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Wind-Encl ch 27 GJL

Hvid Hus
Calculation for: 33.67' W x 83.08' L x 31.08' H Enclosed Building

Wind Pressure Calcs for Enclosed or Partially Enclosed Bldgs (using ASCE 7-10 ch. 27)

General Parameters Design Pressure

Design Code: 2015 IBC zg = 1200 ft per Table 26.9-1
Risk Category: II per Table 1.5-1 α= 7 per Table 26.9-1
Roof Dead Load DL = 15 psf Velocity Pressure Exp Coeff Kh = 0.754 per Table 27.3-1
Roof Utility (Live) Load LL = 25 psf Velocity Pressure Exp Coeff Ki = 0.575 @ ground level
Velocity Pressure q = 0.00256*Kd*Kzt*Kh*Vtemp²
Building Parameters Velocity Pressure qh = 30.88 psf per Eq. 27.3-1
Building Type: Enclosed per § 26.10 Velocity Pressure qi = 23.53 psf per Eq. 27.3-1
Internal Pressure Coeff GCpi = 0.18 per § 26.11 Design Wind Pressure p = qGCp - qi(GCpi)
Gust Effect Factor G = 0.85 per § 26.9
Roof Type: Gable Load Case A
Building Width B = 33.67 ft short direction Cp,WR = -0.02 Windward Roof
Building Length L = 83.08 ft long direction pWR = -6.21 psf along slope
L/B= 2.47 pWR,H = -4.19 psf (horiz component)
h/L= 0.37 pWR,V = -4.58 psf (vert component)
Base Elev Above Ground Level = 0.00 ft
Eave Length Le = 0.00 ft horizontal projection Load Case B
Roof Pitch: 11 /12 Cp,WR = 0.39 Windward Roof
Roof Slope θ = 42.51 ° pWR = 4.62 psf along slope
Parapet Height hp = ft vert dist above roof pWR,H = 3.12 psf (horiz component)
Penthouse Height hph = ft vert dist above roof pWR,V = 3.40 psf (vert component)
Wall Height to Roof hw = 31.08 ft vert dist to roof/wall ∩ from base
5th Level Elevation h5 = ft above base Load Cases A & B
4th Level Elevation h4 = ft above base Cp,LR = -0.60 Leeward Roof
3rd Level Elevation h3 = 17.08 ft above base Main Floor pLR = -21.30 psf along slope
2nd Level Elevation h2 = 7.92 ft above base Basement pLR,H = -14.40 psf (horiz component)
Penthouse Width bph = ft pLR,V = -15.70 psf (vert component)
5th Level Width b5 = ft
4th Level Width b4 = 33.67 ft enter flr elev or delete width Cp,SR = -0.90 Sloped Roof ‖
3rd Level Width b3 = 48.00 ft Main Floor pSR = -29.18 psf along slope
2nd Level Width b2 = 33.67 ft Basement pSR,H = -19.72 psf (horiz component)
Penthouse Length lph = ft pSR,V = -21.51 psf (vert component)
5th Level Length l5 = ft
4th Level Length l4 = 83.08 ft enter flr elev or delete length Cp,WW = 0.80 Windward Wall
3rd Level Length l3 = 83.08 ft Main Floor pWW = 15.44 psf Windward Wall
2nd Level Length l2 = 83.08 ft Basement
5th Level Story Height h5 = 0.00 ft Cp,LW = -0.28 Leeward Wall - N-S
4th Level Story Height h4 = 0.00 ft pLW = -12.82 psf Leeward Wall - N-S
3rd Level Story Height h3 = 14.00 ft
2nd Level Story Height h2 = 9.17 ft Cp,LW = -0.50 Leeward Wall - E-W
1st Level Story Height h1 = 7.92 ft pLW = -18.68 psf Leeward Wall - E-W
Ridge Length Lr = 83.08 ft
Roof Peak Height hr = 46.51 ft
Roof Mean Height h = 38.80 ft = 38.80' above GL
Roof Eave distance to ridge ℓ = 12.41 ft along slope Windward Wall Wind Pressures (each side):
Penthouse Pressure pPH = 0.00 psf
Site Parameters Roof & PH Pressure pR = 26.55 psf
Exposure: B per § 26.7 5th Level Pressure p5 = 0.00 psf
Basic Wind Speed V = 97 mph per Fig 26.5-1A 4th Level Pressure p4 = 0.00 psf
Wind Directionality Factor Kd = 0.85 per § 26.6 3rd Level Pressure p3 = 21.01 psf Main Floor
Topographic Factor Kzt = 2.00 per § 26.8 2nd Level Pressure p2 = 20.24 psf Basement
Orientation: N-S dir is ‖ to Long-direction
Leeward Wall Wind Pressures - B (short) side [ N-S dir ]: Leeward Wall Wind Pressures - L (long) side [ E-W dir ]:
Penthouse Pressure pPH = 0.00 psf Penthouse Pressure pPH = 0.00 psf
Roof & PH Pressure pR = -12.82 psf Roof & PH Pressure pR = -18.68 psf

3/8/2021 Wind Calcs_R0 4:05 PM

ABKJ Inc. Wind-Encl ch 27 GJL

Hvid Hus
Calculation for: 33.67' W x 83.08' L x 31.08' H Enclosed Building

Wind Pressure Calcs for Enclosed or Partially Enclosed Bldgs (using ASCE 7-10 ch. 27)

5th Level Pressure p5 = 0.00 psf 5th Level Pressure p5 = 0.00 psf
4th Level Pressure p4 = 0.00 psf 4th Level Pressure p4 = 0.00 psf
3rd Level Pressure p3 = -10.14 psf Main Floor 3rd Level Pressure p3 = -14.78 psf Main Floor
2nd Level Pressure p2 = -9.77 psf Basement 2nd Level Pressure p2 = -14.24 psf Basement

Areas - B (short) side Areas - L (long) side

PH Wall Area Aph,B = 0.0 ft² PH Wall Area Aph,L = 0.0 ft²
Roof Vert Projected Area Ar,B = 259.7 ft² above roof deck Roof Vert Projected Area Ar,L = 1282.0 ft² above roof deck
5th Level Wall Area A5,B = 0.0 ft² 5th Level Wall Area A5,L = 0.0 ft²
4th Level Wall Area A4,B = 0.0 ft² 4th Level Wall Area A4,L = 0.0 ft²
3rd Level Wall Area A3,B = 672.0 ft² 3rd Level Wall Area A3,L = 1163.2 ft²
2nd Level Wall Area A2,B = 308.6 ft² 2nd Level Wall Area A2,L = 761.6 ft²
1st Level Wall Area A1,B = 266.5 ft² 1st Level Wall Area A1,L = 657.7 ft²

Wind Story Forces

Wind Against Short Wall - B-side [ N-S dir ] Wind Against Long Wall - L-side [ E-W dir ]:

VW-B,ph = 0 lbs WW+LW VW-L,ph = 0 lbs WW+LW

VW-B,r = 17777 lbs WW+LW VW-L,r = 48760 lbs WW+LW
VW-B,5 = 0 lbs WW+LW VW-L,5 = 0 lbs WW+LW
VW-B,4 = 0 lbs WW+LW VW-L,4 = 0 lbs WW+LW
VW-B,3 = 15270 lbs WW+LW VW-L,3 = 34436 lbs WW+LW
VW-B,2 = 8629 lbs WW+LW VW-L,2 = 24467 lbs WW+LW

VW-B = 41677 lbs Case B controls VW-L = 107663 lbs Case B controls
VW-B = 41.7 k VW-L = 107.7 k

Wind Pressure on Components & Cladding (ch. 30)

Applicable Code Section: Ch. 30.4 (Part 1) C&C Design Wind Pressure p = qGCp - qi(GCpi)
Velocity Pressure qh = 30.88 psf Velocity Pressure qi = 30.88 psf
Worst Case (A ≤ 10 ft2) Internal Pressure Coeff GCpi = 0.18 ±

Positive Roof Pressure:

External Pressure Coeff GCp+ = 0.90 away from corners pC&C+ = 33.35 psf
External Pressure Coeff GCp+ = 0.90 along edges pC&C+ = 33.35 psf (within a = 3.4 ft)
External Pressure Coeff GCp+ = 0.90 near corners pC&C+ = 33.35 psf (within 2a = 6.7 ft)

Negative Roof Pressure:

External Pressure Coeff GCp- = -1.00 away from corners pC&C- = -36.43 psf
External Pressure Coeff GCp- = -1.20 along edges pC&C- = -42.61 psf (within a = 3.4 ft)
External Pressure Coeff GCp- = -1.20 near corners pC&C- = -42.61 psf (within 2a = 6.7 ft)

Positive Wall Pressure:

External Pressure Coeff GCp = 1.00 away from corners pC&C+ = 36.43 psf
External Pressure Coeff GCp = 1.00 near corners pC&C+ = 36.43 psf (within a = 3.0 ft)

Negative Wall Pressure:

External Pressure Coeff GCp = -1.10 away from corners pC&C- = -39.52 psf
External Pressure Coeff GCp = -1.40 near corners pC&C- = -48.78 psf (within a = 3.4 ft)

3/8/2021 Wind Calcs_R0 4:05 PM

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