Sister, Felix Luigi I. BSED-English IV-A

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Sister, Felix Luigi I.

BSED-English IV-A

How Do You Apply What You Have Learned?

A. CHECK (Questions for discussion) write your answer below this question, write
at least 5 sentences.

1. Why is Practice Teaching being important to education students, as her/his last

semester year, of college?

The main purpose why practice teaching is important to education graduates is to put
into practice and apply all the pedagogical knowledge and skill that they have
learned throughout the years. They will be able to fully understand their future
profession and enabling them to prepare for the real world of the teaching profession.
They will be able to develop and advance one’s competence in development.

2. How would you describe a Practice Teaching?

Practice teaching plays a vital role in every student-teacher because it enables them
to discover their own strengths and weaknesses in classroom teaching and provide
opportunities to enable them address their weaknesses and enrich their strengths.


1. What are your personal experience about practice teaching?

I spent a lot of time preparing each lesson plan. I worked hard to research different
ways to present the information for each lesson. I looked for activities that my
students would enjoy, and I made sure that I had all of the materials and other things
that I needed before class started. Even then, there were always things that would go
wrong. Technology would fail. Students would complete activities quicker than
planned. Or students would require much more time and explanation than expected.

2. Do you think that Practice Teaching has an important role in the teaching
and learning process? Prove your point.
The main purpose of practice teaching is to provide opportunities to student-teachers
to put in practice all the pedagogical theories and skills learned while in school.

3. What are the advantages of Practice Teaching?

Students benefit from practice because they are able to apply knowledge through
interaction. Students connect with the material when they work with texts and
concepts beyond a one-time exposure. When students practice using the knowledge
through application, they connect with information on a deeper level. For instance,
when learning about writing, students have to write. They have to hone the voice,
tone and style of their writing. This cannot happen unless they revise, see examples
and learn to improve their own work. Students cannot transfer a lecture on good
essay writing into an actual good essay without practical application.
What Do I Need to Remember?
The Purpose of Practice Teaching in teaching field is to provide students with an opportunity
to apply their Pedagogical Knowledge and skills in practice.

Practice Teaching is:

Practice teaching is an integral component of teacher training. It represents the range of
experiences to which student teachers are exposed when they work in classrooms and
schools. Student teachers should experience the excitement of being a part of a real
classroom setting, of getting to know learners, of planning and organising the classroom
tasks. On the other hand, student teachers could have doubts about their ability to cope with
unfamiliar situations, controlling and managing learners or establishing a working
relationship with the mentor or supervisor. It is such mixed feelings that can contribute to the
making or breaking of a student teacher. Aspiring teachers need to clearly understand the
responsibilities they are about to undertake Aspiring teachers need to be adequately
prepared for the classroom by providing enough hands-on practice during teaching practice
field experience.

What Do I Need to Do?

Write a Pledge/Commitment to become a good teacher:
As a future Teacher, I Pledge/Commit
I pledge to be a positive teacher and positive influence on my fellow educators, students and
school. I promise to be positively contagious and share more smiles, laughter,
encouragement and joy with those around me. I vow to stay positive in the face of negativity.
When I am surrounded by pessimism, I will choose optimism. When I feel fear, I will choose
faith. When I want to hate, I will choose love. When I want to be bitter, I will choose to get
better. When I experience a challenge, I will look for opportunity to learn and grow, and help
others grow. When faced with adversity, I will find strength. When I experience a setback, I
will be resilient. When I meet failure, I will move forward and create a future success. With
vision, hope, and faith, I will never give up and will always find ways to make a difference. I
believe my best days are ahead of me, not behind me. I believe I’m here for a reason and my
purpose is greater than my challenges. I believe that being positive not only makes me better,
it makes my students better. So today and every day I will be positive and strive to make a
positive impact on my students, school and the world.
What insights and Learning have I gained in this topic?
As a future teacher how can be a good mentor to my future students?
As a future teacher I can be a good mentor to my future students my encouraging them to
come forward with their ideas at all stages of development. I will motivate the students to try
new techniques and to expand their skills and remind the students that mistakes lead to better

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