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why choose this language/ tech stacks?

1. mongoDb

I get it mongdb is new database and might not be matured as mysql but there are
advantages to using mongo over mysql/ RDBMS and i will list them below:

· when shop owners are filling there information we will give them the
option to fill out many information but also to skip it and when later they
feel comfortable with the system they will fill and for this kind of
functionalities mongo is better since it is more flexible b/c each row in
mongo db in the table/document doesn't have to have same information
it can be different. like one can have name,age,sex and one can be name,
age, nationality the fields can be different.

· Resources to learn MERN stack are easily available in the internet

compared to using php with mysql specially since we are going to be using
react for the front end. we can get help easily if we get stuck on

· mongodb is performant and this will help us on our site speed. speed is
very important factor in our network.

it will be repetitive to this for all but same reasons can apply for NODEJS to its
performant, going to be the big backend technology in the future....etc.

user research
Meaning talking to shop owners, people that sell there own handmade things and
asking them what kind of things they want.

Below are questions i think will give us a good understanding

· Do you use any e-commerce platforms? if not, ask why?

· if they dont use one and they tell you why ask them what does they think
could solve it?

· if they use ask them which platform, what does they like about it?

· what does they think could be improved?

· also ask them general challenges on selling things online in ethiopia?

i will send you examples of what i did and you will write in that format and send
me the pic.

About how many users to ask i just randomly thought about 50 people and
those people will be from this three main categories.

1. shop/owners

2.they dont own a shop but they have there own handmade things to sell.

3. those that just buy from shop owners and sell for profit?

since most are shop owners we will ask 20 shop owners , 20 handmade stuff
sellers, and 10 sellers for profit.

feel free to express your ideas if yout think they will work better?

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