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Advances in Engineering Software 115 (2018) 17–25

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Intelligent assessment of subsurface cracks in optical glass generated

in mechanical grinding process
Yong Jie Zhao, Yun Hui Yan, Ke Chen Song, Hao Nan Li∗
School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Grinding process of optical glass has been reported to be related with the creation of subsurface cracks.
Received 20 May 2017 However, for the time being, most measurement methods have been depended on human operations. In
Revised 31 July 2017
this paper, an intelligent assessment method based on image processing technique is proposed. Grind-
Accepted 13 August 2017
ing trials proved that, the proposed method can accurately (with the biggest relative error of 3.53%) and
Available online 17 August 2017
quickly (nearly 1.6 seconds per micrographs) recognize and measure the subsurface crack depths. More
Keywords: importantly, the proposed method has good robustness to different-sized images. Besides, the method
Automatic detection does not require any input parameters or any adjustment of thresholds, therefore the method does not
Optical glass require any prior knowledge of either mechanical grinding process or brittle material behaviors relat-
Image processing ing with subsurface cracks. Based on above, the proposed method is expected to be meaningful to both
Subsurface damage metrology equipment companies and optical glass manufacturers.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction • Material flaws might also interfere with the SSD measurement.
However, it should also bear in mind that, human measurement
As a key kind of optical materials, manufacturing of optical
of SSDs might be only feasible when a small quantity of operations
glass is considered as the foundation of many industries includ-
are required. Therefore a more advanced automated measurement
ing optics, telecommunication, electronics, and mechanotronics [1].
of SSDs is highly in-demand.
The mechanical grinding process of optical glass, however, has
On the other hand, intelligent recognition and measurement
been reported closely related with the generation of subsurface
based on image processing technique has been recently found as a
cracks [2–4] due to the unstable grain-workpiece interactions in-
powerful tool in many fields containing mechanical, civil and agri-
duced by stochastic grinding wheel topography [5–7], although
culture engineering. This technique can be used for not only detec-
more advanced grinding tools with uniformly-protruded mono-
tion of a certain macro/micro feature, but also quantification of a
layer abrasives were produced [8–10].
certain process to provide a more in-depth understanding.
With this, substantial studies relating with the quantification
In mechanical and manufacturing engineering, both Zatočilová
of subsurface crack depths have been reported so far. Although
et al. [11] and Du et al. [12] proposed an image-based method
many measurement methods have been provided, nearly all of
to on-line measure both the dimension and the axis straightness
them have been suggested based on the cross-section micrographs
of the hot forgings. Experiments for both unheated and heated
observed by an optical microscope, where many human involve-
samples showed the method accuracy of up to 97%. Zhao et al.
ment/operations have been required, because, as seen in Fig. 1,
[13] used an image-processing-based method to detect the defects
• In most measurement cases, the ground surfaces of optical glass in the cold rolling process with the consideration of the influence
have been obliquely placed, therefore the subsurface damage of industrial liquids and surface textures. The defect detection ac-
(SSD) depth should be the tilted distance labeled by “SSD” in curacy achieved 91% although some defects were covered by in-
Fig. 1; dustrial liquids. A similar method was also reported in the mon-
• Due to the polishing operation during the creation of sample itoring of the brittle material grinding process [14], enabling the
cross sections, many noise points have been introduced (see automation of observations of process details. The method was
“noise” in Fig. 1); also employed to in-process and in-situ monitor ground surface
morphologies [15], where the brittle and ductile regions can be
achieved during the machining process, providing the reference

Corresponding author. of the process statuses. Besides, Gadelmawla [16] employed the
E-mail address: (H.N. Li). image-processing method to measure the screw thread features.
0965-9978/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
18 Y.J. Zhao et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 115 (2018) 17–25

the quick, accurate, and large quantities of measurements can be

Nomenclature performed by computers. The method therefore is expected to be
promising to facilitate the industrial manufacturing of optical glass.
i, j example pixel
Vi,j 3∗ 3 pixel matrix around pixel i and j 2. Method details
i L∗ L pixel region around pixel i
Ii grey value of pixel i The proposed methodology mainly includes three steps (see
Oi grey value of pixel i after denoising Fig. 2): (1) detection of the subsurface cracks, (2) recognition and
wij similarity between pixel i and j (see Eq. (2)) reconstruction of the ground surface, and (3) calculation of the SSD
zi normalized coefficient (see Eq. (3)) depths.
h smoothing factor
μ randomly selecting three clustering centers
2.1. Detection of the subsurface cracks
P ( μ| j ) degree of membership between the center μ and
the pixel j
The detection of the subsurface cracks is one of the most im-
drj grey value difference between the center μ and the
portant steps in this study. It mainly includes four substeps: (1)
pixel j
non-local means denoising, (2) fuzzy c-means clustering, (3) mor-
N total pixel number in the image
phological dilation of subsurface crack edges, and (4) morphologi-
Jfuz objective function during clustering
cal erosion and reconstruction of subsurface crack edges.
B cross-shaped structure matrix
I matrix containing the color information of the input
2.1.1. Non-local means denoising
As illustrated in Fig. 1, both noise pixels and material flaws
a a certain element in the matrix I
would interfere with the detection and measurement of SSDs,
B shrinkage matrix
xmax , therefore the first substep is to denoise the input image. Here the
( ) coordinate of the deepest pixel of the detected sub- non-local means denoising [27] is used because, in comparison
surface cracks with other denoising methods, this method was proved to be very
Slength scale bar length (with the unit of μm) effective to denoise randomly-scattered noise pixels whilst retain-
Spixel scale bar length (with the unit of pixels) ing all the edge details in the micrographs [27] so that subsurface
cracks would not be influenced.
As seen in Fig. 3(a), the basic principle of this method is as fol-
lows: for a certain pixel i in the image, each 3∗ 3 pixel matrix (with
The method followed the standard ISO metric thread plug gage and
the center pixel j, symbolised by “matrix Vj ” in Fig. 3a) within the
the maximum difference between the standard and measured val-
neighboring range L∗ L pixel region (denoted as the region i ) is
ues was found to be smaller than ±5.4 μm.
compared with the pixel i neighboring matrix (symbolized by “ma-
In civil engineering, Valença et al. [17] and Dogan et al. [18] as-
trix Vi ” in Fig. 3a).
sessed cracks on the concrete bridge by using images captured
Assuming the original grey value of pixel i is Ii , then the de-
by terrestrial laser scanning technology. The method can achieve
noised grey value of pixel i (denoted as Oi ) would be
highly-localized results where the crack width, length and orienta-

tion can be accurately recognized and measured. Oi = wi j · I j (1)
An interesting application of the image-based measurement in j∈i
agriculture engineering was reported in Ref. [19]. The authors used
image processing technology to monitor the automatic drying sys- where wij refers to the similarity between pixel i and j, and could
tem of rough rice. The system sent the acquired images of rough be calculated by
rice to a computer for image processing so that the distribution of    2
1 Vi − V j 
stalks and the moisture content of rough rice could be obtained. wi j = exp − (2)
Besides, various image-based measurement methods were used zi h2
to measure plasma temperature [20], thin oil film thickness [21],
particle velocity [22], 3D deformation [23,24], bubble [25] and where zi and h are separately the normalized coefficient (calcu-
multiphase flow [26] behaviors, showing good robustness, high de- lated based on Eq. (3)) and the smoothing factor (set to be 2 ac-
tection and measurement speed, and high accuracy. cording to Ref. [27]), and the operator  •  denotes the norm.
Based on above, an image-based intelligent assessment method    
 Vi − V j 2
is proposed in this paper to measure SSDs in optical glass gen- zi = exp − (3)
erated in mechanical grinding process. The method aims to en- h2
able the automated recognition and quantification of SSDs, so that
Fig. 3(b) and (c) separately show the original and the denoised
micrographs containing subsurface cracks.

2.1.2. Fuzzy c-means clustering

For most micrographs, they generally have three different kinds
of regions: (1) background (called dark region), (2) crack region
(the target region in this study), and (3) bulk material region. Here
the fuzzy c-means clustering [28] is employed in this study to di-
vide the whole image into three regions.
The basic procedures of the method are: (1) randomly selecting
three clustering centers (denoted as μ) for the three regions, and
Fig. 1. Cross section image showing the problems during the measurement of sub- then calculating the Degree of Membership (DM) of each pixel (as-
surface cracks. suming the pixel j) in reference to the centers P(μ|j) according to
Y.J. Zhao et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 115 (2018) 17–25 19

Fig. 2. The flowchart of the proposed methodology.

Fig. 3. (a) Illustration of the Non-Local Means Denoising (NLMD), (b) the original and (c) denoised micrographs containing subsurface cracks.

2.1.3. Morphological dilation of subsurface crack edges

After the recognition of the three regions, the morphological
dilation [29] is employed to allocate which region is the subsur-
face crack region. As illustrated in Fig. 5(a), for a certain pixel (see
pixel i in Fig. 5a), the Boolean intersection between a cross-shaped
structure matrix B and pixel i is performed, after which the grey
value of pixel i is set to be the biggest value within the matrix B.
As illustrated in Fig. 5(b), the edges of a target region would be
thickened (see the purple pixels in Fig. 5b). Fig. 5(d) presents the
dilated image.
Based on above, the subsurface crack edges can be recognized
by subtracting the original image from the dilated image, because
only the dilated edges would be left as seen in Fig. 5(c). Fig. 5(e)
Fig. 4. The micrograph after the fuzzy c-means clustering.
shows the example result after the subtraction, where it could ob-
serve that, all the subsurface crack edges are highlighted in com-
parison with the original image.
dr j
P (μ\ j ) =    (4) 2.1.4. Morphological erosion and reconstruction of subsurface crack
3 1
r=1 dr j
It might also observe from Fig. 6(a) that, except for subsurface
where drj is the grey value difference between the center μ and cracks, there are still several material flaws recognized by mor-
the pixel j, i.e. phological dilation performed in Section 2.1.3. Given that these
flaw sizes are larger than 1∗ 1 pixel thus denoising methods might
d r j =  μ r − j 2 ( r = 1 , 2 , 3 ) (5) not detect them, the morphological erosion-reconstruction method
where [30] is used here.
N Morphological erosion-reconstruction is a method that can
P (μ\ j ) · j
eliminate the target boundary points so that the boundary can be
μr = j=1 (6)
P (μ\ j )
N 2 shrunken. This method can be mathematically expressed as

with the total pixel number in the image N. (I  B ) = {a|(B )a ⊆ I} (8)

The final segmentation result of the three target regions can
where I refers to the matrix containing the color information of
be achieved, when the following objective function Jfuz reaches its
the input image, a is a certain element in the matrix I, and B is
minimum value. Fig. 4 shows the processed result.
the shrinkage matrix and is equal to [1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1]

N because the material flaws are distributed in a random direction.
P (μ\ j ) · dr j
J f uz = (7) Fig. 6(b) shows the result after the morphological erosion-
r=1 j=1 reconstruction, where it could find that, only the subsurface cracks
20 Y.J. Zhao et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 115 (2018) 17–25

Fig. 5. Basic principle of morphological dilation for (a) a certain pixel and (b) a certain region, (c) illustration of the result by subtracting the original image from the dilated
image, and image examples of (d) the dilated image and (e) the final result where the subsurface crack edges are highlighted.

Fig. 6. Image results (a) before and (b) after the morphological erosion-reconstruction is performed.

are properly kept while nearly all the material flaws are detected servation of the ground sample cross sections, therefore the SSD
and removed. depth would be an inclined distance from the deepest subsurface
Here it needs to explain that, although a white layer is pre- crack tip to the ground surface, rather than the vertical distance
sented on the top of the ground surface (see Fig. 6), it would not (see Fig. 1).
influence the detection of the subsurface cracks, because subsur-
face damage refers to the deepest crack depth therefore only the
2.3. Calculation of the SSD depths
deepest pixel within the detected subsurface crack region would
affect the method accuracy.
When both the subsurface cracks and the ground surface are
detected, the SSD depth can be easily obtained based on the point-
2.2. Recognition and reconstruction of the ground specimen surface
to-line distance in the analytic geometry, i.e.

As stated in the Introduction, even though subsurface cracks |tanβ · xmax − ymax + b|
can be recognized by the above steps, it is also important to recog-
SSD = (with the unit of pixels) (9)
(tanβ )2 + (−1 )2
nize the tilted ground surface, because in most cases, the sample
placement can not be ideally horizontal. where (xmax ,ymax ) is the coordinate of the deepest pixel of the de-
It can also be observed from Fig. 7 that, the detailed recognition tected subsurface cracks.
process is: (1) the Canny edge detection [31] is firstly performed to Please note that, all the above calculation is based on the unit
highlight all the potential edges including the ground surface (see of pixels. Therefore to obtain SSD depths in the length unit, unit
Fig. 7a); (2) the top pixel of the highlighted edges are kept while conversion needs to perform. Assuming the scale bar length is
others are removed (see Fig. 7b); (3) the mathematical express of Slength (with the unit of μm) and is expressed by using Spixel pix-
the ground surface can be obtained by fitting the left pixels with els, the realistic subsurface crack depth SSDlength would be
the basic fitting function form of y = tanβ • x + b (see Fig. 7c).
Here the slope is calculated because the proposed method con-
SSDlength = · SSD. (10)
siders the tilted sample placement during optical microscope ob- S pixel
Y.J. Zhao et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 115 (2018) 17–25 21

Fig. 7. The image results after (a) the Canny edge detection is performed, (b) the top pixel of the highlighted edges are kept while others are removed, and (c) the ground
surface fitted by using the left pixels with the basic fitting function form of y = tanβ · x + b.

Fig. 8. The experimental setup of the grinding trials.

Table 1 is induced by the lateral cracks, rather than the median cracks,
Grinding parameters.
meaning the proposed method can also be applicable to various
Parameters Values subsurface damage situations. Besides, Fig. 9(d) and (e) as well as
Depth of cut, ap (μm) 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, Fig. 9(g) and (h) indicate that, even though the subsurface cracks
4.0, 5.5, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, induced by the median cracks are shallow, the proposed method
15.0 can also successfully recognize and accurately measure the crack
Grinding wheel speed, vs (m/s) 12.5, 14, 15.5, 17, 18.5, 20, 21.5, 23, depths.
24.5, 26
Workpiece feed rate, vw (mm/min) 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60
4.2. Method speed

3. Experimental validation of the methodology Because the aim of the proposed method is to automatically de-
tect and measure the subsurface crack depths so that when a large
As seen in Fig. 8, grinding trials of optical glass blocks (25 mm ∗ quantity of measurement tasks are required measurement speed
25 mm ∗ 5 mm) have been performed by using a grinder machine would not be the problem, the proposed method speed is there-
tool in this section to validate the method. The optical glass sam- fore evaluated in this section.
ples have been mounted on the jig, which then has been mounted Fig. 10 shows the original images and the images processed by
on the dynamometer. The used grinding parameters are given in the proposed method. For all the twelve micrographs, the total
Table 1, and the SSD observation after the grinding trials have been subsurface crack recognition and measurement time is 19.23 sec-
the same as Ref. [3,4]. onds when a PC is used (InterCore i7-4500U 3.2GHz). This means
the average speed of the proposed method is around 1.6 seconds
4. Validation and discussion per micrographs, which would be hard for manual operators to be
faster, even for the skilled operators. It can also expect that, the
4.1. Method accuracy proposed method would largely facilitate the measurement effi-
ciency, and be specially interesting for metrology equipment com-
To validate the method accuracy, the SSD depths automatically- panies.
assessed by the proposed method are compared with the
manually-measured ones, and the results are presented in Fig. 9. 4.3. Method robustness to different-sized images
It can find that, among all the four sets of comparisons, the
biggest relative error is only 3.53% while the smallest one even Except for method accuracy and speed, the method robustness
reaches 1.09%, indicating the method accuracy to a large extent. to different-sized images is also evaluated in this section, because
It should note that, in Fig. 9(a) and (b), the subsurface damage different optical microscopes usually output images with different
22 Y.J. Zhao et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 115 (2018) 17–25

Fig. 9. SSD depth comparison between the automatically-assessed and manually-measured ones.

resolutions. As seen in Fig. 11, although different-sized images are For the failure case 1 (see Fig. 12a1 for the input image and
employed as the input images, the proposed method can success- Fig. 12a2 for the failure detection result), the failure detection of
fully recognize and accurately measure nearly all the images, prov- subsurface cracks might probably be because of the overexposure
ing the wide method applicability to a large extent. during the microscope observation. In fact, it might be also hard
for human raw eyes to clearly recognize the subsurface cracks in
Fig. 12(a1), especially the crack edges and tips. Given that this fail-
ure can be avoided by adjusting the microscope observation illumi-
5. Failure case analysis
nation, this kind of failure detections is believed to be acceptable.
For the failure case 2 (see Fig. 12b1 for the input image and
Although the proposed method can successfully recognize the
Fig. 12b2 for the failure detection result), the scratch marks during
subsurface cracks for most micrographs, there are still some failure
the cross section polishing process interfere with the subsurface
cases and three typical examples are presented in Fig. 12.
Y.J. Zhao et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 115 (2018) 17–25 23

crack detection. Although the cracks are successfully recognized,

the scratch marks are also detected by the method, which would
be then mistakenly employed as the deepest cracks. Obviously, this
failure is not mainly induced by the method but the inappropriate
operations before the microscope observation.
For the failure case 3 (see Fig. 12c1 for the input image and
Fig. 12c2 for the failure detection result), optical performance inho-
mogeneity is induced by the large-scaled fracture during the cross
section polishing, therefore the bulk material region presents two
kinds of completely different color features (one tends to be dark
and the other tends to be white). Similarly, this failure is also prob-
ably induced by the inappropriate operation during the polishing
process, and the failure detection can be considered acceptable.

6. Conclusions

In this paper, an intelligent assessment method of subsurface

cracks in optical glass generated in mechanical grinding process is
proposed. The main findings of this paper might include:

• Experimental grinding trials proved that, the method can ac-

curately (with the biggest relative error of 3.53%) and quickly
(nearly 1.6 seconds per micrographs) recognize and measure
the subsurface crack depths;
• The method also has good robustness to different-sized images,
meaning the method can be applicable to most micrographs,
even though they are captured by different microscopes and
different in sizes/resolutions;
• The method does not require any input parameters or any ad-
Fig. 10. Original images and the images processed by the proposed method that justment of thresholds (the method does not have any embed-
are used to evaluate the method speed. ded threshold), because all the crack region segmentation pro-
cess would be based on the color information and morpholog-

Fig. 11. Method robustness to different-sized input images (i.e. images with different resolutions).
24 Y.J. Zhao et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 115 (2018) 17–25

Fig. 12. Failure case analysis: orignal images and failure results because of (a1, a2) overexposure during the observation, (b1, b2) scratch marks during the cross section
polishing process, and (c1, c2) optical performance inhomogeneity due to the large-scaled fracture during the cross section polishing process.

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