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Taal, Batangas
PAASCU Accredited
Upper Basic Education Department



Module: 3
Duration: 2 weeks
Teacher/s: Mr. Roger Kenn Almazan and Ms. Junnela Catapang

This module discusses Cheer Dance and Contemporary Dance. As you go along,
you will discover the different techniques that the cheer dance and contemporary dance can
offer. It involves movements and techniques which are not just skills but are products of lengthy,
disciplined and rigorous training.

The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote societal

The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the
community and the society practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.

At the end of this module students are expected to:

1. Assess physical activities, exercises and eating habits. (PE10PF-IIIa-h-39)

2. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in or out
of school. (PE10PF-IIIc-h-45)

Group dances are popular in school and in the community. One of the reasons is that group
dances give health and social benefits to a lot of people.
Cheer dance is a recreational activity and competitive sport composed of an organized
routine. It includes required performance elements and skills like dance and gymnastics. Cheer
dancers, when not competing, help in encouraging the crowds to cheer in team sports event.
Some of the advantages of cheer dancing include: strengthening of the heart and lungs
and reducing the risks of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

What are the terminologies used in cheer dance?

1. Flyers - these are the cheerleaders who are held and thrown into the air and are doing the
2. Bases or mounts - these are the persons in charge of holding and controlling the throw of
the flyers.
3. Spots - front spot and back spot members are those who stand behind or in front of the
flyers and support the flyers to prevent them from falling. They help the bases when
lifting the flyers.

What are the performance elements in cheer dancing?

1. Motions - this element includes arm motions like high V, low V, half-high and half-low
Vs, diagonals, K's, L's, T's, broken T's, and touchdowns.
2. Jumps - these are the feet movements through jumping moves like toe-touch, hurdler, and
pike jumps.
3. Stunts - are mostly those that can be seen from the flyers or selected cheer dancers like
bow and arrow, liberties, scorpions, and basket tosses.
4. Tumbling - cartwheel and round off are basic tumbling movements in cheer dance while
backhand springs, round off backhand springs, back tucks, layout, and layout twists are
more difficult skills in cheer dance.
5. Cheers, Chants, and Dance Routine - cheers and chants incorporate stunts, jumps, and
tumbling and are used to lead the crowd. Dance routines, on the other hand, are used to
entertain the crowd during breaks.

What are the different motions used in cheer dance?

1. Beginning stance- Feet together, hands down by the side in blades.

2. Cheer stance- Feet more than shoulder width apart, hands down by the side in
3. Clasp- Hands clasped at the chin, elbows in.
4. Clap- Hands in blade at the chin, elbows in.
5. High v- Arms extended up forming a V, relax the shoulders.
6. Low V- Arms extended down forming a V
7. Touchdown- Arms extended straight and parallel to each other, first facing in.
8. Low Touchdown- Arms extended straight down and parallel to each other, fist facing
9. Bow and Arrow- one arm extended to the side with other arm bent at the elbow in a
half T motion.
10. Overhead clasp- arms are straight above the head in a clasp and slightly in front of
the face.
11. Table top- arms bent at elbow, fists in front of shoulders.
12. Low clasp- Arms extended straight down, in a clasp and slightly in front of the body.
13. Punch- One arm extended straight up, one arm on hip in a fist.
14. L Motion- One arm extended to the side with other arm extended in a punch motion.
15. Diagonal- One arm extended in a high V and the other arm extended in a low V
16. T motion- Both arms extended straight out to the side and parallel to the ground,
relax the shoulders.
17. Half T- both arms parallel to the ground and bend at the elbows. Fist into shoulders
18. Side lunge- lead leg bent with the knee over the ankle, back leg straight, feet
perpendicular to each other.
19. Front lunge- lead leg bent with the knee over the ankle, back leg straight, feet
perpendicular to each other. .

What are the different jumps and stunts in cheer dance?


1. Clasp your arms closer keep your hands in fist and close together.
2. With your arms in V, bend your legs, and swing and cross your arms in front of you.
3. With arms in T position, execute the herkie with one of your legs just like doing a
straddle split, and then bend back your other leg. Keep your hands in fist and your arms
in T position.
4. Your legs should be bent when landing and putting your hands on your side. Your legs
should be straightened out when already landed on the ground.

Toe Touch

1. Clasp your arms closer, and keep your hands in fist and close together.
2. With arms in a high V, bend your knees while swinging your arms in a cross position.
3. Do the toe touch where your legs are in a straddle-split position. Your arms should be in a
T position, and in fists landing with your legs bent and with your hands by your side.
Hold that position, then straighten out your legs.


1. Clasp with your arms tighter than in a dagger position and your hands are in fist close
2. Make a high clap and turn 90 degrees to either side.
3. Swinging your arms in and with your knees bent, do the pike jump where your legs are in
a pike position, meaning that you are going to extend your legs together in front of you
with your toes pointed. Your arms should be over your legs and in fists.
4. Landing with your hands at your side and with legs bent hold that position and then
straighten your legs out.
What are the different tumbling skills used in cheer dance?

Forward Roll

1. In a squat, place your hands on the floor.

2. Tuck in your chin and push off your hands and legs.
3. Roll forward then squat your legs against your chest, and hold your arms up in front of
you and then move up.


1. Turn with your best leg forward and your arms up against your ears.
2. Then push your whole body forward and slowly raise your back leg.
3. When your hands reach the ground, kick your back leg over. Kick your other leg over.
4. Land in a lunge position, with your arms up against your ears.


1. Raise your arms up against your ears and spread your legs apart.
2. Push your hips forward.
3. Bend your back and look at the ground, do bending only
4. Coming from a backbend in a standing position, do a kick-over.
5. With your hands touching the floor, try to kick your legs overhead, landing back with
your feet.
6. Then you may kick your leg/s upward falling back into a bridge stand.


Contemporary dance is a popular form of dance which developed during the middle
portion of the 20th century and has since grown to become one of the dominating performance
genres for formally trained dancers throughout the world, with particularly strong popularity in
the US and Europe. It is a combination of ballet and jazz. Originally, it was formed by borrowing
movements from classical, modern, and jazz styles. Later, it incorporated elements from different
dance styles, but due to its popularity, trained dancers, and some overlap in movement type, it is
often considered as being closely related to ballet, modern dance, and other classical concert
dance styles.

Role of Choreographers

Usually a choreographer makes the creative decisions. He/She chooses whether the piece
is an abstract or a narrative one Dancers are selected based on their skill and training
Choreography is determined based on its relation to the music or sounds that is danced to.
The role of music in contemporary dance is different from other genres because it can serve as a
backdrop to the piece. The choreographer has control over the costumes, their aesthetic value for
the overall composition of the performance, and in regards to how they influence the movements
of dancers
Modern dance moves are all designed to encourage freedom of movement and personal
interpretation while weaving in many varied and demanding steps and positions
There are many dances you will incorporate under Contemporary dance that are free
flowing and are not a series of choreographed steps for you to remember, here, you will have
freedom to move the way you feel like moving
Also bear in mind that it is perfectly acceptable to start by copying only part of a move if
your teacher is choreographing a routine for you
Contemporary dance combines both classical ballet and modern dance, whereas
postmodern dance was a direct and opposite response to modern dance. Merce Cunningham is
considered to be the first choreographer to "develop an independent attitude towards modern
dance" and defy the ideas that were established by it. In 1944, Cunningham accompanied his
dance with music by John Cage, who observed that Cunningham's dance "no longer relies on
linear elements, and movement towards and away from climax. As in abstract painting, it is
assumed that an element such as a movement, a sound, a change of light is in and of itself
expressive; what it communicates is in large part determined by the observer themselves."
Cunningham formed the Merce Cunningham Dance Company in 1953 and went on to create
more than one hundred and fifty works for the company, many of which have been performed
internationally by ballet and modern dance companies.

These are Cunningham's ideas:

1. Contemporary dance refuses the leg technique of classical ballet in favor of stress on the
torso of modern dance.
2. Contemporary dance is not necessarily a narrative form of art.
3. Choreography appears disordered, but nevertheless relies on technique.
4. Unpredictable changes in direction, rhythm, and speed
5. Multiple and simultaneous actions
6. Suspension of perspective and symmetry in ballet scenic frame perspective such as
center, front, and hierarchies
7. Creative freedom
8. Independence between dance and music

There are many different dances and experiences you could come across in learning and
performing Modern dance. You may learn a whole routine of a combination of many dances,
choreographed for you.

What are the basic dance steps and proper techniques of contemporary and modern

Dancer should stand with the alignment of his/her head and spine turning with the
supporting foot. The arms should go straight with the supporting leg. Then swing the other arm
upward while the leg rises.
Stag Leap
It is in a split position done in a very high jump where the front leg should be bent inward
from the knee and both legs should be parallel on the floor. One arm is forward and the other one
is on the side with palms facing down

Stag Turn
One leg should bend behind the body and move up in the air, and the supporting knee
should slightly be bent The supporting arm on the side is extended straight at the back with
palms facing down, while the other arm is extended forward, as the dancer turns around with
palms also facing down.

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair

5 4 3 2/1
Knowledge of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates no
Choreography excellent knowledge of some knowledge of
X2 knowledge of movement and knowledge of movement. 
choreography performs with movement, and
and performs few errors.  performance
movement free has many
of errors.  errors. 
Musicality and Shows a full Shows Has some Dancer speed up/
Timing X2 understanding understanding knowledge of and or falls
of rhythm and of rhythm and rhythm and behind often
timing by timing by timing, but throughout the
staying on beat staying on beat speeds up/and dance. 
for the entire throughout or slows down
dance.  most of the many time
dance.  throughout
Technique and Great attention Choreography Choreography Choreography
Execution X2 to the quality is performed is performed shows no 
of movement, with attention with little 
body position, to details and attention to
and shows attention to details of
demonstrates proficiency of details of movement and 
excellent dance style.  movement, and
understanding student is not demonstrates
of dance style.  proficient is little knowledge
dance style.  of dance style. 

Name: __________________________

Section: _________________________

Deepen your understanding on Hip-Hop and Street Dance by reflecting on the answers you have
for the following questions.

Guide Questions:

1. Most young people today are fond of hip-hop dancing. some would form groups and have
their regular practice for their dance routines. In what ways can the school help students
maintain their good grades while allowing them to continue with their interest in hip-hop


2. What do you think are the traits of good dancers? What should dancers develop in order
to succeed in this form of performance art??


3. There are lot of festivals in the Philippines which showcase different dances. People
would find time to visit places in the Philippines to witness their festival dances. Do you
think this kind of attitude and behavior toward festival dances should continue? Explain
your answer. 


4. What role do you play in physical activity-related community services and programs, and
how will this help the society you belong??

5. How would you evaluate your performance task as a whole?


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