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Sarah Hair Marketing and Selling Your Work Jane


On the 10th October Myself, Lisa Richardson, Cathy white and Steve Franks all decided
to work as a team for our team assignment. We chose each other as we are easily able
to communicate outside of class hours. Cathy White created our CPW 3rd year
Marketing Project group on Facebook for easy communication, and this is how we
decided who would do what.

On the 14th October we all decided to collaborate on an anthology of flash fiction. It was
decided that Cathy would be in charge of the cover because she is already in contact
with an associate who could design our cover, also, Cathy posted in our group a
website to choose a design for our cover as a back up plan.

On the 16th October Cathy has confirmed the designer is available for our cover. Cathy
set up a blog to use as our website. It was decided Steve was in charge of the financial
side as he has much experience with figures, and Lisa in charge of the formatting, as
she already has experience in publishing on Amazon. We agreed to submit 5 short
stories each, below the word count of 1000. All the roles were filled, therefore I was in
charge then of whatever came up next. I volunteered to set up a bank account.

On the 17th October I gathered my stories but the word count for each were over 2000,
so I cut some stories down and wrote a new one.

On the 18th October Cathy contacted and was contacted back by Nik Perring who
agreed to be our editor for £100. Lisa has also been editing some of our stories.

On the 19th October we all sent our headshots to designer.

On the 20th October we all sent our full length photos to designer.

I was refused by my bank, on the 21st October, to open another current account and
refused from HSBC because I already have a current account with another bank, so
Cathy opened a bank account for our royalties to go into.

By the 22nd October, all my stories were finished and I sent them to Cathy to send to

Cathy is proof reading our stories on the 25th October, and realized we had more words
than originally put to the editor so our budget went up. Steve has done the budgeting
Sarah Hair Marketing and Selling Your Work Jane


It was agreed that I should attempt the forword on the 27th October. I attempted a
forword but found out that it is to be done by an established writer to introduce new
writers, so I began to work on an introduction instead.

Our estimated budget was confirmed by Steve on the 30th October.

We talked about selling prices on the 6th November and agreed on 77p, because we
agreed that this is a reasonable price, and a realistic one as after some research we
realised that Flash Fiction is not the easiest product to sell.

On the 8th November we agreed on starting our Bios and Lisa started formatting for
KDP and we agreed on the order Lisa put our stories into.

On the 9th November Lisa finished formatting and now waiting for Bios and intro, we
agreed Bios after the intros. Lisa did an acknowledgments page.

On the 10th November I’m working on the introduction, posted to my group and their
recommendations are being taken on board.

I have finished introduction and my Bio by the 15th November.

Steve finished the acknowledgements by the 17th November.

On the 22nd November Lisa attempted the contents page but needed microsoft office,
so Steve and Cathy offered to do it instead.

On the 23rd November Cathy Completed her Bio. We decided on a release date. And
started to spread the word.

By the 24th November we all decided what to go into the blurb, and the cover is

On the 25th November Lisa finished the blurb page, and Cathy finished the contents

On the 26th November I had a go at making a book trailer, although the others thought
it best we speak our narration rather than have it written. So I attempted another and
have planned to record us speaking over the music on Thursday when we all get
Sarah Hair Marketing and Selling Your Work Jane

On the 27th November I have phoned around to different local printers to get a good
price for our flyers. I have found one. 250 flyers for £47 just waiting on the design from
Kirsty. We are all promoting our work on social media websites.

On the 28th November I created a book trailer. I asked my tutor Stewart Ross to do the
voiceover and I am happy with the results. The trailer is available to view now on
youtube and has been circulated among my family and friends on my social media web

On the 30th November I am waiting for the final design of the flyers so I can get them
printed and handed around. I plan to hand them out to local organisations.

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