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Lesson 1
Introduction : Expectation setting
Explain to the students the guide questions , topics, and lesson to be discussed
Eliciting Prior Knowledge
● Ask students to accomplish the Lesson Pretest on pages 7 to 8 of the textbook. Part 1
of the pretest. Asks students to write an essay that explains how the Balot is a unique
cultural icon of the Filipinos. Part 2 of the pretest (page 8) assesses the students
knowledge about the topic.
Developing Knowledge and Skills ( Lesson 1 : Understanding Culture , Society , and Politics :
Some Key Observations , pages 8-12 )
● As an assignment , ask students to read Culture , Society and Politics as Conceptual
Tools on pages 8 to 12 of the textbook.
● Activity : Ask students to complete the concept map. Write any term that can be
associated with the following concepts : “ culture” , “ society “, and “ politics “.

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● Aa



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Traditio CULTURE
ns Beliefs


● The teacher must be able to integrate the activity with the lesson. Use the
following guide questions to discuss the key point in Lesson 1. Answers to the
questions can be found on the designated pages of the book. Discussed in the
table ?
● What do we mean by society , culture , and politics ? Why are society , culture ,
and politics considered conceptual tools ? ( See answer on page 8 )
- Society, culture, and politics are concept that exist but they cannot be
seen or touched and yet they influence the way we see and experienced
our lives as human or social beings. These concept are considered
concept tools because it allow us to form or relate concepts to each other
or even deconstruct old ones and replace it something new concepts.
● Why do we consider human beings as social beings ? What characterizes a
social being ? What are the categories of social beings ? ( See answer on pages
9-10 )
● Study the table on page 10 , explain the different examples of social realities
discussed in the table ? What particular behavior or phenomenon is shown by
different social realities ? ( See answer on pages 10-11 )
● What are values and beliefs ? How do values and beliefs serve as behavior
motivators ? ( See answer on page 11 )
● Using the scenarios mentioned in pages 11 and 12 , how would you explain
cultural change and political change ? What are the different manifestations of
political and cultural changes ? ( See answer on pages 11-12 )
Formative assessment :
Answer the Review of Knowledge and Skills section of Lesson 1 ( pages 12-14 )

Additional Lesson 1 post test activity :

● Aside from the Knowledge test on page 12 , the teacher can ask the students to answer
the test below to determine the knowledge of students.
Matching Type. Choose the answer from the following terms/concepts below. Write the
letter of the correct answer.

_ F. Politics _____________________1. The most fundamental . intrusive and limiting

social label attached to members of society.
__ E. Culture ____________________2 . It encompasses the complex process and
dynamics that characterize the great variety of “ ways of living “ practiced and observed
around the world.
______________________3. These are a person’s or a collectivity’s principles or
standards of behavior and are considered as judgement of what is important in life.
____ C. Beliefs __________________4. It refers to firmly held opinion or conviction ,
regardless of the lack of verifiable evidence.
_____A. Cultural change _________________5. It is represented by new technological
platforms facilitating communication , self- expression , and interactions.

A. Cultural change E. Culture

B. Political change F. Politics
C. Beliefs G. SocietyCHAPTER 1
Lesson 1
Introduction : Expectation setting
Explain to the students the guide questions , topics, and lesson to be discussed
Eliciting Prior Knowledge
● Ask students to accomplish the Lesson Pretest on pages 7 to 8 of the textbook. Part 1
of the pretest. Asks students to write an essay that explains how the Balot is a unique
cultural icon of the Filipinos. Part 2 of the pretest (page 8) assesses the students
knowledge about the topic.
Developing Knowledge and Skills ( Lesson 1 : Understanding Culture , Society , and Politics :
Some Key Observations , pages 8-12 )
● As an assignment , ask students to read Culture , Society and Politics as Conceptual
Tools on pages 8 to 12 of the textbook.
● Activity : Ask students to complete the concept map. Write any term that can be
associated with the following concepts : “ culture” , “ society “, and “ politics “.

● Aa



● The teacher must be able to integrate the activity with the lesson. Use the
following guide questions to discuss the key point in Lesson 1. Answers to the
questions can be found on the designated pages of the book. Discussed in the
table ?
● What do we mean by society , culture , and politics ? Why are society , culture ,
and politics considered conceptual tools ? ( See answer on page 8 )
● Why do we consider human beings as social beings ? What characterizes a
social being ? What are the categories of social beings ? ( See answer on pages
9-10 )
● Study the table on page 10 , explain the different examples of social realities
discussed in the table ? What particular behavior or phenomenon is shown by
different social realities ? ( See answer on pages 10-11 )
● What are values and beliefs ? How do values and beliefs serve as behavior
motivators ? ( See answer on page 11 )
● Using the scenarios mentioned in pages 11 and 12 , how would you explain
cultural change and political change ? What are the different manifestations of
political and cultural changes ? ( See answer on pages 11-12 )
Formative assessment :
Answer the Review of Knowledge and Skills section of Lesson 1 ( pages 12-14 )

Additional Lesson 1 post test activity :

● Aside from the Knowledge test on page 12 , the teacher can ask the students to answer
the test below to determine the knowledge of students.

Matching Type. Choose the answer from the following terms/concepts below. Write the
letter of the correct answer.

______________________1. The most fundamental . intrusive and limiting social label

attached to members of society.
______________________2 . It encompasses the complex process and dynamics that
characterize the great variety of “ ways of living “ practiced and observed around the
______________________3. These are a person’s or a collectivity’s principles or
standards of behavior and are considered as judgement of what is important in life.
______________________4. It refers to firmly held opinion or conviction , regardless of
the lack of verifiable evidence.
______________________5. It is represented by new technological platforms facilitating
communication , self- expression , and interactions.

D. Cultural change E. Culture

E. Political change F. Politics
F. Beliefs G. Society
Lesson 2


Introduction : Expectation setting
● Explain to the students the guide questions , topics, and lesson to be
● Eliciting Prior Knowledge :
*Ask students to answer the lesson pretest on pages 16-17. The pretest
determines the students prior knowledge about the nature of sociology ,
anthropology and political science.

Developing Knowledge and Skills ( Lesson 2 : The Social Sciences : Sociology

Anthropology , and Political Science , pages 17-26 )

*Ask students to read “ The Social as Driver of Interaction “ and “ The

Development of Sociology “ on pages 17 to 21.
* Engage students in a lively discussion so that the teacher can assess if
the students understood the assigned reading.
* During the discussion , the teacher must be able to explain the answer to
the questions below.
1. How do social scientists study society ? ( See answer on pages 17-18 )

2. What is Sociology ? What is the focus of Sociology ? How did Sociology

develop as a discipline of the Social Sciences ? ( See answer on pages 18-
21 )

Activity : Data Retrieval Chart

* As an assignment , ask students to accomplish the activity . Read pages

19 to 21 to answer the activity.
* Instruction : Discuss the background and contributions of the following
Sociologists :
Name : Emile Durkheim
Background :
Contribution in the development of Sociology

Name : Max Weber

Background :

Contribution in the development of Sociology
Name : Charles Horton Cooley
Contribution in the development of Sociology
Name : George Herbert Mead
Contribution in the development of Sociology
*After the activity , the teacher must be able to explain the important contributions of Durkheim ,
Marx, Weber , Cooley , and Mead in the development of sociology . ( Seeanswer on pages 19-
*Ask students to read about the “ Development of Anthropology and Political Science “ on
pages 21 to 26 ofthe textbook.
*Engage students to a lively discussion. The teacher must be able to explain the key points of
the lesson by discussing the answers to the following guide questions :
1. What is Anthropology ? What is the focus on anthropological studies ? How did Anthropology
develop as a social science discipline ? ( See answer on pages 21-23 )
2. How do sociologists , anthropologists and political scientists explain and study social
inequality , cultural diversity and social diversity ? ( See answer on pages 22-23 )
3. What is political science ? What are the concerns of political science as a social science
discipline ? How did political science develop as a social science discipline ? ( See answers on
pages 24-26 )
*Ask students to complete the following to show deeper understanding of the lesson.
Social science discipline
1. Sociology
a. Definition:
b. Main Concerns :
c. Historical Development :
d. How can the discipline provide explanation and address social inequality ,
cultural diversity, and social diversity ?
2. Anthropology
a. Definition :
b. Main concerns
c. Historical Development
d. How can the discipline provide explanation and address social inequality ,
cultural diversity , and social diversity ?
3. Political Science
a. Definition :

b. Main concerns
c. Historical Development
d. How can the discipline provide explanation and address social inequality , cultural
diversity , and social diversity ?
Formative assessment : Answer the Review of Knowledge and skills section of Lesson 2
( pages 26-27 )
Additional Test for knowledge Level in Lesson 2 :
Instruction : Define the following terms/concepts :
a. Sociology
b. Anthropology

c. Political Science

d. Social fact
e. Social change
f. Cultural diversity
g. Social inequality
h. Sociological imagination
i. Social diversity
j. Ethnography
k. Symbolic interactionism
l. Power relations
Step 3 : Assessment and Application of Learning
*Answer the chapter posttest on pages 28-29


I. Knowledge : Answer the multiple choice test on pages 28-29 of the textbook.
Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter that corresponds to your chosen answer.
1. ___________________maps the various social forces that shape individual actions and
social interactions.
a. Anthropology c. Sociology
b. Political Science d. Philosophy
2. According to_______________________social differentiation is a normal feature of
every known culture in the world.
a.Anthropology c. Sociology
b.Political Science d. Philosophy
3. A set of imaginary coordinates that determine social actors” opportunities and life
chances in the social world.
a.Social location c. Social position
b.Social address d.Social map
4.A system of giving rewards for important tasks performed
a. Privilege system c. Skill-based system
b. Merit system d.Credit system
5.It is considered the “ essence of society “ and is the enduring subject of social science
a. Power relation c. The political
b. The social d. Artifact
6.A quality of the mind that enables its possessor to grasp the intersection of biography and
a. Sociological perspective c. Sociological imagination
b. Political maneuvering d. Anthropological wandering
7.A form of personal engagement in the issues of society. Its primary aim is to affect
change on situations and social conditions considered to be unjust and unfair.
a. Boycott c. Rebellion
b.Violent activism d. Political activism
8. Cultural idiosyncrasies are perfect examples of this concept.
a. Social diversity c. Social stratification
b. Anthropology d.Cultural diversity
9. This social science discipline takes account of the “ equal but different ways “ of how p
people live in the world.
a. Sociology c. Political Science
b. Anthropology d. Psychology
10. A social science discipline that problematizes the unjust results of the exercise of power
and not the arrangements of power relations itself however unequal
a. Sociology c. Anthropology
b. Political science d. Political Sociology
11. The precursor concept behind the power relation focus of political Science
a. Social covenant c. Social contract
b. Marriage contract d. Political contract
12. Served as the historical and cultural context of the birth of Sociology
a. Renaissance c. Industrial Revolution
b. Reformation d. Inquisition Period
13. A social science discipline pejoratively labelled as a “ child of colonization “
a. Sociology c. Anthropology
b. Political Science d. Psychology
14. Conceived by Emile durkheim as the counterpart notion of social phenomenon in
terms of its external effects on individual actions
a. Social fact c. Inequality
b. Deviance d. Manifest function
15. Can be a complete research design in itself or a specific data-gathering method
used by anthropologists in fieldworks and cultural expeditions
a. Interview c. Survey
b. Ethnography d. Archival
II. Performance Task
Editorial essay writing
Write an editorial essay that explains the social , political , and cultural contexts of a
particular phenomenon , issue or problem faced by theFilipinos at the present time. The student
should be able to explain how the social sciences disciplines , namely Sociology, anthropology
and political Science can help understand the issue. At the end of the performance task , the
student should demonstrate an open and critical perspective on the importance of studying
issues/ phenomenon through the use of the observation and reflection . The student should also
explain how issues /problems can be understood through the use of the social , political, and
cultural lens. ( See the mechanics in the book )

Title of the Chapter - Culture and Society : The Perspectives of Anthropology and Sociology

Lesson 1 : The Interpretive Dynamics of Society

Introduction : Expectation setting
● Explain to the students the guide questions , topics , and lessons to be discussed.

Eliciting Prior Knowledge

● Ask students to accomplish the lesson pretest on page 38 of the textbook.

Developing knowledge and skills ( Lesson 1 : “ The interpretive Dynamics of Society, pages
38-45 )

● As an assignment , (1 ) ask students to read “ The Interpretive Dynamics of Society “ ,

on pages 38-45 of the textbook.
● After reading the lesson , engage students to a lively discussion. Ask students to
answer the following questions. The teacher must be able to integrate the answers to the
questions below during the discussion : Answer the following.
1. What is society ? Why is the common textbook definition of society limited and
limiting ? Why is society compared to the tripartite powers of God ? What are the
tripartite powers of society ? How is society explained in sociology ? What is
society as a fact ? ( See answers on pages 39-41 )


2. What are the classical theories of the origin of society ? What is the nature of
these theories ? What question do these theories answer ? ( See answer on
pages 41-42 )

3. Use the table below to integrate the assumptions of the different theories.
Theory Basic Assumptions and Ideas
Activity : What is culture ? : An Introduction to Culture ( pages 44-45 )
● Motivation : Assigned movie to watch - The Four Sisters and the Wedding that will ex-
plain what their idea of what culture is . They must explain the different manifestations
and aspects of culture.
● After that , the teacher must integrate the activity with the lesson. Ask students to read
pages 44 to 45 of the lesson. The teacher must explain the answer to the following
questions to synthesize the lesson.
1. According to E. B. Tylor , what is culture ? What are the different manifestations
of and aspects of culture ? ( See answer on page 44-45 )
2. What is the relationship between culture and society ? Why is society and culture
interdependent ? (See answer on page 45 )

Formative assessment : Answer the Review knowledge and skills section of Lesson 1 ( page

Additional Posttest activity for Lesson 1 :

I. Knowledge
Instruction : Define the following :
a. Culture-
b. Society-
c. Conflict Theory-
d. Symbolic Interactionism-
e. Rules-
f. Structural Functionalism-

II. Critical Thinking

Essay. Answer the following questions :
1. How does society shape the lives of people inside it?-
2. Why do we consider society as omnipresent , omnipotent , and omniscient?-
3. Compare and contrast the different theoretical perspectives that explain the origin of
4. Why are rules important in society ?-
5. How do sociologists and anthropologists explain the relationship of society and culture ?-

III. Performance Task

Conduct a participant observation activity that describes the hidden rules that govern social
interaction in a specific context. These invisible rules will be identified through the behavior
of people in actual interactions or situations. You can choose from any of the following situa-
1. Riding theLRT or MRT
2. Riding the public jeepney or van
3. Buying food in the canteen
4. Crossing the street
5. Listening to a class lecture
Explain the different actions , behavior , and interaction that you have observed. Write the
different visible and unwritten rules that you have observed from the activity. What are your
realizations ? Based on the activity , how do rules govern our daily life ?


Introduction : Expectation setting

● Explain to the students the guide questions , topics, and lessons to be discussed.
● Eliciting Prior Knowledge : Ask students to answer the Lesson Pretest on page 48. The
pretest determines the students prior knowledge about the nature of sociology, anthro-
pology, and political science.
● Developing Knowledge and Skills ( Lesson 2 : Aspects of culture , page 49-61 )

Lesson 2 Activity : Table Analysis

Instruction : Analyze Table 4: The Anatomy of Culture and Society ( page 50 ) in class. Ask
students answer the following questions based on their understanding of Table 4.
1. How does anthropology explain the “what “ and the “how “ of culture ?
2. How does sociology explain the “why “ of culture ?
3. Why is culture a “ complex whole “ according to E. B. Tylor ?
4. How is culture learned , shared and communicated ?
*After the activity , the teacher must explain the answers to the questions above. Answers can
be found on pages 49 to 51 of the textbook.
*Answer Activity on The Aspects , Definition and Characteristics of Culture
Instruction : Complete the concept map.
Lesson 2
Introduction : Expectation setting
● Explain to the students the guide questions , topics, and lesson to be
● Eliciting Prior Knowledge :
*Ask students to answer the lesson pretest on pages 16-17. The pretest
determines the students prior knowledge about the nature of sociology ,
anthropology and political science.

Developing Knowledge and Skills ( Lesson 2 : The Social Sciences : Sociology

Anthropology , and Political Science , pages 17-26 )

*Ask students to read “ The Social as Driver of Interaction “ and “ The

Development of Sociology “ on pages 17 to 21.
* Engage students in a lively discussion so that the teacher can assess if
the students understood the assigned reading.
* During the discussion , the teacher must be able to explain the answer to
the questions below.
1. How do social scientists study society ? ( See answer on pages 17-18 )

2. What is Sociology ? What is the focus of Sociology ? How did Sociology

develop as a discipline of the Social Sciences ? ( See answer on pages 18-
21 )

Activity : Data Retrieval Chart

* As an assignment , ask students to accomplish the activity . Read pages

19 to 21 to answer the activity.
* Instruction : Discuss the background and contributions of the following
Sociologists :
Name : Emile Durkheim
Background :
Contribution in the development of Sociology

Name : Max Weber

Background :

Contribution in the development of Sociology
Name : Charles Horton Cooley
Contribution in the development of Sociology
Name : George Herbert Mead
Contribution in the development of Sociology
*After the activity , the teacher must be able to explain the important contributions of Durkheim ,
Marx, Weber , Cooley , and Mead in the development of sociology . ( Seeanswer on pages 19-
*Ask students to read about the “ Development of Anthropology and Political Science “ on
pages 21 to 26 ofthe textbook.
*Engage students to a lively discussion. The teacher must be able to explain the key points of
the lesson by discussing the answers to the following guide questions :
1. What is Anthropology ? What is the focus on anthropological studies ? How did Anthropology
develop as a social science discipline ? ( See answer on pages 21-23 )
2. How do sociologists , anthropologists and political scientists explain and study social
inequality , cultural diversity and social diversity ? ( See answer on pages 22-23 )
3. What is political science ? What are the concerns of political science as a social science
discipline ? How did political science develop as a social science discipline ? ( See answers on
pages 24-26 )
*Ask students to complete the following to show deeper understanding of the lesson.
Social science discipline
2. Sociology
e. Definition:
f. Main Concerns :
g. Historical Development :
h. How can the discipline provide explanation and address social inequality ,
cultural diversity, and social diversity ?
2. Anthropology
e. Definition :
f. Main concerns
g. Historical Development
h. How can the discipline provide explanation and address social inequality ,
cultural diversity , and social diversity ?
3. Political Science
a. Definition :

b. Main concerns
c. Historical Development
d. How can the discipline provide explanation and address social inequality , cultural
diversity , and social diversity ?
Formative assessment : Answer the Review of Knowledge and skills section of Lesson 2
( pages 26-27 )
Additional Test for knowledge Level in Lesson 2 :
Instruction : Define the following terms/concepts :
m. Sociology
n. Anthropology
o. Political Science

p. Social fact
q. Social change
r. Cultural diversity
s. Social inequality
t. Sociological imagination
u. Social diversity
v. Ethnography
w. Symbolic interactionism
x. Power relations
Step 3 : Assessment and Application of Learning
*Answer the chapter posttest on pages 28-29


II. Knowledge : Answer the multiple choice test on pages 28-29 of the textbook.
Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter that corresponds to your chosen answer.
2. ___________________maps the various social forces that shape individual actions and
social interactions.
c. Anthropology c. Sociology
d. Political Science d. Philosophy
2. According to_______________________social differentiation is a normal feature of
every known culture in the world.
a.Anthropology c. Sociology
b.Political Science d. Philosophy
3. A set of imaginary coordinates that determine social actors” opportunities and life
chances in the social world.
a.Social location c. Social position
b.Social address d.Social map
4.A system of giving rewards for important tasks performed
a. Privilege system c. Skill-based system
b. Merit system d.Credit system
5.It is considered the “ essence of society “ and is the enduring subject of social science
a. Power relation c. The political
b. The social d. Artifact
6.A quality of the mind that enables its possessor to grasp the intersection of biography and
a. Sociological perspective c. Sociological imagination
b. Political maneuvering d. Anthropological wandering
7.A form of personal engagement in the issues of society. Its primary aim is to affect
change on situations and social conditions considered to be unjust and unfair.
a. Boycott c. Rebellion
b.Violent activism d. Political activism
8. Cultural idiosyncrasies are perfect examples of this concept.
a. Social diversity c. Social stratification
b. Anthropology d.Cultural diversity
9. This social science discipline takes account of the “ equal but different ways “ of how p
people live in the world.
a. Sociology c. Political Science
b. Anthropology d. Psychology
10. A social science discipline that problematizes the unjust results of the exercise of power
and not the arrangements of power relations itself however unequal
a. Sociology c. Anthropology
b. Political science d. Political Sociology
11. The precursor concept behind the power relation focus of political Science
a. Social covenant c. Social contract
b. Marriage contract d. Political contract
12. Served as the historical and cultural context of the birth of Sociology
a. Renaissance c. Industrial Revolution
b. Reformation d. Inquisition Period
13. A social science discipline pejoratively labelled as a “ child of colonization “
a. Sociology c. Anthropology
b. Political Science d. Psychology
14. Conceived by Emile durkheim as the counterpart notion of social phenomenon in
terms of its external effects on individual actions
a. Social fact c. Inequality
b. Deviance d. Manifest function
15. Can be a complete research design in itself or a specific data-gathering method
used by anthropologists in fieldworks and cultural expeditions
a. Interview c. Survey
b. Ethnography d. Archival
II. Performance Task
Editorial essay writing
Write an editorial essay that explains the social , political , and cultural contexts of a
particular phenomenon , issue or problem faced by theFilipinos at the present time. The student
should be able to explain how the social sciences disciplines , namely Sociology, anthropology
and political Science can help understand the issue. At the end of the performance task , the
student should demonstrate an open and critical perspective on the importance of studying
issues/ phenomenon through the use of the observation and reflection . The student should also
explain how issues /problems can be understood through the use of the social , political, and
cultural lens. ( See the mechanics in the book )

Title of the Chapter - Culture and Society : The Perspectives of Anthropology and Sociology

Lesson 1 : The Interpretive Dynamics of Society

Introduction : Expectation setting
● Explain to the students the guide questions , topics , and lessons to be discussed.

Eliciting Prior Knowledge

● Ask students to accomplish the lesson pretest on page 38 of the textbook.

Developing knowledge and skills ( Lesson 1 : “ The interpretive Dynamics of Society, pages
38-45 )

● As an assignment , (1 ) ask students to read “ The Interpretive Dynamics of Society “ ,

on pages 38-45 of the textbook.
● After reading the lesson , engage students to a lively discussion. Ask students to
answer the following questions. The teacher must be able to integrate the answers to the
questions below during the discussion : Answer the following.
4. What is society ? Why is the common textbook definition of society limited and
limiting ? Why is society compared to the tripartite powers of God ? What are the
tripartite powers of society ? How is society explained in sociology ? What is
society as a fact ? ( See answers on pages 39-41 )


5. What are the classical theories of the origin of society ? What is the nature of
these theories ? What question do these theories answer ? ( See answer on
pages 41-42 )

6. Use the table below to integrate the assumptions of the different theories.
Theory Basic Assumptions and Ideas
Activity : What is culture ? : An Introduction to Culture ( pages 44-45 )
● Motivation : Assigned movie to watch - The Four Sisters and the Wedding that will ex-
plain what their idea of what culture is . They must explain the different manifestations
and aspects of culture.
● After that , the teacher must integrate the activity with the lesson. Ask students to read
pages 44 to 45 of the lesson. The teacher must explain the answer to the following
questions to synthesize the lesson.
3. According to E. B. Tylor , what is culture ? What are the different manifestations
of and aspects of culture ? ( See answer on page 44-45 )
4. What is the relationship between culture and society ? Why is society and culture
interdependent ? (See answer on page 45 )

Formative assessment : Answer the Review knowledge and skills section of Lesson 1 ( page

Additional Posttest activity for Lesson 1 :

II. Knowledge
Instruction : Define the following :
g. Culture-
h. Society-
i. Conflict Theory-
j. Symbolic Interactionism-
k. Rules-
l. Structural Functionalism-

II. Critical Thinking

Essay. Answer the following questions :
6. How does society shape the lives of people inside it?-
7. Why do we consider society as omnipresent , omnipotent , and omniscient?-
8. Compare and contrast the different theoretical perspectives that explain the origin of
9. Why are rules important in society ?-
10. How do sociologists and anthropologists explain the relationship of society and culture ?-

III. Performance Task

Conduct a participant observation activity that describes the hidden rules that govern social
interaction in a specific context. These invisible rules will be identified through the behavior
of people in actual interactions or situations. You can choose from any of the following situa-
6. Riding theLRT or MRT
7. Riding the public jeepney or van
8. Buying food in the canteen
9. Crossing the street
10. Listening to a class lecture
Explain the different actions , behavior , and interaction that you have observed. Write the
different visible and unwritten rules that you have observed from the activity. What are your
realizations ? Based on the activity , how do rules govern our daily life ?

Introduction : Expectation setting

● Explain to the students the guide questions , topics, and lessons to be discussed.
● Eliciting Prior Knowledge : Ask students to answer the Lesson Pretest on page 48. The
pretest determines the students prior knowledge about the nature of sociology, anthro-
pology, and political science.
● Developing Knowledge and Skills ( Lesson 2 : Aspects of culture , page 49-61 )

Lesson 2 Activity : Table Analysis

Instruction : Analyze Table 4: The Anatomy of Culture and Society ( page 50 ) in class. Ask
students answer the following questions based on their understanding of Table 4.
5. How does anthropology explain the “what “ and the “how “ of culture ?
6. How does sociology explain the “why “ of culture ?
7. Why is culture a “ complex whole “ according to E. B. Tylor ?
8. How is culture learned , shared and communicated ?
*After the activity , the teacher must explain the answers to the questions above. Answers can
be found on pages 49 to 51 of the textbook.
*Answer Activity on The Aspects , Definition and Characteristics of Culture
Instruction : Complete the concept map. Write words or concepts that you can associate with
the word “ CULTURE “ or “ KULTURA.”
Answer the following guide questions.
1. What are the different aspects of culture ? ( See page 51 )
2. What are the different definitions given by sociologists and anthropologists about the
nature of culture ? ( See page 51)
3. What are the different characteristics and functions of culture ? ( See pages 51-57 )
4. What is ethnocentrism , cultural relativism , xenocentrism , and xenophobia ? How is
ethnocentrism , cultural relativism , xenocentrism , and xenophobia shown in society ?
Have you experienced becoming ethnocentric , xenocentric . and xenophobic / how can
we express cultural relativism ? ( See pages 57-61 )
5. What are the different components of culture ? Can you give examples for each
component of culture ? ( See page 61 ). Use the table to explain the topic .
6. What are cultural heritages ? What are examples of cultural heritages of the Filipinos ?
As Filipinos , how should we preserve our cultural heritages ? ( See page 61 )

Components Definition Examples


● Complete the data retrieval chart to show deeper understanding of the lesson.

Characteristics and Functions of Culture
Characteristics and Function of Why? and/or How? Give an example to illustrate the
Culture explanation.

Culture is social and a product

of behavior.

Culture varies from society to


Culture is shared.

Culture is learned.

Culture is transmitted among

members of society.

Culture is continuous and


Culture is gratifying and


Culture defines situations.

Culture defines attitudes ,

values,and goals.

Culture defines myths , legends,

and the supernatural

Culture provides behavior

Formative assessment : Answer the Review of Knowledge and Skills section of Lesson 2
(pages 62-63)- ( make your own copy )

Step 3 : Assessment and Application of Learning

● Let the student answer the Chapter Post test on the following page.
● Note to the teacher
Chapter Posttest was omitted in the textbook. Please reproduce Chapter
I. Knowledge :
Matching Type : Match column B with column C. Write the letter of the correct
answer on column A.

Column A Column B Column C1

1. Its library creates , collects, stores, retrieves and manipulates A. Symbolic

human memories . interactionism

2. Its agents occupy and control all the influential positions in its B. Culture

3. It argues that society is made possible by cooperation and C. Society as

interdependence. omniscience

4. It argues that symbols and meanings make society possible. D. Xenocentrism

5. A social science that deals with human interaction in formal E. Enculturation

and informal settings.

6. The gradual acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a F. Multiculturalism

culture or group by a person or another culture.

7. These are guides in the performance of roles and in everyday G. Xenophobia

actions and interactions.

8. Practice of comparing other cultural practices with those of H. Cultural

one’s own and automatically finding those other cultural Relativism
practices to be inferior.

9. The idea that all norms, beliefs, and values are dependent on I. Material aspect of
their cultural context and should be treated as such. culture

10. The fear of what is perceived as foreign or strange. J. Ethnocentrism

11. Component of culture that deals with the physical K. Structural

expressions of culture functionalism
12. Refers to the ideas and intangible human heritage produced L. Rules
by members of a society.

13. A concept that values the peaceful coexistence and mutual M. Society as
respect between different cultures inhabiting the same territory. omnipotent

14. Refers to preference for the foreign. N. Sociology

15. It refers to the values, beliefs, behavior, and material objects O. Non Material
that form totality of the way of life of humans. aspect of culture

II. Critical Thinking

Answer the following questions.
1. How does symbolic interactionism explain the importance of symbols and
meaning in society ?
2. How does society make or unmake the lives of people ?
3. Why are features of society comparable to the powers of God ?
4. Why do conflict theorists believe that conflict is positive and advantageous to
society ?
5. Why is it important to preserve our cultural heritage ? How should Filipinos
preserve their cultural heritage?
6. How do sociology and anthropology explain the nature of culture ?
7. How do humans learn and transmit culture ?
_________________________________ ___________________________________________
8. Why do anthropologists believe that culture is a unique quality of man that
separates him from lower form of animals ?
9. Why is culture shock an example of enculturation ?
10. Why is culture important to society and its individual members ?
III. Performance Task

Case Study of an Indegenous Group

Perform a case study that examines culture of an indegenous group in the Philippines
Mechanics :
1. Choose a particular indegenous community for your case study.
2. You can gather data by conducting research .
a. Describe the indegenous group that you chose. Provide a profile of the
indegenous group that you chose as your case study. Who are they ? What
do they do ? Where did they come from ? What do you know about them ?
b. Discuss the way of life of the indegenous group ?
1. Social grouping ( Do they live in large groups or small groups ?)
2. Diet (What do they eat ?)
3. Economic activities (What do they do?)
4. Clothes (What do they wear ?)
5. System of writing (Do they know how to read and write ?
6. Religion ( Do they have a religion )
c. How will you explain the society and culture of the indegenous group
that you chose as a case study ?
d. Write a short reflection and answer the question : How should students
treat indegenous groups ? How did you feel about the culture of the
indigenous people ?
3. Submit the final paper of the case study.

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