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How Your Lab Report Will Be Graded

▪ Written in the table of contents correctly

Title (3pts) ▪ Title should be descriptive (Not Experiment #4)
▪ Purpose of experiment (what is the intended outcome of the experiment)
▪ Background information included
Introduction (12pts) ▪ Possible hazards discussed
▪ Original in content
▪ All chemicals/equipment included
Materials (5pts) ▪ Bulleted list form

▪ You will need to either rewrite the question or incorporate the question
Prelab Questions (10pts) in the answer you give. You MUST use completed sentences. You will not
get credit for sentence fragments.
▪ Brief bulleted statements
Procedure (10pts) ▪ Legible
▪ Complete
▪ All sections done and in order
▪ Black/blue pen
Formatting (5pts) ▪ Neatly written
▪ ruler used when needed

▪ Know what you are doing

▪ Safety apparel worn throughout experiment
Laboratory Conduct ▪ on task

▪ Data tables need to be drawn before day of experiment

▪ Legible/ruler used
Data/Observations (15pts)
▪ Detailed observations
▪ Complete
▪ Required formulas shown
Calculations/Graphs (0pts or ▪ Detailed calculations with units, answers clearly boxed in
10pts) ▪ Graphs clearly titled and axis labeled
▪ Graphs should be neat and scaled to at least ½ a page
▪ Same process as prelab question
Post Lab Questions (10pts)

▪ Purpose restated
▪ Data/calculations used to support whether purpose was achieved or not
▪ Possible sources of error and ways to improve results discussed

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