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Whatis Investnnt:...

Ratm Analysis Deln

therising But Covidcurve

Marny economic Indicators slgnal arobust recovery.
and the inablity of several states to spend can dampen growth

hentanu Nandan Shamma

the lock
bAlion in the frt e n s of

ear after 2020-21, beachosart stock ind
down bega n, the Ind
Senser hovertng aroand So,Coo
an economy appears
to be healthy, self-as the Centre's dedsion to raáise the
capital ependiare budget to
SUrEdandresliler. As the natkon ls 554 lakh crore denensrate
et to enter ioto a new financial
how economie actvioes are ce a
year 2021-22 there are more
hopes than hazands. Unquestiona tol.
bly, the worst is behind us Also, serial ecoaomic redorms
Mukiple indicatars Including ater he aubreak of the pdemkc
Investment sentiments an the and the roling cut of a produxsun
ground, market buoy ancy, sus linked incerttve PLD scheme fe
talned healthy GST (axs andser manufacturing have ignited hopes
vices tax) numbers, a proposed for the nert fiscal yer Finance
34.5% hle in capital expenditure Macro Watch Minister Nirmaa Sitharama ad
bucpet for the coming fiscal year and Reserve Harnk ol frnulila's recent in her budget speechannounced the government wouid doie cx 1ST
busness expeca non survey have sigralled thesame. Arobust liruan
lakh crore ascash incendves over five years starting 2072-22 toman
cial year (FY) is an the candsalerad, seernst b facturers in 13 sectors under the PLU scheme.
the corisensus.
Inda nc hud stepped irto PY21 withappre
S67.5 bn If these aren't enough, the cabinet earier
this week approved a bil for seting up a De
hensions a week after natkonwleke st.ay-at-bene
FDI inflow Into Indiain April
order was issued in March 2020 to urbh the
Dec 2020 à 40% rise over the velopment Finance Institute (DFD to raise
year ago period long term capital for core sector projecas. The
spread of Covld-19 vlrus. Now, thue saune; sit of budget had said the goverrament would infus
Companies will embarkon FY22 wiugusto, Cog 20,000 crore to capitalise the new emity.
timism and comviction are
elearly xpparent
arnong ctrgxarate bigH h*s.
5.54 lakh cr
Proposed capital expenditure
The governnent expects the DFI w raise
abour 3 lakh crore in the next few
Ab 60h of "Current investnent tets a e years mainly due to its access to mar
India's infru spx'nd very hig That wil have um impact witl
or the coming fiscal year, a
34.5% rise from the budget ket funds. A part of the action and en
Keepirgg in vienw the
Comes fum states some lag on cosurmptian, jobietchef
stirmate of 2020-21 thustasm will likely be seen in the evnona uptick
Fconomic Adviser KV Subramanian ters
Onedark dud in forthcoming tinancial year
the hori:con is the
ET Magurine, adding that a
Vshapeudre The chair man of Foundaton for foregn metmernE
stale's arr (apxle
CcoveTy wluch th gnerTre lu pr
dictexdearlier is weD ontrack, Akbiv $440bn Econonie CGrowth and Welfare and
formier CEA, Arvind Virmani, argues
lo remain fia alhy vaccinationdrie, hur sguoes, wili ly e lnda's exiorts (rmerchandise tthe struetural retor ms undertaken
challenyd m the pedite thr upward rnepvenrmt h rdservlces) in April Feb
sv SpMember 2019 cOnsti ue a sys
ikeiy ttt reEHte
t is
20/2C0 1 1 10% strlikage over cltttS S}UUÍfs
Cuntng financial he vear ago period H3t etiort to hecontrol the ecun
The ece1nt Ecornis; Saurvy
wur That wall ha my Tnser will pronote cumpetition,
jected an % grun t tor tde eikkr k
ftie'wtul dumpr year. Ore needs tu dickr hr rulia ufi ptuctivity atnd stiimulate
the enthuMan atce aronsnd a
ddrasl lKWTA ARM 4.17%
Wholkesale inflation fo
sies okore)4.t Porsgudt


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Au 60 rdics SPtnd

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