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October Madness - Age of Enlightenment

(unless someone else has a better name)

Name: Alexander Abensour, Group 5. First Round is Newton vs Ptomely

Instructions: Each person in your group will complete one of these Google Docs and submit it to me
at the end of the tournament. Over the course of 4 total rounds, you will be debating different groups
from the class based on which Age of Enlightenment figure you believe is the most important! There
are many popular choices, and in the past, I have had some really unexpected people win! The
rankings that you see on the bracket were decided by you and your classmates, so there is still plenty
of room for some upsets!

Round One: Each group will be given a match-up between two Enlightenment figures. With this
match-up each group will pick the winner based on who they think was the most important. Choose
carefully during this step because the winner that each group picks will be the Enlightenment figure
that they use for the ENTIRE tournament (or until they get eliminated) - think strategically with your
pick (Francis Bacon’s name alone won’t get him a championship)! Once you have chosen a figure,
complete the chart below, then wait for further instructions:
Who did your group choose? Newton

Why? (Two sentences We chose Newton because he has contributed so much that even
MINIMUM) in today's education people still learn about him and his laws. He
also invented calculus, he wrote many influential books also.

Round Two: This is the round where groups begin debating! You will have TEN MINUTES to work as
a group and create an argument against your opponent. Your goal is to make your Enlightenment
thinker seem more important than the other, no matter what (looking up “dirt” on your opponent is
encouraged, but don’t make it your entire argument)! Each group will have TWO MINUTES to present
their argument. During arguments, everyone else will complete the chart below as instructed. After
each argument, the entire class will vote on the winner, then Round Three will begin.
Round Two Who won, and why? Two complete sentences MINIMUM. (Leave your
Match-ups match-up box blank)

Match-up 1 Locke, he helped in creating democracy and influenced many into individual freedom. He
strived to protect the basic rights of humans.

Match-up 2 Montesquieu, He was the leader and inventor in the three branches. He did
this so they could divide the power.
Match-up 3 Newton, He created the laws of motion and physics, Although bacon created
the scientific method not all the scientists used it.

Match-up 4 Jenner, He created vaccines which were incredibly important. Without them
we would’ve died a long time ago because diseases were incredibly powerful
back then.

Match-up 5 Galileo, He was the father of the scientific revolution,he made major
contributions to the community.

Match-up 6 Wollonstcraft, She was a massive help to women's rights. And is one of the
reasons why Women are equal to men Today.

Round Three: Half of the Enlightenment thinkers have been eliminated! Round Three will work the
exact same way as Round Two, just with half as many match-ups! Each group will get FOUR minutes
to devise their arguments and TWO minutes to present their arguments (hopefully you were listening
to what some of the other groups said about your opponent!). Remember, you are voting for the
winner based on their ARGUMENT, not how much you like that specific Enlightenment thinker!
Round Three Who won, and why? Two complete sentences MINIMUM. (Leave your
Match-ups match-up box blank, if applicable)

Match-up 1 Montesquieu, He actually proposed a government plan unlike just stating one.
This is because he was amazing.

Match-up 2 Jenner, He saved countless lives. And cured many helpless children.

Match-up 3 Wollstonecraft, sHe strived for equal rights and woman rights. He was the
same cause of women's rights being brought up.

Final Round: This round will decide the First, Second, and Third place winners for the tournament! It
will work just like Round Two and Three, but with three Enlightenment thinkers instead of two. Each
group will get FOUR minutes to devise their arguments and TWO minutes to present their arguments
(hopefully you were listening to what some of the other groups said about your opponent!).

Final Round Who won, and why? Two complete sentences MINIMUM. (Leave your
Match-up match-up box blank, if applicable)

Final Match-up Wollonstonecraft, The victor she brought the idea of unfair rights between
women and men. She made it so women were no different than men and can
do what the men can do.

Once all rounds are completed, you will submit this Google Doc to me through Canvas.
Round One Round Two Round Three Finals
1. Locke


22. Robert Boyle

10. Voltaire Locke

19. William Harvey Harvey

4. Montesquieu Montesquieu


16. Thomas Jefferson

7. Rousseau Montesquieu

13. Denis Diderot Rousseau

2. Newton


23. Ptolemy

11. Francis Newton


20. Tycho Bacon


5. Copernicus Jenner Wollstonecraft


17. Parisian

8. Kepler Jenner

14. Edward Jenner


3. Galileo


24. Thomas Hobbes

12. Beccaria Galileo

21. Anton van Beccaria


6. M. Wollstonecraft Wollstonecraft


18. Evangelista

9. Rene Descartes


15. Zacharias Jansen Jansen

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