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Formula for pooled variance t-test:

(xbar1 - xbar2) Where:

T= 1 1
√S²p +
n1 n2

Compute pooled variance first before solving t-test.

Formula for S²p is:
(n1 - 1)S²1 + (n2 - 1) S²2
S²p =
(n1 - 1) + (n2 -1)

Determine the degree of freedom; and togethrer with the given level of significance,
locate the critical t-value from t-test distribution table.
Formula for degree of freedom is:
df = n1 - 1 + n2 -1

Separate variance t-test - assumes that the variance of the two independent groups are unequal.
Formula for separate variance t-test is:

(xbar1 - xbar2) Where:

√ S²1

Note that in separate variance t-test, there is no need to compute for the pooled variance
to calculate t-test.

However, the computation for the degree of freedom (v) for separate variance t-test is
different from the pooled variance t-test.
Formula is:
S²1 ² S²2 ²
n1 n2 unequal/separate
df = v = S²1 ² S²2 ² variance
n1 n2
(n1-1) (n2-1)
equal variance

equal variance

equal variance

oups are unequal.


d variance
Mr. Led, owner of a manufacturing firm of energy saving light bulbs would want to
improve the life expectancy (in terms of hours) of its produced bulbs. To achieve
such, he needs to upgrade the machine its uses in producing light bulbs. Sales
representatives of two different types of machine approached and offered their
machines to Mr. Led. In order to determine which machine can help improve the life expectancy of
the light bulbs, Mr. Led conducted separate experiments on the two machines, the results of which
are shown on the table below. Assuming equal
variance and at a .01 level of significance, is there significance difference on the
average life expectancy of light bulbs produced by machine I and machine II?

Null hypothesis:
There is no significant difference on the average life expectancy of the
light bulbs produced by machine I and machine II.

Alternative hypothesis:
There is a significant difference on the average life expectancy of the
light bulbs produced by machine I and machine II.

Level of significance:
.01/2 = 0.005 divide alpha by 2 since its two-tail hypothesis

***Since it states "assume equal variance", we will use the degree of freedom
formula for pooled variance test.

df = n1 - 1 + n2 - 1
= 35 + 35 - 2
= 68

Critical value:
± 2.650 two-tail hypothesis, positive-negative critical value

Normal Curve:

-2.650 2.650
Decision rule:
Reject the null hypothesis if t < -2.650 or t > 2.650; otherwise do not
reject the null hypothesis.

Since it’s a pooled variance t-test, we need to determine the pooled
variance first prior to computing t-test.

(n1 - 1)S²1 + (n2 - 1) S²2

S²p =
(n1 - 1) + (n2 -1)

(35 - 1)(100) + (35 - 1)(93)

S²p =
(35 - 1) + (35 -1)

S²p = 96.5

(xbar1 - xbar2)
T= 1 1
√S²p +
n1 n2

(395- 382)
T= 1 1
√96.5 +
35 35
T = 5.536

Reject the null hypothesis, 5.536 > 2.650; which means there is
significanct difference on the average life expentancy of light
bulbs produced by machine I and machine II.

Based on the results, light bulbs produced using Machine I have
longer life expentancy that those produced by Machine II. Hence,
Mr. Led should purchase Machine I since it can contribute a lot in
achieving its goal of improving the life expentancy of its energy
saving light bulbs.

**** You can give more recommendations aside from the given

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