To Science, Majors: To Sloan On An: About

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Talking about Leaving: F a c t o r s Contributing to High aptitude for other disciplines, or the appeal of other majors.

Attrition R a t e s a m o n g Science, Mathematics & central issues are pedagogy, assessment, and curriculum design;
Engineering Undergraduate Majors: Final Report to t h e all of which are contralled by the faculty and institution. The can-
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation on an Ethnographic Inquiry clusions provide strong hypotheses explaining why national pro-
at S e v e n Institutions grams to increase recruitment of minority groups and women into
science, mathematics and engineering have failed and will con-
Elaine Seyrnourand Nancy M. Hewln. University of Colorado, tinue to fail to reach their goals. Recruitment from these groups
Boulder, CO, 1994. xi + 544 pp. Figs. and tables. 21.4 x 27.2 has increased, but retention has not.
cm. This hwk is not easy to read and is even more difficult to digest.
For the linear reader, the guideposts and structure that would assist
This hook reports the results of a three-year project to discover, in quickly achieving an understanding of the overall message are
and establish the relative importance of, factors having the great- mostly absent. Introductory statements and conclusionsare difflcdt
est hearing on the decisions of undergraduates a t four-year col- to find and relate to the evidence. As it stands, the book is a useful
leges and universities to switch from science, mathematics and data repository and provides a solid foundation for discussion of the
engineering (SME) majors into nonseience disciplines. Interviews subject of student attrition from SME majors. I t is hoped that the
with 460 students constitute the raw data from which the report
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authors will ~ u b l i s ha much shorter. carefullv edited version that

~~~ ~~

was developed by ethnographic methods. can b rrnd &rrt-asIly hy SME tr3rht.r~and thus have a s ~ ~ > t i c a r n
The two major conclusions are lmpner on reaehmg ~n the rcrenres. Although thrv would profit from
11,busy SME faculty memorri arc unllkrly ro rake the rmr 18, w : d
1. that switchers and nan-switchers as groups do not differ
significantly in either ability or moral character and and digest this book in its present farm
2. t h a t both graups had similar difficulties and concerns
Downloaded via on March 24, 2021 at 01:33:15 (UTC).

with their SME majors. L e e D. H a n s e n

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Switchers mentioned somewhat mare concerns than non-switch- Brigham Young University
em, hut the graups were distinguished more by the greater inabil- Provo. UT 84602
ity of switchers to cope with their difficulties. Twenty-three
concerns were identified as contributingto decisions to switch ma-
jors: the four mast significant being
1. lack or lass of interest in science, Analytical Chemistry: An Introduction, Sixth Edition
2. the heliefthat a nonscience major would hemare interest- Douglas A. Skoog, Donaid M. West, and E James Holler. Saun-
ing or a better education, ders College Publishing: New York, NY, 1994, xvi + 675 pp.
3. p w r teaching by science faculty, and Figs. tables, and photos. 21.1 x 26.2 cm.
4. feeling overwhelmed by the pace and load of curriculum
demands. The sixth edition of this textbwkcantinues to be a n abbreviated
version of the authors Fundamentals ofAnalytiea1 Chemistry. The
authors state that the sixth edition is still intended for students
taking a broad range of scientific or pre-professional studies and
whose only exposure to analytical chemistry will be a one-semes-
ees together with comments explaining the significance ofthe stu- ter or ane-quarter quantitative analysis course. The text can be
dents'statements, organized around themes of choice of major, used for shorter sophomore-level chemistry major courses or
high school preparation, the difficulty of SME majors, the weed- freshman-level laboratory courses. The authors intentions are to
out process, the unsupportive culture, teaching and learning, is- provide a rigorous background in relevant chemical and physical
sues of career, money, time and lifestyle, gender issues, and principles, develop in students an.appreciation of the problems in
ethnicity issues. evaluating experimental data, survey a wide range of modern
The implications of the conclusions are discussed in a final techniques, and teach skills for obtaining goad analytical data
chapter. A far greater contribution to SME attrition comes from with confidence. The text is well crafted and should achieve those
problems with the structure afthe educational experience and cul- goals. Instrucrms whoare not fmuljar with earlirrcd~rionsofrh~s
ture of the discipline than from problems of personal inadequacy, text i h w l d include 11 tl~rit.cur1iid~,r3t1ons

Reviewed in This Issue

Elaine S e y m o u r a n d N a n c y M. Hewitt, Talking about Leaving: Factors Lee D. Hansen
Contributing to High Attrition Rates among Science, Mathematics & Engineering
Undergraduate Majors: Final Report to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
on a n Ethnographic Inquiry at S e v e n Institutions A31 0
Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, and F: James Holler, Analytical Chemistry: John Ganchoff
An Introduction, Sixth Edition A31 0
Seymour H. Mauskopf, editor, Chemical Sciences in t h e Modern World George 0. Kaffman A311
Titles of Interest A311
Monographs A31 2
New Volumes in Continuting Series A312

A310 Journal of Chemical Education

Chapwrs are ordcwd in a fcmiliar fkshton .\n inrrodurrion rs- to enhance public understanding of science. The participants also
tablnshing the nardre of rhr analysis process, TPYWWF ~ #hfn s ~ eso. considered how to narrow the gap between historians of science on
lutlon chrmisrrv, e r r o r s a n d s r a t l s r r r i , and an e x t t n s ~ v e the one hand and chemical educators on the other as well as how
presentation of equilibrium concepts and applications make up to make the history of chemistry more relevant to its intended
the first portion of the text. The rigorous approach to doing equi- audience.
librium calculations along with approximations is presented and Now most of the papers presented a t the conference plus a num-
illustrated with solubility calculations of increasing complexity. A her of additional essays, 18 in all (by 18 contributors, five ofwhom
single chapter on gravimetry followed by nine chapters an the the- are women), have appeared in the third volume of "The Chemical
ory and applications of titrimetry appear next. One chapter eaeh Sciences in Society" series ( h o l d Thackray, series editor). Vary-
an patentiometry and eledrogravimetry and coulometry make up ing in form, content, and length (from three to 58 pp), some report
the treatment of electroanalytical chemistry. Next fallows five detailed, original research; some provide general plans for future
chapters an spectroscopy (instrumentation and theory, molecular research in major areas of scholarship; and some reflect on the
~ ~
ahsorotion. fluorescence. and atomic s h s a r ~ t i a nand emission).
'The next thrrc chnpwrs'covrr iepnmtwn t&hnlqueu rrrractmn
opportunities and challenges facing historians of the chemical sei-
ences and industries and their audiences.
and ion exrhmgr ,sn intndurtlon I,, chrumatumaphy, s d app11- Each essay is well documented, and the book includes a n 11-
rutwns ofrhronutug-l-aphy gc and lc Aehnprrr ahour ehrmncnls payr hlhl~ngrnphyand a ninc-page twocolumns prr pag*, index.
apparatus and unit operations and a chapter providing instruc- Thls wlumt udl be of mrerest ro hmronnns of ehrm>stryand uf
tions for a variety of traditional methods of analysis conclude the suenct.. chemlsti cuncerned w t h the h l . x m ~ofthmr sriencr, high
text. A set of appendices providing data, mathematical reviews, school and college chemical educators, science policy-makers, and
and a treatment of normality and equivalent weight is included. everyone concerned with the role of chemistry in modern society.
The writing is clear and concise. Numerous worked-out examples
are provided in eaeh chapter. Answers to about half of the exer- George 0. Kauffman
cises a t the end of each chapter are given. The authors state that California State University, Fresno
mast chapters can stand alone; thus, instructors can reorganize Fresno. CA 93740
material to fit their particular situations.
Changes appear in the sixth edition. Additional material has
been added to the statistics chapter and the chapter on atomic
spectroscopy. Some derivations have been placed in separate Fea-
tures sections. Computer applications found in the fifth edition
have been deleted because a separate text, using Mathcad, has
been published by one of the authors. The Features sections in-
clude more examples of analytical chemistry in diverse fields in
addition to extended explanations of complex ideas, historical
notes, and derivations.
Concern continues to he expressed (e.g., see editorial in Analyti-
cal Chemistry, July 1, 1994) about the disproportionate share al-
lotted to equilibrium calculations and titrimetry in introductory
analytical courses and texts. What analytical chemists do is not
being communicated s u f f k i e n t l This text-although giving can-
siderahle emphasis to titrimetry and corresponding equilibria-
does provide excellent presentations of f u n d a m e n t a l s of
electroanalytical chemistry, spectroscopy, and chromatography
with e x a m ~ l e ofcantemoorarv
s ,adications.
,. Those eontemolatine
changes awav from ~ r d d ~ t ttupics ~ ~ ~ in
a lt h r ~ v ~ o u r s r s ~ wi.1
t i l l find
thistvrt r f i c t i r r tool for srurlrnrs to u.;c in Iesrnlngahout an:%-
lytieal chemistry.

John Ganchoff
Elmhurst College
Elmhurst. IL 60126

Chemical Sciences in the Modern World

Seymour H. Mauskopf, Editor. Univenity of Pennsylvania Press:
Philadelphia, PA, 1993. Illus. xxii + 417 pp. 15.0 x 22.8 cm.
"Chemical Sciences in the Modern World," a wide-ranginginter-
national conference on the history of chemistry sponsored by the
Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry, organized by Sey-
mour H. Mauskopf, Professor of History at Duke University, and
Robert E. Kohler, Professor of the History and Sociology of Science
at the University of Pennsylvania, and attended by distinguished
historians afchemistrv and chemists from the United States. Can-
ada. France. Germanr Great Britain. and Israel as well as se-

leading scholars ofthe modern chemical sciences was to elicit new

insights on the challenges facing historians of science and on ways

Volume 71 Number 12 December 1994 A311

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