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ANABOLISM NOTE: Although the reaction is reversible the hydrolysis

of the pyrophosphate pushes it to the right

- Anabolism happens if there is an abundance of
food intake, ATP calories, or energy, so, UTP - is derived from the ATP. The Adenosine from the
therefore, the body must able stored those ATP is just changed to uridine.
excess fuels (a form of glycogen and fat)
RECALL: We can’t store protein as protein. The way we The glucose is activated due to the input of ATP, formed
stored carbohydrates as glycogen and fat as of UTP.
triglycerides. More storage in fat compared to glycogen
but the first pun-on is the glycogen storage (~500
grams), parehas rana sa kung mag breakdown ta mas Glycogen synthase catalyzes α-1,4 linkages
unahon ang glycogen dayun ang fats.
- Anabolism is required energy input, so ATP
broken down and form in ADP and Pi so that the
energy is would be released and be captured for
- To build a larger molecule, we need oxygen
from the breakdown of ATP

The Synthesis of Glycogen
Is An Energy Consuming Pathway The combining of UDP-glucose together is formed α
- Reductive (glucosyl units) 1,4 linkages
- Glucosyl units a polymer of UDP-glucose
● Glycogen is synthesized via uridine diphosphate combined together via 1,4 glycosidic bond, the
glucose (UDP – glucose). main enzyme - glycogen synthase
- Glycogen is composed of many glucose
units Glycogen synthase (linear ang ginahimo na structure sa
- Individual glucose is combined of UDP - glycogen) ang naga add og UDP-glucose (one at a time)
glucose until mahimo na siya og taas na chain. So the glycogen
● Synthesis: Glycogen(n) + UDP-glucose → synthase ang naga work ana. Before mag catalyze si
glycogen(n+1) + UDP glycogen synthase need og primer. Primer ang pinakuna
- To activate the glucose for glycogen ma produced before si glycogen synthase. A primer of at
synthesis so need dapat ma attached least 4 units is required via glycogenin.
ang glucose with UDP.
● Degradation: glucogen(n) + Pi → Glycogen(n-1)
+ glucose 1-phosphate. Branching enzyme forms α-1,6 linkages:
- This is done in the liver and muscle Remodeling
NOTE: Glycogen synthesis and degradation utilize Branching enzyme is the enzyme responsible for the
separate pathways. branching structure of glycogen. If wala ang branching
enzymes the normal glycogen can't be produced and
pag wala ing-ana sa tao there are many consequences
ana sa body sa tao (e.g. development of plaque). The
purpose of branching of glycogen for more soluble if
linear lang dili siya soluble sa water and it can form
plaques in the liver and worst in the heart leading to
many consequences or early death.

The enzyme breaks the α-1,4 link and forms a α-1,6 link.
A large number of terminal residues are now available
for glycogen phosphorylase; degradation.

Branching increases the solubility of glycogen.


NOTE: The main enzyme is the glycogen synthase - this When blood glucose levels are high, insulin (anabolic)
enzyme to regulate, gina manipulate para ma regulate activates protein phosphatase 1 which stimulates
nato ang rate sa glycogenesis glycogen synthesis.

Luis Leloir Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1970 Explanation: The insulin is to upregulate or increase
- for his discovery of sugar nucleotides and their glycogenesis. This usually happens after eating or
role in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates postprandial (after meal) kay motaas man atong blood
glucose level so that time the pancreas that stimulates to
UDP glucose is the activated form of glucose. release insulin so that the blood glucose levels should
be lower for the cells to take out and then pwede nata
makaproduce of glycogen out of the glucose that we
UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase absorb and most especially daghan og glucose so dapat
ma activate si glycogenesis. Again, insulin is the
promoter of glycogenesis.

- This is accomplished through a complex highly

regulated signal transduction pathway.

Remember: Glycogen metabolism in the liver regulates

blood glucose levels.
Blood glucose levels rise after ingestion of Lipogenesis uses a ​multi-enzyme complex called fatty
carbohydrates, leading to glycogen synthesis. acid synthase​.
Fatty acid ​degradation uses individual enzymes​, not
necessarily physically associated.

Lipogenesis intermediates are ​carried by

ACP (acyl carrier protein)​ - activated form of fatty acid
CoA is the carrier for intermediates​ formed in the fatty
acid spiral

NOTE: The counterpart of the Fatty Acid synthesis is the

Beta-oxidation. Fatty Acid synthesis is the reverse of
Phosphorylase is the enzyme responsible for
Glycogenolysis/breaks down glycogen
The essential chemistry of the two processes are
basically reversals of each other​. Both oxidation and
When glucose is added, glycogen synthase is activated.
synthesis of fats ​use activated 2 C intermediate:
It happens after meals. As a consequence, due to
acetyl-CoA​. Acetyl-CoA in fat synthesis is temporarily
increased insulin, the glucagon can be low and also the
bound to an enzyme complex as malonyl-CoA. The
activity of the phosphorylase would be lower (Liver).
synthesis of ​malonyl-CoA is the 1st step​ of fatty acid
Glycogenesis and Glycogenolysis are antagonistic.
Inactivation of phosphorylase and an activation of
glycogen synthase.

Glucagon = starved state; stimulates glycogen

breakdown, inhibits glycogen synthesis.

High blood glucose levels = fed state; insulin stimulates

glycogen synthesis and inhibits glycogen breakdown.
- Glucagon decreases and insulin is increased.

Acetyl-CoA delivered from the mitochondrial matrix to

ANABOLISM OF FATS the cytosol by the citrate-malate-pyruvate shuttle.
Kung mapuno na ang storage for glycogen and the
excess og glucose, amino acids and beyond the trace WHY CYTOPLASM NEEDS THE FATTY ACID
holes now will be diverted to production of fats. SYNTHESIS?
Para dili ma confuse ang cells.
Synthesis of Triglycerides
The ​major building block​ for the synthesis of Provides Acetyl CoA to cytosol for biosynthesis of fatty
triacylglycerols, in tissues other than adipose tissue, is acids

WHAT ABOUT ADIPOSE TISSUE? In order to make Palmitic Acid, for example, steps in
Adipocytes lack ​glycerol kinase​, therefore, the 3C fatty acid synthesis may occur 7 times, like the
dihydroxyacetone phosphate​, produced during beta-oxidation.
glycolysis​, is the precursor for triacylglycerol synthesis in
adipose tissue.

This means that adipocytes must have ​glucose to

oxidize​ in order to store fatty acids in the form of

There are two anabolic pathways of this:

1. Fatty Acid synthesis (Fatty Acid)
2. Lipogenesis/Triglyceride synthesis (Fatty Acid +
occurs primarily in the cytoplasm of these tissues:
- Liver
- Adipose (fat)
- Central Nervous System - neurons A. CONDENSATION:
- Lactating mammary gland The activated of the Acetyl-CoA, acetyl ACP (2),
REMEMBER: Glucagon and epinephrine inhibit fatty is combined in Malonyl-ACP (2C) to form
acid synthesis, and insulin stimulates it. acetoacetyl ACP.

Also, insulin (anabolic) stimulates the Fatty acid In the first cycle of the fatty acid biosynthetic
synthesis and Lipogenesis. The breakdown of fats, pathway, acetyl ACP is converted to butyryl
Lipolysis and Beta-oxidation, stimulates of those are ACP.
glucagon and epinephrine (catabolic).
B. HYDROGENATION (energy input - endergonic)
Acetoacetyl ACP is converted to
Fatty Acid Synthesis and Oxidation Compared: Beta-Hydroxybutyryl ACP. This is the step
Pathway for fatty acid synthesis is in ​cytoplasm​. where NADPH is oxidized to form NADP.
FA oxidation occurs in ​mitochondria​.
Lipogenesis involves ​oxidation of NADPH​. Beta-Hydroxybutyryl ACP is converted to
F.A. spiral involves ​reduction of FADH+ & NAD+​. Crotonyl ACP. Water removed.

Crotonyl ACP is now converted to Butyryl ACP.
Another NADPH is oxidized to form NADP.
The sequence of cycles needed to produce a C16 fatty Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism
acid from acetyl ACP. Acetyl CoA is the link between lipid and carbohydrate
metabolic pathways.
If we have palmytic acid, it has occurred 7 times/rounds.
We have 14 NADPH molecules that are oxidized to form Glucose by pyruvate, Glycerol by DHAP via glycolysis, &
NADP. Fatty acids (beta-oxidation) all degrade into acetyl CoA

Each loop represents one cycle. Biosynthesis (anabolism) of fatty acids, ketone bodies, &
cholesterol all use acetyl CoA except the glycogenesis.
The acyl group is now ready to condense with a new
malonyl group to repeat the process. When fatty acyl NOTE: So that the Acetyl-CoA is a central metabolite
group becomes 16 carbons long, a thioesterase and also the amino acids that formed ketogenic amino
hydrolyzes it, forming free palmitate: acids.

Glucose, Glycerol, & Fatty acids all supply acetyl CoA to

be oxidized in the Krebs cycle.

Ketone bodies form when there is an imbalance between

lipids and carbohydrates: Inadequate amounts of
glucose, during adequate times of lipid metabolism.

Cholesterol and Fatty Acid synthesis occurs when the

body is overly rich in acetyl CoA, beyond energy needs
for cellular activity.
When glycerol is added, this process is called
Review: can you…
Palmitate is then released from the enzyme by a • Describe ATP production from F.A. Oxidation
thioesterase reaction and can then undergo separate • Define “Ketone Bodies” & explain formation
elongation and/or unsaturation to yield other fatty acid significance
molecules. Ketone bodies: Chemicals that the body makes
when there is not enough insulin in the blood
Therefore the process of oxidation is reversely in the and it must break down fat instead of the sugar
process of the Fatty acid synthases. glucose for energy. The ketone bodies -
acetone, acetoacetate, and
beta-hydroxybutyrate - are toxic acidic
Cholesterol synthesis: chemicals. Ketone bodies have an important
• Cholesterol used in every cell membrane role as an energy source during starvation. In
• Precursor for: the liver, fatty acyl CoA is converted into ketone
- Bile salts bodies (3-hydroxybutyrate [βOHB] and
- Vitamin D acetoacetate [AcAc]). The ketone bodies are
- Adrenal hormones: efficiently metabolized in peripheral tissues
Glucocorticoids: cortisol except in the brain
Mineralocorticoids: aldosterone • Compare & contrast Lipogenesis to biosynthesis of
- Sex hormones: Cholesterol • Compare & contrast relationship between
Estrogens (female) Lipid & Carbohydrate Metabolism • Discuss effect of
Progestins (pregnancy) exercise on carbohydrate & lipid metabolism • Discuss
Androgens (male): one androgens is cholesterol lowering drugs
For your own reading lang ning review...


(HMS - hexose monophosphate shunt )

The hormones that have cholesterol as a precursor that

is called steroid hormones.

• Cholesterol has 27 carbons

• Synthesis takes 15 Acetyl CoA molecules REMEMBER: Glucose-6-phosphate many uses.
• 27 separate enzymatic steps
• Occurs in the ​liver​, makes 1.5 to 2.0 g/day The pentose pathway is a shunt (diversion).
• Average diet takes in 0.3 g cholesterol/day • The pathway begins with the glycolytic intermediate
glucose 6-P.
Biosynthesis of cholesterol begins with 3 acetyl CoA • It reconnects with glycolysis because two of the end
molecules forming a 6 C mevalonate molecule. products of the pentose pathway are glyceraldehyde 3-P
HMG-CoA to Mevalonate by the HMG-CoA reductase - and fructose 6-P; two intermediates further down in the
lowering the drugs called ​statins​. glycolytic pathway.
• It is for this reason that the pentose pathway is often
Statins inhibit the HMG-CoA reductase so that the referred to as a shunt.
mevalonate is not produced. May also help with
osteoporosis and as anti inflammatory for virus that When glucose is very abundant, the shunt can be
affects heart performed in the form of PPP and also Glycolysis can be

Relationship between When moderate glucose only glycolysis occurs.

NADPH + H+ is formed from two separate reactions.

The glucose 6-phosphate DH (G6PD) reaction is the rate

limiting step and is essentially irreversible.

Cells have a greater need for NADPH than ribose


The first intermediate in PPP is G6P. G6P is diverted

when the glucose is excess. It is shunted because later
on we can produce Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and
also Fructose 6-phosphate.


• The pathway yields reducing potential in the form of
NADPH to be used in anabolic reactions requiring
• Provides glycolytic intermediates
• The pathway yields ribose 5-phosphate. – Nucleotide
biosynthesis leading to:



For antioxidant systems. Remember ang naga generate 1ST PHASE:

sa tanan ani nga system kay mga antioxidants. So after
glutathione ma-oxidized then glutathione reduced form
so kailangan ani kay NADPH. NADPH reduces all those

It is called oxidative stage kay tanan intermediates kay gi

oxidized to in order to form NADPH (step 1 and 3) then
makaproduced og Ribulose-5-phosphate then go to 2nd
naa sa table)?
Since the product of PPE is NADPH and this NADPH is
The nonoxidative phase of the
required some synthesis and detoxification (naa sa table
pentose pathway
The extensive carbon atom rearrangement. 10 carbon
ang all the gi rearranged lang siya pag abot diri nga
NADPH is a phosphorylated form of NADH (add lang
phase. Then kung icombine si Xylulose og Ribose
kag phosphate)
makaproduced kag Sedoheptulose and Glyceraldehyde
by the enzyme of transketolase.
In general, with some exceptions, NADH is used to drive
the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. NADPH is used
where reducing potential is required for synthetic
reactions or anabolic reaction.

The pentose pathway can be divided into two phases:

1. Oxidative - where the NADPH is produced
2. Nonoxidative - where the sugar is produced;
where ribulose biphosphate is produced; where
glycolytic intermediates (F6P and G3P) are
produced. • Transketolase (TPP) and transaldolase are the link
- Non-oxidative interconversion of sugars back to glycolysis.
• Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
• Fructose 6-phosphate
• Net result: 3C5 ↔ 2C6 + C

Epimerase: inter-converts stereoisomers ribulose-5-P

and xylulose-5-P.

Isomerase: converts the ketose ribulose-5-P to the

aldose ribose-5-P.

⬥ ​Transketolase​ transfers a 2-C fragment from

xylulose-5-P to either ribose-5-P or erythrose-4-P.
⬥ ​Transketolase utilizes as prosthetic group thiamine
pyrophosphate (TPP)​, a derivative of vitamin B1 .
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase of Krebs Cycle also utilizes
TPP as prosthetic group.

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