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A Beautiful Mind
Felix, Irish Eunice A. March 16. 2021
BSN - 3A / Group 3
01 Schizoprenia
Schizophrenia is a serious mental disease that affects a person’s thoughts,
behavior, moods, and ability to work and relate to others. People with
schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what
is imaginary. Most people think that Schizophrenia is a split personality or
multiple personality disorders, but it’s not it is totally different. Schizophrenia is
not caused by childhood experiences, poor parenting or lack of willpower.
People with schizophrenia have different symptoms for each person.
A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind is based on the life of John Forbes Nash, Jr, a mathematical genius who had already
become a legend by the time he fell into schizophrenia at the age of thirty, and who, thanks to his wife's
selfless dedication and the continued patronage of the mathematics community, emerged from his
madness to win the Nobel Prize in 1994 and worldwide acclaim.

When he was in college, John was given a single room, with a literature student room mate named Charles
and they've become bestfriends but turns out that Charles was just an imaginary friend that John made up
eversince he was in college.

Nash is searching for a genuinely creative idea for his thesis paper, and he was feeling the pressure to
finish it so he can start working. His fruitful work in the principle of governing dynamics, a theory in
mathematical economics, was motivated by a particularly harsh rejection from a woman at the bar where
john and his set of friends hangout.

Nash accepts a prestigious appointment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with his
friends Sol and Bender after his studies at Princeton are completed.

Five years later while teaching a class on Calculus at MIT, he places a particularly interesting problem on
the chalkboard that he dares his students to solve. When his student Alicia Larde comes to his office to
discuss the problem, the two fall in love and eventually they got married.

Nash bumps into his old roommate Charles and encounters Charles' teenage niece Marcee on a return
visit to Princeton. He also meets William Parcher, a mysterious Department of Defense agent. Nash is
welcomed to a top-secret US Department of Defense laboratory in the Pentagon to decrypt a deep enemy
telecommunications encryption.

Parcher would always give John new assignments and must write it in a report of his findings and john will
sent them in a specified mailbox. After being chased by the Russians and an exchange of gunfire, Nash
becomes increasingly paranoid and begins to behave erratically.

Alicia notifies a mental institution after witnessing this erratic behaviour. Nash eventually discovers that
he is being observed by an aggressive group of people while giving a guest lecture at Harvard University.
Despite his efforts to escape, he is physically sedated and admitted to a psychiatric facility.
Desperate to assist her husband, Alicia goes to the mailbox and retrieves all of the never-opened "top secret" papers Nash had
left there. Nash is eventually persuaded that he has been hallucinating after being presented with this evidence. The covert
mission of Department of Defense agent William Parcher and Nash to decipher Soviet messages was all a delusion. Even more
surprisingly, Nash's friend Charles and his niece Marcee are also only products of Nash's mind.

John is released after a grueling series of insulin shock treatment sessions on the condition that he continues to take
antipsychotic drugs. The medications, on the other hand, have negative side effects that impair his relationship with his wife
and, most importantly, his mental ability. Nash, frustrated, secretly avoids taking his medication and hoards his pills, leading in a
psychotic relapse. He began to see Parcher, Charles and Marcee once again, then when alicia left their son with john to draw a
bath, alicia found out the cut magazines at the barn then suprisingly realized that John had become delusional again. She rushed
to to the house and found out that their son was left at the bath tub then John defended that he swore that Charles was looking
out for their baby in the bath tub as John closes the window because of the storm. Alicia runs to the phone to call the psychiatric
hospital for emergency assistance. Parcher urges Nash to kill his wife, but Nash angrily refuses to do such a thing. After arguing
with Parcher, Nash accidentally knocks Alicia to the ground. After a moment, Nash realizes that Marcee is a figment of his
hallucinations because she has remained the same age since the day he met her. He tells Alicia, "She never gets old." Only then
does he accept that all three people are, in fact, part of his hallucinations.

John and Alicia decide to make the best of his situation. In an effort to ignore his hallucinations and not feed his demons, Nash
willingly says goodbye to the three of them for the rest of his life. He did, however, thank Charles for being his closest friend
through the years, and he says a tearful goodbye to Marcee, stroking her hair and naming her "baby girl," and reminding them
both that he can no longer talk to them anymore.

John grows older and approaches his old friend and intellectual rival Martin Hansen, now head of the Princeton mathematics
department, who grants him permission to work out of the library and audit classes. Though John still suffers from
hallucinations and mentions taking newer medications, he is ultimately able to live with and largely ignore his psychotic
episodes. Nash eventually earns the privilege of teaching again. He is honored by his fellow professors for his achievement in
mathematics, and goes on to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his revolutionary work on game theory.

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