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What is your favourite language and why?

Can you please give us an example of a project you worked on and the technologies involved?
And how did you make these choices?
What is the code repository you used? and why did you choose that?
What is Continuous Integration?
What is the difference between GET and POST?
The primary difference between the two includes the following:
It is used to recover the data
It carries the request parameter in the URL string
It can be bookmarked
It is used for writing the data
Takes the request parameter in the message body
It cannot be bookmarked
What is Pair-Programming? Have you ever done it?
Pair Programming is one of the core elements of extreme programming which involves
two developers to work on the same terminal. While one developer is called the “Driver” who
types the codes, the other developer called the “navigator” is responsible for reviewing the
What is CORS?
CORS also known as Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is a process for accessing various
web resources on different domains.
Tell us something about Multi-threading? Also Give us a scenario where it can be used?
List some common ways to reduce the load time of a web application?
 There are quite a lot of ways to reduce the loading time of a web application like
enabling browser caching, optimizing images, minifying resources, minimizing HTTP requests
and reducing redirects.
Write a simple linq query to join two tables (objects)
What is RESTful API and why is it used?
A RESTful API often called RESTful web service refers to REST (Representational State
Transfer) and complete kind of API is the Application Program Interface. The program the
interface utilises HTTP protocol to define the set of function such as GET, PUT, POST and
DELETE data.
How is REST different from SOAP?
These are two APIs with the following differences:
1. REST is an architectural style with no official standard. SOAP is a protocol and with
the official standard.
2. REST makes use of numerous standards such as HTTP, JSON, URL, XML whereas
SOAP uses mainly XML and HTTP.

Usually, while integrating third-party services in your API requests often leads to long response
times. How can you avoid this? Do you know any technologies relevant to solving this issue?
The most efficient way to solve this issue is to use queues. So, when a request is made
to your API, a separate job will be created and added to a queue. This job will be
executed independently to the requested endpoint, thereby allowing the server to
respond without any delay.
Some of the best queue providers are Redis, Beanstalkd, and Amazon SQS.

Do you know SOLID principles?

What is difference between constant and readonly?
Explain when to use Finalize vs Dispose?
What is Abstract class? Why Abstract class cannot be sealed or static?
Tell us something about your recent learnings
Have you involved into debugging process of complex program? Incase one of the application
which you developed is not responding properly. What you will do as a debugging process?
What is design pattern and what are different types?

There are the following types:

 Creational patterns: They are used to create objects according to builder, singleton
pattern, prototype, abstract factory, singleton pattern, etc.
 Structural patterns: They make the design easy by introducing a simple way for
relationship realization among various entities like adapter, facade, bridge,
decorator, proxy pattern, etc.

 Behavioral patterns: These are used to identify communication patterns among



Which authentication mode you used in your project? Why did you go for it?
There are two authentication modes –

 Windows Mode
 Mixed Mode

What is recursive stored procedure?

SQL Server supports recursive stored procedure which calls by itself. Recursive stored
procedure can be defined as a method of problem solving wherein the solution is arrived
repetitively. It can nest up to 32 levels.

What is the use of COALESCE in SQL Server?

COALESCE is used to return first non-null expression within the arguments. This function
is used to return a non-null from more than one column in the arguments.
What is a Trigger?
Triggers are used to execute a batch of SQL code when insert or update or delete
commands are executed against a table. Triggers are automatically triggered or executed when
the data is modified. It can be executed automatically on insert, delete and update operations.
What are the types of Triggers?
There are four types of triggers and they are:
Insert, Delete, Update, Instead of,
Can you please ping the command used to get the version of SQL Server?
Select SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') is used to get the version of SQL Server.
How to delete duplicate rows in SQL Server?

Duplicate rows can be deleted using CTE and ROW NUMER feature of SQL Server .
What is Filtered Index?
Filtered Index is used to filter some portion of rows in a table to improve query
performance, index maintenance and reduces index storage costs. When the index is created
with WHERE clause, then it is called Filtered Index
Can records be deleted from a View in SQL Server?
It depends.
There are two types of Views in SQL Server. One is a “simple” view that contains data
from one table only, and the other is a “complex” view that contains data from multiple tables.
A delete operation can be performed on records in a simple view, but not in a complex
Is this a valid query?
SELECT TOP 5 YEAR(BillingDate) AS BillingYear, COUNT(*) AS

FROM Invoices
WHERE CustomerId = 42
GROUP BY YEAR(BillingDate)
ORDER BY BillingYear;

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