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Reflective Paragraph 4

December 12, 2020

Tying It All Together

After connecting “I say” part to “they say” part, the next step is to make your argument

clear to the reader. In fact, what is the point of writing your argument if no one understands

it? The following steps are the key points of making your writing readable. The first one is

connecting your sentences. Some authors actually do not connect their sentences thinking it

cause repetition, but actually echoing your previous sentence builds a connection between

your new idea and the former one. Writers can connect their ideas using transition words to

add information, to offer and example, to generalize or to modify. Transition words help your

writing to move forward and stay focused on the subject without being repetitious. The next

step is the language writers use on their paper. It is believed that using informal language

makes your argument weak and invalid, however, if one mixes the formal and informal

language properly, it leaves an effective impact on the readers. But when to use the informal

language? Authors always should consider their audience and purpose while writing whether

to write sophisticated or colloquial words. And finally, using metacommentary helps readers

to understand what the author meant by using certain phrases or help them find the implied

ideas. In the other words, metacommentary helps readers how and how not to think about

what the writer had written. In conclusion, one of the most important things about writing an

efficient paper is to make it readable. No matter how how strong your argument is, if the

sentences are not connected and jumps to a new idea which makes the readers get confused

while reading, then it is not an effective paper.

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