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Table of Contents

Appendix 1-----------------------Declaration
Article 1 ---------------------- Name
Article 2 ---------------------- Motto
Article 3 ---------------------- Domicile of Association
Article 4 ---------------------- Status of the Association
Article 5 ---------------------- Language
Article 6 ---------------------- Objectives of the Association
Article 7 ---------------------- Membership
Article 8 ---------------------- Subscriptions/Dues
Article 9 ---------------------- Registered Trustees
Article 10--------------------------Executive Committee
Article 11--------------------------Sub-Committees
Article 12--------------------------Duties of officers
Article 13--------------------------Tenure
Article 14--------------------------Accounts and Audits
Article 15--------------------------Annual General Meeting
Article 16--------------------------Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
Article 17--------------------------Elections
Article 18--------------------------Quorum
Article 19 ---------------------- Signatories of the Association
Article 20--------------------------Branches of the Association
Article 21--------------------------Welfare
Article 22--------------------------General Provision
Article 23--------------------------Amendments
Article 24--------------------------Quorum
Article 25-----------------------Signatories of the Association
Article 26------------------------Special Clause
Article 27-----------------------Commencement

Appendix 1 - Declaration

We the members of Ika Grammar School class of 94 Alumni having firmly and solemnly
resolved to exist in unity and harmony as one indivisible and reputable Association; and to
provide a Constitution for the purpose of promoting the good governance and welfare of all
her members, on the principles of Freedom, equality and Justice and for the purpose of
consolidating the unity of our members, without any prejudice to any laws of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria relating to the association of persons;
Recognizing the need to come together as one towards the upliftment of one another;

Desiring to foster greater co-operation amongst all our mates which in turn creates the need
and or necessity to support each other individually and in groups for the purpose of facilitating
the realization of aspirations;

We, do hereby make, enact and adopt this constitution for ourselves in the following terms:

The name of the Association shall be Ika Grammar School class 94 Alumni Association
(Hereinafter referred to as ‘THE ASSOCIATION”.

The motto of the Association shall be; “Truth & Excellence”


The Association is registered in the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Boji-Boji Owa shall be
the main Residential headquarters of the Association, with the possibility (if necessary) of
branches home and abroad as provided by Article 18 (a)


a) The Association has the status of a legal person and is subject to the jurisdiction and
protection of the laws of the federal republic of Nigeria and may obtain rights, make
commitments and appear before a court of competent Jurisdiction as a party.
b) All of its activities shall be governed by all the Nigerian Laws, in accordance with the
Laws and Regulations regarding the registration of the Association.
c) The association shall be an independent body, which acts in its own capacity under its
own name with a view towards functioning and also fulfilling the obligations, which
are expounded in this constitution.
d) The Association shall be a non-political organization; which would always have the
right to its political opinion as any other individual within the Federal Republic of
Nigeria and shall be a nonprofit seeking Association.
e) The Constitution and other Bye-Laws, Rules and Regulations (that may be enacted) of
the Association constitute’s a contract between the association members. Such a
contract is binding upon each and every member so long as they remain in effect.
Moreover, one who becomes a member of this Association is deemed to have known
and assented to the provisions of this Constitution.
Due to the multilingual nature of Nigeria, the Association shall have English language as its
main Language of deliberations, with no formal limitations to any other formal languages in
the world. English language shall also be used for documentation of meeting procedures and
filing purposes.


The objectives of Ika Grammar School Class of ’94 , is to among others, to promote the
general welfare of the school, to foster the interest and involvement of alumni and friends of
the College, and to establish programs through which the class of ’94 and friends of College
working with the Executive Committee, can support and advance the college’s commitment to
excellence in preparing students to contribute effectively and ethically as citizens of a
changing and increasingly technological world. These objectives will be achieved through
cooperative programmes which will result in the following outcome:
a) Support academic growth and facilitate development at the college, vis a viz helping to
provide equipment where necessary.
b) We shall among other things promote the participation and involvement of this class of
’94 through activities that support and enhance the educational growth.
c) The set will work to support the college as it seeks to attain its ideals; communicate and
interpret the college’s goals and achievements; promote a spirit of unity and loyalty
among former students and friends.
d) The welfare of all members will be of paramount importance viz a viz a strong show of
solidarity to members in whatever capacity our attention is needed to be our brothers,
e) To reach, connect and celebrate class of ’94 and friends of the college to build lifelong
relationships, and to support the Alumni mission.
f) To promote and also instill in the students of the college, high ethical and moral
standards through a moderate and coordinated lifestyle of our members; bearing in our
minds that examples are better than precepts.
g) At the end of every year, there shall be a programme of activities, that will culminate into
a “Class Reunion”.

ARTICLE 7 – MEMBERSHIP: The membership of this association shall be:

a) Any student who enrolled at the college from 1989 and/or complete the prescribe
certificate courses in 1994 shall be eligible for membership of the Association.
b) Any person, not being a part of Ika Grammar School Class of ’94 who has shown
sufficient interest in the affairs of the college and is adjudged by the Executive
Committee for admission as an Honorary Member of the Association. Provided that such
person shall have a sponsor/Guarantor who shall introduce him for admission.
a) There shall be monthly dues of a minimum of N1,500 (One thousand naira) only which
shall be payable by every member. This amount shall be liable to subsequent upward
review at a General Meeting of the Association upon the recommendation of the
Executive Committee. However, members are encouraged to pay beyond the stipulated
monthly dues of N1, 500.
b) The monthly dues shall become due on the 1st of each month and shall be paid not later
than 20th of the month.
c) Members whose monthly dues are not paid by 20th of each month shall be said to be in
default of that month’s payment.
d) Members shall be free to pay their dues in advance for the entire year at once.
e) The dues shall not invalidate any other contribution that may become necessary in other
to achieve the objectives of this Association. Provided that there shall be a Registration
fee of N1000 with one coloured passport to be furnished by every indigenous member.
While honorary members shall be liable to pay N5000.00.
f) Members shall be expected to from time to time make contributions towards specific
projects, events or activities geared towards achieving the aims of the Association.
g) Each branch/Local house that forms a quorum shall be entitled to keep the sum of
N500.00 from the monthly subscription/dues of its members, while the remaining shall be
remitted to be general House of the Association.


a) There shall be a body corporate to be known as the REGISTERED TRUSTEES OF IKA
“The Trustees”) incorporated pursuant to the Companies and Allied Matters Act, Laws of
Federation of Nigeria, 2004
b) The registered address of the Trustees shall be Staff Ika Grammar School Class Of 94
Alumni Association Boji-Boji Owa, Delta State or any other place so designated by the
c) The Trustees shall have a common seal consisting of the inscription “IKA GRAMMAR
d) The common seal shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary who shall produce it when
required for use by the Trustees.
e) The Trustees shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, upon the
recommendation of the Executive Committee. Their tenure of office shall be 5 years
Albeit subject to re-election.
f) There shall at all times be a minimum of five Trustees provided that the number of
Trustees shall not exceed a maximum of nine.
g) Where a vacancy occurs in the membership of Trustees, such vacancy may be filled at
the next General Meeting.
h) A Trustee shall cease to hold office if he:
i) Resigns his office;
ii) Becomes insane;
iii) Is officially declared bankrupt:
iv) Is convicted of a criminal offence involving dishonesty by a court of competent
v) Ceases to represent the interest of the Association
vi) Is recommended for removal from office by two thirds majority vote of members present
at any General Meeting of the Association.
vii) The role and functions of the Trustees shall be as follows: -

1) The Trustees shall have the custody of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Association.
2) The Trustees shall hold all real property belonging to the Association in trust for the
3) The Trustees shall execute all title documents pertaining to real property for and on
behalf of the Association.
4) The Trustees shall see to Mediation and Arbitration procedures in any dispute involving
the Association and/or any of its members


a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee which shall
consist of:
i) president
ii) Vice
iii) General Secretary
iv) Treasurer
v) Financial
vi) Welfare Coordinator
vii) Public Relations Officer/publicity Secretary
viii) Provost
ix) Immediate Past presidents
x) Immediate Past General Secretaries
xi) All branch/Local Chairmen

Provided that as the Association grows and enlarges, new offices can be created.
b) The Executive Committee shall have power to fill any vacancies which may occur during
its tenure subject to confirmation at the next Annual General Meeting.

There shall be sub-committees set up on ad hoc basis by the Executive for specific functions.
This shall include but not limited to;
a) Electoral committee
b) Fund raising Committee
c) Disciplinary Committee
d) Peace and Unity Committee
e) Project Committee


The President: It shall be the Presidents duties among others:
i) To preside at every Annual General Meeting and other meetings of the Association and
the Executive Committee.
ii) To cause the summoning of the Annual General Meeting and other meetings either on
his/her own initiative or in accordance with the decision of the Executive Committee or at
the requisition of 10 members for summoning a General Meeting.
iii) To direct all other officers of the Association in the performance of their duties.
iv) To serve as ex-officio member of all sub-committees of the Association.
v) He shall be a signatory to the Associations Account.

b) Vice-President:
i. Shall in the absence of the president, preside at all meetings over which the president, by
Constitution, has power to preside.
ii. Shall perform all other duties which the president, owing to ill- health, or absence or any
other cause is unable to perform, or as shall be ascribed to him/her by the president, the
Executive Committee or General Meeting.
iii. In absence of the president, and the Vice, members of the Executive Committee present
shall nominate one of their members to preside.

c) General Secretary:
i. Shall be the Chief Executive of the Secretariat, and shall supervise the activities of the
ii. Shall submit a General Report of the activities of the Association at the Annual General

d) Treasurer: The duties of the Treasurer shall be as follows:

i. To receive, collect and pay to the Association’s Bankers all monies Collected for the
ii. To carry out any decision or directive of the Annual General Meeting and the Executive
Committee in matters relating to the budget or finances of the Association.
iii. To prepare or cause to be prepared and circulated to every member of the Association at
or before every Annual General Meeting or as may be requested, the audited Balance
Sheet and Annual Statement of Account as well as an Annual Report of the Association.
iv. To invest the money of the Association in such securities as may be approved by the
Executive Committee.
v. To prepare or cause to be prepared and submit for the approval of the Association, an
Annual Budget containing estimated revenue and expenditure of the Association.
vi. To ensure that all members pay their monthly subscription as prescribed by this
Constitution and other contributions as may be needed and agreed upon.
vii. To prepare from time to time the list of defaulting members.

THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY: The duties of the Financial Secretary shall be as

i. To be in constant touch with branches of the Association so as to ensure that all branches
of the Association so as to ensure that all members pay their annual dues as prescribed by
this Constitution and other dues or subscriptions as may be determined by the Annual
General Meeting or the Executive Committee.
ii. To prepare from time to time the list of defaulting members.
iii. To circulate such lists to the Annual General Meeting and the Executive Committee.
iv. To collect and promptly pay all monies to the Treasurer
v. He shall be a signatory to the Association’s account(s).

Public Relation Officer: The duties of the Public Relation Officer shall be as follows:
i) To publicize the activities of the Association.
ii) To present the correct and progressive image of the Association to the public.

h) Welfare Coordinator: The Welfare Coordinator shall

i) Coordinate the welfare activities of the Association
ii) Inform the Association about welfare issues
iii) Keep record of all the welfare activities of the Association
iv) Maintain, update and keep an up to date record of membership data

THE PROVOST: The duties of the provost shall be as follows:

i. Provide information regarding the hosting of and ensure the venue is ready for use.
ii. Ensure and enforce rules and regulations of the Association during and after meetings.

Every officer is eligible to hold office for not more than two (2) consecutive terms of two
years each. This provision is without prejudice to a person, being elected for another office
subsequently. A person may also be re-elected to the same office after a break of at least one


a) The Executive Committee of the Association shall provide books of accounts in which
shall be kept proper accounts of all monies received or paid on behalf of the Association.
b) As the Association grows and enlarges, the Executive Committee of the Association shall
arrange for the accounts of the Association to be audited yearly by a firm of Chartered
Accountants appointed at an Annual General Meeting of the Association.
c) The Association shall operate a Corporate Bank Account in a Bank that shall be agreed
upon by the Executive Committee.


a) The Annual General Meeting shall be the principal organ of the Association and shall be
held at least once in a year at the Secretariat or any other venue that may be agreed upon.
b) A mandatory twenty-one days’ notice convening the meeting shall be published in a
National Daily Newspaper and posted on the Association’s official website or through
any other means that shall be agreed to serve the same purpose of publicity.


a) An Extra-Ordinary General Meeting may be summoned by the Executive Committee as
may be deemed necessary.
b) Upon the requisition of at least 10 (five) members of the Association for the holding of
an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting, the Executive Committee shall summon a General
Meeting for the discussion of the matter specified in the requisition for such meeting,
PROVIDED THAT no other matter shall be discussed at the meeting.
c) A mandatory notice of at least seven days shall be given for the purpose of convening an
Extra-Ordinary General Meeting.

a) Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting.
b) The Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall stipulate the positions to be declared
vacant and which shall be vied for at the said meeting.
c) All intending contestants for the offices to be declared vacant shall indicate their interest
to the Electoral Committee that shall be set up for that purpose at least seven days to the
Annual General Meeting.
d) Immediately prior to the election, all offices to be contested for shall be declared vacant.
e) Elections shall be conducted by Electoral Committee, who shall declare that they have no
interest in any offices being contested for.


The quorum at meetings of the Association shall be as follows:
a. For any general meeting, ten members shall form a quorum.
b. For an Executive Committee Meeting, five members shall form a quorum.


The Association shall maintain a bank account in a reputable commercial bank as agreed
upon by the Executive Committee.
a) The president, the Treasurer, the Financial Secretary and the General Secretary shall be
signatories to the Association’s Bank accounts.
b) The signature mandate for the Association’s account shall be the president and any two
of the remaining three aforementioned signatories.


Members residing in every town or city outside Agbor may form a branch with the approval
of the Executive committee. No branch shall be recognized until it has a minimum of Five


Welfare packages shall accrue to benefit of members in the following circumstances and
a) N1000, 00 shall be given to a member who is bereaved of a direct parent and notifies the
Executive Committee of such bereavement. The notice shall be through the Head of
b) N1000,00 shall be given to a member who is bereaved of his/her spouse.
c) Effort shall be made to send delegates in the case of (a) and (b) above. PROVIDED the
member sends an official invitation to the Executive Committee.
d) Financial assistance/moral support shall be given to a member for any other purpose as
may be agreed upon by the Executive Committee and ratified by the General Assembly.
e) The welfare packages mentioned (a) and (b) above shall apply only to a member who is
consistent in the payment of his/her dues and other contributions (financial member).
f) If an invitation/notification in respect of marriage or bereavement of either direct parent
or spouse comes from a member who is not consistent in the payment of his/her dues or
other contributions, the Association shall publish such invitation/notification and shall
encourage members to attend and show solidarity.


Members shall;
a) Take steps to abide by the provisions of this constitution.
b) Ensure the wellbeing and welfare of one another.
c) Bring prompt report/notify the Executive committee of any information regarding any
member that needs urgent attention.
d) Present and represent the Association in a good light.
e) Not sabotage the positive efforts of the Executive members or the advancement of the
Association. It is an offence punishable by suspension or expulsion as the case maybe.
f) Not bring disrepute to the Association by exhibiting unruly or questionable character in
their personal dealings or dealings with the Association.

All amendments to this Constitution shall be adopted on the vote of 2/3 of those present
and voting (fractions being approximated to the nearest whole number) at an Annual
General Meeting of the Association or an Extra-ordinary meeting conveyed for that
purpose. The text of a motion for any such amendments shall have been circulated by the
General Secretary by publishing same in a National daily newspaper and posting it on the
Association’s website or using any other agreed means of notification at least twenty-one
days before the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting.

ARTICLE 24 - QUORUM The quorum at meetings of the Association shall be as follows:

a) For any General Meeting, fifteen (10) members shall form a quorum.
b) For an Extra-Ordinary General meeting, ten (10) members shall form a quorum
c) For an Executive Committee Meeting, three (5) members shall form a quorum.


a) The President, the Treasurer, financial secretary and the General Secretary shall be
signatories to the Association’s Bank accounts.
b) The signature mandate for Association’s accounts shall be any three of the four
aforementioned signatories.


however, derived in respect of the trust shall be applied solely towards the promotion of
the objects of the Association, as set forth in this Constitution and no portion thereof shall
be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend bonus, or otherwise
however by way of profit to the members of the Association. Provided that any member
who wants to opt out of this Association, must give the Association 6 months’ notice
b) PROVIDED that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of reasonable
and proper remuneration to any officer or servant of the Association in return for any
service actually rendered to the Association, but so that no member of the Executive
Committee shall be appointed to any salaried office of the Association or any office of
the Association paid by fees, and that no remuneration or benefit in money or monies
shall be given by THE REGISTERED TRUSTEES or any member of the Executive
Committee except repayment of out-of-pocket expenses, or reasonable and proper rent
for premises demised or let to the Association provided that the provision last aforesaid
shall not apply to any payment or any money to a member of the Association on behalf of
a company in which such member shall not be bound to account for any share of profits
he may receive in respect of any such payment.
c) NO ADDITION, alteration or amendment shall be made to or in the Constitution for the
time being in force, unless the same has been previously submitted to and approved by
the appropriate authority.
d) The Association may be wound up following a unanimous vote of members at a General
meeting specially convened for that purpose PROVIDED ALWAYS that in such event
the winding-up provision of the SPECIAL CLAUSE of the Constitution shall apply.
e) In the event of a winding-up or dissolution of the Association if there remains, after the
satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be
paid to or distributed among members of the Association, but shall be given or
transferred to some other institutions having objects similar to the object of THE
prohibited from distributing its or their income and property among its or their members
to an extent at least as great as is imposed on THE REGISTERED TRUSTEES OF THE
ASSOCIATION before the time of dissolution and if so far as effect cannot be given to
the aforesaid provision, then to some charitable object.

This Constitution shall come into effect on the ……..… day of..........................................2018

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