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Fibers from Regenerated Collagen

Warren C. Schimpf and Ferdinand Rodriguez.

School of Chemical Engineering, Cornell University, lthaca, New York 14853

Fibers are formed from enzyme-treated, acid-soluble collagen by coagulation of extrudates in ammonium hy-
droxide followed by cross-linking with glutaraldehyde. A tensile strength of 60 MPa is attained when a 5 % colla-
gen solution (pH 3.1) is extruded at an average velocity of 11.8 cm/s through a die which is 0.89 mm in diameter.
Coagulation for I min in 0.2 N ammonium hydroxide is followed by cross-linking for 3 min in a mixture of 0.5%
glutaraldehyde, 9.5% water, and 90% ethanol. Sodium chloride was inferior to the ammonium hydroxide as a
coagulant as far as development of tensile strength was concerned. The effects of die diameter, coagulation,
and cross-linking times and concentrations are explored.

Introduction Testing Machine. This machine provides a constant rate of

Collagen is a biomaterial which constitutes 20 to 30% of extrusion during formation of each fiber and is also used to
the total body protein in vertebrates. I t is found in high con- test each fiber for ultimate tensile strength. The extrusion and
centrations in bone, tendon, and skin (Rubin and Stenzel, testing is done in a room a t a constant temperature of 2 1 f 1
1968; Chvapil et al., 1973). Enzyme treatment of calfskin with "C, and constant relative humidity of 55 f 5%.
simultaneous acid solubilization yields a soluble collagen free A 10-ml plastic syringe, fitted with a short hypodermic
of the telopeptide appendages which are believed to cause needle, is used to hold the collagen solution during extrusion.
most of the immunological response when collagen from one The loaded syringe is driven by the cross-arm of the Instron
species is introduced into another. Acid-soluble collagen can machine. The end of the needle is below the surface of the
be extruded to form a fiber which is coagulated by an increase coagulating solution in a 50-ml glass cylinder. After extrusion
in p H or by a high salt concentration. A major use of such fi- and coagulation, the soft fiber is transferred to a glass tray and
bers could be as absorbable sutures in surgery. The ultimate cross-linked by solutions of glutaraldehyde in 90% ethanol.
tensile strength (UTS) is only one important parameter. Knot The fibers are dried on plates of glass which are sprayed with
strength and rate of absorption in the body are equally critical. silicone oil to prevent sticking. When dry, the fibers are
However, the present work focuses on the optimization of measured and weighed so that the cross-sectional area can be
strength as a function of coagulation and cross-linking con- determined. They are stored a t room temperature in glass jars
ditions. containing distilled water for 24 h before being tested in a
Because of equipment limitations, the fibers were not under wetted condition on the Instron machine to determine ulti-
tension after leaving the extrusion die so that no drawing could mate tensile strength. The wet rather than the dry condition
be accomplished. Even with this disadvantage, the effects of is thought to be a reasonable approximation to conditions of
coagulation and cross-linking conditions were marked enough actual use.
to act as guides to the production of relatively strong fibers. With a gauge length of 75 mm, the fibers are wrapped
Collagen can be cross-linked either chemically or by UV around the spindles (each 9.5 mm diameter) four times and
light in order to increase strength. UV-induced cross-links can then fastened to the spindles with cellophane tape. The total
be impractical on an industrial scale, however, since the length of the fibers tested is approximately 38 cm. A jaw
cross-links must be formed under a nitrogen atmosphere so separation rate of 51 mm/min was used for all tests.
that the free radicals do not react with oxygen before partic- Tensile strengths are reported in megapascals (MPa) based
ipating in the cross-linking reactions (Miyata et al., 1971). The on the dry cross section of the fibers. A density of 1.34 g/cmi
cross-links which are formed are also less stable than those for collagen is used (Tanioka et al., 1973). In other common
formed chemically (White et al., 1973). units the strength is given by
Cross-links can be introduced chemically into the collagen g/denier
1 MPa = 145 psi = 0.846 X
molecule by such reagents as glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde,
acrolein, and chromium salts. The aldehydes are better re- Standard conditions are shown in Table I.
agents for blood compatibility than the chromium salts,
however, and it has been found that glutaraldehyde introduces Results and Discussion
more cross-links than the other reagents mentioned (White 1. Extrusion Rate. Tensile strength increases with de-
et al., 1973; Stenzel e t al., 1974). Collagen cross-linked with creasing die diameter (Figure l). This is expected since a
glutaraldehyde has shown increased resistance to bacterial smaller diameter a t constant extrusion rate increases the
collagenase and the biological lifespan is likewise increased orientation of the collagen fibrils along the axis of extrusion
as susceptibility to enzyme digestion is decreased. I t would and ultimate testing. There is, of course, a practical limit to
appear that glutaraldehyde is a suitable cross-linking agent the smallest needle diameter which can be used since even-
to use if the collagen fibers are to be used as sutures. tually the pressure drop through the needle will be greatly
intensified and the equipment will not bear the stress exerted
Experimental Procedures on it. The same is true of the allowable magnitude of extrusion
The collagen used in this work was prepared using en- rate for a specific diameter needle. As extrusion rate increases,
zyme-acid solubilization of calf-hide (Hamed and Rodriguez, pressure drop may increase beyond a practical limit or flow
1975; Takahashi, 1974). Initial concentration was about 5% instability may occur. The tensile strengths a t increasing ex-
solids by weight and the p H was adjusted to 3.1 with hydro- trusion rates passed through a maximum and leveled off,
chloric acid. suggesting increased orientation a t first and then perhaps a
The basic apparatus used in this project is the Instron competing mechanism taking over as extrusion rate was in-

90 Ind. Eng. Chem., Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 16, No. 1, 1977
Table I. Standard Conditions
Extrusion rate
Cross-arm speed 1 in./min
Volumetric rate 4.39 cm,"/rnin
Average velocity in 11.8 cm/s (23.2 ft/min)
0.89 mm D die
Diameter 0.089 cm (0.035 in.)
Length 2.0 cm (0.80 in.)
Concentration 1 N NH40H
Time 1min 1 0'2 0'5 i i 5 IO 20
Cross-linking Coagulation Tlme, mlnutes
Concentration 0.5%glutaraldehyde
Time 3 min Figure 2. Increasing coagulation time decreases strength under
standard conditions.


D =I6mrn
.o----- o~-'----n --__o-
-. .v/-v--- V
. v-
0.2 Ornm
I - i I i

i i
t%z ' 0; ' 1 2

Normality of Coagulant

Figure 3. Optimum ammonium hydroxide concentration is about 0.2

N for a coagulation time of 1 min.
creased. It is beneficial to work at a lower extrusion rate where
tensile strength is still high since the fibers produced are more
uniform in cross-sectional area and are easier to handle than mine the time of coagulation a t which UTS exhibited a max-
those produced a t higher rates. I t should be noted, however, imum. There is reason to believe much shorter coagulating
that microscopic examination of sample fibers formed at all times are possible before a marked decrease in UTS occurs.
experimental extrusion rates revealed no cases of pronounced Viscose used in the production of rayon and staple fiber, for
flow instability. example, is extruded into coagulating baths which range in
The extrusion rates investigated extend upward into the length from ten to several hundred inches (Ott and Spurlin,
range of those used in many industrial spinning processes. 1963). At spinning speeds of about 350 ft/min, this corre-
Polyglycolic acid sutures, for example, are extruded at a rate sponds to coagulating times of approximately 0.15 to 4 s, which
of 150 ft/min, while other wet-spun fibers such as polyacry- are much lower than those attainable in the present work.
lonitrile are extruded in the range of 50-300 ft/min (Schmitt 3. Coagulating Agents. Ammonium hydroxide is superior
and Polistina, 1967; Alexander, 1966). to sodium chloride in terms of yielding fibers of high tensile
The diameters of the needles through which the collagen strength a t almost all concentrations (Figure 3). This is
was extruded were also in the range of the diameters of the especially true at low concentrations as an optimum concen-
spinneret holes used in industry. These holes usually vary in tration of 0.2 N was found for ammonium hydroxide. Below
diameter from about 0.002 in. to about 0.030 in., depending 0.5 N, sodium chloride did not coagulate the collagen in the
on the fiber material and desired characteristics (Atlas et al., time span measured (1 min), and above 2 N, the fibers coag-
1967). The needle diameter of 0.035 in. used for most of the ulated in NaCl were extremely crusty and brittle. In both
experimental tests is close to this upper limit. As might be cases, tensile strength passes through a maximum, supporting
expected, a longer die length gives a somewhat higher strength. the argument made earlier of competing mechanisms since
Increasing the length from 0.80 in. to 1.60 inch increased the a higher coagulant concentration corresponds to a longer
strength by about 10%. coagulating time. It would therefore appear from these results
2. Time of Coagulation. A minimum time of 15 s was used that ammonium hydroxide should be chosen as a coagulating
and fibers coagulated under this condition exhibited maxi- agent over sodium chloride and that, for this geometry at least,
mum tensile strength (Figure 2). Fibers which were not a concentration of 0.2 N is the optimum.
coagulated at all fell apart when stored in water and could not The main purpose of the coagulating bath is to neutralize
be tested. The results indicate that at longer coagulating the solvent which contains the collagen, causing it to precip-
times, hydrolysis and possibly chain scission become more itate out of the solvent system. Cross-links may also be formed
important than the coagulating effect of the ammonium hy- by the coagulant's action on the fiber material, thereby
droxide and serve to weaken the collagen structure. The long strengthening it further. Rather than using an acid coagulant
chain collagen structure can then be broken down in a way to neutralize an alkaline solvent (or vice versa), however, salt
similar to that caused by prolonged UV irradiation (Miyata solutions can also be used, as was done experimentally, to
et al., 1970). dehydrate the fiber and thus cause precipitation in this
Experimental limitations made coagulating times of less manner. This is common practice in the formation of regen-
than 15 s impractical. Therefore, it was impossible to deter- erated protein fibers as well as cellulose and other staples (Ott

Ind. Eng. Chem., Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 16, No. 1, 1977 91

4 4
/ O
' 0

\ 0\

I 2 5 1 0
Glutaraldehyde concentration, W t 96
O V ' 10
I 1 102 103
Crosslinking time, minutes Figure 5. At a cross-linkingtime of 3 min, the optimum concentration
Figure 4. Strength decreases at cross-linking times greater than 1 h. appears to be about 0.2% by weight. Cross-arm speed was 2 in./
Cross-armspeed was 2 in./min. min.

and Spurlin, 1963; Rebenfeld, 1967). I t should be noted that Table 11. Commercial Suture Materials. Strength
concentrations of these coagulating solutions usually vary Measured in Wet Condition
from about 1N to 5 N, much higher than the optimum of 0.2
N NH40H but nearer the optimum concentration of 1N NaCl Tenacity,
determined experimentally for the collagen system. Material gldenier"
4. Cross-Linking Time. Standard conditions were used Polyglycolic acid 4.75
(Table I) except the cross-arm speed was 2 in./min. Fibers Silk 2.45
which were not cross-linked fell apart after storing in water Catgut 1.79
and could not be tested. A minimum cross-link time of 1min Chromated regenerated collagen 1.70
was used and this resulted in the highest tensile strength Glutaraldehyde--cross-linked collagen 0.49
(Figure 4). Strength is not decreased greatly by times up to from present work (41 MPa = 6000 psi)
1 h. The decrease of UTS with long cross-linking times again ' Denier based on dry fiber.
suggests a competing mechanism whereby the cross-linking
reaction is eventually replaced by the chain scission of the sutures produced industrially often undergo a rigorous tan-
collagen molecules. Prolonged ultraviolet irradiation also leads ning process, which may limit the use of collagen as a bioma-
to chain scission and it appears that the cross-links produced terial. Perhaps the present work can be a step toward truly
in this way are less stable and have a lower IJTS than those absorbable, biocompatible sutures.
formed by the glutaraldehyde (Stenzel et al., 1974).
5. Glutaraldehyde Concentration. The results obtained Acknowledgment
for the effect of glutaraldehyde concentration with variable The authors are grateful to F. Takahashi, E. W. Chapman,
concentration a t a cross-linking time of 3 min support the C. W. Zvanut, and T. Miyata for their assistance and for
previous results of the effect of cross-linking time since a low helpful advice and criticism.
glutaraldehyde concentration corresponds to a short cross-
linking time (Figure 5 ) . A cross-arm speed of 2 in./min was L i t e r a t u r e Cited
used. Tensile strength passs through a maximum a t 0.2% Alexander, A,, "Man Made Fiber Processing, 1966", Noyes Dev. Corp., Park
glutaraldehyde concentration and then decreases, exhibiting Ridge, N.J., 1966.
Atlas, S. M., Mark, H. F., Cernia, E., Ed., "Man-Made Fibers", Voi. 1, p 130,
the familiar competing cross-linking-chain scission mecha- Wiley-lnterscience,New York, N.Y.. 1967.
nism. Chvapil, M., Kronenthal, R. L., van Winkle, W., Jr., ht. Rev. Connect. Tissue Res.,
6, l(1973).
6. Comparative Results. Some common suture materials Hamed, G., Rodriguez, F., J. Appl. Po/ym. Sci., 19,3299 (1975).
were obtained from the Cornel1 Medical Center in New York Miyata, T., Sohde, T., Rubin, A. L., Stenzel,K. H., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 229,
672 119711.
City and tested in wet condition. Results are shown in Table Ott, E.,' Spuriin, H., "Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives". pp 1010, 1014,
11. The fibers produced in the laboratory did not compare well Wilev-lnterscience.New York. N.Y.. 1963.
with the suture materials but this is not surprising since they Rebenfkld, L.. in "Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology", Vol. 6,
p 548, Wiley, New York. N.Y.. 1967.
have not undergone the processes used to make the sutures, Rubin, A. L., Stenzel, K. H., M.I.T. Techno/.Rev., 71 (2). 3 (Dec 1968).
and, particularly, they have not been drawn after extrusion. Schmitt, E., Polistina, R., (to American Cyanamid Company), U.S. Patent
For example, the commercial collagen suture materials tested 3 297 033 (Jan IO, 1967).
Stenzel, K. H., Miyata. T., Rubin. A. L., Ann. Rev. Biophys. Bioeng., 3, 231
here are actually braided fibrils which have been treated with (1974).
a chromic tanning process. The collagen sutures themselves Takahashi, F., private communication, 1974. (Collagenwas prepared at Cornell
by Mr. Takahashi while on leave from Japan Leather Company.)
rank last in tensile strength out of the four materials tested Tanioka, A., Jojima, E., Miyasha, K., ishikawa, K., J. Po/ym, Sci. Phys., 11, 1489
but the other properties mentioned in the Introduction still (1973).
make collagen a promising suture material. I t is hoped that White, M. J., Kohno. I., Rubin, A. L., Stenzel, K. H., J. Biomaterials, Med. Devs.,
Artif. Urgs., 1, 703 (1973).
collagen fibers can exceed the typical strengths of many re-
generated protein fibers which are only in the range of 0.3-0.7 Receiiled for review May 24, 1976
g/denier when tested wet (Rebenfeld, 1967). The collagen Accepted November 29,1976

92 Ind. Eng. Chem., Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 16, No. 1, 1977

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