Tutorial Mbe 2010 Jul

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1. Calculate the oil and gas initially in place for the following reservoir, which was
discovered at Pb. State any assumptions used. Initial fluid properties are:
Boi =1.55 rvb/stb
Bgi = 1.44 rvb/Mscf
Rsi = 1.30 Mscf/stb

After producing 250,000 stb of oil and its associated solution gas, the PVT
Properties are:
Bo = 1.11 rvb/stb
Bg = 2.06 rvb/Mscf
Rs = 0.60 Mscf/stb

(Anwers: N or OIIP = 638,000 stb and G or GIIP 829,400 Mscf)

2. An undersaturated reservoir containing 4,843 Mstb of OIIP is discovered at 4,300

psia. At the bubble point pressure of 2,900 psia, 100 Mstb of oil have been
produced. Assuming that all of the solution gas with its completment of oil is
produced, how much oil would the reservoir produce by the time the pressue
declines to 2, 000 psia? The PVT data are in the following table.

Pressure (psia) Bo (rvb/stb) Bg (rvb/Mscf) Rs (Mscf/stb)

2,000 1.36 1.14 0.73
2,900 1.42 1.03 0.94
4,300 1.40 0.87 0.94

(Anwer: N or OIIP = 586,083)

3. What is the ultimate recovery (MMscf) for a gas reservoir with production record
shown in the following table. Abandonment pressure is 400 psia.

Pressure (psia) z-factor Gp (MMscf)

6000 1.12 0
5000 0.95 400
3000 0.86 1,200
2000 0.85 1,900
400 0.95

(Anwer: need plotting? See answer from there!)

Tutorial MBE – 2010 JUL 1

4. An undersaturated oil reservoir is initially at 7002 psia. After producing
30,003,300 stb of oil, the reservoir pressure drops to the bubble point pressure, P b
of 3501 psia. Find the oil initially inplace, OIIP assuming that there is no water
influx or water production. Data for the reservoir are:

Boi = 1.20 rvb/stb, Bob ( at the bubble point) = 1.30 rvb/stb, S w = 0.25, cw = 3.378
x 10-6 psia and cf = 4.137 x 10-6 psia.
(Anwer: N or OIIP = 304,948,864 stb)

5. For an undersaturated reservoir above the bubble point, P b, show that the overall
compressibility of the formation (cf), connate water (cw) and oil (co) can be
summarized as

c o S o + c w S wc +c f
C effective =

6. A gas reservoir contains GIIP of 2800 MMscf and z of 0.8, which was discovered
at 3000 psi and 160 oF. After some years of production, the new Bg has become
3.300 res bbl/Mscf. Calculate the cumulative gas produced, Gp in Mscf.

(answer: 2.0 x 106 Mscf)

7. An undersaturated reservoir, which was discovered at initial pressure of 3685 psi

has the following properties. Additionally,the field production and PVT data are
shown in the following table. Using the straight line MBE (Havlena & Odeh
method), determine the OIIP.
Swi = 24%
cw = 3.62 X 10-6 psi-1
cf = 4.95 X 10-6 psi-1
Bw = 1.0 res bbl/stb
Pb = 1500 psi

Avg Pres (psi) Bo (res bbl/stb) Np (Mstb) Wp (Mstb)

3685 1.3102 0 0
3680 1.3104 20.481 0
3676 1.3104 34.750 0
3667 1.3105 78.557 0
3664 1.3105 101.846 0
3640 1.3109 215.681 0
3605 1.3116 364.613 0
3567 1.3122 542.985 0.159
3515 1.3128 841.591 0.805
3448 1.3130 1273.530 2.579
3360 1.3150 1691.887 5.008
3275 1.3160 2127.077 6.500
3188 1.3170 2575.330 8.000

(answer: 257 MMstb)

Tutorial MBE – 2010 JUL 2

8. An Oil Company has assigned you to study the PVT and production data from
the Nameless Field shown below (TABLE 1).

Pressure Bo Rs Bg Rp Np
(MPa) (res bbl/stb) (scf/stb) (res bbl/scf) (scf/stb) (106 stb)
30.0 1.514 600 0.000576 0 0
29.0 1.502 550 0.000598 900 56.3
28.0 1.496 500 0.000623 1500 97.9
27.0 1.480 450 0.000684 2300 167.6

Assuming there is no water production or influx and that the compressibility of

the formation is negligible. Determine the amount of oil initially in place (OIIP).

9. 80 Mstb of oil and 60 MMscf of gas have been produced from a reservoir
discovered at a pressure of 4,200 psia., and the reservoir is currently at a pressure
of 3,400 psia. Two descriptions of the reservoir have been proposed. The first
description states that there are 245 Mstb of oil in place with a gas cap containing
1000 MMscf. The second description indicates that there are 675 Mstb of initial
oil in place and 1,500 MMscf of gas in place. Which description is correct? PVT
data are in the following table.

Pressure Oil formation vol. Gas formation vol. Soution gas-oil ratio
(psia) factor, Bo (rvb/stb) factor, Bg Rs
(rvb/Mscf) (Mscf/stb)
3,400 1.28 0.89 0.900
4,200 1.34 0.86 1.250

Tutorial MBE – 2010 JUL 3

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