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Psychological Perspectives

Biological Psychology
Biological Psychology uses biology as an understanding of how humans and animals behave.

The first Scientist to discern a relationship between Physiology and Psychology was a Persian
Physician called Ibn Sina (Avicenna)(908-1037.C.E.) His name meaning ’Son of Sina’. The points of
view held by Plato and Aristotle and later, by Rene Descartes born march 31st 1956 in France were of
similar to Ibn Sina. Descartes believed that the biological brain is unrelated to the the mind where
the emotions and feelings lie, he believed that emotions do not rely on the biological organisms of the

Psychologist William James (1842-1910) wrote a book called‘The Conjunction with Biology’he had
also trained for Physiology. Another Psychologist, Knight Dunlop(1875-1975), wrote the book ‘An
outline of Psychology (1914)’ He also founded and published the journal , Psychology.

To understand more of who we are and for us to understand behaviour in humans and in animals
Biological Psychology is important for Psychology. To know how environments can effect behaviour
is by bringing together Biology with Psychology.

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