Association of Southeast Asian Nation (Asean) Background Members of Asean

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ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST well-being and livelihood of ASEAN


- ASEAN or the Association of South ● Indonesia
East Asian Nations is an association that
● Thailand
is created to - promote the growth of
economic state of 10 countries ● Singapore
- According to Amadeo (2020) ASEAN ● Malaysia
was formed on August 8,1967 in
Bangkok, Thailand which was founded ● Philippines
in accordance of agreement of the ● Vietnam
founding members which are Indonesia,
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and ● Brunei
Thailand ● Cambodia
- On December 15, 2008 ASEAN was ● Myanmar
recognized as legal entity. Hence,
ASEAN also holds an annual summit ● Laos
wherein one of the country members Purpose of the Association for Southeast
will be task to hold the event in their Asian Nations
● Its purpose is to form a common
- In 2018, ASEAN is the 6th largest market that will help a country
economy in the world. Their fast growth achieve their desired economic
attracts investor and has invest interest growth.
to businesses.
● The ASEAN is established in order
- EU is the biggest investor while China for us countries create an import and
is the biggest trade partner. export of our production of goods or
III pillars of ASEAN services.

1. ASEAN Political and Security ● To have good connections with other

Community (APSC)- to ensure countries for the benefit of the free
peace; enhance rules and good trade industries and also to propose
governance for ASEAN policies that will be beneficial for
both parties.
2. ASEAN Economic community
(AEC)- with strong domestic market;
Enhance Integration and
competitiveness of ASEAN
3. ASEAN Social and Cultural
community (ASCC)- enhance the
● To promote regional peace and ● ASEAN embarked on establishing
stability through abiding respect for standards for vaccines used in the
justice and the rule of law in the livestock industry in the region to
relationship among countries in the ensure that only vaccines which meet
region and adherence to the international standards for safety,
principles of the United Nations efficacy, and quality are being used to
Charter. protect animal health in the region.
● Implementation of Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Points (HACCP).
● Establishing ASEAN Cooperative
Business Forum on 2006.
I. Food
● Agricultural trainings to educate the
● Food security to ensure long-term farmers through different seminars and
food security and to improve the forums.
livelihoods of farmers in the ASEAN
● A number of activities have been
initiated including the establishment of
● Issued a statement of which the the ASEAN Agricultural Research and
leaders pledge to embrace food Development Information System
security as a matter of permanent and (ASEAN ARDIS) development of the
high priority policy. ASEAN Directory of Agricultural
Research and Development Centres in
● ASEAN has established the ASEAN, and the Guidelines for the Use
“ASEAN General Guidelines on the of the Digital Information System in
Preparation and Handling of Halal 2005.
Food” to expand the trade in meat
products. ● ASEAN adopted the Guidelines on
the Risk Assessment of Agriculture-
● ASEAN has developed a website that related Genetically Modified Organisms
provide useful information on food (GMOs) to serve as guidelines in
safety · understanding the importance of
( biotechnology in agriculture.
II. Agriculture ● ASEAN extended the
● The ASEAN Good Agricultural implementation of the Memorandum of
Practices (ASEAN-GAP) for fresh Fruit Understanding (MOU) on ASEAN
and Vegetables has been developed and Cooperation in Agriculture and Forest
adopted as a standard for the Products Promotion Scheme for another
production, harvesting and post-harvest five years, viz. 2004 to 2009 to promote
handling of fruits and vegetables in the trade in agriculture and products.
region. III. Forestry
● Forest is a very important natural ○ Has been implemented from 2016-
resource for the ASEAN region in terms 2019. Year 2019-2025 is to achieve
of economic, environmental and socio- vision of “ASEAN Cooperation in
cultural benefits. Food, Agriculture, and Forestry
towards 2025”.
● Emerging and cross cutting issues
that needs to be achieved include impact ○ To support the agriculture sector as a
mitigation and adaptation of climate part of its mandate to address socio-
change to food, agriculture and forestry. economic disparities and alleviate
poverty, as well as to develop human
IV. Economic Achievements
resources and capacity building.
● ASEAN’s economic integration went two
○ The agriculture sector is the economy
stages: (1) covers the 25 years of ASEAN
backbone and the main contributor for
existence and (2) during the Singapore
countries’ foreign exchange such as
summit of 1992 in which ASEAN
Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the
launched the CEPT for AFTA promoting
Philippines, Myanmar, and Malaysia.
the whole ASEAN region as a
competitive international production base ● ASEAN-German Project on Standards
for local and foreign investors. in the South East Asian Food Trade
(SAFT): Support to the CLM Countries
[status: Implemented]
● ASEAN Leaders’ Programme – On-
○ Creating an enabling
going (2020-2021) (ASEAN
environment for the further
Foundation, n.d.)
development of standards in the food
○ An annual leadership development sector, works closely with other
programme that brings together senior regional projects, such as the ASEAN
leaders from the ASEAN region and Sustainable Agrifood Systems
beyond, from the private and public measure, and is part of the regional
sectors as well as civil society, onto a programme on establishing an
common platform; to meet and address ASEAN common market.
challenges and opportunities relevant to
● Assessment of the Alignment of the
the ASEAN.
Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet
○ Started since 2016, now on its 5th run. Nam (CLMV) National Good Animal
This 2020 theme: “What makes a city Husbandry Practices (GAHP) with the
smart and inclusive?” ASEAN GAHP. [status: On Going]

○ Develop diversity, cultural intelligence- ○ The goal of this project is to

ability to cross boundaries and thrive in support the implementation of the
multiple cultures. ASEAN GAHP for Layers and
Broilers. As a result of this project, it
● ASEAN Farmers’ Organization Support is expected that relevant government
Programme – On going (October 15, officials in Cambodia, Lao PDR,
2015-2025) (ASEAN Foundation, n.d.) Myanmar and Vietnam.
● US-ASEAN Connectivity through Trade with the multilateral framework in the
and Investment (US-ACTI) : ASEAN conduct of Philippine-ASEAN relations.
Single Window Development for Cargo With that, there is a convergence national
Clearance – Support to the CLM interest, specifically in the traditional
Countries [Status: On Going] security issues, which could be brought
about by perceived common threat in the
○ To increase U.S. economic
regional environment
engagement and cooperation with
ASEAN countries. Asia is an Relationship of ASEAN to the Philippines
increasingly inter-connected region (ASEAN Briefing, 2017)
and with the launch of the ASEAN
● Philippines has constantly affirmed
Economic Community (AEC) in
that ASEAN centrality should be
2015, the U.S. government has
promoted at all times, both in the
aligned its development assistance
group’s internal and external dealings,
priorities in support of regional
and that ASEAN continues to remain as
the driver of regionalism, and act as an
CONNECTION AND IMPACT TO THE interlocutor between competing regional
Relationship of ASEAN to the Philippines ● Various experts say that ASEAN’s
(ASEAN Briefing, 2017) impact is limited by a lack of strategic
vision, diverging national priorities, and
● “to strengthen further the existing bonds
weak leadership. ASEAN’s biggest
of regional solidarity and cooperation.”
challenge is negotiating a unified
● There’s a relationship and connection approach to China, particularly in
between ASEAN and Philippines as the response to its widespread maritime
country is one of the founding member claims in the South China Sea.
countries when ASEAN was established
ASEAN caused good impact to the
in Jakarta (ASEAN Briefing, 2017).
Philippines. There are some benefits that
● “ASEAN is one of the cornerstones of the Filipinos can get from ASEAN
Philippines’ foreign and trade policies” Integration. These are the following
(ASEAN Briefing, 2017). benefits (Arcebido, 2017):

● This is demonstrated in the Philippines 1. Lower Cost of Living

policy to develop a more peaceful, stable
2. Less hassle in traveling
and secured South East Asia through
different activities such as trading, policy 3. Improved Job Opportunities and
making, economic and functional general well-being
cooperation activities (ASEAN Briefing,
4. Education Abroad
5. A better Philippines
● There is a strengthening of the bilateral
and trading ties with fellow member
states that happens in parallel in relation
“Opportunities and Threats under the
ASEAN Economic Integration” (Watch,
● The Asean Economic Community
2015 (AEC 2015), established by the 10
member-countries of the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations, aims to - Formed in 2003, GPPAC is formed
eliminate trade barriers and facilitate around 15 regional networks with each
trade of both goods and services within region has its own priorities,
the region. characteristics and program.
● 21.7 percent of the Philippines’s total
- is a Global Member Led Network Of
trade is with the Asean, making the
Civil Society Organizations (CSOS) with
region our biggest trading partner. This
its purpose in the field of conflict
means that, if the region will totally
prevention and peace building globally
abolish tariffs, goods traded within the
region will be cheaper for ASEAN
- To build up and strengthen civil
citizens, consequently improving their
society’s efforts to prevent violent
buying power. Moreover, free trade
conflict and build more peaceful
promotes competition among firms
societies. (GPPAC, N.D.)
operating within the bloc, inducing
- Supports the regional networks to
them to produce better products.
interact and act together, and facilitates
● The Philippines has not been able to regional and global exchanges for the
fully benefit from the integration due to world to come together and learn from
various internal challenges, such as each other's experiences and develop
ownership limitations, lack of joint strategies. (WIKIPEDIA, 2019)
infrastructure development and
- Connects its members with many
differences in trade processing among
important people, including the un,
regional intergovernmental organizations,
● As of 2015 the Philippines still has the media and academia. (WIKIPEDIA,
the biggest customs and import duties 2019)
contribution to total tax revenue (20.2
percent). The shift in tax collection
toward internal revenue will prove to be
strategic for ASEAN countries, because • Eastern and Central Africa
once the lists of items that are still
currently protected by tariffs are • Southern Africa
abolished through the integration, • West Africa
countries will lose their customs
revenues from the bloc. • Latin America and the
• North America
• South Asia - To continuously improve
peacebuilding practices by learning from
• The Pacific
one another.
• Southeast Asia
• Northeast Asia
- Greater access and direct
• Central Asia involvement of local civil society in
policy processes such as the Geneva
• Middle east & North Africa declaration on armed violence and
• Eastern Europe development and UN initiatives such as
the UN Peacebuilding Commission
• Caucasus - The development of a preventive
• Western Balkans action framework to enable CSOS to
engage from the stage of conflict
• Northern and Western Europe assessment to the implementation and
PURPOSE OF GPPAC monitoring of conflict prevention
- GPAAC is a global member led - Setting up of the Peace portal, an
network of civil society organizations who online platform that is being custom-built
actively work on conflict prevention and to support the interaction, information-
peacebuilding across the world. sharing and joint action of actors and
- GPAAC main work focuses around initiatives in the conflict prevention and
human security, gender, peace education, peacebuilding field.
youth empowerment, dialogue and - A global mapping of expertise and
sustainable development goals initiatives within the GPPAC network
- Human security - a people- related to the UN Security Council
centered approach resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and
- Inclusivity - sustainable Security
peace achieved with the participation
of all members of society CURRENT PROJECTS OF GPPAC
- Dialogue and meditation - Human security - in comparison to the
hear different sides security of nations, it applies to the
- Peace education - security of citizens and societies. Human
comprising civil society, practitioners, security acknowledges that feeling
academia, and ministries of education secure is linked to many aspects, such as
representatives freedom from fear, freedom from desire,
- Sustainable development and freedom from indignity.
goals - to strengthen conflict
prevention Peace education - to share knowledge,
- Global advocacy - reduce expertise and strategies on how best to
the gap between local peacebuilders engage and collaborate in their education
and global policymakers systems with key stakeholders.
Moreover, they formed a group called
peace education to support the towards peace in the Southern
integration of the core skills in the Philippines. IId and GPPAC has been
curriculum requirements of some involved in the peace process in
countries Mindanao for almost twenty years.
(Batac & Bijnen, 2019)
Inclusivity - bring voices of women and
youth to international forces to be heard. GREENPEACE
As they aim to redefine power and
- Greenpeace began in 1971 when a
demonstrate that gender inclusive
concerned group of individuals
conflict prevention, which addresses
protested against us nuclear testing
both masculine and feminine
off the west coast of Alaska.
insecurities, contributes to the
- Greenpeace is an independent global
achievement of gender equality and
campaigning organization that acts to
sustainable peace.
change attitudes and behavior, to
CONNECTION AND IMPACT TO protect and conserve the
THE PHILIPPINES environment, and to promote peace
- Greenpeace exists because this
- The GPPAC influences the country
fragile earth deserves a voice. It
(Philippines) to develop and implement
needs solutions. It needs change. It
whole-of-government, multi-
needs action.
stakeholder data roadmaps for
- We expose environmental criminals,
sustainable development and committed
and challenge government and
to achieving the Sustainable
corporations when they fail to live up
Development Goals (SDGS) by 2030.
to their mandate to safeguard our
(Global partnership for sustainable
environment and our future.
development data, n.d.)
- In 2000, after the "all-out war" of GREENPEACE OPERATES IN
then President Joseph Estrada in COUNTRIES
Mindanao, IID embarked on a
• Africa
peacebuilding program in the island by
establishing the Mindanao Peoples • Andino
Caucus (MPC). Initiatives for • Australia / pacific
International Dialogue (IID), is the
regional initiator of the global • Belgium
partnership for the prevention of armed • Brazil
conflict (GPPAC) for Southeast Asia.
(Govt. Philippines, 2009) • Canada
- the Southern Philippines has known • Central & Eastern Europe
a long history of armed conflict. Among
those regions is Mindanao, where in • Czech republic
February 2019 the Bangsamoro people • East Asia
voted to ratify the Bangsamoro organic
• European unit
law (BOL). This law is a big leap
• France-Luxembourg 3. Uses non-violent, creative confrontation
• Germany
to expose global environmental problems
and their causes, and to force solutions
• Greece for a green and peaceful future.
• India 4. We look for solutions and promote
openness and awareness about society’s
• Italy environmental dilemma. In creating our
• Japan campaign strategies and policies, we
ensure to reflect our fundamental respect
• Mediterranean for democratic principles and pursue
• Mexico solutions that will promote global social
• Middle east & North Africa
• Netherlands GREENPEACE
• New Zealand Climate and Energy
Fighting Air Pollution in China (2015) -
• Nordic
The Greenpeace in China controls and
• Russia monitors the number one source of air
• Southeast asia pollution which is the coal burning. During
the ‘Airpocalypse’ of December 2015, they
• Spain successfully called for the authorities to
• Switzerland issue a Red Alert in response to the pollution
• United Kingdom
• United States of America
The Greenpeace took action to protest and
1. To secure or guarantee the ability of the stop the insane plan to expand the world’s
earth to nurture life in all its diversity. largest nuclear power plant. During their
a. Protect biodiversity in all its forms visit in Busan which highlighted the safety
b. Prevent pollution and abuse of the threat of nuclear plants thus, thousands of
earth’s ocean, land, air and fresh people came to find out more and add their
water voices in opposition.
c. End all nuclear threats
d. Promote peace, global Forests
disarmament and non-violence
UNESCO World Heritage Panda Habitat
2. Focuses on two essential ideas which are
protected in Sichuan - Greenpeace East
environmentalism and peace. They
Asia exposed illegal logging of natural
concentrate on the most vital threats
forests of the Sichuan Giant Panda
worldwide to earth’s biodiversity and
Sanctuaries wherein the home of the Giant
Panda, Golden Snub-nosed monkey and the
Red Panda. The Sichuan Forestry Bureau
responded almost immediately by launching justice and call for the elimination of
their own investigation, taking illegal toxic chemicals in our environment.
loggers and local officials to account and
pledging to revise regulations to safeguard  Create positive change in the lives of
natural forests in Sichuan.  millions of Filipinos as the country
strives to grow and develop towards a
Oceans sustainable future.
Exposing over 30 years of IUU fishing in
West Africa (2015) -  Greenpeace East Asia  Protecting oceans and ancient forests
and Greenpeace Africa released a report
exposing over 30 years of illegal fishing by  Phasing out fossil fuels and promoting
Chinese companies in West Africa. Going renewable energy in order to stop climate
forward, Greenpeace East Asia  is change
continuing to call for control and
supervision of fishing vessels in West Africa  Eliminating toxic chemicals, preventing
and promote sustainable fishing in the genetically modified organisms to be
released into nature

CURRENT PROJECTS - Greenpeace successfully led the

FIGHTING GLOBAL WARMING campaign for the passage of Republic Act
Our world is warmer than ever before, and No. 8749, otherwise known as “the
people and wildlife are already suffering the Philippine Act of 1999” which a
consequences. It’s time to stop the comprehensive air quality management
destruction. It’s time for an energy policy and program which aims to
revolution achieve and maintain healthy air for
every Filipinos and includes an under
ACT FOR THE AMAZON presented national ban against waste
Farmers and land grabbers are burning the
forest to the ground to expand cattle farming
and industrial agriculture production. This
needs to stop. We need to protect the largest
tropical forest in the world

 Safeguarding of the Filipino's - Greenpeace successfully pushed for

constitutional rights to a balanced and the approval of the Philippine
healthful ecology. Ecological Waste Management Act
(Republic Act No. 9003) which
 Worked to combat illegal fishing and mandates legar framework for the
campaign for clean seas, support and country’s systematic, comprehensive
amplify the Filipinos' call for climate and ecological solid waste
management that will surely protects
the environment and the people’s outbreak of war in Europe and Asia
health hence, solve the country’s in the 1930s. The U.S. never joined
waste crisis the League of Nations.


• The United Nations is an 1. General Assembly
international organization founded in - The UNGA is responsible for the UN
1945 after the Second World War by budget, appointing the non-
51 countries committed to permanent members to the Security
maintaining international peace and Council, appointing the Secretary-
security, developing friendly General of the United Nations,
relations among nations and receiving reports from other parts of
promoting social progress, better the UN system, and making
living standards and human rights. recommendations
• The name "United Nations", coined through resolutions.
by United States President Franklin 2. Security Council
D. Roosevelt was first used in the - It has the main responsibility to
Declaration by United Nations on maintain international peace and
January 1,1942, during Second security. It has 15 members, 5 are
World War. permanent and 10 are non-
• The Charter was signed on June 26, permanent.
1945 by the representatives of the 50 3. Economic and Social Council
countries. - This is at the heart of the United
• Poland, which was not Nations system to advance the three
represented at the Conference,
dimensions of sustainable
signed it later and became one of
development, economic, social and
the original 51 Member States.
• The United Nations officially came environmental. It is the central
into existence on 24 October 1945, platform for fostering debate and
when the Charter had been ratified innovative thinking, forging
by China, France, the Soviet Union, consensus on ways forward, and
the United Kingdom, the United coordinating efforts to achieve
States and by most other signatories.  internationally agreed goals.
• United Nations Day is celebrated on 4. Secretariat
24 October each year. - The Secretariat comprises the
• It is currently made up of 193 Secretary General and international
Member States, representing almost staff that monitors the day to day
all the world's sovereign states. work of the United Nations. They
• It is a successor to the League of carry out the administrative work of
Nations, a body devoted to the United Nations, which are
international cooperation that was monitored by the General Assembly
formed in 1920 after World War I, and the Security Council.
but found itself unable to prevent the 5. International Court of Justice
- The International Court of Justice, 5. Commonwealth Secretariat
known as the World Court, is the 6. Cooperation Council for the Arab States
principal judicial organ of the United of the Gulf
7. Economic Community of Western
6. Trusteeship Council African States
- It is designed to supervise the
government of trust territories and to 8. European Union
lead them to self-government or 9. International Criminal Court
independence. The council originally
10. International Criminal Police
consisted of states administering
Organization (INTERPOL)
trust territories, permanent members
of the Security Council that did not 11. International Development Law
administer trust territories, and other Organization
members elected by the General 12. International Institute for Democracy
Assembly and Electoral Assistance
13. International Organization of la
14. International Renewable Energy Agency
 Those who received a standing invitation
to participate as observers in the sessions 15. International Seabed Authority
and the work of the General Assembly 16. International Tribunal for the Law of the
and maintaining permanent observer Sea
missions at Headquarters.
17. International Union for the Conservation
NON-MEMBER STATES of Nature and Natural Resources
1. Holy See
2. State of Palestine 18. League of Arab States
OTHER ENTITIES 19. Organization of Islamic Cooperation
1. International Committee of the Red
20. Partners in Population and Development
Cross 21. University in Peace
2. International Federation of Red The UN has 4 main purposes:
Cross • To keep peace throughout the world;
3. International Olympic Committee • To develop friendly relations among
4. Inter-Parliamentary Union nations;
5. Sovereign Military Order of Malta • To help nations work together to
INTERGOVERNMENTAL improve the lives of poor people, to
ORGANIZATIONS conquer hunger, disease and
illiteracy, and to encourage respect
1. African Union for each other’s rights and freedoms;
2. Asian-African Legal Consultative • To be a center for harmonizing the
Organization actions of nations to achieve these
3. Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
4. Central American Integration System
United Nations also does the 4. United Nations Project Office on
following: Governance (UNPOG)
• Maintain international peace
and security CONNECTION TO THE
• Protect human rights PHILIPPINES
• Deliver humanitarian aid • The Philippines was also among the
• Promote sustainable 51 original member states, and one
development of only four Asian nations, that
• Uphold international law signed this charter, which marked the
beginning of the UN operations.
ACHIEVEMENTS • The relationship of the UN and the
1. Saving the pyramids Philippines is not one-sided as the
2. Eradicating Smallpox country also receives grants for
3. Protecting the Ozone projects related to climate change
4. Helping save the Lives of 90 Million mitigation and disaster risk
Children Maintaining Peace and reduction.
Security • The U.N. provides the Philippines
5. Promoting Democracy with assistance in the event of
6. Preventing Nuclear Proliferation calamities, and help the country raise
7. Ending Apartheid in South Africa funds for various causes.
• The UN Human Rights Office was
CURRENT PROJECTS ready to support the Philippines in a
1. 1617B - Building institutional constructive manner in implementing
capacity for evidence- and data- recommendations regarding the war
based e-government policies in on drugs or such issues which may
support of the Sustainable pertain to human rights concretely to
Development Goals prevent the widespread human rights
2. 1819G - Institutional arrangements violations to take place. (United
for policy integration, coordination, Nations High Commissioner for
and stakeholder engagement in SDG Human Rights, 2020)
implementation and reviews in Asia • the Philippine UN Country Team to
and the Pacific pursue common objectives in
3. 1819C - Enhancing policy coherence promoting and protecting indigenous
for the SDGs through integrated peoples’ rights, within the UN
assessments and institutional Development Framework (UNDAF).
strengthening in Africa

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