Can Direct Environmental Regulation Promote Green Technolo - 2020 - Science of T

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Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810

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Can direct environmental regulation promote green technology

innovation in heavily polluting industries? Evidence from Chinese
listed companies
Xiang Cai a,b,c, Bangzhu Zhu b,c,⁎, Haijing Zhang a,⁎⁎, Liang Li b,c,d, Meiying Xie b
School of Business, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China
School of Business, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
Research Center for Prospering Jiangsu Province with Talents, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
Research Institute for Environment and Health, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China


• Direct environmental regulation show

significant positive effects on green
technology innovation by using micro
• The marginal effect of direct environ-
mental regulation on green technology
innovation was 7.2%.
• Ownership and industry heterogeneity
of direct environmental regulation’s im-
pact on green technology innovation are

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Faced with the dual constraints of resources and the environment, green technology innovation has become an
Received 30 April 2020 important measure to solve the development challenges of heavily polluting industries. From the perspective of
Received in revised form 5 July 2020 institutional regulation theory, this paper studies the impact of direct environmental regulation on green tech-
Accepted 6 July 2020
nology innovation in Chinese listed companies of heavily polluting industries by using the Panel Poisson fixed ef-
Available online 11 July 2020
fect model. Besides, the heterogeneity of ownership and industry is discussed. The results indicate that direct
Editor: Huu Hao Ngo environmental regulations exert a strong and significant incentive effect on green technology innovations in
heavily polluting industries. Regarding the heterogeneity of enterprise ownership, direct environmental regula-
Keywords: tions were found to be more significant to the green technology innovations of state-owned listed companies in
Direct environmental regulation such industries. Considering industry heterogeneity, compared with labor-resource intensive industries, direct
Green technology innovation environmental regulation can effectively encourage green technology innovations in technology-capital inten-
Heavily polluting industry sive industries. This study provides a policy basis for promoting environmental governance and green technology
Enterprise ownership heterogeneity innovation in China's heavily polluting industries.
Industry factor density heterogeneity
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Marginal effect

⁎ Correspondence to: B. Zhu, School of Business, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China.
⁎⁎ Correspondence to: H. Zhang, School of Business, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China.
E-mail addresses: (B. Zhu), (H. Zhang).
0048-9697/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810

1. Introduction Stavins, 1995; Brunnermeir and Cohen, 2003; Jaffe et al., 2004; Eiadat
et al., 2008; Johnstone et al., 2010; Villegas-Palacio and Coria, 2010;
The energy consumption and pollution emissions caused by the pro- Hattori, 2017). However, based on the generalized Hicks theory, it can
cess of industrialization present a serious threat to the Chinese ecologi- be argued that the incentive enacted by direct environmental regula-
cal environment. In particular, the heavily polluting industry has tions to implement green technology innovations comes from the hid-
become a key source of environmental pollution owing to its high en- den cost of enterprise compliance. Since enterprises maintain
ergy consumption and high levels of pollution. Therefore, the effective statutory emission standards at the lowest possible cost to them, there
control of the emissions from such heavily polluting industries would also exists an incentive effect of technological innovations (Newell
play a key role in improving environmental quality and promoting et al., 1999; Montero, 2002; Zhou et al., 2011). As a consequence,
green development in China. Green technology, as a new technology green technology innovations can also be significantly stimulated by di-
paradigm, can save resources, avoid or reduce environmental pollution rect environmental regulatory mechanisms (Popp, 2003; Yuan et al.,
and realize the recycling of raw materials, and wastes (Nicolò Barbieri 2017; Klemetsen et al., 2018; Ramanathan et al., 2018; Zhang et al.,
et al., 2020). In addition, green technology is also an important way to 2018).
solve the problem of excessive resource consumption and serious envi- However, existing literature focuses on discussing the impact of di-
ronmental pollution. However, there is a high degree of fungibility be- rect environmental regulation on green technology innovation from
tween green and non-green technologies. Without external the regional and industrial levels (Johnstone et al., 2010; Villegas-
intervention, most enterprises in heavily polluting industries are un- Palacio and Coria, 2010; Hattori, 2017; Cai and Li, 2018), which cannot
willing to take the initiative to carry out green technology innovation directly reflect the green technology innovation behavior of enterprises
owing to the market scale effect and the initial productivity advantage under the pressure of direct environmental regulation. Only a little liter-
of non-green technologies, thus leading to an increasing degree of envi- ature focuses on the enterprise level (Popp, 2003; Klemetsen et al.,
ronmental pollution, and making it imperative to guide and encourage 2018; Ramanathan et al., 2018), mainly in the context of the western
enterprises' green technology innovation in heavily polluting industries developed economic system. There exists a substantial gap in terms of
through the external force of government environmental regulation industrial modernization between China and developed countries: de-
(Acemoglu et al., 2012; Wang and Zhang, 2018). veloped countries have generally realized their process of industrial
As the world's largest developing country and the second-largest modernization and established a sound environmental regulatory sys-
economy, China is confronted with the severe environmental pollution tem, while China is still in the process of this modernization, with the
in the process of its leapfrog economic development. How to achieve country's environmental regulatory system yet to be perfected (Li,
rapid economic growth and, effectively control environmental pollution 2019). Therefore, there is a lack of literature on how direct environmen-
is a major challenge facing Chinese environmental regulation in the new tal regulation affects enterprises' green technology innovation in the
era. Since 1979, when the Chinese government first promulgated the context of China. Meanwhile, the heterogeneous effect of direct envi-
Environment in the People's Republic of China Protection Law (for ronmental regulation on enterprises' green technology innovation has
trial implementation), a relatively complete system of environmental not been explored, and the practical significance of the research results
regulations has been established. At present, this system includes ap- needs to be improved. In addition, the scale of China's economy has far
proximately 26 relevant laws, more than 50 regulations, about 800 stan- surpassed that of developed countries outside the United States, which
dards, and more than 660 normative legal documents, mainly covering has meant that large industrial enterprises and their extensive geo-
pollution prevention and control, the protection of natural resources graphical distribution make direct environmental regulations more
(Huang and Shi, 2014). For an extended period of time, relatively challenging in China. In recent years, the Chinese government has is-
loose environmental regulations have been made. Under long-term sued a series of strict direct environmental regulation measures, such
and relatively loose environmental regulations, industrial technology as shutting down enterprises with high energy consumption and
advancement largely replies to non-green technology innovations heavy pollution. Will these regulation measures have a positive impact
(Xiu, 2016), making industry also presents characterized by high energy on the green technology innovation of heavily polluting enterprises?
consumption and heavy pollution in China. In recent years, with the This paper aims to answer this question by examining the impact of di-
promulgation of the new environmental protection law, direct environ- rect environmental regulation of China on green technology innovation
mental regulation has been strengthened in China. According to statis- in heavily polluting industries. It is hoped that the results will provide
tics from the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment, 186,000 meaningful, practical significance for developing countries to realize
administrative penalty cases were imposed in China in 2018, with the green transformation of their own heavily polluting industries.
fines of 15.28 billion yuan, representing a 32% increase in fines over The main contributions of this paper are as follows. Firstly, the pre-
2017, and 4.8 times that before the implementation of the new environ- vious researches mostly have focused on industry and regional levels,
mental protection law in 2015. Consequently, strengthening direct en- but seldom use data at the micro-level. This paper collects direct envi-
vironmental regulations has become key to China achieving ronmental regulation and green patent data at the enterprise level in
environmental governance effectively. China for the first time, which is a complement to existing researches.
While a large number of empirical studies have found that direct en- Secondly, this paper estimates the marginal effect of direct environmen-
vironmental regulation has a positive effect on controlling pollutant tal regulation on the incentive of green technology innovation in heavily
emissions (He and Pan, 2017; Shapiro and Walker, 2018), the academic polluting industries on the basis of the direct environmental regulation
circles have reached inconsistent conclusions on whether direct envi- mechanism effectively stimulating the green technology innovation.
ronmental regulation can promote green technology innovation. Thirdly, considering industry and firm characteristics, this study exam-
Based on the conventional economic theory, indirect environmental ines the heterogeneous impact of the direct environmental regulation
regulations mainly urge enterprises to reduce their environmental pol- on green technology innovation in heavily polluting industries in
lution via price mechanisms. Compared with command-oriented direct terms of firm's ownership and industry factor density, thus more fully
environmental regulations, they have greater flexibility and more revealing the comprehensive effect of direct environmental regulation
strongly encourage enterprises actively to seek the most effective solu- on green technology innovation.
tions, and enterprises can profit from the excess. Therefore, direct envi- The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
ronmental regulations have fewer incentive effects on green technology velops the research hypothesis of this study through an analysis of the
innovations, with the greatest motivation to produce innovations seen relevant theory and literature. The econometric models, data sources,
to be provided by indirect environmental regulatory mechanisms such and the measurement of the variables are introduced in Section 3. The
as environmental taxes and tradable emission allowances (Jaffe and the regression results and the robustness tests are presented in
X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810 3

Section 4. The final section provides conclusions and suggests some pol- (Sun et al., 2017). Therefore, when faced with compliance pressure
icy implications. from direct environmental regulations, the power and resources for
the green technology innovations of state-owned listed companies in
heavily polluting industries are more abundant than those in non-
2. Research hypothesis
state-owned enterprises, and they tend to reduce the level of pollution
emissions as well as environmental costs through such innovations.
2.1. Direct environmental regulation and green technology innovation
For their part, Chinese non-state-owned listed companies undergo less
government intervention, and their organizational behaviors tend to
In past development patterns, the primary means of corporate pollu-
be more flexible. They also pay more attention to their own economic
tion control in China has been to require enterprises to establish end-of-
effects because, when confronted with the legal pressures exerted by di-
pipe treatment measures, such as installing decontamination equip-
rect environmental regulations, they will take their self-resource re-
ment at the end of the production process, and so on (Liu, 2014). Enter-
serve into account in order to balance the compliance costs of green
prises mainly obtain high profits through the competitive advantages
technology innovations and non-green technology innovations so as
brought by non-green technology innovation to offset the increased
to achieve benefit maximization. Green technology innovation not
pollution control expenditure. With the continuous tightening of direct
only requires extra R&D investment but also implies the taking on of
environmental regulation in China, the defects of high cost and low ef-
new risks, while non-green technology innovations avoid these uncer-
ficiency of end-of-pipe treatment measures begin to appear. The indus-
tainties and costs. Therefore, Chinese non-state-owned listed compa-
try is increasingly utilizing green technology innovations to reduce the
nies in heavily polluting industries are more willing to choose non-
amount of energy consumption and materials used in the production
green technology innovation approaches. Hence, this paper puts for-
process, and so accelerate the implementation of clean production
ward the following hypothesis:
(Machiba, 2010). Different from non-green technology innovations,
green technology innovations can improve the intermediate production Hypothesis 2. (H2): Compared with Chinese non-state-owned enter-
process while reducing pollution, generally reducing corporate pollu- prises in heavily polluting industries, direct regulations are more effec-
tion control and enterprise operating costs, and improving enterprise tive in stimulating the green technology innovations of state-owned
competition (Saunila et al., 2018). Although enterprises that apply enterprises.
non-green technology innovations can avoid the investment and risk
inherent in the innovation process, with the tightening of direct envi-
ronmental regulations and the expansion of the scale of the enterprise,
2.3. Direct environmental regulation and green technology innovation un-
they will have a strong incentive to carry out green technology innova-
der industrial heterogeneity
tions to reduce emission levels. This then serves to mitigate or offset the
environmental costs brought about by the government's compulsory
Heavily polluting industries include mining, metallurgy, paper, and
restrictions through direct environmental regulations and, most impor-
thermal power, among others. Given the pollution intensity of these in-
tantly, to maximize profits. Moreover, based on Hicks' theory of induc-
dustries, as well as their innovation ability, and factor intensity and
ing innovation, more stringent regulations can lead to price changes of
other differences, direct environmental regulation plays a different
input factors and increases in environmental costs, forcing enterprises
role in promoting green technology innovation in the different types
to adopt green technology innovations to deal with problems. There-
of industries. From the factor intensity perspective, this paper refers to
fore, more stringent direct environmental regulations can be said to
the research conducted by Han and Qian (2008) and Zhao and Yu
place greater pressure on enterprises in heavily polluting industries
(2012), and further subdivides heavily polluting industries into two
with regard to environmental legitimacy, and better stimulate them to
groups – technology-capital intensive and labor-resource intensive –
undertake green technology innovations. Hence, the following hypoth-
in order to examine industrial heterogeneity.
esis is proposed:
Technology-capital intensive industries, whose patent intensity and
Hypothesis 1. (H1): Direct regulations can promote green technology innovation capability, as well as green innovation efficiency and perfor-
innovations in heavily polluting industries, and stricter direct environ- mance, are superior to labor-resource intensive industries, are able rap-
mental regulation can promote green technological innovation idly to transform the advantages of green technological innovations into
significantly. economic and competitive advantages (Zhu et al., 2018). Due to the
support of adequate capital factors, technology-capital intensive indus-
tries tend to invest more in R&D. Compared with labor-resource inten-
2.2. Direct environmental regulation and green technology innovation un- sive industries, the extrusion effect of direct environmental
der the heterogeneity of ownership regulations on the environmentally friendly R&D investment of
technology-capital intensive industries is small. Therefore, it can be
Direct environmental regulation is a hard constraint of the Chinese said that direct environmental regulations can stimulate green techno-
government, and both state-owned and non-state-owned enterprises logical innovation behaviors in technology-capital intensive heavily pol-
must implement it. However, direct environmental regulation gener- luting industries. In their study, Wang and Zhang (2018) took Chinese
ates different incentives for green technology innovation in state- high-end manufacturing firms as the research sample, empirically find-
owned and non-state-owned enterprises, respectively, due to differ- ing that direct environmental regulations have a significant positive in-
ences in their governance models and innovation characteristics. Com- duction effect on green technology innovations.
pared with non-state-owned listed companies in China, state-owned Conversely, labor-resource intensive industries are low-tech inten-
listed companies are usually more likely to be subject to government in- sive. According to the theory of technological innovation, the price effect
tervention, for which reason their organizational goals are often consis- will guide the technology innovations of labor-resource intensive indus-
tent with major national strategic and policy (Lin et al., 2004; Qian et al., tries in favor of saving on relatively expensive production factors, while
2018). In recent years, with the concepts of sustainable development the market scale effect leads their technology innovations to the use of
and green development rising to a new level of national strategy, Chi- relatively abundant production factors, driven by the goal of maximiz-
nese state-owned listed companies have been taking on greater social ing enterprise profits. Thus, the overall bias of technological innovation
expectations and responsibilities; however, they have also gained in labor-resource intensive industries is formed by the interaction of the
more subsidy support from the government to help them respond to price and market effects, ultimately leading to the lock-in effect of non-
the risk in the process of pushing for green technology innovations green technological innovations in such industries. Stringent direct
4 X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810

environmental regulations thus not only fail to spur enterprises in those regulated enterprises across the whole data period. Concerning the for-
industries to actively carry out green technology innovations but will mula developed by Klemetsen et al. (2018) Eq. (3), we define:
cause the inhibition of the latter by increasing the cost of pollution con- X  
trol and occupying the investment space of green technology innova- MEtotal ¼ MEit Leveli;t−1 ð3Þ
tions. Finally, it is difficult for direct environmental regulations to
stimulate green technology innovations in such labor-resource inten-
sive heavily polluting industries. Therefore, the following hypothesis is
proposed: 3.2. Data sources and variable descriptions

Hypothesis 3. (H3): Direct environmental regulations provide a stron- This paper uses enterprise-level panel data from 2011 to 2016,
ger incentive for green technology innovations in technology-capital in- which includes data sets of environmental patent applications, direct
tensive heavily polluting industries than in labor-resource intensive environmental regulations, and control variables. Among them, envi-
heavily polluting industries. ronmental patent applications were taken from the State Intellectual
Property Office (SIPO) of the People's Republic of China; the original
data measuring the degree of violation of direct environmental regula-
3. Methods
tions were taken from the Enterprise Environmental Performance Data-
base of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE)1; other
3.1. Selection of econometric model
economic variables were drawn from the CSMAR Data Service Center
and the Wind Financial Database.
The primary concern of the current paper is whether direct environ-
Since the datasets used were taken from multiple databases, the cur-
mental regulation can promote green technological innovation in
rent study consolidated the data in the following ways. Firstly, the data
heavily polluting industries, and the marginal effects of this promotion.
pertaining to branch and subsidiary companies in the SIPO and IPE cor-
Given that the proxy variable measuring green technology innovations
porate environmental regulation databases were merged with the data
is the number of applications for environmental patents, which is a
of their listed companies. Then, the listed company name was used as
count variable, the following panel counting model was set.
the unique identification code by which to match the SIPO, IPE Enter-
X     prise Environmental Regulation Database, and financial database,
ln ðEPit Þ ¼ α m I Leveli;t−1 ¼ m þ β∙I Riski;t−1 ¼ 1 þ x0i;t−1 γ þ ν i þ εi
which were then merged into the final data set.
3.2.1. Measurement of green technology innovation
Environmental patent applications were here used as a measure of
Here, let I(∙) be an indicator function, when Level = 1, Level = 2 and
green technology innovation, as denoted by the abbreviation ‘EP’. In
Risk = 1, I(∙) = 1. Conversely, when Level = 0 and Risk = 0, I(∙) = 0.
order to upgrade their core competitive ability, enterprises often apply
xit−1′ is the other factors that affect innovations, including dummy var-
for patents in order to maintain their technological advantages and so
iables of year. Considering the lagging effect of the input and output of
attract greater profits. Therefore, the number of patent applications
innovation activities, this paper selects the observed values of leveli, t
may be seen as the most direct reflection of innovative activity. More-
−1, Riski, t−1 and xi, t−1′with a lag of one year (excluding dummy vari-
over, the authorization of invention patents, which is closely vetted by
ables for years), which also eliminates the reversed causality effects
patent examiners, possesses strong practicability, novelty, and creativ-
brought out by the degree of violation, given that enterprises reduce
ity. Since patent applications are usually made for commercial purposes,
pollutant emissions by the improvement of green technologies.
both their application and maintenance require a long time and high
A potential problem is that if an unobserved variable not only affects
costs, mirroring the applicant's belief that the patent can bring them
the dependent variable EPit but also the independent variable, in this
the expected economic returns (Hasan and Tucci, 2010). Therefore,
case, leveli, t−1, this can lead to a problem of endogeneity that, in turn,
even patent applications for inventions that have not been approved
causes the parameter estimation in the formula (1) to deviate. However,
still represent the creative work achievement of the inventors. Many
the current instrumental variables related to direct regulations, such as
studies have also shown that the number of patent applications for in-
the frequency of law enforcement (Carrión-Flores and Innes, 2010), are
ventions and patent licenses have little significant effect on the results
often not completely exogenous and their effectiveness is questionable.
(Ji and Li, 2015; Klemetsen et al., 2018). The process can take at least
This paper adopts the fixed effect model to allow νi to be correlated with
two years from the point of making a patent application for an invention
the explanatory variable, thereby alleviating the endogenous problem
to the point of substantive checks, given the innovative nature of such
of the model.
patents. Measuring green technology innovation in terms of the amount
Since the degree of violation is a categorical variable, the regression
of environmental invention patents authorized led to the exclusion of a
coefficient αm in formula (1) only reflects the influence of no violations,
large number of granted patents over the past two years. Therefore, pat-
minor violations, and serious violations on green technology innova-
ent applications for environmental inventions were used to measure
tions, thus not including the marginal effect of the degree of violation
green technology innovations. Combined with the environmental pat-
on green technology innovations. Referring to the calculation formula
ent IPC classification number issued by the World Intellectual Property
of the marginal effect of the counting model suggested by Cameron
Organization (WIPO), for the purposes of this paper, we retrieved and
and Trivedi (2014), the marginal effect in the current paper can be
matched the number of environmental patent applications filed by
given by the following formula:
The Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) is a non-profit environmental
∂E P it jleveli;t−1 ¼ 0; xi;t−1 ; ν i   organization registered in Beijing in 2006. The IPE enterprise environmental monitoring
MEit ðmÞ ≡   ¼ α m E P it jleveli;t−1 ¼ 0; xi;t−1 ; ν i
∂I leveli;t−1 ¼ m records include the name of the enterprise, the type of illegal activity in the records and
the reasons for this activity, the type of punishment, the amount fined, the source of the
monitoring records, the year of the recording, and the reporting time. The database con-
tains 1.55 million environmental monitoring records, mainly taken from the websites of
As can be seen from the above formula, when leveli, t−1 changes from the provincial, prefectural, municipal and other municipal environmental protection de-
partments, as well as from the official website of the Government of the People's Republic
0 to m, MEit(m)is approximately equal to the increase in λit. By summing of China, which are cited by mainstream media as in the environmental monitoring infor-
up MEit(leveli, t−1), an expression can be obtained for the total increase mation disseminated by government regulators, official microblogs and other official
in the expected number of patents derived from violations among all channels.
X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810 5

each listed company from samples in the SIPO database of the State In- A shown in Table 2, this paper uses the fine threshold of 50,000 yuan
tellectual Property Office of China. as the evaluation limit. The raw data for all assessments were obtained
from the regulatory records held by the IPE Corporate Environmental
3.2.2. Measurement of direct environmental regulations Performance Database. Fig. 1 illustrates the trend of violations of compa-
On the basis of its laws and regulations on environmental protection, nies in the sample that were subject to direct environmental regulation
the Chinese government has formed a five-level Environmental Man- from 2011 to 2016. From this, it can be seen that with the strengthening
agement Agency from central to local level, as well as a comprehensive of environmental regulations, enforcement, and penalties, the propor-
regulatory system including direct and indirect regulation. The direct tion of both serious and minor violations by enterprises increased signif-
regulation includes the System on Three Simultaneity, environmental icantly since 2015.
impact assessment, cleaner production and circular economy system, It is necessary to consider that there is a vast number of industrial
as well as term governance and non-tradable emission permits, which enterprises in China and their distribution is quite wide, meaning that
uses mandatory means to control the discharge of pollutants in enter- timely and effective regulation by the environmental protection depart-
prises to achieve the purpose of environmental protection. ment brings with it high regulatory costs to each enterprise. As such, the
The Ministry of Ecological Environment ensures strict compliance Ministry of Ecology and Environment ranked the pollutant discharges of
with direct environmental regulatory standards through general law industrial enterprises from high to low, set the total amount of pollution
enforcement, special law enforcement and inspection-supervision. Gen- emissions accounting for 65% of total industrial emissions as a filter cri-
eral law enforcement mainly involves the daily regulation of pollution terion, and released the names of the key national enterprises that are to
sources, construction projects, and ecological protection areas; the reg- be monitored over the following year. The Ministry of Ecology and Envi-
ulation frequency is shown in Table 1. The special law enforcement and ronment collected pollutant discharge information and strengthen the
regulation offices focus on the damage to public health, highlight envi- enforcement of regulations for those selected enterprises, in order to ef-
ronmental issues, and act to form a great deterrent to environmental vi- fectively reduce their emissions. The enterprises that are on the national
olations. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment also inspects the key monitoring list are often highly hazardous to the environment, and
results of illegal environmental governance to ensure that environmen- the probability of their incurring penalties for environmental violations
tal pollution is rectified. Therefore, it can reflect the purpose and effec- will be greatly raised, which may motivate the given company to under-
tiveness of direct environmental regulations well to take the degree of take a process of rectification prior to bear the consequence. In light of
corporate violation as proxy variable regard in China. this, it is necessary to control the impacts of the risks of non-
In this paper, the level of violation is defined as an ordinal variable compliance on green technology innovations. This paper measures the
with three values – 0 (no violations), 1 (minor violations), and 2 (seri- high risk of violation of companies on the national key monitoring list
ous violations) – to evaluate the degree of violation relative to penalties and the low risk of violation among other companies. The national key
imposed on enterprises. The environmental protection department usu- monitoring list was taken from the data center of the Ministry of Ecol-
ally passes different deterrents, such as the rectification of violations ogy and Environment.
and administrative penalties for environmental protection, according
to the degree of an enterprise's violation. Among these measures, the 3.2.3. Measurement of control variables
rectification of violations is applicable to minor violations and does National policy factors and other factors that influence firm innova-
not involve any fines. Only when the enterprise is in serious violation tions, including government subsidies, environmental information dis-
of environmental regulations does it incur administrative penalties, closure, enterprise size, profit margin, redundant resources, employee
and a fine is imposed. Therefore, this paper through the penalty cate- education, capital intensity, and enterprise age.
gory and the number of fines to measure the level of enterprise viola-
tions. The deterrent power of direct environmental regulation also Government subsidies. Green technology innovation has negative
comes from the regulation of the rectification of enterprises that are externalities of environmental pollution and positive externalities of
subject to punishment. For enterprises that have not yet undergone knowledge spillover (He, 2014). The double externalities make it diffi-
their rectification and reform, the Environmental Protection Depart- cult for enterprises to realize green technology innovation by relying
ment administers more severe penalties, such as restricting and on the market itself. Government subsidy policy has become an impor-
suspending production. According to the provisions of the Administra- tant factor affecting enterprises' green technology innovation. In this
tive Penalty Measures for Environmental Protection in China, a fine of paper, the government subsidy is measured by dividing the amount of
50,000 yuan (or the value of equivalent items) for a legal person or government subsidy by the total assets.
other organizations is considered to be a substantial fine (See Table 1).
All raw data for the assessment is from regulatory records in the Insti- Environmental information disclosure. Due to the information
tute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) Enterprise Environmental asymmetry between enterprises and the public in environmental pro-
Performance Database. tection, environmental information disclosure can weaken the informa-
tion asymmetry, and the public's environmental right to know,
Table 1 participate in and supervise are guaranteed. External stakeholders can
Frequency of direct environmental regulation. influence enterprises' green technology innovation activities through
the capital market. This paper uses virtual variables to control the fac-
Regulation category Regulation frequency
tors of environmental information disclosure to green technology
Key pollution sources and their pollution prevention No less than once a month innovation.
General pollution sources and their pollution No less than once a season
treatment facilities without penalty
Construction projects, time-limit abatement project No less than once a month Table 2
Marine ecology, nature reserves, ecological No less than once a season Evaluation of the level of violation of listed companies.
demonstration areas, comprehensive treatment without penalty
Level of violation Evaluation boundary
projects, smoke and dust control areas, noise
compliance areas Serious violations Penalty≥¥50,000 and limits on production, stop
Publicly reported sources of pollution Prompt on-site inspection (level = 2) production
This information has been taken from the website of the Ministry of Ecology and Minor violations Penalty≤¥50,000 and illegal acts ordered to be
Environment of China. (level = 1) rectified without penalty
a No violations(level = 0) No violations record
6 X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810

Fig. 1. Trends of violations of enterprises under direct environmental regulation. Enterprise scale. Previous studies have shown that large-scale en- and above, as denoted by the abbreviation 'Humcap'. Human capital in-
terprises have more advantages in terms of innovations, mainly with re- vestment is one of the most important factors in the process of enter-
gard to the advantage of R&D capital investment (Wang et al., 2017). prise innovation activities. High-quality human capital can
Therefore, using the method of dividing the scale of an enterprise with appropriately integrate and utilize enterprises' internal and external re-
its main business income, as provided by the National Bureau of Statis- sources to make breakthroughs in technological innovations (Cohen,
tics of China, this paper measures the scale of each enterprise according 2010; Wang and Wang, 2016).
to the main business income of each listed company. Capital intensity. Capital intensity is measured by the per capita Profit margins. R&D investment is the core input factor of techno- fixed assets of employees. In general, high capital-intensive companies
logical innovations, and has an important impact on the innovation out- have a high proportion of fixed assets and specialized assets, which
put. Sufficient investment in R&D can bring about an innovation output. are difficult to recover and, later, come with sunk costs. Therefore, com-
Therefore, a better profit margin can bring in more R&D investment to pared with other companies, high capital-intensive companies tend to
the company (Cohen, 2010; Li et al., 2017). have stronger incentives to apply for patents to avoid losses in fixed as-
sets. The study by Berrone et al. (2013) confirms that companies with Intensity of R&D investment. There is a close relationship between larger assets are more likely to positively respond to direct environmen-
R&D input intensity and technological innovation output. In this paper, tal regulatory pressures through green innovation behaviors.
annual R&D input is divided by operating income to measure R&D input
intensity. Age of enterprise. The empirical research results on the influence
of enterprise age on technological innovation are controversial. Those Slack resources. There exist various types of slack resources in en- that survive are more likely to use the experience of innovation, but
terprises. The existing research generally divides them into non- younger firms may be more creative. Therefore, this paper uses enter-
precipitated and precipitated slack resources. Non-precipitated slack re- prise age to control the influence of experience on innovation.
sources have high liquidity and flexibility, and enterprises can easily
configure them for innovative activities, while the liquidity and flexibil- 3.3. Sample selection and analysis
ity of precipitated slack resources are poor, making it difficult for enter-
prises to cope with the rapidly changing external environment. This Heavily polluting industries have always been the focus of direct en-
means that changes in the external environment will trigger enterprises vironmental regulation by environmental protection departments due
to use non-precipitation slack resources to support activities that are to their large pollution emissions. This paper thus takes heavily pollut-
relevant to innovations. In view of this, the current study took non- ing industries as an example by which to examine the impact of direct
precipitated slack resources as the control variables that affect green environmental regulation on green technology innovation. We chose
technology innovations. Referring to the measurement methods of A-share listed companies in heavily polluting industries from 2011 to
non-precipitated slack resources developed by Iyer and Miller (2008), 2016 in the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange as the initial re-
non-precipitated slack resources are here measured according to the search sample.2 According to Wang and Zhang (2018) and Li et al.
enterprises' current ratio, expressed as a financial ratio. The calculation (2019), the initial samples were screened according to the following
formula is as follows: conditions: (i) Excluding listed companies with financial abnormalities,
Current ratio ¼ Current assets∕Current liabilities
The selection of polluting industries was based on the “Guidelines for Environmental
Information Disclosure of Listed Companies (Draft for Comment)” issued by the Ministry
of Environmental Protection in 2010 and the industry code division of the guidance on in- Human capital. We measure the human capital of listed compa- dustry classification of listed companies revised by China Securities Regulatory Commis-
nies by the proportion of their employees who hold a bachelor's degree sion (CSRC) in 2012.
X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810 7

such as ST, PT, and SST*; (ii) Excluding listed companies whose main from the punishment of violations during the sample inspection period.
business has changed during the period of sample rejection; (iii) Ex- The summing up of marginal effect in the FE models is 718, which is
cluding listed Companies with a serious lack of variables; (iv) Excluding equivalent to 7.2% of all environmental patent applications, which was
listed companies that withdrew from the Stock Exchange during the in- slightly higher than the Norwegian study's result of 6.4% (Klemetsen
vestigation period3; (v) Excluding companies that be listed after 2012. et al., 2018).
The result was unbalanced panel data that included 447 listed According to the theory of institutional economics, institutions have
companies. the function of influencing and constraining organizational behavior (Li
Table 3 reports the descriptive statistical analysis of the sample var- et al., 2017). Direct environmental regulation is a kind of institutional
iables. Among these, the degree of violation (Level) is an ordered vari- constraint that the government imposes on the environmental behavior
able (0, 1, 2), and the risk of violation is a virtual variable (0, 1). The of enterprises. When regulatory standards are low, the punishment of
average value of green invention patent applications in the sample can the law enforcement to the enterprise cannot affect the enterprise pro-
be seen to be 0.46, and the respective minimum, median and maximum duction and management activities, relative to the green technology in-
values are 0, 0, and 7.08, which indicates a wide gap between the green novation, the costs and risks of negligible, it is difficult to affect the
technology innovations of the sampled enterprises. Most of the sampled enterprise stakeholders and decision-makers in the system pressure
enterprises have not actively carried out research and development (Chen and Zhang, 2017), makes technical progress of enterprises still
pertaining to environmental technology patents. According to the clas- prefer the green technology innovation. When the regulatory standards
sification of enterprise ownership, it was also found that the applica- are improved, the production suspension and production restriction
tions for invention patents made by state-owned listed companies and huge fines imposed by law enforcement authorities will directly af-
were twice as numerous as those made by non-state-owned listed com- fect the investment decisions of enterprises. To adapt to strict environ-
panies. According to the classification of enterprise ownership, heavily mental regulation standards and meet long-term profit maximization
polluting industries have more than twice as many green invention pat- needs, enterprises tend to increase investment in green technology in-
ents filed by listed companies as by non-state-owned listed companies. novation in order to take the lead in green technology innovation by im-
Therefore, it is necessary to explore whether direct environmental reg- proving production efficiency and changing production mode, thus
ulation can stimulate green technology innovation of enterprises in forming first-mover-advantage and seizing market share (Chen, 2008;
heavy pollution industries, especially to further investigate the impact Wang and Li, 2009). By changing the production efficiency and chang-
of differences under the heterogeneity of enterprise ownership. ing the production mode, green technology innovation makes the in-
crease of profit compatible with clean production, and its innovation
4. Results and discussion compensation effect far exceeds the input cost of green technology in-
novation (Guo and Licheng, 2020). Therefore, some enterprises with
Prior to estimating the Poisson regression model, this study con- minor violations are more inclined to achieve environmental standards
ducted multicollinearity tests on all explanatory variables; the results by non-green technology innovation, while others with serious viola-
show that the VIF value among all variables is much lower than 10, in- tions prefer the implementation of green technology innovations to
dicating that there was no problem with multicollinearity. Table 4 achieve environmental standards in heavily polluting industries. This
shows the results of the regression of direct regulations on green tech- also prompts the environmental regulatory department that the techni-
nology innovations, in which RE and FE respectively represent the ran- cal standards of pollutant emissions would be modified according to the
dom and the fixed effect model, and models (1) and (4) are the results trend of technological progress, which continues to provide incentives
of the whole sample regression. As the fixed effect model cannot esti- for innovation in heavily polluting industries.
mate explanatory variables that do not change with time, in order to With regard to the control variables, it can be seen from Table 4 that
test hypothesis 2, this paper applied the method of sub-sample regres- in the fixed effect model, the coefficients of enterprise scale, non-
sion to divide the sample into state-owned listed companies and non- precipitated slack resources and capital intensity are positive, and re-
state-owned listed companies. Models (2) and (5) represent the regres- spectively significant at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, indicating that these
sion results for state-owned listed companies, while those of non-state- three factors have a positive and significant impact on green technolog-
owned listed companies are shown in models (3) and (6). ical innovations. Among these, the coefficient of enterprise size is the
most significant, indicating that larger companies tend to have an ad-
vantage in terms of such innovations. Environmental information dis-
4.1. The influence of direct environmental regulations on green technology
closure of the estimated coefficient is negative and significant,
innovations in heavily polluting industries
indicating that environmental information disclosure has an inhibition
effect on green technology innovation. The reason is that: the effective-
As can be observed from models (1) and (4) in Table 4, serious vio-
ness of the environmental information disclosure depends largely on
lations have a positive and significant impact on green technological in-
novations in heavily polluting industries. In models (1) and (4), the
respective estimated coefficients corresponding to serious violations Table 3
(Level = 2) are 0.449 and 0.315, and both are significant at the 1% Descriptive analysis of each variable (N = 446).
level. Compared with serious violations, the estimated respective coeffi- Variable Mean Sd Min Median Max
cients corresponding to minor violations (Level = 1) are 0.188 and
lnep 0.459 0.800 0 0 7.080
0.115, and are significant at the 1% and 10% level, respectively. The re- lnep of State-owned 0.665 0.983 0 0 7.078
sults showed that the coefficient and significance of serious violations lnep of Non-state-owned 0.305 0.588 0 0 4.466
are higher than those of minor violations, thus validating the rationale Level 0.285 0.589 0 0 2
of hypothesis H1, which posits that the incentive effect of serious viola- Risk 0.334 0.472 0 0 1
govsub 0.544 0.800 0 0.331 15.382
tions on green technology innovations is greater than that of minor vio- lnscale 3.337 1.497 0.090 3.140 10.27
lations. Table 4 also provides the summing up of the marginal effect Humcap 0.191 0.121 0 0.170 0.860
(MEtotal) on the number of environmental patent applications resulting Slack 2.943 5.638 0.094 1.550 190.869
Profit 0.086 0.157 −2.680 0.068 2.073
3 Intensity 2.722 2.553 0.010 2.630 52.61
Since the reason for the delisting of listed companies may be related to the random
lncapital 12.899 0.902 4.830 12.81 17.31
disturbance items, the model may have encountered problems of endogeneity. We
lnage 2.772 0.302 0 2.773 3.664
attempted to avoid this problem by eliminating the listed companies that were delisted
envdis 0.357 0.480 0 0 1
during the sample inspection period.
8 X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810

the part of the credibility of and disclosure mechanism (Huang and the bearing of more risks in the process of green technology innovation,
Chunna, 2012), at present listed firms to carry out environmental re- owing to obstacles such as financing constraints and relatively little gov-
sponsibility ability weak in China (Xu et al., 2018), not to quantify the ernment support. Therefore, non-state-owned listed companies tend to
low quality of the environment of the enterprises revealed information compare the costs of green technology innovation approach with the
(Yang et al., 2020), leading to environmental information disclosure non-green technology innovation approach to minimize the costs and
system pressure to the enterprise, stimulate the green technology risks of achieving compliance. This is also related to previous loose di-
innovation. rect environmental regulations in China, which have not internalized
The estimated coefficient of government subsidies is negative but the environmental costs brought out by production, meaning that en-
not significant, which may be due to the information asymmetry be- terprises bear fewer environmental costs in order to achieve greater
tween the government and enterprises, so that enterprises may take ad- economic benefits and that no environmental pressures on their opera-
vantage of the defects of information disclosure mechanism to cheat the tion are actually exerted. At the same time, non-state-owned listed
government subsidies. In addition, high R&D subsidies will indirectly in- companies have begun to pay more attention to corporate social re-
crease the price of R&D elements, thus increasing the cost of enterprise sponsibility and the pursuit of economic benefits, weakening the incen-
R&D and reducing the efficiency of enterprise R&D. The research of Wen tive effect of the degree of violation on green technology innovations.
and Huang (2020) also proves that government subsidies have no sig- Therefore, compared with those companies, the degree of violation
nificant effect on the output of invention patents. The estimated coeffi- has a greater incentive effect on the green technology innovations of
cient of human capital, profit margin, and R&D intensity emerged as state-owned listed companies in heavily polluting industries.
insignificant, indicating their lack of incentives for innovation. To sum
up, the strongest incentives for green technology innovation in enter- 4.3. Analysis of industry heterogeneity
prises are consistently provided by direct regulations on innovations
of green technologies. Referring to the studies of Han and Qian (2008), Zhao and Yu (2012),
and the SFC 2012 on the industry classification standards of listed com-
4.2. Analysis of the heterogeneity of ownership panies in China, this study adopted the density of industry elements as
the classification standard and divided the 18 heavily polluting indus-
Models (2), (3), (5), and (6) in Table 4 examine the impact of direct tries of the listed companies in the sample into two types: technology-
regulations on green technology innovations in listed companies with capital intensive and resource-labor intensive.4 Table 5 shows the re-
different ownership. In the regression results of models (2) and (5), sults of the grouped regression.
the estimated coefficients corresponding to the serious violations As can be observed from Table 5, the incentive effect of and the risk
(Level = 2) of state-owned listed companies are 0.384 and 0.333, re- of the degree of violation on green technology innovations are quite dif-
spectively, and both are significant at the 1% level, indicating that seri- ferent in the two groups. In the fixed effect model, the coefficients for
ous violations have a positive and significant impact on green serious violations and minor violations in technology and capital-
technological innovations. The estimated coefficients corresponding to intensive industries are 0.343 and 0.122, respectively, and only the coef-
minor violations (Level = 1) are 0.226 and 0.204, which are significant ficient of serious violations is significant at the 1% level, while the re-
at the 1% level, indicating that serious violations exert a greater incen- spective estimated coefficients for serious violations in labor and
tive effect in state-owned companies with regard to green technological resource-intensive industries are 0.264 and 0.027, and only the coeffi-
innovations. In the regression results of models (3) and (6), the esti- cient of serious violations is significant at the 10% level. The results
mated coefficients corresponding to the serious violations of non- show that, compared with minor violations, serious violations have a
state-owned listed companies are 0.645 and 0.363, which are significant greater incentive effect on green technological innovations in the
at the 1% level. The estimated coefficients corresponding to minor viola- technology-capital intensive industry, verifying hypothesis H1 once
tions respectively are −0.001 and −0.159, which are not significant, in- again. Serious violations and minor violations provide no incentives
dicating that minor violations do not stimulate green technological for green technological innovations in labor and resource-intensive in-
innovations in non-state-owned listed companies. In light of these find- dustries, whereas they have significant incentive effects on
ings, different parameters of the degree of violation and the risk of vio- technology-capital intensive industries, thus confirming hypothesis H3.
lation were further tested, and the results are shown in Table 4. At present, capital-intensive industries are transforming their out-
Ultimately, it can be deduced that, compared with non-state-owned dated growth patterns, and the contribution of technological progress
listed companies, the degree of violation has greater incentives on the to industrial output is gradually rising, second only to the contribution
green technology innovations of state-owned listed companies in of capital investment (Zeng et al., 2012). Moreover, technology innova-
heavily polluting industries, thus validating hypothesis H2. tions from technology-intensive industrial industries mostly reflect in-
Environmental protection also belongs to the category of corporate ternal behaviors, such as enterprises paying more attention to the
social responsibility. As China has promoted the construction of ecolog- effects of technology, knowledge and management on their output,
ical civilization at a national strategic level, direct environmental regula- with the strong absorption of technology, and R&D capabilities (Yue
tion has become increasingly strict, and state-owned listed companies et al., 2017). As a result, both R&D investment and innovation capabili-
in heavily polluting industries have been subject to greater intervention ties in technology-capital intensive industries are higher than those in
and protection from the government level, and have a greater probabil- labor-resource intensive industries, which corresponds to the sample
ity of receiving financial subsidies (Yang, 2016). At the same time, com- data; namely, that the R&D intensity of technology-capital intensive in-
pared with non-state-owned listed companies, state-owned listed dustries is 3.19%, while that of labor-resource intensive industries is
companies are larger in scale and can bear the costs and risks brought only 1.95%. Moreover, R&D investment has been found to have a
about by green technology innovation in heavily polluting industries.
This is consistent with the significant positive relationship demon-
strated between firm size and green technology innovation in Table 3. 4
Technology-capital intensive industries include petroleum processing and coking,
Therefore, state-owned listed companies in heavily polluting industries chemical materials and chemical products manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing,
are more willing to improve their environmental performance through chemical fiber manufacturing, ferrous and non-ferrous metal, and calendaring industries.
innovations in order to avoid the potential costs caused by environmen- Resource-labour intensive industries include coal mining and washing, oil and gas extrac-
tion, ferrous, non-ferrous metal, mining support activities, agricultural product and food
tal violations. processing, wine, beverage and refined tea manufacturing, textile, leather and related
Conversely, the development of non-state-owned enterprises in products, footwear, paper and paper products, non-metallic mineral product manufactur-
heavily polluting industries requires greater investment in R&D and ing, generation and supply of electricity and heating.
X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810 9

Table 4
Regression results of direct regulatory impacts on green technology innovations.

Variable RE FE

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Whole sample State-owned Non-state-owned Whole sample State-owned Non-state-owned

Level = 1 0.188⁎⁎⁎ 0.226⁎⁎⁎ −0.001 0.115⁎ 0.204⁎⁎⁎ −0.159

(0.07) (0.08) (0.12) (0.06) (0.08) (0.11)
Level = 2 0.449⁎⁎⁎ 0.384⁎⁎⁎ 0.645⁎⁎⁎ 0.315⁎⁎⁎ 0.333⁎⁎⁎ 0.363⁎⁎⁎
(0.09) (0.10) (0.17) (0.08) (0.10) (0.14)
Risk = 3 0.448⁎⁎⁎ 0.485⁎⁎⁎ 0.398⁎⁎ 0.139 0.239⁎ −0.026
(0.11) (0.14) (0.17) (0.11) (0.14) (0.18)
govirsub 0.016 0.057 −0.144 0.012 0.090⁎⁎ −0.274⁎⁎
(0.05) (0.05) (0.09) (0.06) (0.04) (0.12)
lnscale 0.288⁎⁎⁎ 0.294⁎⁎⁎ 0.297⁎⁎⁎ 0.270⁎⁎⁎ 0.352⁎⁎⁎ 0.004
(0.03) (0.04) (0.07) (0.09) (0.12) (0.13)
Humcap 0.347 0.114 0.688 −0.083 −0.427 0.997
(0.41) (0.49) (0.69) (0.43) (0.35) (1.28)
Profit 0.117 0.168 0.036 0.063 0.067 −0.014
(0.13) (0.15) (0.31) (0.13) (0.13) (0.35)
Intensity 0.022 0.046 0.010 −0.007 0.025 −0.036
(0.02) (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) (0.04)
Slack −0.003 −0.023 0.003 0.023⁎ 0.021 0.027⁎⁎
(0.02) (0.04) (0.02) (0.01) (0.03) (0.01)
lncapital 0.182⁎⁎⁎ 0.130⁎ 0.266⁎⁎⁎ 0.184⁎⁎ −0.000 0.339⁎⁎
(0.06) (0.07) (0.09) (0.09) (0.10) (0.14)
lnage −0.289 −0.515⁎⁎ −0.231 −1.081 −0.158 −2.012⁎
(0.18) (0.24) (0.27) (0.81) (1.13) (1.07)
envdis −0.141 −0.137 −0.113 −0.218⁎⁎ −0.083 −0.588⁎⁎⁎
(0.09) (0.12) (0.15) (0.09) (0.11) (0.16)
Year fix effect Control Control Control Control Control Control
N 2651 1137 1514 1815 889 923
MEtotal 1030 469 578 718 395 334
Number of patent applications 9893 8657 1236 9893 8657 1236

The numbers in parentheses are standard errors; in order to eliminate the effect of heteroscedasticity on the econometric model, cluster-robust standard errors are used in all model
⁎ p b 0.1.
⁎⁎ p b 0.05.
⁎⁎⁎ p b 0.01.

significant positive impact on the efficiency of green technology innova- R&D investment also makes it difficult to meet the requirements of
tions in Chinese high-tech industries (Wang et al., 2016), meaning that green technology innovations; conversely, end-of-pipe treatment tech-
the efficiency of such innovation in technology-capital intensive indus- nologies are often easy to imitate and are cost-effective, thereby avoiding
tries is much higher than that in labor-resource intensive industries, in- the capital investment and R&D risk of green technology innovations.
dicating that the former industries can quickly develop their Therefore, when facing the compliance costs brought about by direct en-
competitiveness. As a consequence, companies in technology-capital in- vironmental regulations, enterprises are more willing to use end-of-pipe
dustries are more willing to deal with the pressures of direct environ- pollution control rather than green technology innovations, in order to
mental regulations on their green technology innovations, which also avoid such costs. It also shows that in labor-resource intensive heavily
suggests that direct environmental regulations do not crowd out R&D polluting industries, the relationship between direct environmental regu-
investment in technology-capital intensive industries, including green lations and green technology innovations is regarded as the “Follow the
innovation inputs, but have, instead, contributed to the output of Cost Hypothesis”.
green technology innovation in such industries. Therefore, among
technology-capital intensive, heavily polluting industries, the relation- 4.4. Further robustness test
ship between direct regulations and green technology innovations can
be described as the “Innovation Compensation Hypothesis”. 4.4.1. Negative binomial regression
The development of labor-resource intensive industries is highly de- Table A1 presents the results of the further robustness tests in this
pendent on labor and natural resources. Owing to the features of labor paper. We consider that the conventional Poisson regression must satisfy
and resource endowment in these industries, there is a lower demand the assumption that expectations and variances are equal, otherwise the
for technological innovation. This inhibits the improvement of the inno- model may be over-decentralized. Although the estimation results of the
vation level of these industries, making their development not only easy Poisson fixed effect model are consistent, the estimation efficiency will
prey to the low-end technology locking status, but also to fallin into the be reduced. Therefore, the negative binomial fixed effect model is used
state of structural locking and factor input locking. Thus, the development in Table A1, where the regression coefficient and significance can be
of these industries is mainly cost-driven. Moreover, the costs of decon- seen to be consistent with the estimation of Poisson's fixed effect model.
tamination in such industries are increased by the degree of violation
and the risk of violation, producing the “crowding out effect”, especially 4.4.2. Zero-inflated Poisson regression
on those with less R&D investment. Li et al. (2013) have also found that Considering the presence of a large number of “0” values in the sam-
low levels of technological innovation have a negative impact on the rela- ple, which may have emerged owing to sample selection deviation, this
tionship between environmental regulations and the green transforma- study also estimated Eq. (2) by applying a Zero-inflated Poisson Regres-
tion of industries. Given the low level of technological innovation in sion, whose idea is similar to the method of the two-stage model pro-
labor-resource intensive industries, the probability of the successful re- posed by Heckman (1979). The binary selection model is adopted at
search and development of green technology is small, and the lower the first stage, taking zero or a positive integer; the second stage entails
10 X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810

Table 5 4.4.3. Lag treatment of direct environmental regulations

Poisson regression results grouped by factor intensity. For this study, the degree of violation of one lag phase was selected
Variable RE FE as an explanatory variable to avoid the deviation of the reversed causal-
(1) (2) (3) (4)
ity to the regression result; however, this may then have neglected the
impact of the current violation degree on green technology innovations.
Labor-resource Technology-capital Labor-resource Technology-capital
Thus, in order to mitigate this potential problem, and referring to the re-
intensive intensive intensive intensive
search of Popp (2003) and Klemetsen et al. (2018), max(Leveli, t−1,
Level = 1 0.168 0.201⁎⁎ 0.027 0.122
Leveli, t) was used as an explanatory variable to investigate the impact
(0.12) (0.09) (0.10) (0.08)
Level = 2 0.284⁎ 0.502⁎⁎⁎ 0.264⁎ 0.343⁎⁎⁎
on green technological innovations in t − 1 years and t years subject
(0.15) (0.12) (0.15) (0.10) to the regulation and control of the degree of violation. The results of re-
Risk = 1 0.336⁎ 0.525⁎⁎⁎ 0.105 0.147 gression are shown in Table A3, which also support the research as-
(0.18) (0.15) (0.20) (0.13) sumptions presented above.
govsub −0.003 −0.018 0.008 −0.016
(0.03) (0.02) (0.04) (0.01)
lnscale 0.378⁎⁎⁎ 0.251⁎⁎⁎ 0.602⁎⁎ 0.204⁎⁎ 4.4.4. New measurement of green technology innovations
(0.05) (0.05) (0.24) (0.09) Referring to the measurement of green technological innovations by
Humcap −0.009 0.439 0.118 0.196
Popp (2006) and Shaozhou Qi et al. (2018), in this study, the proportion
(0.54) (0.57) (0.49) (0.73)
Profit −0.140 0.219 −0.126 0.148 of environmental patent applications to all invention patent applica-
(0.23) (0.15) (0.25) (0.16) tions in the same year was used as a new proxy variable to text the ro-
Intensity 0.090 0.001 −0.085 0.008 bust of results. The regression results are reported in Table A4. The
(0.06) (0.02) (0.05) (0.03) finding here is reflected in the table serious violations still have a posi-
Slack −0.021 −0.003 −0.035 0.029⁎⁎⁎
(0.03) (0.02) (0.04) (0.01)
tive and significant impact on green technology innovations, which is
lncapital 0.176⁎ 0.154⁎ 0.318 0.109 consistent with the previous results, while minor violations also have
(0.10) (0.08) (0.19) (0.10) a positive, but insignificant, impact on innovations. As a result, the for-
lnage −0.309 −0.322 −4.291⁎⁎⁎ 0.300 mer may be said to exert a greater incentive effect on green technology
(0.26) (0.23) (1.62) (0.92)
innovations than the latter, once again supporting hypothesis H1.
envdis −0.082 −0.133 −0.271 −0.118
(0.16) (0.11) (0.17) (0.13)
Year fix 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
effect 5. Conclusions and policy implications
N 937 1714 636 1179

The numbers in parentheses are standard errors; in order to eliminate the effect of This paper investigated the enterprise panel data of Chinese listed
heteroscedasticity on the econometric model, cluster-robust standard errors are used in companies in heavily polluting industries, and the influence of direct
all model estimates. environmental regulations based on environmental regulations and li-
⁎ p b 0.1.
censing emission standards on green technology innovations, using
⁎⁎ p b 0.05.
⁎⁎⁎ p b 0.01. the Poisson regression model. The results suggest the following:
The results show that: Firstly, direct environmental regulation can
effectively stimulate green technology innovation in heavily polluting
precisely selecting which positive integer is to be used, based on the re- industries, and the stricter direct environmental regulation is, the
gression analysis. When it comes to the selection of the Standardized greater incentive effect on green technology innovation in heavily pol-
Poisson Regression or Zero-inflated Poisson Regression, Greene (1994) luting industries; Secondly, the marginal effect of direct environmental
proposed using Vuong tests on non-nested models (Vuong, 1989) to ex- regulation on green technology innovation was 7.2% in heavily polluting
amine zero inflation. However, a recent study by Wilson (2015) sug- industries. Thirdly, the incentive effect of direct environmental regula-
gests that the Vuong test is not suitable for testing the Zero-inflated tions on innovations is also influenced by enterprise ownership,
model. When the probability of zero inflation is 0, nesting occurs at whereby such incentives act more strongly on state-owned listed com-
the boundary, which violates the Vuong testing rules of the non- panies than on non-state-owned listed companies; Fourthly, influenced
nested model. Therefore, the statistical distribution in the test is not a by the heterogeneity of industry factor density, the incentive effect of
standardized normal distribution. Since the actual distribution is un- serious violations on the development of green technology innovations
known, it cannot be used for inference purposes. In light of the above, in technology-capital intensive industries was found to be stronger than
the current study used the AIC and BIC information criteria provided that on the same in labor-resource intensive industries.
by the Stata Base Reference Manual 15 (2017) to check which would These results have major implications for companies and
be more appropriate for the current context – the standardized Poisson policymakers regarding the design of technology innovations policies
model or the Zero-inflated Poisson model. The respective test and re- and incentives: Firstly, compared with developed countries, the imple-
gression results are reported in Tables 6 and A2. mentation capacity of environmental regulation in developing countries
The test results show that there are differences between the Poisson is weak (Wang et al., 2017). Developing countries need to strengthen di-
fixed effect model and the Poisson zero expansion model AIC and BIC in- rect environmental regulation to carry out green technology innovation
formation standard test values. The test results show that the Poisson and achieve green transformation and sustainable development of the in-
fixed effect model is suitable and there is no sample selection bias in dustry; Secondly, the analysis also suggests that policymakers should
the regression results. The regression results of Poisson's zero expansion think about industries and enterprises' heterogeneity during designing
model in Table A2 are also consistent with the Poisson model, and the environmental policies. For enterprises with different ownerships and in-
results of this paper are again verified to be robust. dustry factor density, the government could develop flexible, targeted,
and dynamic policies; Thirdly, green technology innovation has the posi-
Table 6 tive externality of knowledge spillover. As a result of technology diffusion,
Test results of AIC and BIC information criteria. the cost of pollution control in the whole society is constantly reduced
(Zeng and Wang, 2013). The standards of direct environmental regulation
Model Obs ll (null) ll (model) df AIC BIC
should be updated with the spread of green technology, otherwise, it will
Poisson 1815 – −1025.734 17 2085.468 2179.033 lead to the locking effect of green technology and reduce the incentive ef-
Zip 2652 −2448.82 −1466.667 464 3861.335 6590.904
fect of direct environmental regulation on green technology innovation.
X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810 11

CRediT authorship contribution statement influence the work reported in this paper.

Xiang Cai: Conceptualization, Visualization, Writing - review &

editing. Bangzhu Zhu: Visualization, Supervision, Validation, Writing - Acknowledgments
review & editing. Haijing Zhang: Methodology, Data curation, Software,
Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Liang Li: Writing - We are grateful for the financial support provided by the National
review & editing. Meiying Xie: Methodology, Data curation. Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71463010), Social Science
Foundation of Jiangsu, China (No. 19GLC015), Philosophy and Social Sci-
ence Foundation for Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province
Declaration of competing interest (2019SJA0160), Grant of Nanjing University of Information Science
and Technology (No. 2018r034) and research participants for their sug-
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial gestions for the design of this study. We also appreciate the data pro-
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to vided by The Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE).

Appendix A

Table A1
Negative binomial regression results.

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Whole sample State-owned Non-state-owned Labor-resource intensive Technology-capital intensive

Level = 1 0.115 0.204⁎ −0.159 0.026 0.129

(0.09) (0.12) (0.17) (0.16) (0.12)
Level = 2 0.315⁎⁎⁎ 0.333⁎⁎ 0.363 0.267 0.350⁎⁎
(0.12) (0.15) (0.23) (0.23) (0.14)
Risk = 1 0.139 0.239 −0.026 0.098 0.163
(0.17) (0.23) (0.26) (0.31) (0.20)
govsub 0.012 0.090 −0.274⁎ −0.022 0.023
(0.06) (0.06) (0.15) (0.16) (0.07)
lnscale 0.270⁎⁎ 0.352⁎⁎ 0.004 0.594⁎⁎ 0.212
(0.11) (0.17) (0.17) (0.26) (0.13)
Humcap −0.083 −0.427 0.997 0.131 0.075
(0.70) (0.83) (1.45) (1.00) (1.04)
Profit 0.063 0.067 −0.014 −0.132 0.147
(0.21) (0.24) (0.42) (0.37) (0.26)
Intensity −0.007 0.025 −0.036 −0.087 0.003
(0.04) (0.06) (0.05) (0.08) (0.04)
Slack 0.023 0.021 0.027⁎ −0.034 0.028⁎
(0.01) (0.06) (0.02) (0.05) (0.02)
lncapital 0.184⁎ −0.000 0.339⁎⁎ 0.314 0.146
(0.11) (0.14) (0.15) (0.21) (0.12)
lnage −1.081 −0.158 −2.012 −4.250⁎⁎ 0.257
(0.99) (1.46) (1.50) (1.66) (1.32)
envdis −0.218 −0.083 −0.588⁎ −0.270 −0.126
(0.16) (0.19) (0.32) (0.23) (0.23)
Year fix effect Control Control Control Control Control
N 1815 889 923 636 1179

Standard errors in parentheses.

⁎ p b 0.10.
⁎⁎ p b 0.05.
⁎⁎⁎ p b 0.01.

Table A2
Results of the zero-inflated Poisson regression model.

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Whole sample State-owned Non-state-owned Labor-resource intensive Technology-capital intensive

Level = 1 0.115 0.204⁎ −0.159 0.026 0.129

(0.09) (0.12) (0.17) (0.16) (0.12)
Level = 2 0.315⁎⁎⁎ 0.333⁎⁎ 0.365 0.267 0.350⁎⁎
(0.12) (0.15) (0.23) (0.23) (0.14)
Risk = 1 0.139 0.239 −0.025 0.097 0.163
(0.17) (0.23) (0.26) (0.31) (0.20)
govsub 0.012 0.090 −0.274⁎ −0.022 0.023
(0.06) (0.06) (0.15) (0.16) (0.07)
lnscale 0.270⁎⁎ 0.352⁎⁎ 0.004 0.594⁎⁎ 0.212
(0.11) (0.17) (0.17) (0.26) (0.13)
Humcap −0.083 −0.427 1.017 0.131 0.075
(0.70) (0.83) (1.45) (1.00) (1.04)
Profit 0.063 0.067 −0.014 −0.132 0.147

(continued on next page)

12 X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810

Table A2 (continued)

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Whole sample State-owned Non-state-owned Labor-resource intensive Technology-capital intensive

(0.21) (0.24) (0.42) (0.37) (0.26)

Intensity −0.007 0.025 −0.037 −0.087 0.003
(0.04) (0.06) (0.05) (0.08) (0.04)
Slack 0.023 0.021 0.027⁎ −0.034 0.028⁎
(0.01) (0.06) (0.02) (0.05) (0.02)
lncapital 0.184⁎ −0.000 0.324⁎⁎ 0.314 0.146
(0.11) (0.14) (0.15) (0.21) (0.12)
lnage −1.081 −0.158 −2.031 −4.251⁎⁎ 0.257
(0.99) (1.46) (1.50) (1.65) (1.32)
envdis −0.218 −0.083 −0.585⁎ −0.270 −0.126
(0.16) (0.19) (0.32) (0.23) (0.23)
Year fix effect Control Control Control Control Control
N 2651 1137 1514 937 1714

Standard errors in parentheses.

⁎ p b 0.10.
⁎⁎ p b 0.05.
⁎⁎⁎ p b 0.01.

Table A3
Regression results of lag structure transformation of violation degree.

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Whole sample State-owned Non-state-owned Labor-resource intensive Technology-capital intensive

Level = 1 0.231⁎⁎⁎ 0.301⁎⁎⁎ 0.030 0.164 0.219⁎⁎

(0.07) (0.09) (0.12) (0.13) (0.09)
Level = 2 0.389⁎⁎⁎ 0.384⁎⁎⁎ 0.438⁎⁎⁎ 0.528⁎⁎⁎ 0.336⁎⁎⁎
(0.09) (0.10) (0.17) (0.20) (0.10)
Risk = 1 0.133 0.236⁎ −0.032 0.081 0.164
(0.11) (0.14) (0.18) (0.20) (0.13)
govsub 0.015 0.090⁎⁎ −0.274⁎⁎ −0.030 0.024
(0.06) (0.04) (0.11) (0.13) (0.06)
lnscale 0.245⁎⁎⁎ 0.318⁎⁎⁎ −0.013 0.548⁎⁎ 0.176⁎
(0.09) (0.12) (0.13) (0.25) (0.09)
Humcap −0.075 −0.445 1.020 0.007 0.073
(0.43) (0.36) (1.26) (0.50) (0.74)
Profit 0.090 0.097 0.008 −0.140 0.164
(0.13) (0.13) (0.35) (0.26) (0.16)
Intensity −0.010 0.025 −0.040 −0.086⁎ −0.003
(0.03) (0.03) (0.04) (0.05) (0.03)
Slack 0.024⁎ 0.026 0.026⁎⁎ −0.032 0.028⁎⁎⁎
(0.01) (0.03) (0.01) (0.04) (0.01)
lncapital 0.190⁎⁎ 0.019 0.333⁎⁎ 0.282 0.158⁎
(0.09) (0.09) (0.14) (0.19) (0.09)
lnage −1.209 −0.409 −2.021⁎ −4.427⁎⁎⁎ 0.128
(0.80) (1.16) (1.06) (1.60) (0.92)
envdis −0.207⁎⁎ −0.074 −0.542⁎⁎⁎ −0.258⁎ −0.119
(0.09) (0.11) (0.16) (0.16) (0.14)
Year fix effect Control Control Control Control Control
N 1814 889 922 635 1179

Standard errors in parentheses.

⁎ p b 0.10.
⁎⁎ p b 0.05.
⁎⁎⁎ p b 0.01.

Table A4
Regression results of the share of environmental invention patents.

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Whole sample State-owned Non-state-owned Labor-resource intensive Technology-capital intensive

Level = 1 0.091 0.103 0.015 0.044 0.121

(0.09) (0.11) (0.14) (0.13) (0.11)
Level = 2 0.365⁎⁎⁎ 0.328⁎⁎ 0.431⁎⁎ 0.297 0.409⁎⁎⁎
(0.12) (0.16) (0.19) (0.26) (0.14)
Risk = 1 0.369⁎⁎ 0.509⁎⁎ 0.142 0.132 0.495⁎⁎
(0.17) (0.24) (0.25) (0.25) (0.20)
govsub 0.005 0.056 −0.220⁎ 0.108 −0.025
(0.04) (0.04) (0.13) (0.12) (0.05)
lnscale 0.256⁎⁎ 0.278⁎ 0.130 0.614⁎⁎ 0.173
(0.12) (0.17) (0.15) (0.25) (0.13)
X. Cai et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 140810 13

Table A4 (continued)

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Whole sample State-owned Non-state-owned Labor-resource intensive Technology-capital intensive

Humcap −0.488 −0.547 −0.611 0.124 −0.783

(0.75) (0.66) (1.62) (1.16) (1.06)
Profit 0.047 0.021 0.178 −0.048 0.170
(0.21) (0.24) (0.37) (0.47) (0.23)
Intensity −0.014 −0.032 0.002 −0.091 −0.003
(0.03) (0.04) (0.04) (0.06) (0.03)
Slack 0.022⁎⁎ 0.001 0.030⁎⁎⁎ −0.037 0.030⁎⁎⁎
(0.01) (0.05) (0.01) (0.07) (0.01)
lncapital 0.203⁎⁎ 0.033 0.352⁎ 0.453⁎⁎ 0.122
(0.10) (0.08) (0.18) (0.18) (0.10)
lnage −0.950 −0.787 −1.462 −5.016⁎⁎ 0.813
(1.10) (1.63) (1.52) (1.97) (1.26)
envdis −0.311⁎⁎ −0.152 −0.569⁎⁎⁎ −0.568⁎⁎ −0.054
(0.14) (0.17) (0.21) (0.23) (0.16)
Year fix effect Control Control Control Control Control
N 1815 889 923 636 1179

Standard errors in parentheses.

⁎ p b 0.10.
⁎⁎ p b 0.05.
⁎⁎⁎ p b 0.01.

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