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A. Past Simple and Continuous

Choose the correct tenses to complete the story

1. Every day James Lullaby travels to London. Yesterday he was driving his car, when he
saw a dog in the middle of the road.
2. The dog was watching the car.
3. James stopped and got out of his car.
4. As he was getting out, the dog ran away.
5. James was going back to his car.
6. While he was getting in the car, the dog appeared again and sat down in the middle of the
7. James started the engine, but the dog did not move .
8. James jumped out of the car and shouted at the dog.
9. The dog barked at him and started to run.
10. James was following the dog.
11. Suddenly, he saw two girls lying on the grass. They were bleeding. accessed February 1,


B. Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous

Use the correct tenses to complete the sentences.

1. I had to have a break. I had been driving so long.

2. Before we parked our car we had collected the ticket.
3. I arrived on Sunday. I had been at home for two days.
4. The roads were blocked in the morning. It had been snowing all night.
5. They got to the beach after they had been walking for hours.
6. She called the police when she had seen the light in the hall.
7. His English was perfect. He had been studying it since he started school.
8. I was really hungry. I hadn’t eaten anything since the morning.

( accessed
February 1, 2018)

C. Make your own sentences (Positive, Negative, Interrogative) in:

1. Past Simple Tense
- Positive : She worked at Queen Bakery.
- Negative : She didn’t work at Queen Bakery.
- Interrogative : Did she work at Queen Bakery?

2. Past Continuous Tense

- Positive : Ical was studying when I came to his house yesterday.
- Negative : Ical wasn’t studying when I came to his house yesterday.
- Interrogative : Was Ical studying when I came to his house yesterday?

3. Past Perfect
- Positive : Haris had read the book three times.
- Negative : Haris hadn’t read the book three times.
- Interrogative : Had Haris read the book three times?

4.The roads were blocked in the morning. It had been snowing all night.

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