Chapter - 2

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Design & Construction of

Water Works
BSc Programme
Tsegaye Yirga (MSc)

Course content:
1. Hydraulic structure, Dam Classification and selection
1. Introduction
2. Dam Classification
2. Design of Concrete Dam
1. Introduction
2. Types of concrete dam
3. Design of Concrete Dam
3. Design of Embankment Dam
1. Introduction to Rock and Earth fill Dams
2. Requirement of Appurtenance structures
3. Seepage and Drainage
4. Spillways
1. Types of Spillway
2. Design of Spillway
5. Introduction to Hydropower plants
1. Introduction to tunneling
2. Types of tunneling
6. Introduction to Irrigation Engineering
1. Irrigation Water needs of plant, frequency
2. Intake structure and distribution of water
3. Water Application Method’s
February 14, 2021 2


Chapter 2
Design of Concrete Dam

Design principles of Concrete Dams

 gravity dams are solid concrete structures that maintain their stability
against design loads from the geometric shape and the mass and
strength of the concrete.
 Generally, they are constructed on a straight axis, but may be slightly
curved or angled to accommodate the specific site conditions.
 Gravity dams typically consist of a non-overflow section(s) and an
overflow section or spillway.

February 14, 2021 4


Design principles of Concrete Dams

Forces acting on gravity dams
1. Primary loads are identified as universally applicable and of prime
importance to all dams, irrespective of type, e.g. water and related
seepage loads, and self-weight loads.
2. Secondary loads are generally discretionary and of lesser magnitude
(e.g. sediment load) or, alternatively, are of major importance only to
certain types of dams (e.g. thermal effects within concrete dams).
3. Exceptional loads are so designated on the basis of limited general
applicability or having a low probability of occurrence (e.g. tectonic
effects, or the inertia loads associated with seismic activity).

February 14, 2021 5

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams

Not all the loads identified may be applicable to a specific dam

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Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams


February 14, 2021 7

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Primary loads:
1. External water pressure ( ): (triangular pressure distribution that increase with depth)
 Water pressure is the force exerted by the water stored in the reservoir on the upstream
and the
Water depth at the tail of the dam.
 The total pressure is in horizontal direction and acts on the upstream face at a height H/3 from the
where is the unit weight of water, 9.81kN/m3 ( = ). H is depth of water
 The resultant horizontal force (area of pressure diagram, triangular), , is determined as
= (KN/m)
 A resultant vertical force, , must also be accounted for if the upstream face has a batter or flare
= (KN/m)
‫׳‬ ‫׳‬
 Similar procedure can followed if there is a tail water. ( and )

February 14, 2021 8


Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Primary loads:
2. Self-weight load
 For a gravity dam the weight of the structure is the main stabilizing
 Structure self weight is accounted for in terms of the resultant, W,
which acts through the centroid (center of gravity) of the cress-
sectional area. The weight of the structure per unit length is
= (KN/m)
• is the unit weight of concrete, assumed as 23.5kNm-3in the
absence of specific data
• A is the cross-sectional area of the structure
February 14, 2021 9

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Primary loads:
3. Seepage and uplift load:
 Internal water pressure is the force exerted by water penetrating through the pores,
cracks and seams with in the body of the dam, at contact surface between the dam
and its foundation, and with in the foundation.
 The component of internal pressure acting to reduce the vertical compressive
stresses in the concrete on a horizontal section through the dam or at its base is
referred to as uplift.
 Uplift reduction can be achieved through a drainage system, a grout curtain, or
sometimes simply by the accumulation of low permeability silt against the
upstream face of the dam.
 Grout curtain: For drainage to be controlled economically, retarding of flow to
the drains from the upstream head is mandatory. This may be accomplished by a
zone of grouting (curtain) or by the natural imperviousness of the foundation.

February 14, 2021 10


Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Primary loads:
3. Seepage and uplift load: (Without drainage and tailwater is considered)
Uplift pressure distribution when drainage gallery is not provided

February 14, 2021 11

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Primary loads:
3. Seepage and uplift load: (Without drainage and No tailwater)
Uplift pressure distribution when drainage gallery is not provided

February 14, 2021 12


Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Primary loads:
3. Seepage and uplift load: (With drainage)
 Uplift pressures at the base or below the foundation can be reduced by
installing foundation drains.
 The effectiveness of the drainage system will depend on depth, size,
and spacing of the drains; the character of the foundation; and the
facility with which the drains can be maintained.
 This effectiveness will be assumed to vary from 25 to 50 percent
 The value assigned to the drain effectiveness E is expressed as a
decimal fraction in the equations given in the figures.

February 14, 2021 13

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Primary loads:
3. Seepage and uplift load: (with drainage and tailwater included)

February 14, 2021 14


Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Primary loads:
3. Seepage and uplift load: (with drainage) ….............(Second option)
Uplift pressure distribution when drainage gallery is provided

The value of uplift pressure at the location of

drainage gallery is independent of the location of
drainage gallery and is given by:
= ′+ − ′
= ′+ − ′

Uplift force will be calculated in terms of area

February 14, 2021 15

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Primary loads:
3. Seepage and uplift load: (No tail water)

February 14, 2021 16


Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Secondary loads:
1. Sediment load:
 The gradual accumulation of significant deposits of fine sediment, notably silt,
against the face of the dam generates a resultant horizontal force, Fs.
 it is a function of the sediment depth, hs, the submerged unit weight, γss, and the
active pressure coefficient, Ka, and is determined according to Rankine’s formula.
 and is active at hs/3 above the bottom of the dam
= ℎ (KN/m)

= ∅
where ϕs is the angle of shearing resistance of the sediment (angle of internal
friction of material)
Values of γss = 18–20kN/m3 and ϕs= 30°are representative

February 14, 2021 17

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Secondary loads:
1. Sediment load:

February 14, 2021 18


Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Secondary loads:
2. Wind pressure:
 When the dam is full, wind will act only on the downstream face, thus
contributing to stability.
 When the dam is empty, wind can act on the upstream face, but the
pressure is small compared to the hydraulic pressure of the water.
Hence for gravity dams wind is not considered.
 For buttress dams, wind load on the exposed buttresses has to be

February 14, 2021 19

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Secondary loads:
3. Hydrodynamic wave load :
 The upper portions of the dam are subject to the wave action, that induces
additional water pressures.
 The wave pressure depends on the dimensions of the wave (heights and lengths)
that in their turn depend on the extent of the water surface and the velocity of the
wind, among other factors.
 According to Molitor the following formula could be used to determine the rise in water level, ℎ

 ℎ = 0.763 + 0.032 − 0.271 for < 32
 ℎ = 0.032 for ≥ 32
 = 2.0 ℎ Wave force
Where: ℎ , wave height in meter • For high dams the wave pressure is small
compared to other forces.
, wind velocity in /ℎ
• The point of application of can be taken as
, Fetch in
ℎ from the still water level.

February 14, 2021 20


Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Secondary loads:
3. Hydrodynamic wave load :

February 14, 2021 21

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Secondary loads:
3. Hydrodynamic wave load :
 The fetch, also called the fetch length, is the length of water over which a given
wind has blown.
 For the example below L is the fetch

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Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Exceptional loads:
1. Seismic load:
 earthquake forces are treated simply as static forces to be combined
with the hydrostatic pressure and gravity loads.
 Two types of static forces are included forces associated with the
 mass of the dam and
 water pressures in addition to the hydrostatic pressure.

February 14, 2021 23

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Exceptional loads:
1. Seismic load:
 The earthquake intensity is characterized by the earthquake
acceleration or by seismic coefficient that is the ratio between the
acceleration (aE) and the gravity, a=aE /g.
 Most dams in seismically active regions have been designed for an
acceleration of one-tenth gravity, or a = 0.1.
 According to different national standards, the seismic coefficient
depends on the seismicity of the site and ranges between 0.05 and

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Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Exceptional loads:
1. Seismic load:
 The intensity of the inertia force associated to the mass of the dam is
found from the equation:

 where Cg is the earthquake force and G is the weight of the dam body

February 14, 2021 25

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Exceptional loads:
1. Seismic load:
 The intensity of the inertia force associated to the mass of the dam is
and G is the weight of the dam body

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Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Exceptional loads:
1. Seismic load:
 The increased water pressure due to the inertia of the water in the
reservoir can be represented by a diagram of the form presented in
figure below

Increased water
pressure represented
by: 1- an ellipse; 2- a
February 14, 2021 27

Design principles of dams:

Forces acting on gravity dams
Exceptional loads:
1. Seismic load:
 According to Westergaard, whose solutions are most frequently
applied, the true equation of the increased water pressure may be
expressed by an ellipse or by a parabola without appreciable error.
 The resulting equations are:

H = dam height or the depth

parabola of water acting on the dam
T= earthquake period


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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
 The dam should be designed such that it is safe against all possible
modes of failure, with adequate factor of safety.
 The dam may fail in one or more of the following modes:
i. Overturning failure
ii. Sliding failure
iii. Overstressing or material failure

February 14, 2021 29

Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
i. Overturning failure:
 .The factor of safety against overturning is defined as the ratio of
the summation of all restoring forces/moments (i.e. positive) to the
summation of all overturning moments (i.e. negative).

 F.S. should not be less than 1.5 (i.e. F.S.> 1.5 is desirable.)

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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
i. Overturning failure:

February 14, 2021 31

Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
ii. Sliding stability:
 A dam will fail in sliding at its base, or any other level, if the
horizontal force causing sliding are more than the resistance
available to it at that level.

 The resistance against sliding may be due to friction alone, or due

to friction and shear strength of the joint.

 The shearing and frictional resistance of the joint must be

sufficient to with stand the tendency to slide.

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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
ii. Sliding stability:

February 14, 2021 33

Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
ii. Sliding stability:
 If the shear strength is not taken in to account, the factor of safety is
known as factor of safety against sliding.

 The factor of safety against sliding is given by:

 F.S. should be greater than 1

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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
ii. Sliding stability:
 It is considered that a low gravity dam should be safe
against sliding considering friction alone.
However in large dams, shear strength of the joints should
also be considered for an economical design.
 The factor of safety in this case is, therefore, known as Shear
Friction Factor (S.F.F.)

February 14, 2021 35

Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
ii. Sliding stability:
Shear Friction Factor (S.F.F.) is defined by the equation

According to USBR recommendation minimum S.F.F should be greater than 5 during the most
sever conditions of reservoir load combined with maximum horizontal and vertical earthquake

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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
ii. Sliding stability:
 The value µ generally varies from 0.65 to 0.75
 The average shear strength of the joint (q) varies from about
1400 / for poor rocks to 4000 / for good rocks.
 Attempts are always made to increase this shear strength (q) at the
base and other joints.
 For this purpose, foundation is stepped at the base and measures are
taken to ensure a better bond between the dam base and the rock-

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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
ii. Sliding stability:

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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
ii. Sliding stability: (OR)
 It is given by:

A is the foundation area.

G is weight of the dam
is friction angle
U is uplift force
C is cohesion coefficient Wu and Wd are forces due to
water u/s and d/s respectively
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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
iii. Overstressing or material failure
 A dam may fail if any of its part is overstressed and hence the stress in
the dam should be with in the specified limit (allowable working stress)
for the dam body and in the foundation.
 The vertical direct stress distribution at the base is given by:
 = + • Positive sign is used to calculate
∑ normal stress at the toe
/ = ± • Negative sign is used for calculating
normal stress at the heel
 e is Eccentricity of the resultant force from the center of the base
 ∑ is summation of vertical forces
 B is Base width

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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
iii. Overstressing or material failure
 Masonry and Concrete gravity dams are usually designed in such a way
that no tension is developed anywhere, because these materials cannot
withstand sustained tensile stresses, If subjected to such stresses, these
materials may finally crack.
 However, for achieving economy in designs of very high gravity dams,
certain amount of tension may be permitted under severest loading
 This may be permitted because of the fact that such worst loading
conditions shall occur only momentarily for a little time and would neither
last long nor occur frequently. The maximum permissible tensile stress for
high concrete gravity dams, under worst loading may be taken as
500 KN/m2
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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
iii. Overstressing or material failure
Gravity Dam Effects produced by Tension Cracks:
 In a dam, when such a tension crack develops, say at heel, crack width
looses contact with the bottom foundation, and thus, becomes
 Hence, the effective width B of the dam base will be reduced.
 This will increase pmax at the toe. Hence, a tension crack by itself
does not fail the structure, but it leads to the failure of the structure by
producing excessive compressive stresses.

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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
iii. Overstressing or material failure
 In order to ensure that no tension is developed anywhere, we must
ensure that pmin is at the most equal to Zero

/ = ±

= −

February 14, 2021 43

Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
iii. Overstressing or material failure

 = −
∑ ∑
 = − ∗
∑ ∑
 = ∗

 =

 =
Hence , maximum value of eccentricity that can be permitted on either side of
the center is equal to B/6, which leads to the famous statement: the resultant
must lie within the middle third portion of the dam
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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
iii. Overstressing or material failure
Reservoir Full case:

February 14, 2021 45

Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
iii. Overstressing or material failure
Reservoir empty case:

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Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
iii. Overstressing or material failure
 If Pmin comes out to be negative, it means that tension shall be produced at
the appropriate end.
 If pmin exceeds the allowable compressive stress of dam material [generally
taken as / ( / ) for concrete]; the dam may crush and
fail by crushing

February 14, 2021 47

Design principles of dams:

Mode of Failures of Gravity Dam
iii. Overstressing or material failure
 To determine the vertical stress at the base of the dam, it is better to consider
the following cases:

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