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Kick Offs #4; 11/2

Motives for Imperialism

Motive What were the goals of the What does the quote What motivates people to
Imperialists driven by this say? Summarize it in take control over others?
motive? your own words. Write a strong analysis
answering the question

Map out new territories, All powerful nations Feel superior. Strive for
find natives, and figure wanted land. For as much land as
Exploration out what resources resources and possible because more
were there. themselves. Nations land= more power and
who fail to do so will wealth.

Their saying that People are motivated to

nations are only great take control of others
Political Imperialists goals to based on what they because they can see
reside land for the do and produce. They the weakness and how
motherland, while should become an they have no resources
making sure their influence on other so they take advantage
country was on top and countries and fear and expand their empire.
had more resources them so they can take This will motivate more
than other countries. control easily. and more countries to
They needed more take back and take what
resources and had to was theirs.
have the most.

Europeans spread Idea of superior race has

their ideologies to a right to fix or civilize
Ideologies Force natives to adopt others they thought inferior race. They
european culture often were inferior pretended to be doing
through spreading these cultures a favor.
government, and
economic systems.
Wanted to convince Christianity should be Their main goal was to
natives that their spread everywhere. convert all natives to
Religion religion was wrong so By converting people christianity the natives
that they would to christianity they should look up to the
become christian. will either be imperialists.
destroyed or freed.

Obtain raw materials, British gave raw Political strength

get natives to purchase goods to China at an through economic
Economic goods, make money inflated price to make strength. Higher profits
grease the wheel of profit. from increased raw
capitalism. materials through
British purposefully whatever means
tried to get the necessary.
chinese addicted to
opium. In order to
open a market for tea
in china.

Kick Off #5; 11/3

1. Did you follow the election last night at all?

Yes, I was like half watching it.

2. How do you feel?

Fine, but I do know this election is incredibly important. I am confident in who I want to win.

3. What is a question you have about it?

Why is the counting bleeding over to today?

Characteristics Of Imperialism:

Land Grab-

Misusing the land, it is our destiny to have this land, we need their resources, Open new markets,
racially superior, help modernize.

Debt Peonage-
New Markets, need resources, help modernize, racially superior, misuse land/animals/crop.


Racially superior, misused land, it is our destiny to have this land, Resource

Coup D'etat-

Help remove a dictator, bring them democracy, open new markets.

Sow Division/ Create Conflict-

Remove dictator, bring democracy, racially superior , open new markets, need resources, destiny to
have land.

Corporate control-

Help modernize, Open new markets, Racially superior, misusing the land.

Imperialism Case Study:

1. Who were the natives living in Southwest Africa, and how did the relationship
between the natives and the Germans change over time?

Herero and Nama in the first couple years of settlement a war sparked between the two
tribes. After the war was settled they began cultural exchange. At first there was peace with
an agreement from the Germans but then the Natives found out the true meaning and conflict
between the colonists and the natives broke out. This was over the abuse of the men but also
the land and water.

2. Describe how the Germans finally “dealt” with the Herero-Nama natives? Give a
brief summary with at least 2 details from the texts of German treatment of the

At first they were disorganized by the German people. This made it an easy defeat for the
Germans. Soon after the Tribal people learned that they were going to be placed in a
reservation. They rebelled against the Germans and lost most of their people. This made it so
the Germans had full control.
3. What did the German government official mean when he called the German’s
treatment of the African natives as a “race war”?

They meant it was a war between races and they were both considered fair which is my
understanding. He is completely undermining the events by saying race war as it was not a
fair war when Germany invaded and killed thousands of natives. It was a massive genocide.

4. After reading the text, what CHARACTERISTICS of Imperialism are present in the

There are two main characteristic that stick out to me, Genocide and Land Grabs. During this
invasion the Germanic people killed over 100,000 natives making it a massive Genocide. They
also claimed all of their land which was the natives rightful land. Imperialism leads to death
and unwanted invasion which is what exactly happened.

Kick Off #7 Imperialism Case Study: INDIA


1. What role did the Mughal Empire play in leading to British imperialism in India?

Many of the rules of the Mughal Empire were handing off roles either because they died or
resigned. This led to a lack of leadership. Britain took over this weakness and exploited India
giving them an incredibly easy conquest.

2. What British organization gained control of India - how?

The British east india company. At first there was trade and then the more wealth they gained
the more power they got. Eventually taking over the economic society of India.

3. What was the name of the official British government set up in India?

The British Raj was to signify the leadership of Britain.

4. What was life like in British controlled India?

The British worked many of the workers to death and many starved. Over 3 million died
because of starvation or they were overworked. The living conditions were awful and almost
all of the Indian people were impoverished.

5. What characteristics of Imperialism are present in this case study? For each, identify the
characteristic, and explain HOW it is that characteristic using specifics from the sources.

Corporate control and debt peonage. For corporate control they saw the disadvantaged
indian government and took control with the East India British Company. They had corporate
control because they made the Indians work for them for over 100 years. For Debt Peonage
they would trade and then sell tea and other sought after items for a higher price to them
making them go into debt and ended up making the indian’s basically slaves to the British.
Kick Off #8 Chinese Imperialism:

1. Historically, how did China interact with the outside world before the era of Imperialism?

They were isolated from the rest of the world and did not interact with other countries
through trade or other economic commerce.

2. What was Great Britain's plan to open trade in China?

To take all the silver from China.

3. What is a Sphere of Influence?

Where a foreign country controls trade in another country.

4. How did China react to European Imperialism?

They rebelled against the British because they wanted to keep their ways of isolation.

5. What characteristics of imperialism are present in China? EXPLAIN

Corporate control. The British controlled the Chinese economic market and had their trade.
They were forcing the Chinese to trade with them whether it was fair or not fair. They were
after silver so that was their only goal.

Kick Off #9 Hawaiin Imperialism:


1. Why did the white colonists in Hawaii want Hawaii to be annexed (added to) America as a

It would remove the threat of a hefty tariff on the hawaiin sugar.

2. Who was QUEEN LILIUOKALANI? What role did she play in the story? What happened to

The Queen believed that the cause of all the trouble was american interference and the sugar
planters believed she was the one who started the problem so they overthrew her.

3. What characteristics of Imperialism are present here?

Sow Division, the Americans created a situation in which the people of Hawaii were led to believe
that it was their leaders' fault for the low price of sugar and poverty that came to the farmers. They
also opened new markets for the farmers to thrive and eventually overthrew the monarchy making
Hawaii give up their land to America.

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