Can We Really Create Our Own Reality?

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Can We Really Create Our Own Reality?

I'd like to paint in huge letters along London's Waterloo Bridge the words 'wake up'. So big you
could see them by satellite. Wouldn't it be great if this made the headlines?

Because too many people are existing with this primeval view of the world. Unaware of any reality
other than what they see. Stale in their own acknowledgement. Stumping human evolution through
lack of knowledge and ignorance to it.

'There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance' (Socrates).

The people who think they already know everything are usually the ones that don't have a clue. The
clue for the real reality lies within quantum mechanics, the study of how atoms interact. Atoms are
little particles of energy. Also known as the God particle, these atoms are what makes everything in
the universe, even the air we breathe. They move like waves which vibrate and form our material
world. A simple act of observation can interrupt their movements. Atoms break down into energy
moving from one form to another, like ice into water. Atoms are constantly vibrating and no
experiment has ever been able to stabilise them.

Quantum mechanics has discovered that these atoms can be in the past and the future
simultaneously. And in two places at one time, even billions of miles apart. They only come
together when observed. The double slit experiment proves this idea of superposition. Visit the link
for further explanation:

I would like to use the Schroedinger's cat theory as an example. But if you don't understand the
double slit experiment, Schroedinger's cat will just confuse you even more. If you do understand the
double slit experiment, then you don't need Schroedinger cat at all. It's just a metaphor for the
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. It describes the concept of superposition, which
means as long as no one is looking, it's possible to be in two states at the same time.

So if we are made of atoms then does this mean we can be in two places simultaneously? In the past
and in the future? Quantum mechanics suggests we can. Every time we make a choice, all possible
outcomes are taking place in other universes. We can't interact with these parody's of ourselves. So
you may ask, what relevance has this to me?

Quantum physics suggests we are both here and not here. The simple act of observation brings us
into existence. I think therefore I am, right? So this means that everything we see only exists when
we chose to see it. Our imagination and thoughts create reality. Accept, we are what we expect to
be. We expect this reality to be real because we don't know any better. But quantum mechanics
suggests we have a choice.

Our five physical senses work by interpreting vibrations. Atoms vibrate to make things seem solid.
Therefore matter doesn’t really exist.

People fear this concept. So they gather as much material things as they can. Trapped in a low
vibrational dense state by fear, which is encouraged by the media. The media manipulates you
through words and images to create someone else's reality. Television shows like The Only Way is
Essex and The Real Housewives of Every State in America, influence our lifestyle alluding us to
want more material things. It's just another manipulative technique the government use to exploit
our freedom. Sadly, Thatcher-ism still dominates today’s society. The Thatcherite economy
encourages our belief in this seemingly materialistic existence to keep us vibrating on this low-
frequency. To keep us under control.

Can we change this?

Thoughts are also energy which vibrates at different frequency’s. Positive thoughts create a high
vibrational frequency and the opposite for fear. If we can change the way we think, we can change
our own frequency. When we are vibrating at the same frequency as the things we want then we
attract those things we focus on. That’s the law of attraction. So, can we really create our own

Apparently yes we can.

Who, why, where,

I have grabbed my readers attention with my intriguing heading, started with an anecdote and have
set a scene, I have asked an intriguing question and applied a quote to entertain and make my
intended audience to read on.

It is relevant, entertaining and has impact by..... it fits into my narrative arc by......

I have used short and simple sentences and paragraphs, with conversational style and tone, and have
used active verbs, I have personalised my feature by

my ending has tied it all together and my audience takes away a payoff.

Extras I have used are images, and websites

I have written my article in the post-modernist view in the sense that people of today are losing
individuality through the influence of the media.

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