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We the members of the great Ika grammar school old boys Association 2006/07 set have firmly
and solemnly resolved to exist in one unity and reputable Association to come together as ONE.

ARTICLE 2- motto
The motto of this Association shall be : unity, truth & progress

ARTICLE 3- domicile of the association

Nigeria and Boji- Boji Owa shall be the main Residential Headquarters of the Association with
possibility (if necessary ) Abroad Branches will be provided by Article (7)

ARTICLE 4- language
Due to the multilingual nature of Nigeria, the Association shall have English language as its main
Language of deliberations, ( if necessary IKA language should also be used Occasionally )
English language shall also be used for documentation and for meeting sitting.
ARTICLE 5- membership
The membership of the association shall be any student who enrolled at the IKA grammar school
from 2001/2002 section and have completed the prescribe certificate courses in 2006/07 shall be
eligible for membership of the great Association .

ARTICLE 6- birthday's
Every member should be honored on their birthday date, And ( if necessary ) such member
picture shall be uploaded on our WhatsApp profile platform for 24 hours Please Admin take note

ARTICLE 7- general meeting

Ones and monthly general meeting should always be held every last Sunday of every month (11
to 12) times in Year. Venue of the meeting both General / Executives meeting should always be
announced by the P.R.O and most be an instruction from the Chairman

ARTICLE 8- the executive position

The Affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee which shall consist
of :

i) Chairman

ii) Vice Chairman

iii) General Secretary

iv) Treasurer

v) Financial Secretary

vi) P.R.O / Publicity Secretary

vii) Provost / Assistant

ix) Assistant Treasurer

x) Assistant Secretary

xi) Disciplinary / Reconciliation Committee with four (4) Members

ARTICLE 9- welfare /benefits

Welfare package shall accrue to benefit of members in the following circumstances and Manner;
A) N1000:00 shall be as a Monthly due payment among us both Home & Abroad Members and
this due payment shall be paid every General Meetings of Every last Sunday of each Months.

B) Effort shall be made to send delegates in the case of lost of loved ones E.g. Members, Spouse,
Parents E.T.C Above.

C) Financial assistance/moral support shall be given to a member for any other purpose as may
be agreed upon by the Executive Committee and ratified by the General Assembly.

D) The welfare packages mentioned (a) (c) and (e) above shall apply only to a member who is
consistent in the payment of his/her dues and other contributions (financial member)

E) If an invitation/notification in respect of marriage or bereavement of either direct parent or

spouse comes from a member who is consistent in the payment of his/her dues or other
contributions, the Association shall publish such invitation/notification and the house shall do all
the Needful ( financially and otherwise ) to attend and show solidarity.

F) If an invitation/notification in respect of marriage or bereavement of either direct parent or

spouse comes from a member who is not consistent in the payment of his/her dues or other
contributions, the Association shall publish such invitation/notification and shall encourage
members to attend and show solidarity.

ARTICLE 10- general provsions/descipline

Members shall:
A.) Take steps to abide by the provisions of this constitution.

B.) Ensure the wellbeing and welfare of one another.

C.) Bring prompt report/notify the Executive committee of any information regarding any
member that needs urgent attention.

D.) Present and represent the Association in a good light.

E.) Not sabotage the positive efforts of the Executive members or the advancement of the
Association. It is an offence punishable by suspension or expulsion as the case maybe.

F.)Foul words or bringing disrepute to the Association by exhibiting unruly or questionable

character in their personal dealings or dealings with the Association would not be allowed by
this this great assemble.

G.) Matters arising should be always be settle among us. (if necessary to be handle by the
Executives Committee
H.) New Added members or joining from the group link on our Whatsapp platform should
always provide his names & pictures for a quick recognize PLEASE new members this is

ARTICLE 11- amendments

All amendments to this Constitution shall be adopted on the vote of 2/3 of those present and
voting (fractions being approximated to the nearest whole number) at an Annual General
Meeting of the Association or an Extra-ordinary meeting conveyed for that purpose. The text of a
motion for any such amendments shall have been circulated by the General Secretary.

ARTICLE 12- account and records

a) The Executive Committee of the Association shall provide books of accounts in which shall be
kept proper accounts of all monies received or paid on behalf of the Association.

b) As the Association grows and enlarges, the Executive Committee of the Association shall
arrange for the accounts of the Association to be audited yearly by a firm of Chartered
Accountants appointed at an Annual General Meeting of the Association.

c) The Association shall operate a Corporate Bank Account in a Bank that shall be agreed upon
by the house.

xi) Peace and unite Committee /with two (2) members

aRTICLE 13- annual general meeting /annual end year party
a) The Annual General Meeting shall be the principal organ of the Association and shall be held
at least once in a year at the Secretariat or any other venue that may be agreed upon.

This Constitution shall come into effect on the ……..… day of …………………….…….2021

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