely loved this representation because I
knew it would be a source of pride within the black community.

Social and Cultural Issues

What does this video This video assumes that the audience is already aware of the
assume about its detrimental effects of Hurricane Katrina and the police brutality
issue in the United States. It assumes that we know the various
incidents in which black men in particular have become victims of
police brutality and institutionalized racism.
Is the artist for or against The artist, Beyonce, can be interpreted to be a strong supporter of
anything? the Black Lives Matter movement and against police brutality. This
video was released around the birthdays of Trayvon Martin and
Sandra Blands who are remembered for being brutally murdered.
Their murderers faced no repercussions. Trayvon Martin’s murderer,
George Zimmerman, saw Martin leaving his fiancee’s house and
decided to report him for being suspicious to the local police.
Zimmerman later shot and fatally injured Martin and was not held
accountable under Florida’s stand your ground law. This law
prevents Florida’s police from arresting Zimmerman and holding him
accountable because Zimmerman claims he was acting in self
To what age group does In my opinion the ages that this appeals to adults between 20 and
this video appeal? 50. People who have dealt with racism and continue to. It talks to
people who can push for changes in the justice system and the
government and people who understand that black people are
being treated unfairly. It could also be for older teenages because it
is empowering. She is a black woman in America and she is one of
the most powerful people in the music industry.
Is the video racist or It sheds light on how black people are and have been treated in
sexist? Does this video america. It shows people participating in things that are
support any stereotypes?
representative of black culture. It shows that white people are the
primary perpetrators of police brutality as only white actors hold
the roles of police officers. This video is rather anti racist. The
messages of institutionalized racism and specific incidents of police
brutality backs up how knowledgeable both Beyonce and Ms.
Matsoukas are in the black lives matter movement.
What political or social I think the most obvious political/social issue brought up is police
issue does this video brutality. ‘Police’ is frequented multiple times within the video. In
bring to mind?
fact, sirens are tied in with the audio at the beginning. This along
with the specific incidents of Trayvon Martin and Sandra Bland who
were brutally murdered allow the listener to correlate the two ideas
together. I think it also brings to mind how corrupt the justice
system is.
Does the video use any At the very beginning, Beyonce uses a sample from a youtube star,
historical video/film Messi Maya. He was popular with the LGBTQ and black community.
clips? How does it use the
He was shot dead at a party several years ago. With the sampling of
his voice could be a way that Beyonce could target cultural icons
that her viewers were familiar with. It also ties back to the themes
of police brutality, crime, violence, and racism.

Formal Qualities and Analyses

What process do you They had to go to many different locations to film the dancing and the
think was used to create old timey scene and the flood scene. They used specific filters to bring
some of the images in
the video? What
attention to the colors and the places. They use retro filters to give
software and editing the feel of the 80s or 90s. They don't lose too much of the complexity
program do you think of filming but they use moving camera and camera angles to give
they used? illusions that the place they are in is timeless.
Describe how the color in Beyonce uses contrasts and lighting to her advantage. At 2:17,
the video is used to Beyonce shows black women wearing white clothes of the past. I’m
portray certain emotions,
feelings or meanings?
not sure which era these are from, but they were definitely reserved
for white women. This stark contrast between their skin colors allows
them to stand out. I think this moment creates black pride within the
black community. There aren’t many black people being represented
in media, and to have these black people in positions of wealth must
be refreshing to see.
Write a visual description A scene that really stands out is when she and people surrounding are
of a particular scene or wearing all black and Beyonce is covering her eyes. She is in the
image in the video.
center and all the people are staring into the camera. She is mourning
for the people who have been killed by the hurricane and the black
lives lost in the world. There is specific jewelry being worn that is
synonymous with black culture to show solidarity between black
people. She is also flipping the camera off. She is saying she's against
the government and the justice system as they have time and time
again harmed people of her community without cause. She is using
her power to boost the signal on the unfairness and racism in

What does this video say To me, this video is a statement that completely turns the power
to you? disparity on its head. For centuries, black people were viewed as
less than human, and this video depicts black people in traditionally
‘white roles.’ Even though I am not black, it kind of incites this
inspiration and drive in me. Seeing Beyonce, a strong and influential
black woman thriving in the industry that she is blows my mind. She
can literally do anything: dance, sing, rap. It says that she can
surpass the patriarchy and institutionalized racism with pure talent,
hard work, perseverance, and strength.
What does it say about It says that Beyonce is a hard working individual who can do
the artist? anything. She’s a genius who can make anthems for protests and
become the biggest musical part of an organization/movement. She
is woke and with her representation of black people in her music
video she spreads the messages she wants to make other people
woke as well.
Is there anything of which It reminds me of systemic racism in the south. It shows beyonce and
this video reminds you? Is company in outfits and places they would never be seen in at that
there anything in the
video that reminds you of
time. It reminds me of the devastating effects of racism on people
something you have and cultures that are different. It reminds me of police brutality and
studied in school? protests. It reminds me of natural disasters in places that are poor
and how little help they got such as new Orleans and puerto rico
verses places that are more financially stable.

Artist Intent
Do you see any works of There are shots within this music video of a documentary called
art in this video? Do you B.E.A.T.S. This documentary surrounded bounce music and its fans in
believe the artist was
influenced by someone
New Orleans. New Orleans has historical ties to black music, so I think
else? beyonce was referencing the origins of hip hop and other black music.
The south was the heart of black music, so yes I do think she was
affected by possibly her parents or another black role model that was
influenced by black music.
Do you see any product There are no product placements within this video, however
placement in the video? Formation was tied with Red Lobster when performed at the
Is this video selling a
certain product?
Superbowl. I think it was a good choice to not place any sponsorships
within this video because it has such a serious meaning. It would take
away from the seriousness to have random sponsorships. Although, I
wouldn’t be opposed to it because Beyonce needs to make that coin.
Do you think your I think so, she sought to show problems in America and that point hit
interpretation of this home. She effectively explained the effects of systemic racism through
video is what the artist
intended? Does it
her outfits, setting and actions. It shows the devastation of natural
matter? disasters. It does matter because these things are happening all over
in america. People are being killed over their race even in today's
society. Natural disasters are still widely ignored if they are in poor
areas. Puerto Rico's people were without power for a very long time
compared to any other United States owned area.
Can an artist mean to Yes of course. Beyonce was sued for sampling Messi Maya’s audio at
express one thing, but the very beginning of her music video. Her intentions were to bring
then express more than
that, or something
attention to yet another black person who was affected by gun
different from that? violence and did not receive justice. However, by doing so, she also
showed a lack of respect to Maya’s family who did not wish to have
his voice in her video.

Do you like this video? This video is aesthetically pleasing. It involves a variety of aesthetics
Why or why not? from old timey classic dress to modern day streetwear. It makes you
feel her empowerment as a woman and a person of color.
What are the most The most effective parts of the music video is the images of her
effective parts or standing on a sinking cop car in the middle of a street. It has multiple
aspects of this work of
purposes in my mind. It shows that the justice system is sinking or
getting worse both during hurricane katrina and in america in general.
She is making a statement that requires a slight bit of interpretation
but it is clear that she is against police and this is also shown when the
kid is dancing in front of the all white cops. The other thing is to show
the devastation of hurricane Katrina mostly to the black population of
New orleans.
How would you I would have people watch the video and explain to them the
persuade others to significance of the song and video on the black community especially
appreciate this work of
art as much as you do?
in america. I think there is a lot of context that would need to be
provided for people to genuinely wrap their heads around this
masterpiece. I will admit that on my first view, I was not as
appreciative of this work of art as I am now after analyzing it. I think
keeping an open mind is all someone could ask for when showing
them new art.
How could you convince I would first ask them to keep an open mind. Second, I would tell them
someone to appreciate that they are racist. No just kidding I would explain all of the deeper
an artwork that they
think is not good? How
meanings and value that Beyonce puts behind all of her works. Then I
could you counter this would tell them it’s about police brutality and Black Lives Matter. They
person’s argument? can’t say anything to that because they will just sound racist.

Pretty hurts - beyonce

● Female beauty standards
● Shows a beauty pageant in which they do all things to fit society’s expectations
○ Eating disorders
● Fitting norms of beauty standards is damaging
● Symbols
○ Writing overlay was dark everywhere besides the stage
○ Contrasts with the moods utilizing light
○ Depressed off stage and happy on stage (putting on a show)
○ Compares all women in the exact same outfit and poses
■ Given scores by men :(

Not Fair - Lily Allen

● Shot like an 80s video
● Shot in a cowboy midwestern theme
● Introduces with objectifying Lily allen
● Wears white to symbolize her innocence
● Everything shows her glorifying men, but the lyrics juxtapose this idea
○ It shocks the male band mates who don’t want to perform with her
● Underlying theme is that men are poo

Just Dance - Lady Gaga

● Gaga is avant garde
● Opens up with gaga walking into a party
● 70s vibes
● Things get trippy, substance abuse
● Lyrics: I can’t see straight anymore, it's all right just dance
○ Teens are drugged and told it is fun
● Guy surrounded by women
● Confusion between promoting or satirical view of party scene
● Darkish vibes, flashy
● Young people bad decisions

Bleeding love - leona lewis

● Domestic abuse
● Cuts back and forth between shots of actors going through domestic abuse to the
singer vocalizing with dramatic lighting
● Many situations of domestic abuse associated with specific colors
● Different layers to domestic abuse - different in every situation
● Girl in bathtub feeling of drowning and couldn’t get out of the situation
● Setting was minimalistic
○ Keep the attention on domestic abuse message

I think Matsoukas is multifaceted and unafraid of spreading messages about world

issues. There is a tone of social justice and every single music video feeds into the idea
that there are specific target audiences. Specific social problems will attract target
audiences which increases viewership.

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