Pasteurella Testudinis Associated With Respiratory

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Short communication — Kort berig

Pasteurella testudinis associated with respiratory disease and septicaemia

in leopard (Geochelone pardalis) and other tortoises in South Africa

M M Henton

lung oedema, perianal oedema and intes-

ABSTRACT tinal wall oedema was seen. The urinary
The first recorded isolates of Pasteurella testudinis from South African tortoises kept in bladder contained a large amount of
captivity is presented. P. testudinis was found in association with respiratory disease in beige, viscous exudate, which was par-
affected animals. tially solidified. The urinary bladder
contents, lung and intestine from this
Key words: chelonian, Pasteurella testudinis, respiratory disease, tortoise.
case were sampled. The same group of
Henton M M Pasteurella testudinis associated with respiratory disease and septicaemia in tortoises at the zoo showed chronic nasal
leopard (Geochelone pardalis) and other tortoises in South Africa. Journal of the South African
discharges 7 months later, from which a
Veterinary Association (2003) 74(4): 135–136 (En.). Golden Vetlab, PO Box 1537, Alberton, 1450
further isolation was made.
South Africa.
Only nasal discharges from affected
tortoises in each of the 5 outbreaks were
sampled, except the one from the zoo,
Pasteurella species are commonly found patches. This results in a leopard-like where the internal organs were sampled.
on the mucous membranes of the respira- pattern. The samples from these cases were all
tory tract of mammals and birds. The Terrestrial tortoises are protected wild cultured on blood tryptose agar contain-
various species of Pasteurella are widely animals in the whole of South Africa and ing bovine blood, as well as on MacConkey
distributed, both geographically and with they may only be kept in captivity under agar, and incubated at 37 °C overnight.
regard to host species. Some species of permit from conservation authorities. P. testudinis was isolated from all these
Pasteurella, such as P. multocida, are found Five outbreaks of disease, from 3 loca- cases in pure, or nearly pure growth,
in many different hosts1 while others, tions, are described here. The bacterial except from the organs of the tortoise
such as P. canis in dogs8 and P. caballi isolates reported below were all made from the zoo that had died from septicae-
in horses11, have a narrow host range. from tortoises that had been kept in mia, where it was isolated together with
Pasteurella species generally cause respira- captivity and had shown respiratory tract Edwardsiella tarda. The isolates of P.
tory and septicaemic disease. disease. The specimens were submitted to testudinis grew on blood agar as greyish,
Pasteurella testudinis was first described the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute slightly mucoid, beta-haemolytic colo-
by Snipes et al.12,13, who associated it with between 1981 and 1993. nies, which were tiny after overnight cul-
respiratory disease in the Californian All 5 outbreaks or cases were in 3 popu- ture, and much larger (2–3 mm diameter)
desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii. It has lations of adult tortoises kept in the after 2 days of incubation. They were V
also been isolated from the mucous Pretoria area. The first 2 outbreaks were and X factor independent. There was
membranes of the respiratory tract as part in a group of leopard tortoises kept in either no growth or very tiny colonies on
of the normal flora5,13, in both captive a suburban garden in Pretoria. The tor- MacConkey agar. The bacteria were
and free-ranging California desert toises showed nasal discharges and some Gram-negative pleomorphic rods, which
tortoises5,7,12,13. Respiratory disease is often deaths occurred in January 1981, when were facultatively anaerobic. They were
precipitated by stress related to captivity12 they were first sampled. Thereafter they non-motile, catalase positive and weakly
as well as Mycoplasma or viral infection2,7,10. were kept together as an isolated group oxidase positive. Conventional biochemi-
P. testudinis has not previously been without showing any signs of illness for 8 cal tests were used for identification. The
reported from southern African chelo- years until December 1988. At that stage isolates were positive for nitrate reduc-
nians. another group of leopard tortoises, which tion, methyl red, o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-
The family Testudinidae is represented had been kept by a different owner, was galactopyranoside (ONPG), indole pro-
by 43 species of tortoises, 14 of which introduced to the group. Tortoises from duction and aesculin hydrolysis. Tests for
occur in southern Africa3. The leopard both groups subsequently showed respi- urease, gelatine hydrolysis and arginine
tortoise, Geochelone pardalis, is widespread ratory distress and nasal discharges, and dehydrolase were negative. The isolates
in central and southern Africa, ranging 2 from each group died. fermented glucose, without the produc-
from Ethiopia and the Sudan in the north- The 3rd set of samples was from a group tion of gas, as well as adonitol, galactose,
east of the continent, to Montagu in the of tortoises of an unknown species kept at inositol, mannitol, maltose, sucrose and
Western Cape Province. Adult leopard the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute to xylose. They did not ferment arabinose,
tortoises have a variable colour pattern of test the efficacy of various anthelmintics. dulcitol, rhamnose, sorbitol or trehalose.
either a light brown or yellow back- These tortoises showed pneumonia and Lactose and salicin were either negative
ground with darker brown patches, or a nasal discharges in December 1991. or showed weakly positive fermentation.
darker brown background with lighter The last 2 cases were from a group of Hydrogen sulphide was produced in
tortoises of an unknown species kept in a small quantities, only detectable with lead
Golden Vetlab, PO Box 1537, Alberton, 1450 South
Africa. E-mail: zoological garden. The 1st one was found acetate strips and not on triple sugar iron
Received: May 2003 . Accepted: November 2003. dead in August 1992. At necropsy, ascites, agar. These results correspond with the

0038-2809 Jl (2003) 74(4): 135–136 135

description of P. testudinis12,13, except for under intensive taxonomic investigation, 1997 Discrimination of members of the
fermentation of rhamnose13. and proposals for nomenclatural changes family Pasteurellaceae based on polyamine
patterns. International Journal of Systematic
It is unlikely that this bacterium could as well as reclassification of some species Bacteriology 47: 698–708
have originated from chelonians from are regularly published, such as Mann- 5. Dickinson V M, Duck T, Schwalbe C R,
other continents, as only the tortoises heimia in ruminants, Lonepinella in koalas Jarchow J L, Trueblood, M H 2001 Nasal and
from the zoo may have had either direct and Phoecanobacter in porpoises 1,6 . P. cloacal bacteria in free-ranging desert
testudinis should not belong to the genus tortoises from the western United States.
or indirect contact via attendants with Journal of Wildlife Diseases 37: 252–257
exotic species. Pasteurella, as it displays less than 50 % 6. Foster G, Ross H M, Malnick H, Willems A,
Only 4 other cases from tortoises were DNA homology with the type species, Hutson R A, Reid R J, Collins M D 2000
received for diagnosis of bacterial diseases Pasteurella multocida8. Its exact taxonomic Phocoenobacter uteri gen. nov., sp. nov., a
position has not yet been determined, new member of the family Pasteurellaceae
at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute
and a new genus will probably be defined Pohl (1979) 1981 isolated from a harbour
from 1970 to 2001. Two cases yielded no porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). International
significant bacterial isolates and 2 others to accommodate it1,4,6. Molecular methods, Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Micro-
from unknown tortoise species were such as ribotyping, whole cell and outer biology 50: 135–139
submitted for Salmonella typing. One was membrane protein determinations have 7. Jacobson E R, Gaskin J M, Brown M B,
been described, which distinguish be- Harris R K, Gardiner C H, LaPointe J L,
from a healthy imported tortoise, which Adams H P, Reggiardo C 1991 Chronic
yielded Salmonella Zaire15, and the other tween strains isolated from tortoises with
upper respiratory tract disease of free-rang-
was a tortoise from the Western Cape and without disease 14 . These isolates ing desert tortoises (Xerobates agassizii).
with hepatitis, which yielded Salmonella were, however, not subjected to further Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27: 296–316
Windermere, in 1980. examination. 8. Mutters R, Ihm P, Pohl S, Frederiksen W,
Further investigations should be carried Mannheim W 1985 Reclassification of the
Since no other investigations were genus Pasteurella Trevisan 1887 on the basis
carried out on the cases it is unknown out to see whether P. testudinis is more of deoxyribonucleic acid homology, with
whether viruses or Mycoplasma were also widespread in South Africa. Leopard proposals for the new species Pasteurella
present, as was found in Californian tortoises were definitely identified only in dagmatis, Pasteurella canis, Pasteurella
the first 2 outbreaks, and investigations stomatis, Pasteurella anatis, and Pasteurella
desert tortoises2,7,10. The stress of being langaa. International Journal of Systematic
held kept in captivity, as well as the mix- should include all 14 southern African
Bacteriology 35: 309–322
ing of 2 groups in the 2nd case, probably tortoise species, both free-living and in 9. Oettle E E, Steytler Y G M, Williams M C
contributed to clinical disease in those captivity. 1990 High mortality in a tortoise colony.
tortoises. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 20:
A primary viral aetiology was suspected 10. Pettan-Brewer K C, Drew M L, Ramsay E,
I am indebted to the Director, Onderste-
as a cause of high mortality in a South Mohr F C, Lowenstine L J 1996 Herpesvirus
poort Veterinary Institute, for permission
African tortoise colony in which some of particles associated with oral and respira-
to publish this information. The labora- tory lesions in a California desert tortoise
the tortoises showed acute dyspnoea9. Of
tory staff of the Bacteriology Section is (Gopherus agassizii). Journal of Wildlife Dis-
the 31 tortoises that died in that outbreak, eases 32: 521–526
also thanked for technical assistance, and
Herpesvirus-like inclusions were found 11. S c h l a t e r L R K 1 9 8 9 A n a e r o g e n i c
Dr Mary-Louise Penrith for the pathologi-
in material from 1 tortoise and Para- Pasteurella-like organism isolated from
cal examination.
myxovirus-like inclusions in another. horses. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Inves-
Bacterial culture was only attempted in a tigation 1: 3–5
REFERENCES 12. Snipes K P, Biberstein E L, Fowler M E 1980
few cases, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1. Angen Ø, Mutters R, Caugant D A, Olsen A Pasteurella sp. associated with respiratory
was isolated from an abscess of 1 case, J E, Bisgaard M 1999 Taxonomic relation- disease in captive desert tortoises. Journal of
the liver of another, the mouth of a 3rd ships of the (Pasteurella) haemolytica complex the American Veterinary Medical Association
(Homopus areolatus) and the lungs of a 4th as evaluated by DNA–DNA hybridizations 177: 804–807
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(Chersina angulata). It was not clear from
Mannheimia haemolytica gen. nov., comb. testudinis sp. nov.: a parasite of desert
the report which species the first 2 re- nov., Mannheimia granulomatis comb. nov., tortoises (Gopherus agassizi). International
ferred to, but of the 31 tortoises that died, Mannheimia glucosida sp. nov., Mannheimia Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 32: 201–210
only 2 were leopard tortoises. One of the ruminalis sp. nov. and Mannheimia varigena 14. Snipes K P, Kasten R W, Calagoan J M,
leopard tortoises showed dyspnoea and sp. nov. International Journal of Systematic Boothby J T 1995 Molecular characteriza-
Bacteriology 49: 67–86 tion of Pasteurella testudinis isolated from
stomatitis, and had a plastic bag in the 2. Brown M B, Schumacher I M, Klein P A, desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) with
colon, and the other dyspnoea, sudden Harris K, Correll T, Jacobson E R 1994 and without upper respiratory tract
death and pneumonia. No attempt was, Mycoplasma agassizii causes upper respira- disease. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 31: 22–29
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group, and it appears that no bacterial Infection and Immunity 62: 4580–4586 Steyn H C 1997 Salmonella isolated from
3. Boycott R C, Bourquin O 2000 The Southern crocodiles and other reptiles during the
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136 0038-2809 (2003) 74(4): 135–136

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