Astrology Natal Chart Report

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Natal Chart
27zq 33' 12 Nov 20 1942
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Natal Chart Report
Joe Biden

Prepared by
Patricia Rogers


Welcome to your Natal Chart report.

Your Natal Chart report is an astrological chart based on the mathematically precise positions of the
planets and the Sun & Moon at the time, date and place of your birth. It provides you with insights into
your character and personal life potentials by indicating the strengths you have and the challenges you
experience in life.

Your Natal Chart report covers among other things your primary motivation in life, your identity, emotions,
mentality, love and sexuality, spirituality, earning ability and career potentialities and so on.

In some parts of the report you will come across apparent contradictions in the descriptions of your
character. This is to be expected; people are complex and have many contradictory facets to their

Birth Data

Joe Biden 41n24'32

Natal Chart Geocentric
Nov 20 1942 Tropical
8:30:00 AM Placidus
EWT +04:00:00 True Node
Scranton PA A: Person or Associate
USA Acc: Exact

Planet Positions

Sun 27z 33' 33" Scorpio

Moon 00z 59' 06" Taurus
Mercury 21z 32' 10" Scorpio
Venus 28z 33' 14" Scorpio
Mars 12z 35' 25" Scorpio
Jupiter 25z 08' 02" Cancer Retrograde
Saturn 09z 57' 10" Gemini Retrograde
Uranus 02z 46' 26" Gemini Retrograde
Neptune 01z 30' 53" Libra
Pluto 07z 13' 34" Leo Retrograde
Moon's North Node 00z 08' 56" Virgo Retrograde
Moon's South Node 00z 08' 56" Pisces Retrograde
Ascendant 03z 11' 29" Sagittarius
Midheaven 19z 54' 29" Virgo

House Cusps

1 03z 11' 29" Sagittarius

2 05z 20' 24" Capricorn
3 13z 04' 53" Aquarius
4 19z 54' 29" Pisces
5 19z 56' 41" Aries
6 13z 29' 18" Taurus
7 03z 11' 29" Gemini
8 05z 20' 24" Cancer
9 13z 04' 53" Leo
10 19z 54' 29" Virgo
11 19z 56' 41" Libra
12 13z 29' 18" Scorpio


The Ascendant describes your personality and image, the face you show the world, and
the nature of your personal and wider environment.

Ascendant in Sagittarius
Your primary motivation in life is to attain power and recognition. You have a strong need for a
restriction-free environment, with room for movement and self-expression. You love nature, the
great outdoors and adventurous situations. You have an open, friendly and frank personality, but
can occasionally be opinionated, moralistic and tactless. A true seeker of wisdom and
knowledge, you range far and wide geographically and intellectually. Higher education and
international travel appeal to you. Most likely you will pursue both of these.

Ascendant Conjunct Sun (5z38' S)

You project an aura of confidence and self-assurance that announces to the world "I know who I
am and what I'm worth". You have a strong desire to become important or to gain the esteem of
others. You have a knack for attracting the attention of important and even well-known or
famous people. Other people respond to the sheer warmth, vibrancy and power of your
personality; they see you as someone who is going somewhere or is worth knowing.
Consequently, you also tend to attract as many hangers on as admirers. You may tend to
overwhelm other people with the power of your personality and display pride or egotism.

Ascendant Quincunx Moon (2z12' S)

Readily adaptable, you will bend over backwards to accommodate others and cater to their
needs. You have natural warmth, coupled with an ability to make others feel at ease in your
company. Women play an important role in your life and you will have many contacts with them.
Alternatively, you can be overly sensitive and touchy, and changeable and inconsistent towards
others. Difficulties can arise with others through moody and reactive behavior. You experience
periods of feeling susceptible and vulnerable to external influences. Your relationship with your
mother may be testing at times.

Ascendant Conjunct Venus (4z38' S)

You have a pleasant and friendly personality that other people find attractive and alluring. You
possess physical appeal, a charming nature, sophistication and a good fashion sense; all of
which favor you socially. You may have artistic talents; you will certainly have an appreciation of
the arts and culture. You have good taste and an eye for style and design.

Ascendant Opposition Saturn (6z46' A)

You are quite a complex person; some days you come across as shy or inhibited and other days
as authoritarian and controlling. You are very practical and take your responsibilities seriously.
Possibly, you have held responsible positions throughout your life, perhaps even since
childhood; e.g. you may have had to look after younger siblings. You are quite self-contained
and tend to keep your own counsel, consulting with others only when you need to. This can
make you appear aloof or distant and give you a reputation for unilateral decision-making.
Experience has made you circumspect in your dealings with others. You tend not to suffer fools
gladly and have little time for silliness and trivialities. Sometimes you experience difficulties
relating to others, or you just cannot be bothered with the demands of relationships. You may
shun company and spend periods in seclusion. It is possible that you may experience periodical
bouts of low vitality.

Ascendant Opposition Uranus (0z25' S)

You are an original personality and delight in your uniqueness and individuality. You insist on
having the freedom to do as you wish, even if it unsettles others. You are a non-conformist and,
in all likelihood, ahead of your time. To some people, you are an exciting person to be around; to
others you are just too unconventional for them to understand. You need to take care not to
come across as too eccentric or weird, because you may isolate yourself socially. You are
intrinsically restless and will tend to have many changes of environment throughout the course
of your life. You may be a technological whiz.

Ascendant Sextile Neptune (1z41' S)

You have an active imagination and are easily inspired and may show great talent in any of the
creative fields - especially music, theater and writing. You instinctively tune into others and seem
to understand their needs without them saying a word. At times, you give over an impression of
floating on air or living in your own world.

Ascendant Trine Pluto (4z02' A)

You have the ability to lead others and to subtly get people to do as you wish, usually through
gentle but firm persuasion. Other people are attracted to you because you have an irresistible
magnetism. You will win friends and influence people because you respect power and know not
to abuse it.

Ascendant Square Moon's North Node (3z03' S)

You have difficulties getting along well with others in your personal environment caused by
disruptive or unsociable behavior.


The Sun describes your sense of personal identity, your creative expression and ability to
realize your individual potential and gain recognition.

Sun in Scorpio
You are intense, magnetic and insightful. You feel things deeply and are passionate about the
things that interest you the most. Life is viewed as an exercise in survival. Everything you
achieve is earned. You have great powers of perseverance and tenacity. Conflicts with others
are common-place, despite your best efforts at harmony. You are steadfast in adversity and take
pride in coping with life's challenges. You have an all-or-nothing attitude to most things and will
give something your total attention if warranted. At times, you can be prone to bouts of
extremism, fanaticism and obsession.

Sun in 12th House

You are a private person who requires periods of seclusion and withdrawal from others to
recover from the pressures of life. As a rule, you prefer to work behind-the-scenes and can feel
uncomfortable under the glare of the spotlight. You experience fluctuating levels of self-
confidence and tend not to be overly ambitious. You need to guard against the potential enmity
of powerful individuals.

Sun Conjunct Mercury (6z01' A)

You have an active and alert mind and an interest in learning. You like being involved in mentally
stimulating projects. A thinking person, you thrive on intellectual stimulation and study. You also
enjoy talking with people and expressing your opinions. At times, you can worry incessantly or
suffer from nervous stress and overwork. You can be overly subjective and be inclined to take
things too personally.

Sun Conjunct Venus (1z00' S)

You have a natural charm that others find attractive. Your warmth and affection is contagious
and endearing to other people. You have strong powers of personal attraction and welcome the
intimacy of individual relationships. Innately creative, you have the ability to develop artistic flair
and an aesthetic sense. You appreciate beauty and refinement in all its forms.

Sun Trine Jupiter (2z26' S)

You have an essentially positive and healthy outlook on life. Generosity of spirit and goodwill
towards others makes you a popular companion and a fun person to be around. You are
motivated by a strong urge to expand in life and to broaden your personal horizons. You have
the ability to successfully advance your material, social, intellectual or spiritual aspirations. In
general, you are a fortunate person whose needs in life will be met without too much hardship.

Sun Opposition Uranus (5z13' A)

You are very much your own person and march to your own drumbeat. An original personality,
you delight in being different and unique. You are intensely strong willed and individualistic and
will go to great lengths to achieve your personal goals and objectives. You are highly
independent and freedom loving, and refuse to be bound by convention. Other people may feel
challenged by your individualism and forced to question their own conformity when they see you
in action. You are innovative and progressive, with a modern and contemporary outlook on life,
but can also be extremely self-willed, disruptive and unpredictable. Provocative and
contradictory, you can stir up people or create incidents just for the sake of it. Expect the
unexpected in your life, including sudden changes, setbacks and accidents. You may be a
genius ahead of your time, or an eccentric.

Sun Sextile Neptune (3z57' A)
You are highly sensitive and receptive. Your inner life is very active and mystical experiences
are not unfamiliar to you. In fact you are inherently psychic and clairvoyant. You have the power
of vision and inspiration, which may be expressed through the arts, healing or in some
leadership capacity. Gifted with compassion and sympathy, you have an innate understanding of
the needs of other people. You will probably travel far and wide in the course of your life, or at
least have an empathy with the sea. Your father may be somewhat elusive or unknowable to
you. Prone to seducing influences, you may be susceptible to intoxicants and stimulants.

Sun Square Moon's North Node (2z35' A)

You have a testing relationship with others, either with authority figures or in your own capacity
as an authority figure. You may feel blocked by other people from achieving your objectives, or
experience difficult relations with others due to ego clashes. You count important and significant
people among your connections.


The Moon describes your emotional nature, instinctual behavior and unconscious
response patterns, and sense of home and family.

Moon in Taurus
You have a need for financial and material security in order to maintain emotional well-being.
While it is in your nature to manage your financial affairs with care, it is probable that you will
have changeable material circumstances in life. In your emotional life, you desire constancy and
faithfulness in others. You know how to enjoy the good things in life. There can be a risk of
weight gain through over-indulgence or poor nutrition.

Moon in 5th House

You are a born romantic in constant search for the ideal in love. You are charming, imaginative
and instinctively creative. The arts can play an important role in your life and you have an
appreciation of artistic mediums such as drama, cinema, dance, music and poetry. You know
how to amuse yourself and will probably enjoy an active and varied social life. You may be
attracted to the entertainment industry or child-care.

Moon Quincunx Venus (2z26' S)

You know how to live and how to enjoy the good things in life. You have a taste for luxury, a
sense of fun and a liking for parties and clubs. Positively, you have artistic potential, especially in
painting, photography, ceramics or music. You have an appreciation of the finer things in life and
the capability to become socially sophisticated.

Moon Square Jupiter (5z51' S)
The difficult or challenging aspects (such as this one) between Jupiter and the Moon are not
usually too demanding, due to the planets' mutual connection to the sign of Cancer by essential
dignity. You have a kind heart, a helpful and an obliging nature, coupled with the desire to help
others in need. Philosophical and religious questions occupy your mind; however you can
experience personal conflicts over matters of outlook and spiritual beliefs. You will most likely
have connections with overseas countries or foreigners through travel or international business
contacts. Negatively, there can be a tendency to slothfulness, greed or over-indulgence in
pleasure-seeking activities.

Moon Quincunx Neptune (0z32' A)

You are highly perceptive and sensitive to influences around you and able to pick up on the
feelings of others and the mood of the environment. Your empathic manner attracts others to
you and you know how to comfort and heal those in need. You tend to have an idealistic outlook
on life and can be quite dreamy at times and content to just go with the flow. You are easily
inspired and have a vivid imagination with the ability to tap into a wide range of creative talents,
including music, poetry, painting and photography. Your dream-life is highly active and you
possess a certain psychic sensitivity. At times, you need to be alert to deceptive influences or
undermining emotional currents within the family or involving women.

Moon Square Pluto (6z14' A)

You have a complex emotional life. Your feelings are intense and you feel things deeply. The
dynamics of your personal relationships are intricate and often strained, especially with your
family or significant females. There are power struggles in the home or with dominant women.
Equally, you can be domineering or emotionally manipulative and intent on getting everything
your own way. You can also be prone to particular habitual fixations or compulsions.

Moon Trine Moon's North Node (0z50' S)

You are able to cultivate a feeling of closeness in your personal associations. You are generally
accommodating and supportive in your relationships and devoted to the important people in your
life. Women and family are important to you and strong contacts will be established with them.


The Midheaven describes your highest aspirations in life and means to self-fulfillment,
your personal vocation, and your status as perceived by others.

Midheaven in Virgo
Your goals and aspirations are down-to-earth and practical. Your aim in life is to do the best you
can at any task or activity. This is achieved through methodical procedure, attention to detail and
efficient use of resources. Self-realization is attained by living a simple and uncomplicated life.

Midheaven Sextile Mercury (1z38' A)
You are able to maintain a good balance between your professional life and your home life. Most
likely, you will receive good vocational guidance and a sound education from your parents. You
are interested in learning and study; and intellectual work should be quite easy for you. You are
a good conversationalist and other people seek you out to hear your opinions. You keep yourself
informed and up to date with developments in the world and your career.

Midheaven SemiSquare Pluto (2z19' A)

You have the capability to make your mark on the world and become a person of some
significance or importance. If other factors in your horoscope support it, you have the potential to
gain a measure of fame. At some point in your life, there is a strong possibility you will undergo a
radical change in direction that may surprise both yourself and others. You have the capability to
be a leader or a public figure; however you need to take care not to abuse your authority, as it is
likely to annoy others. If you misuse your power, your past may catch up with you and ruin your
reputation. There can be power struggles in the home or domestic upheavals.


Mercury describes your manner of expression, your powers of communication and

intellectual reasoning, your ability to formulate and articulate ideas, and to make

Mercury in Scorpio
You have a deeply perceptive mind, which is capable of profound thinking. While you tend not to
be an "ideas" person, you are keenly instinctive and usually see things accurately, if not
necessarily charitably. Rather than mince your words, you prefer to tell it like it is. You are
interested in intrigues and have a talent for investigative or research work. You can be secretive,
suspicious, scheming and sarcastic.

Mercury in 12th House

You need to create a space in your life where you can retreat and entertain your own private
thoughts. You are quite happy in your own company and tend to prefer to work alone or behind-
the-scenes. You are possibly interested in the occult, mysticism or psychology and may read,
write or lecture on these subjects. Also, secrets and plots may intrigue you.

Mercury Conjunct Venus (7z01' A)

Your thoughts are more often than not on love and relationships. You need to share your ideas
and affections with those who are close to you. You have a pleasant manner and easily interact
with others. You enjoy social activity and are good company because of your sense of fun. You
have a creative intellect and an eye for beauty and artistic design. You may also have talents as
a speaker or writer.

10 | P a g e
Mercury Trine Jupiter (3z36' A)
You are basically an optimist at heart and usually express a positive and confident outlook on
life. You are able to exercise intelligent reasoning and are generally tolerant of other people's
ideas and perspectives. In general, you are a good communicator and can express your ideas
easily and lucidly. You are quite wise and understanding of things and others will frequently seek
your counsel and advice. In your desire to broaden your knowledge, you will most likely travel,
correspond with people in other countries and possibly study or have business arrangements
overseas. You may be well read and erudite. Certainly, you appreciate the value and benefits of
a sound education. You will most likely have success as a speaker or writer. A sense of humor,
wit and a generous nature will gain you popularity with others.


Venus describes your appreciation of beauty and the arts, your powers of attraction, and
your capacity for close personal relationships and love affairs.

Venus in Scorpio
You have an all or nothing attitude when it comes to love. It is not unusual for you to experience
the extremes of deep passion and cool indifference in romantic affairs. Difficulties in love can
arise through emotional manipulation, power struggles or jealousy.

Venus in 12th House

You enjoy quiet and solitude and occasional periods alone to recharge your emotional batteries.
You can be shy and reserved in the expression of your intimate feelings and may harbor
unspoken love yearnings. Equally, you may have secret admirers or become involved in
clandestine love affairs. Be aware that indiscreet activity in regard to matters of the heart could
result in scandal and embarrassment.

Venus Trine Jupiter (3z25' S)

You have a pleasant and affectionate nature, which warms people to you easily. Gregarious and
optimistic, you embrace life wholeheartedly and fully. You have an attractive personality and a
kind-hearted manner about you, with the ability to gain popularity or favoritism from others. You
have the capability to feel at ease in most social situations and are able to form harmonious and
fortunate connections with people. To some extent, you may lack the drive or ambition to fully
develop your creative potential, preferring instead to indulge in sensuality and trivial pursuits.

Venus Opposition Uranus (4z13' A)

You tend to be choosy in love because you need someone who can accommodate your need for
freedom and independence. You are attracted to exotic and unusual partners who are
independent and up-to-date in their outlooks. A lover who is emotionally dependent or clingy
would make you feel very uncomfortable. No matter how much you like or love another you will
not allow your independence to be compromised. You rebel against commitment and emotional
pressure from others, or being made to feel obligated to meet their romantic expectations of you.
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Instead, you thrive on change and variety in love and the thrill of the new. Conventional and
routine relationships will drive you to distraction. Adventurous and receptive to new experiences,
you are fun to be with and open to experimentation. Artistically, you appreciate anything that is
modern, original and unique.

Venus Sextile Neptune (2z58' A)

Good taste, refinement and artistic appreciation or talent is the promise of this planetary pairing.
You have a keen sense of beauty, coupled with creative imagination and inspiration. You may
develop a talent for music, dance, drama, poetry, painting or photography. Emotionally, you are
highly romantic and inclined to dream and wish for perfect love. In regard to matters of the heart,
you are idealistic, a bit ungrounded and susceptible to seducing influences.

Venus Square Moon's North Node (1z36' A)

In general, you have well-developed social skills, coupled with the ability to charm and win over
others. You prefer the company of cultured and socially sophisticated people, and tend to
cultivate friendships with creative and artistic people. Breakdowns in relationships are possible
through disruptive or rude behavior.


Mars describes the way you act and assert yourself, your basic urges and desires, and
your ability to achieve personal goals.

Mars in Scorpio
A person with strong willpower, you know exactly what you want and how to get it. Strong-willed
and fearless, you pursue your goals and desires with great determination. Other people sense
that you're not someone to mess with. In conflicts or aggressive situations, you stand your
ground and hardly ever concede defeat. Power struggles are commonplace in your life.

Mars in 11th House

You are motivated to make friends and to join clubs or societies. Your friends tend to be
boisterous, energetic, loud and argumentative personalities. Sparring and conflicts are likely
between you and your friends. Also, you have to be careful with regard to the company you
keep, as others can lead you into trouble. Consequently, some of your friendships are frequently
tested and broken or deemed to be more demanding than they are worth.

Mars Quincunx Saturn (2z38' S)

This particular combination of planets is challenging to say the least. The enthusiastic and
adventure seeking nature of Mars come up against the obstructive and restraining tendencies of
Saturn. Hence, a key phrase for this aspect is 'restricted activity'. Traditionally, the uniting of
Mars and Saturn makes for a troublesome pairing; however with self-awareness difficulties can
be lessened. Saturn can tone down Mars' impatience and encourage disciplined action, the
12 | P a g e
attainment of goals through concentrated or sustained effort and persistence. You are a hard
worker who possesses endurance and the capability to work long and demanding hours. At
times, progress in life can seem frustratingly slow; it sometimes feels as if you are 'driving with
the hand brake on'. Negatively, you may find it difficult to manage anger and irritability. There is
a risk of adopting a harsh outlook or of becoming resentful, vengeful and bitter. At approximately
seven-year intervals, you are forced to contend with restrictions and periods of low physical

Mars Square Pluto (5z22' S)

Quite simply, this aspect gives you the power to express your energies in either a positive and
constructive manner or in a willful and destructive fashion. Whichever way you use it, you are a
force to be reckoned with. Positively, you have extraordinary staying power, which enables you
to work long and demanding hours and to push yourself to the limit when required. Negatively, a
desire to dominate or manipulate people can backfire on you and cause confrontations and
power struggles. Worse still, you can become emotionally reactive and vengeful if you don't get
things your own way. Injuries are possible in high-risk situations or environments.


Jupiter describes how you relate to the larger world beyond your personal self, how you
expand in life, and experience higher learning, travel or religion.

Jupiter in Cancer
You have a strong attachment to your home and family. The creation of a secure and
comfortable home for yourself and your loved ones is important to you. Your educational, moral
and religious outlooks are established in early life. Financial assistance is often available through
the family. You have a caring and protective nature, coupled with a genuine concern for the
emotional needs of others.

Jupiter in 8th House

You have a talent for dealing with other people's money and resources and may be very
successful as a financial adviser/controller, tax consultant, banker, stockbroker or accountant.
You may also benefit personally from legacies or inheritances. Your personal or professional
partner may be wealthy, lucky with money or financially clever and resourceful.

Jupiter SemiSquare Saturn (0z11' S)

In general, your life alternates between periods of optimism and pessimism and periods of
financial abundance and financial hardship. It can sometimes seem that everything good that
happens to you comes at a cost. Your challenge is to find the middle path between enjoying life
and keeping it real. Occasionally, you experience feelings of dissatisfaction with your lot in life;
however this can serve as a motivation to improve your situation. All of your personal successes
- academic, financial or emotional - are hard won and gained through industry, perseverance

13 | P a g e
and self-discipline. You have a good head for business because you understand the cycles of
expansion and consolidation. Your philosophical outlooks tend to be orthodox and conservative.


Saturn describes your experience of reality, your fears and inhibitions, where you are
serious, and how you respond to society's rules.

Saturn in Gemini
You have a practical, disciplined and logical mind and are motivated by the urge to learn and
study and to acquire useful knowledge. Clear and unambiguous communications are important
to you. Rigid thinking is possible, and there can be shyness or awkwardness in social situations.
You may be insecure about your intellectual abilities.

Saturn in 7th House

You view relationships with others seriously and realistically. You have a strong sense of
responsibility towards others and desire fairness in your dealings with people. Marriage or
significant partnerships tend to be stable and enduring. Equally, however, coolness or emotional
remoteness within marriage can lead to difficulties, feelings of loneliness and separation. You
may be attracted to others of a wide age difference to you. Possibly, a partner may be
obstructive, critical and uncooperative. Opponents or enemies can be persistent and relentless;
and legal difficulties may be experienced.

Saturn Conjunct Uranus (7z11' A)

This aspect happens only once every 46 years due to the slow orbital speeds of these two
planets. Socially, it represents periods of violent disruption in the world and the sudden tearing
down of established structures: consider, for example, the resulting break up of the Soviet Union
following the most recent conjunction of Saturn and Uranus in 1988. On a personal level, you
often feel tense and churned up inside, as you struggle between the urge to conform and the
urge to assert your individuality. One side of you wants to be like everyone else while the other
side cannot bear the thought of it. For your own peace of mind you need to find a balance
between these conflicting urges. You are quite rebellious and will buck against anyone or
anything that restricts your freedom. Also, when you feel the pressure for change building up
within you, don't suppress it because you may cause yourself stress and even possible physical

Saturn Sextile Pluto (2z44' A)

Everything you achieve in life is as the result of sheer determination and effort. You have great
powers of endurance and perseverance, coupled with a tenacious attitude and the self-discipline
to see things through to their successful conclusion.

14 | P a g e

Uranus a generational planet - describes areas of personal and peer group uniqueness,
your intuitive awareness, and your ability to adapt to the new and sudden.

Uranus in Gemini
You have the ability to comprehend new ideas and concepts quickly and intuitively. An
innovative and original thinker, you have the power to impress your ideas on others. You are
innately restless and in constant search for new stimuli.

Uranus in 6th House

You do not like to be tied down to strict routines in your work. You look for employment in fields
that offer a fair amount of change and variety, coupled with a measure of autonomy, as you tend
not to conform easily to the authority of others. You are suited to work that incorporates modern
working methods and up-to-date technology. In regard to matters of health, you tend to be
attracted to non-traditional healing techniques.

Uranus Trine Neptune (1z16' A)

The aspects between the so-called generational planets cause effects that are more collective
than individual. On a personal level, you are someone who has an interest in gaining spiritual
understanding. You may be psychically gifted, if other factors in your horoscope support this.

Uranus Sextile Pluto (4z27' S)

You were born during an era that witnessed much social change and revolution, especially
associated with technological advancement. You have an appreciation of the need for social
reform and personal transformation. You view change as a force for good even if it is
accompanied by crisis.

Uranus Square Moon's North Node (2z38' S)

You either prefer the company of unusual and original people, or you come across to others as
unconventional and eccentric yourself. You enjoy change and variety with regard to your
associations and can be inclined to make and break contacts suddenly and unexpectedly. When
meeting new people, you tend to assess their character intuitively and quickly. You may
associate with people who expose you to unsettling or disruptive experiences.


Neptune a generational planet - describes your personal and peer group experiences of
spirituality, your powers of inspired fantasy and areas of illusion.

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Neptune in Libra
You are a member of a generation that tends to idealize romantic love and marriage. There is
the potential for unrealistic expectations in relationships, which can lead to let-downs or
disappointments. You have a high sensitivity to beauty and refinement, coupled with an
appreciation of the arts.

Neptune in 10th House

You can be attracted to careers that enable you to express your creativity and imagination, such
as the film industry, advertising, fashion and music. Equally, you are suited to charitable, service
and healing work, or occupations connected with the sea, water, or the oil and chemical
industries. You desire a profession that feeds your soul. Your reputation is always vulnerable, so
care is needed that you don't damage it through dishonesty or scandal.


Pluto a generational planet - describes your personal and peer group experience of
upheavals, forces beyond individual control, power and irreversible changes.

Pluto in Leo
You have a strong need to be self-expressive and to make an impression on others and the
world in general. You are part of a generation of leaders and doers. While you tend to challenge
authority, you can be extreme and dictatorial when in positions of power yourself.

Pluto in 8th House

You have a deep interest in the occult and esoteric mysteries. You may develop a fascination for
subjects that investigate the questions of life, such as reincarnation, life after death, karma, yoga
and astrology. Under certain conditions, you could experience problems with others' money,
taxes or inheritances.

Moon's North Node

The Moon's North Node a mathematical point - describes how you interact with others
socially and the types of unions you form.

Moon's North Node in Virgo

You tend to form connections in life through work or work-related activities. You need
intellectually satisfying associations. There may be a tendency to be associated with teachers,

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students, health professionals or researchers. You tend to select friends or acquaintances with
care and discrimination.

Moon's North Node in 9th House

Your karmic lesson in life is to define your own spiritual truth, philosophy or religion. Travel and
connections with overseas countries or foreigners can be important to you.

Moon's South Node

The Moon's South Node a mathematical point - describes challenges in your relationship
with others.

Moon's South Node in Pisces

You can expect difficulties in your relationships, if your expectations of others are unrealistic, or
if you evade issues that arise in associations.

Moon's South Node in 3rd House

With the Moon's South Node placed here, you experience difficulties with siblings and

Signs on the Cusps

1st House Cusp in Sagittarius

Your primary motivation is to attain power and recognition in life. You have a strong need for a
restriction-free environment, with room for movement and self-expression. A lover of nature, you
enjoy outdoor activities and adventurous situations. You have an open, friendly and frank
personality, but can occasionally be opinionated, moralistic, blunt and tactless. You are a true
seeker of wisdom and knowledge and will travel far and wide to acquire it. Higher education
appeals to you.

2nd House Cusp in Capricorn

Money is a serious business to you. Irrespective of your financial situation, you don't tend to be
frivolous or extravagant, possibly because you have a fear of poverty. You work hard for your
money and manage it well by investing it carefully.

3rd House Cusp in Aquarius

You are a progressive and independent thinker with original ideas. You have the ability to
surprise people with your comments, especially your relatives, schoolteachers and neighbors.
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An advocate for freedom of speech, you are not afraid to climb up on your soapbox to make a
point if necessary.

4th House Cusp in Pisces

Your emotional attachment to your home and family is strong. Home is your private domain; you
need to feel that you can relax in it and seclude yourself away from the world's troubles.
Preferably, you should live near water.

5th House Cusp in Aries

The busier you are the happier you feel. Energetic and fun-loving, you pursue pleasures and
amusements with enthusiasm and gusto. You have a great love of challenges, adventurous
activities, sports and possibly dancing. You are bold when it comes to love attractions; and
winning the heart of another may be one of your favorite pastimes.

6th House Cusp in Taurus

You are a steady and reliable worker, but not necessarily an innovative or imaginative one.
Preferring routine, you don't like too many surprises or changes in your work environment. You
may work in a creative field, but probably not in a freelance capacity, as you prefer security to
uncertainty in employment. Too much talking may lead to hoarseness.

7th House Cusp in Gemini

You enjoy change and variety in your relationships. You are drawn to people who are
intellectually stimulating, mentally alert and quick on the uptake. Communication is vital in your
relationships. You are physically attracted to slim and slender people with fine bone structures.
Possibly, you may marry more than once, or maintain more than one relationship at a time.

8th House Cusp in Cancer

Losses of any kind can be distressing for you, especially if they involve loved ones. Inheritances
are likely from the family. Shared resources with others may fluctuate and partners could worry
about meeting financial obligations.

9th House Cusp in Leo

Scholastic achievement is important to you. If you gain a good education, you could become a
leading educator, teacher or academic. In regard to philosophy or religion, you tend to hold onto
to your beliefs once you've formed them. Travel is usually enjoyed and in grand style if possible.
Important teachers and advisers tend to be authoritative and respected, but can also be proud
and haughty.

10th House Cusp in Virgo

You are a natural worker and vocational matters are very important to you. You have a talent for
precise and exacting work. Practical and efficient, you are well-suited to careers within the
service industries, business, health sectors, computer fields or the research and academic

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11th House Cusp in Libra
You tend to attract out-going and gregarious friends, who are expressive and adaptable in most
situations. In many instances, your friends are artistic, cultured or refined in manner. As a rule,
you desire harmony in your friendships; sometimes you find yourself playing the role of

12th House Cusp in Scorpio

Harboring secret resentments or jealousies can lead to your undoing. You need to guard against
fixating on negative thoughts, as these could cause feelings of depression or mental anxiety.

House Rulers in Houses

1st House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 8th House

You realize your primary motivation in life through having an interest in managing or maintaining
other people's resources. Vocationally, you could consider work in finance, banking, insurance,
brokering, or in pathology, forensics and A & E. You have a fascination for the occult and the
mysteries of life and the beyond.

2nd House Cusp Ruler, Saturn, in 7th House

Your income in life is connected to a partner, whose influence either helps or hinders your
financial status. This can include either a personal or a professional partner. You may do quite a
lot of negotiating with others for business. Deals, contracts and agreements feature in your
financial life.

3rd House Cusp Ruler, Saturn, in 7th House

You are a natural conversationalist and have an inborn ability to convince others of your own
ideas. Talking with members of the public should come quite easily for you. Communication with
others is important to you, especially with a partner.

4th House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 8th House

You and your family may pool financial resources, or own land or a business together.
Difficulties in life may be caused through the deeds or attitudes of the father. You may pursue an
interest in occult sciences in later life, if not earlier.

5th House Cusp Ruler, Mars, in 11th House

You appreciate the company of your friends and like to involve them in activities that you enjoy.
You like social occasions and events. You may belong to groups or societies that are interested
in the arts or music. You are suited to team or fun sports.

6th House Cusp Ruler, Venus, in 12th House

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Your work may bring you into contact with institutions, such as hospitals, asylums, rest homes,
prisons, refuges or hospices. Equally, you have the tendency to overwork and place your own
health at risk. A lot of the work you do is behind-the-scenes, such as for charity and the welfare
of others.

7th House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 12th House

Your personal unions are nobody else's business but your own. You and a partner require
periods in seclusion together, but also occasional time away from each other. Secrets and secret
actions lead to difficulties in your partnerships.

8th House Cusp Ruler, Moon, in 5th House

Money you receive from such things as inheritances or tax refunds is likely to be spent on things
that you enjoy. You may have a talent for encouraging others to spend money on you.

9th House Cusp Ruler, Sun, in 12th House

Your spiritual and philosophical development is enhanced from occasionally taking time out in
seclusion or quiet meditation. Your religious outlooks are a private affair to you and it is possible
that only a few people really know what you truly believe. You do your best academic work in
quiet surroundings or in retreat. A word of warning: if you taunt the law you could experience
forced confinement.

10th House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 12th House

You may have some difficulty achieving recognition in your profession. You are a backroom
person, content with working behind-the-scenes. You may work with the needy, study the
unconscious or work in institutions such as hospitals, hospices, prisons or retreats.

11th House Cusp Ruler, Venus, in 12th House

While your friends are important to you, you need occasional time out from them, to re-center
yourself. Your friends may not get to know everything about you, as you tend to keep aspects of
yourself private or apart from others. Friends often confide in you, as you have a sense of

12th House Cusp Ruler, Mars, in 11th House

You tend to keep your personal goals and ambitions to yourself and only let others know about
them on a need-to-know basis. You could find yourself in the role of confidant to important

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The Qualities and Elements

The signs of the zodiac are grouped into two basic categories. These are known as the Qualities
and the Elements. The Qualities describe fundamental modes of activity and the Elements
describe temperament. There are three Qualities: Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable and four Elements:
Fire, Air, Earth & Water. Your horoscope has varying degrees of each Quality and Element. The
percentages you have of each will determine their importance in your life. The higher
percentages will be more powerful in your life, the lower percentages will be less powerful.

The Qualities

14% Cardinal
The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn. The more planets you have in any of
these signs the more Cardinal you are:
Cardinal people are action oriented and initiating. They are interested in promoting change and
bringing new things into the world. They are direct, assertive and like to take charge of
situations. They are ambitious, independent and dislike being supervised. They are good at
starting projects, but not so good at completing them. They have abundant enthusiasm and are
very resourceful. Cardinal people generally don't hold grudges.

43% Fixed
The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius. The more planets you have in any of
these signs the more Fixed you are:
Fixed people are persevering and enduring. They achieve results in life through determined and
persistent effort. They tend to do one thing at a time and are extremely practical in their
approach to everything. They are not easily influenced by others and can be quite firm or
stubborn once their minds are made up about something. They tend to hold onto things and are
reluctant to change. They are staunch, but they can also be inflexible and at risk from becoming
set in their ways.

43% Mutable
The Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces. The more planets you have in any of
these signs the more Mutable you are:
Mutable people are the most flexible of the three types. They are able to go with the flow. They
are changeable and adaptable, but also indecisive and restless. They are sensitive to the
opinions of others, but they can also be impressionable and easily influenced by environmental
circumstances. Mutable people lack the stubbornness of the Fixed signs and the forcefulness of
the Cardinal signs, which makes them good mediators and go-betweens.

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The Elements

14% Fire
The Fire signs are Aries, Leo & Sagittarius. The more planets you have in the Fire signs the
more pro-active and self-determining you are:
The Fire signs go for freedom of action and power. They strive for recognition in life. They are
out-going and enthusiastic, adventure seeking and powerful. They are ardent, passionate,
assertive, demonstrative, bold and courageous. They can also be impatient and bossy, willful
and reactive, especially when they face delays or obstructions in their path.

21% Earth
The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn. The more planets you have in the Earth signs
the more practical and needful of security you are:
The Earth signs seek material security. They are down-to-earth, pragmatic, cautious, sensible
and conservative. Hardworking and industrious, Earth signs are able to put into effect the ideas
and inspirations of the other signs. They can be accumulative, possessive and overly
materialistic. They are also sensual and pleasure seeking.

21% Air
The Air signs are Gemini, Libra & Aquarius. The more planets you have in the Air signs the more
pro-active and self-determining you are:
The Air signs go for freedom of action and freedom of movement. Air signs need to be able to
come and go at will. Their domain is the air we breathe; hence they are conduits for
communication and the exchange of ideas. They are mentally alert and intellectually stimulating.
Gregarious and sociable, Air signs like to be around other people. They are observant and
perceptive, curious and inquisitive. They live totally in the here and now, and want to be in
whatever is going on.

43% Water
The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces. The more planets you have in the Water signs
the more needful you are of emotional security:
People with a majority of planets in the Water signs are motivated by the need to gain security in
their emotional lives. They are sensitive, deep, compassionate, imaginative and intuitive. Their
inner lives and dream lives are very active. They are spiritually inclined and potentially psychic,
with an ability to tune into others. Life is experienced as a mystical journey. They can also be
hypersensitive, impressionable and emotionally needy.

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Astrological Terms & their Meanings
The Zodiacal Signs Principle Keywords Ruler
ARIES I Am Motivated to act Mars
TAURUS I Have Practical & persevering Venus
GEMINI I Think Duality. Communicative Mercury
CANCER I Feel Emotional & nurturing Moon
LEO I Will Desires recognition Sun
VIRGO I Analyse Attention to detail Mercury
LIBRA I Balance Relates to others Venus
SCORPIO I Desire Intense & forceful Mars/Pluto
SAGITTARIUS I Aspire Broad outlook, idealistic Jupiter
CAPRICORN I Use Realistic & responsible Saturn
AQUARIUS I Know Human understanding Saturn/Uranus
PISCES I Believe Spiritual & sensitive Jupiter/Neptune

The Planets & Personal Points

SUN Spirit, life force & identity. Masculine principle
MOON Soul, emotions and instincts. Domesticity. Feminine principle
MERCURY Intellect and power of communication. The reasoning mind
VENUS Love, beauty, art and attraction
MARS Energy, action, aggression and conflict
JUPITER Wisdom, expansion, optimism & success
SATURN Restriction, limitation, restraint & sorrow
URANUS Change, originality, revolution & eccentricity
NEPTUNE Imagination, spirituality, inspiration, illusion & deception
PLUTO Power, forces beyond personal control & transformation
NORTH NODE Alliances, family ties and links with others
SOUTH NODE Karma and challenges in associations
ASCENDANT Face you show the world. Primary motivation in life
MIDHEAVEN Aim in life

The Houses
1st HOUSE Physical appearance, self-expression and vitality
2nd HOUSE Personal assets, wealth and earning ability
3rd HOUSE Immediate environment, siblings, mentality and communication
4th HOUSE Home, family, origins, father and later life
5th HOUSE Pleasures, amusements, love & children
6th HOUSE Service, work & health
7th HOUSE Partners, other people generally & open enemies
8th HOUSE Other people's resources, wills, legacies & death
9th HOUSE Long journeys, higher learning, religion and law
10th HOUSE Reputation, career & the mother
11th HOUSE Friends, benefactors and groups
12th HOUSE Self-undoing, withdrawal, retreat and seclusion

The Aspects
CONJUNCTION Unity of energies, which can be harmonious or aggravating
OPPOSITION Destructive or learning
TRINE Harmonious and flowing
SQUARE Tension
SEXTILE Easy, creative and harmonious
QUINCUNX Energies that work independently of each other
SESQUISQUARE Problems that can become chronic if not addressed
SEMISQUARE Petty annoyances that can escalate
SEMISEXTILE Minor disruptions, which usually work out for the best

End of Report

Report prepared by Patricia Rogers, Astrology Horoscope Queen

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