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HQ.SAT - 13.03.

Choose the best answer.
1. The new president of RC Computers …… several decisions made by the previous president. He believed that they
had been mistakes and were hurting the company’s sales.
A. perpetuated B. prefaced C. overrode D. satiated
2. Brendan has been an …… supporter of the Greenville Wolves basketball team since he was a child. Every season,
he goes to as many of their games as he can.
A. elusive B. ardent C. ornate D. apathetic
3. Owing to the sudden …… in the value of the currency this year, the prices of imported goods have risen sharply.
A. depreciation B. rendition C. demarcation D. extraction
4. The new tax was highly unpopular, so the finance minister decided to wait until public criticism had …… before
introducing any further taxes.
A. abated B. permeated C. corroded D. instigated
5. Lucy sustained a mild …… in the car accident and was treated at a local hospital. The doctor said her head would
hurt for the next couple of weeks.
A. conciliation B. conurbation C. contraption D. concussion
6. When Tim moved to the city, he could only afford to rent an old, run-down apartment. When his mother visited,
she was shocked at the …… conditions he lived in.
A. colossal B. auxiliary C. squalid D. inadvertent
7. Many people were shocked by the new biography of the wartime leader. They accused the author of …… a great
man by reporting unproven rumors.
A. deviating B. soliciting C. denigrating D. incubating
8. People tend to judge an academic institution by the success of its graduates, but that is not the only …… for
determining how good a school is.
A. allegory B. yardstick C. exponent D. blurb
9. As a young politician, Ramesh had been widely …… as a future leader. After falling seriously ill, however, he was
forced to give up his political career.
A. touted B. pulverized C. fermented D. pared
10. The criminal’s detailed knowledge of the bank’s security led the police to believe that he must have had an ……
inside the organization.
A. electorate B. autocrat C. extrovert D. accomplice
11. When Roland learned his business partner had been overcharging clients, he quit and …… all ties with the
company. He did not want to be associated with such activity.
A. presaged B. instilled C. repatriated D. severed
12. The police concluded that the muder was …… . It was clear from the evidence that the killer had planned every
last detail of the crime.
A. premeditated B. embittered C. threatened D. gleaned
13. Franklin was …… by the news that his sister had won $50 million in the lottery. He never thought that anyone
he knew would become so rich overnight.
A. blasted off B. blown away C. bashed in D. boiled over
14. Although young tigers can …… themselves by the age of 18 months, they usually stay with their mother until
they are around two-and-a-half years old.
A. skirt around B. lag behind C. fend for D. tangle with

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

HQ.SAT - 13.03.21
15. The news photographer was …… by a hotel worker that a film star was vacationing there, so he rushed to the
hotel to try to get a picture.
A. tipped off B. scrimped on C. worked over D. clogged up

Fill in each gap with a word from the box below. In some cases, you would need to change the form of the
margin gall presage awry incubate

sham embitter instill pungent contingent

1. My mom is obviously biased. She lets my brother get away with anything and blames everything that goes
…………………… in the house on me.

2. After his scandal, he was …………………… by the loss of his fame and the fact that most of his so-called friends
turned their backs on him.

3. As a public figure, his success is largely …………………… on his fans’ support.

4. I don’t think you should be too proud of your result since it’s only …………………… above average.

5. You should be more careful when you confide in him. I wouldn’t trust him so quickly like that since he could still
turn out to be a …………………… .

6. Recent conflicts between the staff members could …………………… a bigger internal scandal in the near future.

7. If you want to …………………… into your child a love of reading, you should start reading to them as soon as

8. Considering that they have never visited their parents once after they moved out, I can’t believe that they have
the …………………… to ask them for money.

9. The average …………………… period of the virus is believed to be anywhere between 7 and 21 days.

10. She tried to get used to the local food but some dishes have such a …………………… smell that she couldn’t finish
even just one bite.

Compiled&Designed by Ms Luu Trang

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