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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Davao del Norte

Hon. GETERITO T. GEMENTIZA, MDMG                City Vice Mayor (Presiding
Hon. FRANCISCO C. REMITAR, MDMG,        Member
Hon. ALAN D. ZULUETA, MDMG,                Member
Hon. OSCAR M. BERMUDEZ, MD, MDMG,        Member
Hon. EVA LORRAINE E. ESTABILLO,                Member        
Hon. MACARIO A. BERMUDEZ, II,                Member
Hon. TRISTAN ROYCE R. AALA, MDMG,        Member
Hon. AGRIPINO G. COQUILLA, JR., CE,        Member
Hon. FERNAND S. BORDIOS, MSSW,                Member
Hon. ESTER L. ANGOY,                                Member
Hon. PROSPERO E. ESTABILLO, JR.,                Member        (ABC
Hon. NICANDRO T. SUAYBAGUIO, JR.,                Member
BE IT ORDAINED by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Tagum in regular session duly
assembled, that:
Section 1. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the “Expanded Senior
Citizens Ordinance of the City of Tagum”.
Section 2. Statement of Policies and Principles. It is hereby declared that the Local
Government of Tagum values the services and contributions of the elderly. Towards this end,
the city government shall protect their rights and make sure that all privileges provided by law
shall be given to them.
Section 3. Definition of Terms.

1. Senior Citizen or Elderly refers to any resident citizen of Tagum City at least sixty

(60) years old;

2. Lodging establishment refers to a building, edifice, structure, apartment or house

including tourist inn, apartelle, motorist hotel, and pension house engaged in
catering, leasing or providing facilities to transients, tourists or travelers;

3. Medical Services refer to hospital services, professional services of physicians and

other health care professionals and diagnostics and laboratory tests that are
necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of an illness or injury;

4. Dental Services oral examination, cleaning, permanent and temporary filling,

extractions and gum treatments, restoration, replacement or repositioning of teeth, or
alteration of the alveolar or periodontium process of the maxilla and the mandible
that are necessary for diagnosis or treatment;

5. Nearest surviving relative refers to the legal spouse who survives the deceased
senior citizen: Provided, That where no spouse survives the decedent, this shall be
limited to relatives in the following order of degree of kinship: children, parents,
siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, uncles and aunts;

(Excerpt from the Minutes of the 69  Regular Session/November 3, 2014)                Page 2
CITY ORDINANCE NO. 686, s-2014, cont’d:

6. Home health care service refers to health or supportive care provided to the senior
citizen patient at home by license health care professionals to include, but not limited
to, physicians, nurses, midwives, physical therapist and caregivers; and
7. Indigent senior citizen, refers to any elderly who is frail, sickly or with disability, and
without pension or permanent source of income, compensation or financial
assistance from his/her relatives to support his/her basic needs, as determined by
the Department of Social Welfare and development (DSWD).

Section 4. Privileges of the Senior Citizen under Section 4 of RA 9994. The Senior

Citizen shall be entitled to the following:

1. the grant of twenty percent (20%) discount and exemption from the value –added tax
(VAT), if applicable, on the sale of the following goods and services from all
establishments, for the exclusive use and enjoyment or availment of the senior

1. on the purchase of medicines, including the purchase of influenza and

pnuemococcal vaccines, and such other essential medical supplies,
accessories and equipment to be determined by the Department of Health

2. on the professional fees of attending physician/s in all private hospitals,

medical facilities, outpatient clinics and home health care services;

3.  on the professional fees of licensed professional health providing home health
care services as endorsed by private hospitals or employed through home
health care employment agencies;

4. on medical and dental services, diagnostic and laboratory fees in all private
hospitals, medical facilities, outpatient clinics, and home health care services,
in accordance with the rules and regulations to be issued by the DOH, in
coordination with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth);

5. in actual fare for land transportation travel in public utility buses (PUBs), public
utility jeepneys (PUJs), taxis, Asian utility vehicles (AUVs), shuttle services and
public railways, including Light Rail Transit (LRT), Mass Rail Transit (MRT),
and Philippine National Railways (PNR);
6.  in actual transportation fare for domestic air transport services and sea
shipping vessels and the like, based on the actual fare and advanced booking;

7. on the utilization of services in hotels and similar lodging establishments,

restaurants and recreation centers;

8. on admission fees charged by theaters, cinema houses and concert halls,

circuses, leisure and amusement; and

9. on funeral and burial services for the death of senior citizens;

2. exemption from the payment of individual income taxes of senior citizens who are
considered to be minimum wage earners in accordance with Republic Act No. 9504;

3. the grant of a minimum of five percent (5%) discount relative to the monthly
utilization of water and electricity supplied by the public utilities: Provided, That the
individual meters for the foregoing utilities are registered in the name of the senior
citizen residing therein: Provided, further, That the monthly consumption does not
exceed one hundred kilowatt hours (100 kWh) of electricity and thirty cubic meters
(30 m3) of water: Provided, furthermore, That the privilege is granted per household
regardless of the number of senior citizens residing therein;

4. exemption from training fees for socioeconomic programs;

(Excerpt from the Minutes of the 69th Regular Session/November 3, 2014)                Page 3
CITY ORDINANCE NO. 686, s-2014, cont’d:

5. free medical and dental services, diagnostic and laboratory fees such as, but not
limited to, x-rays, computerized tomography scans and blood tests, in all government
facilities, subject to the guidelines to be issued by the DOH in coordination with the

6. the DOH shall administer free vaccination against the influenza virus and
pneumococcal disease for indigent senior citizen patients;
7. educational assistance to senior citizens to pursue post secondary, tertiary, post
tertiary, vocational and technical education, as well as short-term courses for
retooling in both public and private schools through provision of scholarships, grants,
financial aids, subsidies and other incentives to qualified senior citizens, including
support for books, learning materials, and uniform allowances, to the extent
feasible: Provided, That senior citizens shall meet minimum admission requirements;

8. to the extent practicable and feasible, the continuance of the same benefits and
privileges given by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), the Social
Security System (SSS) and the PAG-IBIG, as the case may be, as are enjoyed by
those in actual service;

9. retirement benefits of retirees from both the government and the private sector shall
be regularly reviewed to ensure their continuing responsiveness and sustainability,
and to the extent practicable and feasible, shall be upgraded to be at par with the
current scale enjoyed by those in actual service;

10. to the extent possible, the government may grant special discounts in special
programs for senior citizens on purchase of basic commodities, subject to the
guidelines to be issued for the purpose by the Department of Trade and Industry
(DTI) and the Department of Agriculture (DA);

11. provision of express lanes for senior citizens in all commercial and government
establishments; in the absence thereof, priority shall be given to them; and

12. death benefit assistance of a minimum of Five Thousand Pesos (Php5, 000.00) shall
be given to the nearest surviving relative of a deceased senior citizen which amount
shall be subject to adjustments due to inflation in accordance with the guidelines to
be issued by the DSWD.

In the availment of the privileges mentioned above, the senior citizen, or his/her duly
authorized representative, may submit as proof of his/her entitled thereto any of the following:

1. an identification card issued by the Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) of the
place where the senior citizen resides: Provided, That the identification card issued
by the particular OSCA shall be honored nationwide;
2. the passport of the senior citizen concerned; and

3. other documents that establish that the senior citizen is a citizen of the Republic and
is at least sixty (60) years of age as further provided in the implementing rules and

In the purchase of goods and services which are on promotional discount, the senior
citizen can avail of the promotional discount or the discount provided herein, whichever is
The establishment may claim the discounts granted under subsections (a) and (c) of this
section as tax deduction based on the cost of the goods sold or services rendered: Provided,
That the cost of the discount shall be allowed as deduction from gross income for the same
taxable year that the discount is granted: Provided, further, That the total amount of the claimed
tax deduction net of VAT, if applicable, shall be included in their gross sales receipts for tax
purposes and shall be subject to proper documentation and to the provisions of the National
Internal Revenue Code (NICR), as amended.
(Excerpt from the Minutes of the 69th Regular Session/November 3, 2014)                Page 4
CITY ORDINANCE NO. 686, s-2014, cont’d:
Section 5. Role of the Local Government of Tagum. In order to help the national
government in the implementation, the Local Government of Tagum shall implement programs,
services and activities that will contribute to the wide consciousness of the provisions thus,
fulfilling the objectives pursuant to Section 1 of RA 9994.
Section 6. Implementing Agency. The Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) shall
be the primary arm of the city government to be assisted by the City Social Welfare and
Development Office. Pursuant to Section 6 of RA 9994, it shall be headed by a senior citizen
who shall be appointed by the mayor for a term of three (3) years without reappointment but
without prejudice to an extension if exigency so requires. Said appointee shall be chosen from a
list of three (3) nominees as recommended by a general assembly of senior citizens
organizations in the city. Moreover, The Office of the Mayor shall exercise supervision over the
OSCA relative to their plans, activities and programs for the senior citizens. The OSCA shall
work together and establish linkages with accredited NGOs Pos and the barangays in their
respective areas.
Section 7. Functions of the OSCA.  The OSCA shall have the following functions:
1. To plan, implement and monitor yearly work programs;

2. To draw up a list of available and required services which can be provided by the
senior citizens;

3. To maintain and regularly update on a quarterly basis the list of senior citizens and to
issue national individual identification cards, free of charge, which shall be valid
anywhere in the country;

4. To serve as a general information and liason center for senior citizens;

5. To monitor compliance of the provisions of RA 9994 particularly the grant of special

discounts and privileges to senior citizens;

6. To report to the mayor, any individual, establishments, business entity, institutions or

agency found violating any provision of the act; and

7. To assist the senior citizens in filing complaints or charges against any individual,
establishments, business entity, institution, or agency refusing to comply with the
privileges provided in the act before the City Prosecutor's Office and the municipal
trial court in cities.

Section 10. Honorarium. Pursuant to Section 6 of RA 9994, the head of the OSCA

shall be entitled to receive an honorarium of an amount at least equivalent to Salary Grade 10 to
be approved by LGU concerned.
Section 11. Reportorial Duty. The OSCA shall submit to the LCE and the Sanggunian
its plan and monitoring programs including the updated list of its members in a yearly basis.
However, if there are complaints or reports, the office is required to furnish a written report to
the LCE and to the SP Committee on Gender Equality and Development, Children and Family
Welfare and Social Services for possible executive and legislative action.
Section 12. Government Services. The Local Government of Tagum shall grant the
following services to the senior citizens residing in the city pursuant to Section 5 of RA 9994, to
1. BURIAL ASSISTANCE. In case of death of the qualified senior citizen, the legitimate
beneficiary concerned is entitled to receive Five Thousand Pesos (P 5,000.00) burial
assistance with the following requirements, to wit:

1. Certificate from the Punong Barangay certifying that the deceased Senior Citizen is a
resident of such barangay;

2. Certificate of Marriage or Certificate of No Marriage (CRS Form No. 4);

3. Certificate from the Barangay Senior Citizens Coordinator that the deceased Senior
Citizen is a bonafide member of the association;

(Excerpt from the Minutes of the 69th Regular Session/November 3, 2014)                Page 5
CITY ORDINANCE NO. 686, s-2014, cont’d:

4. Photocopy of Death Certificate duly authenticated by the Local Civil Registrar; and

5. Affidavit of Claimant to be executed by the legitimate beneficiary.

2. SOCIAL PENSION (STIPEND). Pursuant to the eligibility criteria as may be

determined by the DSWD, indigent senior citizens shall be entitled to a monthly
stipend amounting to Five Hundred Pesos (P 500.00) to augment the daily
subsistence and other medical needs of senior citizens.

The Local Government of Tagum shall allocate funds to subsidize the remaining 77
years old and above indigent senior citizens who were not able to avail of the Social
Pension implemented by the DSWD due to lack of funds. The Social Pension stipend
shall be released in quarterly basis. Moreover, the benefit shall cover at least 100
beneficiaries for one year, and on the following year there will be another set of
beneficiaries to cater all indigent senior citizens, taking into priority those 90 years
old and above. In cases of death, the CSWD being the implementing Office shall
have the authority to replace, within the year from among the rooster of the DSWD.

3. REGULAR CHECK-UP. In coordination with the City Health Office (CHO), all senior
citizens are granted with a regular check-up includes free consultation, laboratory
test and medicine. Moreover, the CHO is given the dispensation to lay out the
schedule and the manner of implementation.

4. FREE TOOTH EXTRACTION AND CHECK UP. The City Dental Office is giving free
tooth extraction and check up to all senior citizens scheduled every Monday and
Friday. In case the senior citizen is a high risk patient he/ she shall be referred to the
government hospital and shall issue a referral note for that matter.


Tagum shall allocate a yearly assistance in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand
Pesos (P 200,000.00) to the Home for the Aged to augment the needs of the senior
citizens under their care. Moreover, such financial assistance may be increased on
the discretion of the Local Chief Executive and upon the availability of funds.

Section 13. Penalties and Sanctions for violations of this ordinance. The following
acts or omissions shall be deemed violations of this ordinance and shall be subject to the
imposition of the corresponding penal sanctions:

1. Refusal to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be penalized with a fine
of Five Thousand Pesos (P 5,000.00) and cancellation of business permit/license;

2. Gives only a percentage of the privilege granted shall be penalized with a fine of Five
Thousand Pesos (P 5,000.00);  and

3. Any person who abuses the privileges granted including the falsification of OSCA ID
shall be penalized with a fine of Three Thousand Pesos (P 3,000.00).

Section 14. Appropriation. The Office of the City Mayor shall allocate an amount of not
less than Two Million Pesos (P 2,000,000.00) intended for the implementation of this ordinance
(Section 10 of RA 9994) and such budget may be increased or augmented as recommended by
the Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA), City Social Welfare and Development Office and
the City Health Office, this city.
Section 15. Repealing Clause. City Ordinance No. 682, s-2014 and all other
ordinances, resolutions, executive issuances, or rules and regulations, or parts thereof, whose
provisions are inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby
deemed repealed, amended, or modified accordingly.
(Excerpt from the Minutes of the 69th Regular Session/November 3, 2014)                Page 6
CITY ORDINANCE NO. 686, s-2014, cont’d:
Section 16. Separability Clause. If, for any reason, any section or provision of this
Ordinance is held unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or provisions hereof shall not be
affected thereby.
Section 17. Effectivity. This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its publication in
a newspaper of local circulation.
ENACTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of November, 2014.
I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing.
                                                          (Sgd)             REY A. BUHION                                                                      
Secretary to the Sanggunian
           City Vice Mayor
           (Presiding Officer)
                                                                         (Sgd)    ALLAN L. RELLON, DPA
                                                                                     City Mayor
Jerlene Kysiel F. Garillos BSSW II-A March 17, 2020
SWPP222: Social Welfare Policies, Program and Services
Activity: Policy Analysis
Address: Prk. 9 Malinawn, La Filipina, Tagum City



Section 1. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the “Expanded Senior
Citizens Ordinance of the City of Tagum”.

A. Problem Definition

B. In a forum on elder person held at the College of Social Work and Community
Development, University of the Philippines, it was revealed that there is an
increasing number of elderly whose families refuse to care for them because
they could not provide for the financial and psychological needs of an elderly.

C. 73. • There are also observations that the degree of respect accorded to elderly
persons by the younger generations has diminished and household members
seemed unwilling to assist them. Others understood that because of limited
resources, the needs of their grandchildren took precedence over theirs. The
fear of being a burden to their families, particularly when they can no longer
support themselves or help in the household or when they become bed ridden
were expressed by the elderly in a forum.

D. 74. • There are indications that some older persons are still in high esteem by
both family members and their community. This is true for those who support
their families or have become leaders or have been active in community
activities. With the increase in this sector’s number and the poverty incidence
on the Philippines, there is an expected shift of principal responsibility from
the family to state and the care for elder persons.
E. 75. • This concern needs to be recognized by the policy makers in the local
and national levels and development practitioners so that this problem will be
addressed properly.

Who are the Senior Citizens? Senior citizens are also known as elderly persons
or simply as seniors. Categorically, a senior citizen is a social demographic based on
age. Someone who is 35, for example, cannot be a senior. Being a senior citizen
typically means that a person is at the age in which they retire from work. They are
transitioned from a working adult to a retiree. Seniors additionally give liberally: they
make more beneficent gifts per capita than some other age gathering.

Seniors look after children; take care of grandkids. One can possibly envision
what might befall our economy assuming, out of nowhere, no grandparents were
accessible to care for grandkids. What number of guardians would need to scramble
to discover other consideration choices (effectively rare) — or would need to miss
work since they couldn't discover options? What number of soccer matches or artful
dance classes would be missed if the grandmother or grandpa were not there to
drive the grandkids? Seniors do housework, home upkeep, and yard work — for
themselves, yet for others too. They give transportation or get things done to other
people. They offer enthusiastic help and kinship, similar to the senior who glances in
on a house-bound companion to ensure that everything is okay and remains for a

Seniors give care to mates or companions. Think about the spouse who takes on
an ever-increasing number of obligations in and outside the home as her better half
begins to get delicate. She may not consider herself a parental figure, yet without
her, what might befall him? Who might get some food supplies, get things done, do
the cooking, take him to clinical arrangements? Other relatives are not constantly
accessible to help. They may live excessively far away or have medical issues
themselves. There are associations that can assist — however the greater part of
these backings are made conceivable on account of volunteers.
Also, the volunteers are regularly seniors. With the difficulties looked by the old,
the Philippine government executed laws to support senior residents (Philippines
Statistics Authority, 2012; Garcia, 2013). Be that as it may, a few issues flourish
concerning the execution of the law. Less special people are progressively inclined
to segregation whose entrance to social assets are constrained with huge varieties
among social gatherings (Abocejo what's more, Gubalane, 2013; Almazan et al.,
2018; Abocejo et al., 2012). In 2010, the Philippine government revised Republic Act
(RA) No. 7432 to RA 9994 or the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010
(Government of the Philippines [GOP-RA 9994], 2010). RA 9994 means to give more
advantages to the older and convey full help to their prosperity as indispensable
individuals from Philippine society. These advantages remember limits for
medications, affliction medicines, proficient expenses, fundamental products, among
others. Philippines is one of the 21 nations worldwide that have actualized age-
explicit approaches and one of the 12 nations which passed national laws
concerning the older (United Nations Population Fund, 2012, Philippine Statistics
Authority, 2012). Despite the intend to give advantages to the older, issues
concerning their advantages still proliferate.

The RA 9994 was enacted to additionally help the elderly also, give them more
advantages and benefits. This isn't as it were restricted to limits yet additionally
complimentary gifts exclusively for the senior residents where acquisition of upkeep
and over-the-counter prescriptions qualified them for 20 percent rebate and VAT
exception. Same advantage can be profited for acquisition of antibodies, basic
clinical supplies, extras and hardware (GOP-RA 9994, 2010). The 20 percent
markdown is likewise applied for clinical administrations executed in private medical
clinics for indicative and research center expenses, going to doctor's proficient
expenses and other wellbeing related administrations. Out-quiet older residents can
exploit the markdown gave by April Kyle A. Inabangan, Laurence L. Garcia,
Ferdinand T. Abocejo-Evaluation of the Philippine Expanded Senior Citizens Act (RA
9994) on Mandated Benefits for the Elderly EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH -
Vol. VI, Issue 10/January 2019 6115 private medical clinics and wellbeing
administration care suppliers (Garcia, 2018).

The ordinance authored and introduced by Councilor Eva Lorraine Estabillo is

anchored on vital provisions, particularly on Section 2 of the Republic Act (RA) 9994
or the Expanded Senior Citizen’s Act of 2010, and under the principles of social
justice enshrined in the 1987 Constitution. The RA 9994 was instituted to additionally
help the old and give them more advantages and benefits. This isn't just constrained
to limits yet in addition complimentary gifts exclusively for the senior residents where
acquisition of upkeep and over-the-counter prescriptions qualified them for 20
percent rebate and VAT exception. Same advantage can be profited for acquisition
of antibodies, basic clinical supplies, frill and hardware (GOP-RA 9994, 2010). The
20 percent markdown is likewise applied for clinical administrations executed in
private medical clinics for analytic and research center charges, going to doctor's
proficient expenses and other wellbeing related administrations.
Transportation is additionally secured by 20 percent rebate which incorporates
open utility jeepneys (Arnado, Gogo and Abocejo, 2017), open utility vehicles, taxis,
household ocean admission and residential air toll. The old can likewise benefit of 20
percent rebate in eateries, inns, recreational focuses and places of relaxation (GOP-
RA 9994, 2010). Also, an older can benefit of five percent rebate on fundamental
necessities, prime products and markdown in their month to month water and power
charges given that they are provided by open utilities and they fit the bill to the
criteria set under RA 9994 (Garcia, 2013). Right now, assessed the execution of the
RA 9994 by surveying the usage of the law taking into account the chose benefits
stood to senior residents following the Provus error model [PDM] (Provus, as refered
to in Lindahl and Beach, 2013). We contended that usage of the law (RA 9994)
realizes positive and good changes in the personal satisfaction of Filipinos whom the
administration resolves to give ideal access to assets in their late phase of life.

Under the new ordinance, the city mayor is mandated to appropriate at least
P500,000 per year for such purpose, and if the budget for such assistance is
depleted before the end of the year, it must be replenished through a supplemental
budget. In detail, the ordinance states that in case of death of a senior citizen, the
beneficiaries must submit the certificate of residency of the deceased coming from
the office of the Punong Barangay (village chieftain), and a marriage certificate or
certificate of no marriage. (Alexander D. Lopez)

F. Goal and Objectives Setting

The Local Government of Tagum has consistently placed premium in producing
organizations with the various partners of the city to reinforce and create, just as
execute programs that will be advantageous to and experienced by all the individuals
from the city's communities. In this manner, when the Philippine national government
escalated its current projects that will redound to the advantages of the senior
residents, the City Government of Tagum was among the numerous nearby
government units which firmly planned with the Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) to guarantee that the old Tagumenyos, most particularly those
falling along the line of neediness, would truly have the option to appreciate the
benefits that are legitimately implied for them, as endorsed by the laws instituted in
the nation. Moreover, the new senior citizens law of Tagum aims to give flesh to the
"social justice clause" of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. The main goal of the
Senior Citizen Act is to make our elderly happy, secure, well provided for their needs,
protected, and taken care of during the last stage of their lives. The strategy of the
law or act provides evidence-based recommendations fundamental to improving the
nation’s senior citizens through the engagement of all sectors of society to help
achieve these goals for the elderly.

Tagumenyo senior citizens that number to a hundred as of late got themselves

lucky to at long last be lifted off the shortlist kept up by nearby government unit of
Tagum's City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) corresponding to
who may get qualified for Social Pension. The shortlist contains the names of
Tagumenyos in their sundown years who have not been considered as recipients of
the social annuity subsidized and actualized by the national government however the
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) due fundamentally to the
need age section set in the rules for the execution of the said pension. The old-
matured residents of the city, who, on Friday, August 10, 2018, were given the
measure of 3,000 pesos (Php 3,000) as social benefits for the first and second
quarter of the present year, were made the current year's recipients of the LGU-
Tagum subsidized social benefits dependent on the suggestion of the Barangay
Senior Citizens' Coordinator.

The social benefits, which was brought about by the national government, is
embraced as a program by the LGU as a method for enlarging the clinical just as the
essential needs of the senior residents living in Tagum while standing by to be
remembered for the national spending plan of the DSWD. The neighborhood
government has assigned a yearly spending plan of Php 600,000 from its nearby
assets to help the subsistence and physical prosperity of one hundred Tagumenyo
elderlies matured 65 years of age and more established who are living along the line
of poverty with no changeless wellspring of pay or remuneration, no budgetary help
or backing from family members and no benefits from the Social Security System,
Government Service Insurance System, Armed Forces and Police Mutual Benefit

Notably, the 100 people who profited by the privately financed social benefits
program will just get their annuity from the regional government for the four fourth of
the present year as their consideration to the following year's financial limit of the
DSWD-supported benefits will be focused on by the CSWDO. The program was
actualized by the City during the main term of Mayor Allan L Rellon by righteousness
of City Ordinance No. 686, s-2015, or the Expanded Senior Citizens Ordinance of
the City of Tagum which was authorized to secure the rights and guarantee that all
benefits gave by law are given to the elderlies of Tagum.

G. Policy Dissemination

To ensure that more elderly Tagumenyos will be catered in the implementation of

the Social Pension Program in Tagum, the legislative arm of the local government
enacted City Ordinance No. 686 in 2014 where included in its provisions is the
allocation of funds for the the social pension of those who fell short of being included
in the DSWD’s list of beneficiaries due to the said lack of funds on the part of the
national agency. Thus, pursuant to the Expanded Senior Citizens Ordinance of
Tagum, the LGU has started the release of funds to the tune of P600,000 in 2016 to
subsidize the pension of indigent senior citizens who, having met the standard criteria
of the DSWD, still failed to be considered for the program due to non-availability of
DSWD-allocated funds. This locally sanctioned subsidy stands to benefit at least 100
economically disadvantaged beneficiaries who will receive the same amount given by
the national government.
The concerned government offices gave circulars and orders to concerned
foundations and organizations inside 30 days from the effectivity of RA 9994 for
execution and consistency. The concerned foundations got the different regulatory
requests and memoranda exuding from individual government organization head
workplaces. With the spread of the law as changed, all foundations which applied for
business were naturally required to offer limits to old residents.

Notably, the ordinance specifically provides that another set of 100 senior citizens
will replace the previous set of qualified elderly Tagumenyos to ensure that all
indigent senior citizens will be catered, provided that those aged 90 years old and
older are given priority in their registration for the social pension program. The local
government also strengthened the social services it offers to elderlies of the city
through the implementation of the Mandatory Philhealth Coverage where all the
senior citizens are covered mandatorily by the National Health Insurance Program
(NHIP) of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (Philhealth).

Memorandum Circular Number 23, the arrangement of 1994, gave by the Bureau
of Food and Drug (BFAD) was appropriated to drug stores and presented by
concerned foundations on control senior residents of their benefits on the limited
acquisition of products and enterprises (Bureau of Food and Drug, 1994). In the
interim, markets give the limits depending on what is referenced in the buy booklets
mutually dictated by the DTI and DA through joint Administrative Order no. 10-02
arrangement of 2010. Clinics were advised of old limits through Administrative Order
number 2012-0007 (DOH, 2012) and

Memorandum Circular No. 056-2012 gave by the Philippine Health Insurance

Corporation (PhilHealth, 2012). For Restaurants, they were furnished with Revenue
Regulations no. 7-2010 and Revenue Memorandum Circular no. 38-2012 (Bureau of
Internal Revenue, 2012).

Clearly, there was absence of data backing in the transport section and the notice
request was not appropriately dispersed. The notice request didn't arrive at the
expected beneficiary who were mindful in giving the limits to senior citizens. Luckily,
different subsectors in transportation (shipping lines and aircrafts) knew about the
rebate collected to the old. Tricycle drivers, then again, were furnished with passage
framework from the Land Transportation Office.

For the elderly, they knew their advantages and benefits through senior resident
identification proof card (ID), buy booklets, verbal exchange and now and again
through the radio, papers and news programs. They likewise referenced that there
was no course given about their advantages and benefits when they guaranteed their
recognizable proof card gave by the OSCA. This means senior citizens are not
completely mindful of the advantages they are qualified for. This was noted during the
meetings when some old got astounded to know the full rundown of advantages
collected to them.

Under this program, the elderly Tagumenyos shall be entitled to benefit packages
prescribed under the NHIP and shall include packages such as inpatient hospital
care, day/ambulatory services, TB-DOTS, animal bite package, malaria package,
Outpatient HIV/AIDS treatment package, blood transfusion package, and special
benefits for catastrophic cases (Z benefits), among others. To avail of these offered
benefit packages, the senior citizens who must primarily be enrolled with the
Philhealth as members of NHIP and in coordination with the local Office of the Senior
Citizens Affairs (OSCA), need not pay the premium contributions as these are already
sourced from the proceeds of the Sin Tax Law. Still in the aspect of providing better
social services for the senior citizens in the city, Tagum has recently increased the
amount of its annual subsidy to the DSWD-operated Home for the Aged located at
Barangay Visayan Village. From 100,000 pesos, the LGU has now started to allocate
P200,000 for the establishment, which will be used to augment the funds necessary
in the furtherance of specialized care for the abandoned, neglected and unattached
older persons in the City of Tagum.

H. Policy Implementation

Senior citizens in the Philippines and Tagumenyos specifically, are qualified for
certain advantages and benefits. They can appreciate these benefits as long as they
follow the prerequisites commanded by the law. Table 1 shows the real limits stood to
the senior residents by the foundations under investigation and their inconsistency.
The numbers appeared in the table is the normal of the 5 foundations studied by

This rebate might be given if the prerequisites are finished dependent on the
Memo Circular No. 23, arrangement of 1994 as gave by the Bureau of Food and Drug
(BFAD) of the Department of Health (Bureau of Food and Drug, 1994). These
necessities are bought booklet, senior resident ID and the medicine with the date,
name, address, and age of the older, conventional name of the medication,
measurement structure and quality, amount, name of the endorsing specialist with
permit, proficient expense receipt number and opiate permit number if material. Just
remedies which go along completely with the Generics Law (Dantes, 1991) are

All drug stores gave 20 percent rebate to senior residents on the acquisition of
prescriptions and other clinical supplies. A twelve percent VAT exclusion for the
selling foundations was likewise given on senior residents' buys. Dominant part of
drug stores consented and gave an aggregate of 32 percent rebate to senior
residents as commanded by RA 9994, Rule IV article 7 segment 1 (passage A).
There was no error as far as the 20 percent rebate and VAT exclusion. Every single
senior resident are guaranteed to spare generous extent of their financial limit with 32
percent limits, an impressive help with bringing down their consumptions. In the event
that a senior resident can't buy the medications without anyone else, approval letter
with substantial ID of the agent should be given. Any missing necessity excludes that
conceding of the markdown. It was additionally referenced in the notice request which
if the old can't manage the cost of the meeting charge of a private specialist doctor,
he/she can visit an administration wellbeing focus and get a medicine for nothing.
There is no restriction with regards to the measure of the medication buy. Be that as it
may, medication supply bravo month might be given by the drug stores. This implies
the old needs to visit the drug store again once the month-long stock of prescriptions
has been expended.
In quick assistance eatery or regularly known as inexpensive food, the
foundations consented to article 7, segment 3 (passage e) that the feast of the senior
resident is charged independently free from his/her non-senior resident colleagues.
Just the dinner of the older is limited. Senior residents effectively benefit from the
markdown and think that it's helpful, they simply need to introduce their senior
resident ID to profit off the ordered rebate. In emergency clinics, each conceded older
advantages from the 20 percent markdown on the research facility and analytic tests,
clinical administrations, meds and expert charges of their going to doctors. No error
was noted among medical clinics that were agreeable to the ordered senior resident's
rebate arrangement. The old certified helpful procedures stood to them in medical
clinics and other wellbeing administration conveyance foundations.

Meanwhile, grocery stores give five percent discount on regular retail price of
basic necessities and prime commodities but no exemption is given on the value
added tax (Table 1). No discrepancy occurred among grocery establishments since
they complied with the law specifically on Rule III article 5 of RA 9994 and with Joint
DTI-DA Administrative Order no. 1`0-02 series of 2010 Section 3 (Department of
Trade and Industry, 2010).

Tagumenyos as Filipinos, their qualities and social foundation by one way or

another influence the full execution of the law. Three issues were noted during the
meetings: big stake mindset; accommodation; and bashfulness. Big stake attitude is
characterized as the "make easy money" mindset of certain Filipinos who like to
participate in simple methods for getting cash (Quizlet, 2015). This idea is much the
same as certain Filipinos who incline toward the easy method to get buy markdown
the quickest way that could be available. From the meeting, one respondent said that
"requesting limits is such a problem as a result of the necessities required. It requires
some investment trusting that others will be given their rebate. I rather go to other fast
track counter without markdown". Seemingly, the way toward getting the markdown is
simple than what some old grumbled about. However, some senior residents consider
the procedure a problem so they incline toward not to profit. At times, they don't
benefit the rebate since they just utilize their senior resident ID to get monetary help.
On the transportation administrations, there is no disparity with the ordered markdown
since delivery and aircrafts are protest, explicitly to Rule IV article 7 Section 2 [a and
b] of RA 9994 (GOP-RA 9994, 2010). Senior residents are simply required to
introduce their senior citizen ID to profit of the rebate. The individuals who
experienced going via air and ocean were to benefit of the full 20 percent markdown
on their base passages.

I. Policy Benefits and Disadvantages

Senior citizens attested that the markdown is actually major assistance in

decreasing their costs in purchasing prescriptions whose costs are excessively costly.
However, they brought up that the way toward getting markdown is an issue and take
an excess of time. One tricycle driver contemplated: "It's alright to have 3 to 5
travelers every day except on the off chance that it surpasses, it's a misfortune on our
side". For all intents and purposes, cab drivers give the rebate detracted from their
profit and when they have a lot of senior resident travelers daily, their salary is
generously reduced. Another tricycle driver stated: "We pay for the full vehicle lease.
It would have been exceptional if cab administrators likewise lessen the vehicle lease
at whatever point we give limits however this is going on". This shows the cab drivers
don't generally get any profit by offering limits to their old travelers. Tricycle
proprietors and administrators don't share the costs caused in giving rebate tolls to
the older.

Establishments' respondents noticed that they didn't know how the arrangement
of senior citizens markdown advantage their organization, they just referenced that
giving limits to the old pulled in more clients, consequently, higher deals and in the
end higher salary. A drug store respondent noticed that agent from the DTI checked
its organization logbook haphazardly he doesn't know about the whole procedure.
Some foundation directors conceded that the markdown they gave to older residents
is subtracted from their assessable salary yet they couldn't show the information
because of secrecy. This was clarified more in Revenue Memorandum Circular No.
38-2012 (Bureau of Internal Revenue, 2012). Foundations were ordered to keep a
different record of deals where names of senior residents (buyers), OSCA ID, net
deals receipts, deals limits without a doubt, dates of exchanges and receipt/OR
number are reported. The reminder request likewise explained that both the 20
percent markdown and VAT exception are business ledgers consumed by the

Senior citizens are entitled to 20% discount and exemption from the value -added
tax (VAT) on certain goods and services for their exclusive use. Among these  are 
the  purchase of medicines and  essential medical supplies, accessories and
equipment;  professional fees of attending physicians  and  licensed  health workers
as well as on medical and dental services, diagnostic and laboratory fees in private
hospitals, medical facilities, outpatient clinics and home health care services.

They are also entitled to 20% discount on fare for land (jeepneys, buses, taxis,
shuttle services, MRT, LRT, PNR,) sea shipping vessel and domestic transport
services. Many elderly do not know that the 20% discount also applies to taxis.

This also applies to restaurants, hotels and similar lodging establishments, and
recreation centers. Seniors should be reminded though that the discount only applies
to them.

 Also subject to the 20% discount are admission fees charged by theaters, cinema
houses and concert halls, circuses, leisure and amusement. In some local
government units like Baguio City, SM Cinema Baguio is offering free movies to
senior citizens who are residents of the city  once a day from Monday to Friday.

When they die, there is discount for their funeral and burial services.

The law also provides  grant of a minimum of 5%  discount on  water and electric
bills  registered  in the name of the senior citizen residing therein, and provided that   
the monthly consumption does not exceed 100 kilowatt hours  of electricity and  30
cubic meters  of water: 

Seniors can also get a 5% discount without VAT exemption on certain on groceries
granted by the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of Agriculture. 

For groceries worth up to PHP 1,300 per week, they can enjoy 5% off the retail
prices of at least four kinds of  the following basic necessities and prime
commodities: Rice, bread, and corn; Chicken, beef, and pork ;Fresh eggs; Coffee,
creamer, and sugar;Fresh fruits and vegetables;Garlic and onions;cooking oil and
salt;Noodles, canned sardines, and canned tuna;Fresh milk and other dairy
products;detergents; Electrical supplies, light bulbs, and batteries and geriatric

Senior citizens though cannot avail of this special discount in sari-sari stores,
cooperative stores, and wet markets.   

As the government cares for the health of senior citizens, they have mandatory
PhilHealth coverage as stipulated in RA 9994. When they are confined in private
hospitals, they can avail of PhilHealth benefits in addition to the 20% discount and
VAT exemption.  In government hospitals, the No Balance Billing Policy applies.

To augment their daily subsistence and other medical needs, the government also
provides monthly social pension amounting to P500 to indigent senior citizens.

Another privilege of senior citizens is the provision of express lanes for them in all
commercial and government establishments.

J. Discrepancies

Senior citizens are not completely mindful of their advantages and benefits. They
are additionally not mindful how to profit a few limits on explicit products and
enterprises. Another disparity is the absence of data spread among cab drivers.
Despite the fact that memoranda were appropriated, these neglected to arrive at the
concerned individual implementers of different foundations who should give the
ordered limits to senior residents.

On policy implementation, Tagumenyos’ values and cultural considerations were

noted. These are the reasons why some elderly prefers not to avail of their discount’s
privileges believing that not getting their discount could help others even in small
amount. As to policy benefits and disadvantages, the tricycle drivers clamored to loss
a portion of their daily earnings when providing discounts to the elderly. They took it
from their own income and their operators collect the full amount for the car
boundary rent for the day.
K. Policy Recommendation

Hassle-free procedures and straightforwardness on arrangement execution. Uniform

actualizing rules and guidelines and bother free procedures can be a solid
arrangement. Since senior citizens can utilize their ID cards to profit of limits
anyplace in the Philippines, foundations must apply uniform executing rules and
guidelines of CITY ORDINANCE NO. 686. This will bring a fit procedures and similar
prerequisites for senior residents to carry consistently with them particularly the
individuals who frequently travel. They will be guaranteed to profit of their rebate
benefits. It is additionally suggested that straightforwardness through presenting
stickers or pennants on advise the older how they can benefit markdown from
concerned foundations. In this manner, the older can be helped to remember their
privileges along these lines diminish grumblings. Markets may put value checkers
the cost of the thing as well as the five percent rebate for the older residents of things
qualified for the markdown.

Intensive campaign and information ads about CITY ORDINANCE NO. 686 as a

form of policy dissemination. The discrepancies noted boil down to lack of
information for both implementers and beneficiaries. We suggest that a lecture about
the senior citizen discounts may be included during the job orientation of
establishment employees. This will educate frontline service providers of business
about the law. If employees are well informed, there will be no confusions and
discounts will be afforded accordingly. Similarly, senior citizens should be educated
about the benefits they are entitled to. By rightfully knowing the full benefits and
privileges, no elderly can be misled by establishments thereby encouraged to exert
his/her rights.

Policy Monitoring. There ought to be normal observing of the execution of CITY

ORDINANCE NO. 686 from concerned administrative sheets like DTI, DOC, LTFRB,
among others. OSCA ought to likewise be careful and forceful intending to worry
about no provisions of benefits to senior residents as commanded by the law. The
administrative sheets should utilize uniform and standard assessment device to
guarantee that the law is appropriately watched and executed. This will encourage
recognizable proof of foundations that need enhancements. A yearly arbitrary check
must be set up to guarantee executing foundations are steady in giving the ordered

Clear articulation of policy benefits for the implementers. Lastly, clarify the
benefits which are accrued to the implementing establishments and individuals, in
particular for among tricycle and PUJ drivers since they are those who have no
derived benefits as compared to other establishments. Drivers don’t have regular
income and operationally loss part of their earning upon provision of senior citizen

Family and community should recognize the potentials of elderly person and the
need to provide opportunity to make minimum of such potentials. The government
must provide basic and essential services for the elderly wellbeing through the
provision of adequate care and relief from stress. A follow up study, using a more in-
depth tool should be undertaken to have a more comprehensive result on the status
of the senior citizen.

L. Conclusion

In human beings, old is the last a phase of the typical life expectancy. Mature age
isn't reliable from the stances of science, demography (states of mortality and
horribleness), work and retirement, and humanism. For factual and open managerial
purposes, notwithstanding, mature age is much of the time characterized as 60 or 65
years or more seasoned. (Collins, English Dictionary).

Along these lines, we infer that this act is successful, proficient and morally stable in
the general public. It is viable because of the way that every single senior resident
can profit their advantages and benefits. Morally solid since its concentration and
objectives are for the advantages and for the decency of the older of society.

Resigning in its expert sense is venturing from the last occupation with no goal of
working routinely any longer. It is something an individual does after arriving at the
compulsory age of 60-65. But resigning under typical conditions or satisfactory
conditions don't mean it is the stopping point. There is so much energy hanging tight
for them. Not all who resign are debilitated or impaired. For those debilitated and
incapacitate, let us give the help, care and solace as gave in the Senior Citizen's Act.
For those still capable, there is the should be retire. An acclaimed clinician, Morton
Shaevitz said retiring is something contrary to resigning. Resigning is going from
while retiring is going towards.

To retire is to see every day an open door for experience and learning. Play, love,
chuckle and be unconstrained to have a progressively hearty invigorating lives. This
point in life is an exceptional event. Let our senior residents appreciate this.
Advancing dynamic maturing is a worry of all individuals from the general public
particularly for social laborers.

To give full support to the improvement of the total well-being of the elderly and their
full participation in society considering that senior citizens are an integral part of
Philippine society, this must be the concern of the family, community, and
government. It aims to provide a comprehensive health care and rehabilitation
system for disabled senior citizens to foster their capacity to attain a more
meaningful and productive ageing and to recognize the important role of the private
sector in the improvement of the welfare of senior citizens and to actively seek their

The creation of the Office for Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) in Tagum City paved
the way to care the needs and concerns of the people ageing from sixty (60) years
and above. It was established sometime in the year 1993 consistent with the
provision of Republic Act No. 7432, known as “An Act to Maximize the Contribution
of Senior Citizens to Nation Building, Grant Benefits and Special Privileges and For
“EXPANDED SENIOR CITIZENS ACT OF 2010”. The need of creating this office
was conceived and developed to put in place the provisions of laws pertaining to the
protection of innate rights of the elderly.

Truly, the City Government of Tagum has taken the necessary steps in ensuring the
welfare of its elders- a sector once neglected but is now included in the local
government’s priority. The program was implemented by the City during the first term
of Mayor Allan L Rellon by virtue of City Ordinance No. 686, s-2015, or the Expanded
Senior Citizens Ordinance of the City of Tagum which was enacted to protect the
rights and ensure that all privileges provided by law are given to the elderlies of

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