120 Assignment 2

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Assignment 2
‫استمارة الواجب‬

Instruction to use: :‫تعليمات األستخدام‬

(1) Filling required information ‫) تعبأه البيانات الالزمة بدقة ووضوح‬1(
(accurate & clear). ‫ ارسال وتسلم الوثيقة بين مدرس المقرر والطالب‬2(
(2) Send & receive between course ‫) حفظ نسخ بملف المقرر‬3
instructor and student.
(3) Keep copies in the course file.
Course and student info ‫بيانات المقرر‬
Semester ‫الفصل الدراسي‬ Spring Academic Year ‫السنة الدراسية‬ 2020-21

Course Title ‫اسم المقرر‬ Advanced English Skills Code ‫رمز‬ ENGL120

Academic Program IDE/AFS/HRM/MC

Department ‫القسم‬ General Sciences

College Engineering

Name of Instructor Dr. Janaki Bojiah Full Time Part-time

Phone ‫هواتف‬ E-mail dr.janaki.bojiah@gulfunviersity.edu.bh

Assignment Title Email Writing
Assignment No. 2

Start Date Submission


Students’ Name ‫اسم‬ Student’s ID


Assignment Tasks – CILOs Mapping ‫ربط‬

N. Assignment task(s) Measured CILO Maximum Students’
Marks Marks

1 LO 4 S-C 10
Email Writing
Total 10

Page 1 of 2 ‫رقم اإلصدار‬: ‫رقم الوثيقة المرجعي‬:


Points to remember:

The assigned task should be carried out by the student individually.

The student should present the ideas clearly without grammatical errors.
The assignment should reflect the thorough understanding of the concept by the student.


 Write an email responding to the given email in not more than 200 words.
 Use the same format.
 Use greetings and complimentary close appropriately.
 Show empathy and understanding.
 Compile your email in 2 short paragraphs.
 Use engaging and cordial tone.
 Turnitin report with a plagiarism of less than 15% is mandatory during submission.

Assessment Writing Activity

Criteria Weak Satisfactory Good Excellent
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Writing mechanics Not so appropriate. Somewhat Nearly appropriate. Appropriate.
capitalization and

Grammar Grammar rules are Grammar rules are Grammar rules are Grammar rules are
not followed. followed to some followed to a larger followed
extent. extent. meticulously.

Instructions Instructions are not Instructions are Instructions are Instructions are
followed. followed to some followed to a greater followed
extent. extent. meticulously.

Content Attempts to be Marginally Somewhat Well organized.

organized. organized. organized.

Marks Maximu 0 – 2.5 Maximu 2.5 – 5 Maximu 5 – 7.5 Maximu

m Mark: m Mark: m Mark: m mark:

Page 2 of 2 ‫رقم اإلصدار‬: ‫رقم الوثيقة المرجعي‬:


Dear Ms. Fatema,

Further to our conversation yesterday about the sales training course for the
members of my staff, please find below the proposal that I would like you to

As you are aware, all staff in the customer services department are now
expected to promote our company's products and services when speaking to
existing customers by phone. Since the beginning of this year, the performance
of the department is now partly based on how many sales are generated.

As you yourself have said, the results since we started promoting have been
disappointing. We have not met any of the sales targets which have been set for
the call centre. No matter what we have done to improve sales rate (increasing
commissions per sale, punishing staff who don't try to promote etc...), they have
not increased.

After conducting an extensive investigation into the issue, through monitoring

incoming customer calls into the call centre and performing interviews with staff,
I have created a report (a copy of which is attached at the bottom of the email).
This report identifies that the problem lies with the staff.

It shows that it's not that the staff that don't want to sell and promote the
products or services, but that they don't know how to do it. They don't
understand how to persuade/convince people to buy or identify what products or
services would be of most use or interest to the person they are speaking to. No
matter what we do, until they learn how to do this, sales conversions are going
to continue to remain low.

That is why I propose we undertake a sales training course to teach essential

sales skills to the customer services staff in the call centre. After contacting a few
different companies, I have found a training course which would be the most
suitable for our needs. It is run by APC Sales Training. Not only do they have one
of the best reputations in the industry (they are used by Barclays, HSBC, ING

Page 3 of 2 ‫رقم اإلصدار‬: ‫رقم الوثيقة المرجعي‬:


etc...) but one of my ex-colleagues used them in the customer services

department which she runs and said sales conversions more than doubled as a

I have already contacted APC Sales Training and they have devised a three-day
sales training course designed specifically for our needs (their proposed course
outline is attached at the bottom of the email).

The cost of the three-day course they are proposing is BD 800 per participant.
That includes all materials, food and drinks, and room hire.

I appreciate that money is a concern. And I admit that the three-day training
course is not cheap. That is why I propose that we initially limit the number of
staff who undertake the course to four customer service assistants. We can then
monitor their performance when they return to see if the course has led to a
significant improvement in their sales conversions. If it does, we can talk about
enrolling the rest of the customer service assistants in the call centre on to the

I really believe that this proposal is the most effective way that we can improve
our sales performance. If we don't train the staff how to sell, the chances of
meeting the sales targets for the call centre are extremely low.

I'd appreciate to hear what you think about the proposal.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me by either email or
phone (66966969).



Sara Alatawi.

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Instructor’s feedback to the student


Instructor Signature Date

‫المدرس‬ Dr. Janaki Bojiah ‫التوقيع‬ ‫التاريخ‬

Students’ Declaration ‫اقرار الطالب‬

I hereby declare that this is my original work and that any text I have referred to has been
appropriately acknowledged and referenced. I have read thoroughly the University’s Policy and
Procedures on Plagiarism and Student Guidelines for Academic Honesty, and have understood that
plagiarism is a serious offence in the University. I understand that all my assessed work (except
quizzes, midterm and final examinations) will be checked in Text-Matching Software (Turnitin), and
that the University shall take disciplinary actions, which can lead to fail in the course as per the
University “Plagiarism Procedures”, should I engage in plagiarism.

‫ لقد قرأت بدقة سياسة‬.‫أقر هنا أن هذا هو عملي األصلي وأن أي نص أشرت إليه قد تم اإلقرار به واإلشارة إليه على النحو المالئم‬
‫ وأنا‬.‫ وقد فهمت أن االنتحال هو جريمة خطيرة في الجامعة‬F،‫الجامعة وإجراءاتها بشأن اإلنتحال والقواعد اإلرشادية للنزاهة األكاديمية‬
‫ إمتحان منتصف الفصل واإلمتحان النهائي) سيتم فحصها بإستخدام برمجية‬،‫أفهم أن جميع أعمالي المقيمة ( باستثناء اإلختبارات المفاجئة‬
‫ قد تؤدي إلى الرسوب في المقرر وفقا لـ "إجراءات اإلنتحال" في‬F‫ وأن الجامعة ستتخذ إجراءات تأديبية‬،)Turnitin( ‫مطابقة النص‬
.‫الجامعة إذا أرتكبت االنتحال‬

Name ‫االسم‬ Signature Date


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