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A fluorescence-based protocol for quantifying

angiotensin-converting enzyme activity
Miguel Ángel Sentandreu and Fidel Toldrá
Instituto de Agroquı́mica y Tecnologı́a de Alimentos (CSIC), P.O. Box 73, 46100 Burjassot (Valencia), Spain. Correspondence should be addressed to
M.A.S. ( and F.T. (

Published online 29 December 2006; doi:10.1038/nprot.2006.349

The determination of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity represents a useful tool in the study of different health
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group

pathologies, such as hypertension. This protocol describes a fluorescent assay for measuring ACE activity in vitro with high
precision and sensitivity. The method relies on the ability of ACE to hydrolyse the internally quenched fluorescent substrate
o-aminobenzoylglycyl-p-nitro-L-phenylalanyl-L-proline. The generation of the fluorescent product o-aminobenzoylglycine can be
continuously monitored, preferably using a microtiter-plate fluorometer, though the use of a conventional cuvette fluorometer would
also be possible. The method has important advantages with respect to other assays, because it involves only a one-step reagent, is
easy to carry out and allows the analysis of an elevated number of samples in shorter times. It can be completed in one and a half
hours. In addition, the fact that all reagents are commercially available allows the rapid introduction of the assay into the laboratory.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE is also named decades, it has some important limitations, such as the required
peptidyl-dipeptidase A because it removes C-terminal dipeptides extraction of the product from the reaction mixture with an
from different oligopeptide substrates that have a free C terminus. organic solvent, which limits the number of samples that can be
In addition to this, an endopeptidase ACE action on several analyzed per day and introduces an additional source of error. This
substrates that have a blocked C-terminus has been reported1. makes the continuous monitoring of the enzyme reaction unfea-
ACE is a key enzyme of the renin-angiotensin system that regulates sible, which is another important limitation.
blood pressure in the organism because it cleaves angiotensin I into Here we describe the protocol for an accurate, rapid and sensitive
the potent vasoconstrictor angiotensin II, which also promotes salt assay of ACE activity, which has been recently developed in our
retention. ACE also inactivates the vasodilator bradykinin by the laboratory11. The method is based in the intramolecularly
sequential removal of two C-terminal dipeptides. Therefore, the quenched fluorescent tripeptide o-aminobenzoylglycyl-p-nitro-
overall effect of ACE activity is an elevation of blood pressure. In L-phenylalanyl-L-proline (Abz-Gly-Phe(NO2)-Pro) developed by
this respect, the discovery of compounds that are capable of Carmel and Yaron12. Hydrolysis of this substrate by the action of
strongly suppressing ACE activity represents a successful strategy ACE generates the fluorescent product o-aminobenzoylglycine
for the treatment of hypertension, which is one of the most (Abz-Gly), which can be easily quantified fluorimetrically using
widespread chronic diseases in developed countries2. appropriate excitation and emission wavelengths. We present the
Apart from angiotensin I and bradykinin, ACE has been shown optimal conditions for a continuous assay in a fluorescent micro-
to cleave other bioactive peptides, for example neurotensin, sub- plate reader (recommended), or with a standard cuvette fluorom-
stance P or the insulin B chain1. For that reason, and considering eter if a fluorescent microplate reader is not available.
the different tissues in which this enzyme has been localized, ACE This protocol involves only a one-step reagent, avoiding further
has been implicated in different physiological processes, other than derivatization13, extraction with organic solvents9,10 or chromato-
blood-pressure regulation, so that abnormal levels of ACE activity graphic separations of the reaction products14,15. The simplicity of
have been related to conditions such as sarcoidosis3, infertility4, the reaction steps also makes the assay easy for non-specialised staff
anemia5 or migraine6. The central role that ACE has in blood to do. Fluorescence detection of the reaction products results in
pressure regulation and other physiological processes makes the high sensitivity and precision, and the fact that all reagents are
measurement of its enzyme activity a valuable tool for medical and commercially available is a major advantage allowing the easy
clinical research, so efforts to develop different in vitro ACE assays introduction of the assay in the laboratory. Another main advan-
are widely described in the literature. In this respect, the main tage of this protocol with respect to others currently in use is the
reference is the method developed by Cushman and Cheung in possibility of processing a higher number of samples in a shorter
1971 (ref. 7), an assay that was decisive in the discovery of the first time, when the use of a microplate fluorometer is feasible.
ACE inhibitory peptides and in the further design of therapeutic The protocol described here can be applied to directly quantify
drugs, such as captopril. This method has been further used by ACE activity in biological samples but also to determine ACE-
many other authors, either in the same way as initially described by inhibitory activity and IC50 values for those compounds that are
Cushman and Cheung7 or with some modifications8–10. It is based potential ACE inhibitors and therefore possible antihypertensive
in the hydrolysis of the synthetic peptide hippuryl-L-histidine-L- agents. In this latter case, ACE activity that is obtained in the
leucine (Hip-His-Leu) by the action of ACE and further spectro- presence of the studied compound must always be referred to as the
photometric determination of hippuric acid, which is one of the activity in the absence of any added compound to the reaction
reaction products. Even though this assay has been useful for mixture (control for absence of ACE inhibition). The steps and

NATURE PROTOCOLS | VOL.1 NO.5 | 2006 | 2423


quantity of reagents indicated here are given for an individual assay appropriate volume, normally 300–500 ml. If using cuvettes with
in one well of a microplate. The volumes indicated for the different larger volumes, then the proportion of the different reagents should
reagents can be maintained if using a microcuvette with the be maintained while adjusting to a larger total reaction volume.

. o-aminobenzoylglycyl-p-nitro-L-phenylalanyl-L-proline ACE stock solution Dilute lyophilized ACE in glycerol at 50% with buffer A to
(Abz-Gly-Phe(NO )-Pro) (Bachem, cat. no. M-1100)
2 make a protein concentration of approximately 150 mg ml–1. Make sure that the
. o-aminobenzoylglycine (Abz-Gly) (Bachem, cat. no. E-2920) to make the enzyme is correctly dissolved. This solution can be used either immediately or
calibration curve of product generation stored at –201C as liquid until use. In that state, ACE can be maintained for more
. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) from different sources (for example, than one year without a significant loss of activity.
rabbit-lung ACE from Sigma, cat. no. A-6778) when the protocol is applied ACE working solution Dilute ACE stock solution with buffer B to make an
to the study of ACE inhibitors enzyme concentration of approximately 7.5 mg ml–1. This will give an enzyme
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group

. ZnCl2 activity of B3 mU ml–1 in this working solution using rabbit-lung ACE from
. NaCl Sigma as the enzyme source and defining one unit of enzyme activity (U) as the
. Buffer A: 300 mM Tris-base buffer (pH 8.3) with 2 mM ZnCl2 amount of ACE hydrolysing 1 mmol of Abz-Gly-Phe(NO2)-Pro per minute
. Buffer B: 150 mM Tris-base buffer (pH 8.3) at 37 1C and pH 8.3. As reference, this enzyme solution will hydrolyse 1.5
. Buffer C: 150 mM Tris-base buffer (pH 8.3) with 1.125 M NaCl nanomoles of hippuryl-His-Leu per min per ml under conditions described
EQUIPMENT previously7. Mix the solution well. m CRITICALThis should be made fresh on the
. Automatic pipette (volume range 25–200 ml) day of the experiment.
. Multi-channel pipette (volume range 25–200 ml) Substrate stock solution Dissolve approximately 30 mg of Abz-Gly-Phe
. Reservoirs for holding and pipetting the reagents (NO2)-Pro in buffer C to make a concentration of approximately 10 mM. Once
. Pipette tips completely dissolved, place aliquots of the solution in volumes of approximately
. Timer (if the fluorometer cannot do kinetic measurements) 1 ml in Eppendorf tubes. The solution can be used immediately for the present
. 96-well microplates or micro-cuvettes (300–500 ml) for fluorescence assay and the remaining aliquots can be stored at –20 1C for further experiments.
measurements with reduced background signal. In our assay we used flat- m CRITICAL This substrate is in powder form but, on contact with the buffer, it
bottom, black microtiter plates (Thermo Electron, cat. no. 9502867) becomes sticky and difficult to dissolve. To facilitate its complete dissolution, the
. Fluoroskan Ascent microplate fluorometer (Thermo Electron) or microtiter- use of ultrasounds (10–15 min) and a spatula are recommended.
plate fluorometer with the following characteristics: Substrate working solution Take into consideration the concentration
of the substrate stock solution and dilute it with buffer C to make a final
lðexcitationÞ ¼ 355  375 nm Abz-Gly-Phe(NO2)-Pro concentration of 0.45 mM. m CRITICAL Avoid exposure
lðemissionÞ ¼ 400  430 nm to light until use. This should be made fresh on the day of the experiment.

1| Both ACE activity and ACE-inhibitory activity can be determined.
(A) Determining ACE activity
(i) When determining ACE activity in biological samples, it is recommended that controls for determining ACE-specific activity
are included in the sample. Add 50 ml of a specific ACE inhibitor (for example, 0.1 mM captopril) dissolved in buffer B. In
the absence of any interfering enzyme activity, no fluorescence will be generated in these controls. For samples, add 50 ml
of buffer B.
(B) Determining ACE-inhibitory activity
(i) Add 50 ml of the compound for which you wish to evaluate the ACE-inhibitory activity. For reference of no inhibition of
the enzyme reaction, add 50 ml of the solution in which samples are diluted.
m CRITICAL STEP It is important to dispense this volume correctly in the bottom of the wells or cuvettes in order to
avoid errors in the determination. Therefore, using either a single or a multichannel pipette, always pipette using the
reverse technique, touching the bottom slightly with the tip in order to recover all drops, avoiding aspiration of liquid in
the meantime. It is also advisable to make replicates of samples (duplicate at least, triplicate ideal).

2| Add 50 ml of the sample in which you wish to evaluate ACE activity (Step 1A(i)) or, in inhibition studies (Step 1B(i)),
50 ml of ACE working solution. When filling many wells of a microplate, the use of a multi-channel pipette is recommended.
m CRITICAL STEP Dispense the volume of this solution carefully, as described in Step 1.
3| Carefully shake the microplate or cuvette for a few seconds in order to mix the components. When working with microtiter
plates, automatic shaking rather than manual shaking would be preferable in order to avoid cross-contamination between the wells.
4| In order to have a linear response of the enzyme reaction from the start of monitoring, pre-incubate the plate or cuvette at
37 1C for 10 min. Separately, pre-incubate the substrate in the same conditions.

5| Start the enzyme reaction by adding 200 ml of substrate working solution.

m CRITICAL STEP As in Steps 1 and 2 it is important to properly dispense this solution into the well or cuvette, but also to
fill the different wells in a reasonably short time. This time can easily be less than 2 minutes for filling a complete 96-well
microplate with the aid of a multi-channel pipette.

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6| Gently shake the microplate or cuvette as described in 7

Step 3.

7| Read the plate or cuvette in the fluorometer using 5

excitation and emission wavelengths indicated above and

nmoles Abz-Gly
immediately turn the timer on. This corresponds to the
fluorescence in the reaction mixture before the action of 3
the enzyme (t0). y = 0,1364x
? TROUBLESHOOTING 2 R 2 = 0,9981

8| Incubate the plate or cuvette at 37 1C. Normally an
appreciable fluorescence generation due to the release of free 0
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0 10 20 30 40
o-aminobenzoylglycine (Abz-Gly) from Abz-Gly-Phe(NO2)-Pro is
Incubation time (minutes)
observed after 5 min of incubation. However, such a short
incubation time is not recommended because a small delay Figure 1 | Generation of Abz-Gly from Abz-Gly-Phe(NO2)-Pro hydrolysis by
at the moment at which the zero value is taken can greatly rabbit-lung angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) as a function of time.
influence the obtained results. Under the assay conditions
explained here, the incubation time can be extended up to 40 minutes without a significant loss in the linearity of the reaction
rate (Fig. 1). Therefore, a recommended incubation time for single measurements is 30 min (ti ¼ 30).

9| After incubation, read the plate again as in Step 7. For kinetic measurements, read the plate at the desired time intervals.
ACE activity in the different wells is linearly related to the fluorescence generated during the incubation time (ti – t0). This
relation can be easily obtained by making a calibration curve with free Abz-Gly (fluorescence reaction product), plotting Abz-Gly
concentration versus obtained fluorescence. Recommended Abz-Gly concentrations for this curve range between 5 and 30 mM.

Preparation of the enzyme solutions
10 min

Preparation of substrate solutions

30 min

Assay of ACE activity using a microplate

60 min for 96 samples

Assay of ACE activity using cuvettes

32 min per sample, when using a single microcuvette (this time can be notably reduced if several samples are incubated at
the same time in different fluorescence cuvettes)

Troubleshooting advice can be found in Table 1.

TABLE 1 | Troubleshooting table.

Step Problem Possible reason Solution
7 High fluorescence values obtained High intrinsic fluorescence of the biolo- Try to dilute the sample until the background
immediately after the addition of the gical sample, in which ACE activity is to fluorescence is reduced but appreciable ACE
enzyme (t0). be determined. activity is retained. If necessary, work with
longer incubation times.
Background fluorescence caused by any Include blank samples containing all
spoiled assay component. reagents of the assay except ACE. If fluor-
escence of blanks is high, then replace
buffers and reagents by new ones.

9 No generated fluorescence is observed Excitation and/or emission wavelengths Make sure that excitation and emission
after incubation. of the fluorometer are not correctly wavelengths are correctly chosen according
established. to requirements described in the equipment

NATURE PROTOCOLS | VOL.1 NO.5 | 2006 | 2425


TABLE 1 | Troubleshooting table (continued).

Step Problem Possible reason Solution
The final assay mixture does not have an Reproduce the proportions of the assay
appropriate pH for ACE activity. This can mixture in a sufficient volume for measuring
happen if samples are dissolved in very pH. Be sure that pH is approximately 8.3. If
strong acid buffers or if buffers A, B or C this is not the case, dissolve samples in an
are spoiled. adequate buffer yielding an adequate final
pH of the reaction mixture. Be sure that
buffers A, B and C are not spoiled.
ACE has no enzyme activity. Prepare new samples taking care to preserve
the enzyme activity.
In inhibition studies, assay ACE activity in
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group

the absence of any compound or buffer other

than those belonging to the assay. If no
fluorescence is generated, prepare a new ACE
stock solution.

9 Large variability in the fluorescence Incorrect addition of the reagents Dispense correctly the different reagents
obtained for replicates of the same into wells. into wells according to what is stated in
sample. point 1 of the procedure. Normally a coeffi-
cient of variation below 10% should be
obtained for different replicates of the same

In order to show the feasibility of the protocol presented here, the assay was carried out using fluorescence microtiter plates
and rabbit-lung ACE as the enzyme source in two different cases: to show the linearity and sensitivity of the assay by kinetic
measurement of ACE activity (A), and to evaluate the ability of several dipeptides in suppressing ACE activity (B). These
dipeptides were previously assayed in vitro using hippuryl-His-Leu as the substrate16, as described by Cushman and Cheung7.
Fluorescence measurements were carried out in a Fluoroskan Ascent microplate fluorometer using excitation and emission
wavelengths of 355 and 405 nm, respectively.
The generation of the fluorescent group Abz-Gly by the action of angiotensin-I converting enzyme hydrolyzing
Abz-Gly-Phe(NO2)-Pro along the time course is illustrated in Figure 1. The continuous fluorometric detection of Abz-Gly makes
the assay highly sensitive and precise, allowing it to detect product that is generated after 5 minutes of incubation time, which
would correspond to the formation of 0.8 nmoles of Abz-Gly. The generation of the product remained linear for incubation times
of up to 40 minutes under the assay conditions described in the protocol. At longer incubation times and/or higher enzyme
concentrations, the linearity can turn towards slightly slower reaction rates11. For that reason, when determining ACE activity
in biological samples, those yielding high activity values should be appropriately diluted. Taking these findings together,
we recommend the assay conditions described in the protocol as a good compromise between low enzyme consumption
(0.15 mU of ACE per assay), appreciable fluorescence generation and a reasonable incubation time (30 min).
IC50 values of ACE activity obtained for several dipeptides using this protocol with a microplate fluorometer are shown in
Table 2. These values were obtained by assaying ACE activity (using the working solution at 3 mU ml–1) in the presence of
each dipeptide at seven different concentrations, ranging from 0.5 to 200 mM in the final assay mixture. The inverse of relative

TABLE 2 | Effect of several dipeptides on ACE activity using the present protocol compared with results
obtained by Cheung et al.7 using Hippuryl-His-Leu as the substrate.
Peptide IC50 (lM)a Abz-Gly-Phe(NO2)-Pro IC50 (lM)b Hippuryl-His-Leu
Val-Tyr 4.6 22
Arg-Pro 15 180
Gly-Pro 66 450
Gly-Phe 117 630
Phe-Gly 516 3,700
Ala-Gly 1,020 2,500
Gly-Gly 3,450 7,200
aPeptide concentration inhibiting 50% of ACE activity, determined by continuous fluorimetric assay at pH 8.3, using 0.3 mM Abz-Gly-Phe(NO )-Pro as substrate and
0.75 M NaCl in the reaction mixture. Data adapted from M.A.S and F.T.22,23.
bPeptide concentration inhibiting 50% of ACE activity, determined by end-point spectrophotometric assay with 5 mM hippuryl-His-Leu as substrate and 0.3 M NaCl

in the reaction mixture16.

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ACE-activity values were plotted as a function of peptide concentration and the equation obtained for the linear part of the
curve was used to calculate IC50 as the concentration value obtained for half of the initial activity.
The obtained results are compared with those reported for the same dipeptides by Cheung et al.16. As can be observed, results
are comparable between the two assays with respect to the inhibition degree generated by the different peptides. In both
experiments Val-Tyr was the dipeptide showing the strongest ACE inhibition, followed by Arg-Pro, Gly-Pro and Gly-Phe. This is
in accordance with the inhibition pattern observed for ACE where many peptides containing an aromatic amino acid (Tyr, Phe
or Trp) together with Pro in a C-terminal position, are between the most potent ACE inhibitors17–19. This feature is clearly
appreciated by comparing IC50 values obtained for Gly-Phe and Phe-Gly, the inhibition exerted by Gly-Phe being notably higher.
Using the protocol described here, IC50 values obtained for the different peptides were lower than those obtained in the
previous work16. This can be explained by considering the fact that the units of ACE, the type of assay and the substrate used
for the assay of ACE activity are different. In such cases the obtained IC50 values are difficult to compare20,21 even though,
as pointed out by Fuglsang et al.20, the order in the inhibition rate should be normally maintained. In our case, the order of
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group

the inhibition rate between the two assays was maintained for the assayed dipeptides, except for Phe-Gly and Ala-Gly, which
showed little inhibition of ACE activity.

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Commission (M.A.S.). bacterial dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase. Eur. J. Biochem. 87, 265–273
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