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Kanglung Primary School, Kanglung Trashigang

Annual examination 2015

English IV Writing Time: 21/4 hours
Date: 23/11/15 Total Marks: 80


1. Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions.
After having read the questions, you will be given 2 hours to answer all questions.
2. Answers to all the questions must be written neatly in the answer sheets provided to you.
3. In this paper, there are three sections: A, B and C. all questions in section A and B are
4. Section C has three genres: Short Stories, Essay and Poetry. Each genre has two sets of
questions, Set I and set II. Set I comprises of Question nos. 1a and 1b and set II
corresponds to Question no. 2 across all sections. You must attempt one set of questions
from each section.
5. In section C, you must attempt three sets of questions in all. Your choice must include
one Set II question (Question no. 2) from any genre.
6. In section C, do not attempt questions from two different sets. Your choice is strictly
between the two sets of questions provided for each section.
7. Read the directions to each question carefully and write all your answers in your answer
booklet. Remember to correctly note the section and question number before writing your
8. Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with others,
or move around.
9. Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answered all
the questions.
10. If you finish before the time is over, close your Answer Booklet and sit quietly.

DO NOT forget to write your name, class and roll number on the
Answer Sheet(s)



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SECTION A: Writing

Question I – 10 MARKS

Direction: Write a composition of about 200 words on any ONE of the topics

given below.

1. My King

2. My Country

3. How to improve my English


Direction: You are Karma, a class IV student of Galing Pry School,

Trashigang. Write a letter on any ONE of the topics given below.

1. Write a leave letter to your class teacher requesting him to grant you three

days leave since you need to attend you annual rimdro at home.

2. Write a letter to your brother Sonam, who is studying at Saling Pry School,

Trashigang. In your letter you must write about what you did in your school

this year.

3. Write a letter to your friend Dendup, telling him about what you like to

become in future and why.

SECTION B: Language

Question I (10 marks)

Direction: Copy the number of the question, choose the correct response and

write it on your answer sheet.

1. The word ‘boy’ is an example of

a. verb b. noun c. adjective d. adverb

2. I will try _____ work hard.

a. by b. with

3. Which of the following is an example of verb?

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a. girl b. pretty c. run d. table

4. I __________ football with my friends yesterday.

a. play b. played c. will play d. plays

5. Tashi can swim, __________?

a. can he b. can Tashi c. can’t he d. did he

6. The plural of the word ‘child’ is

a. children b. childs c. many child d. childrens

7. ________ is a word which shows an action.

a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. pronoun

8. Which of the following is correctly spelt?

a. flowr b. flower c. flwer d. floer

9. Kinzang R. Dorji is _______honest person.

a. an b. the c. a d. very

10. Past tense of drink is_______

a. drunk b. drank c. drinking d. drinks

QUESTION II (1/2 x 10= 5 marks)

Direction: Ten words have been left out from the passage below. Each space

where a word has been left out is numbered. Write the number of the blank space

on your answer sheet and against it write the most suitable word from the table

given below.

Red Riding Hood was a ___1____ girl. She wore a pretty red cloak with a

___2___ hood. One day, her mother __3__ her to her grandmother’s __4___.

Her grandmother lived on the ___5___ side of the woods. Red Riding Hood

___6___ a basket of cake, pies and ___7___ to her. On the way she __8___

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some flowers. She was very ____ 9____. She sang a song as she _____10___

along the road.

carried little skipped happy matching

fruit other sent house picked
QUESTION III (1X5 marks)

Direction: Read the meaning of the words, pick the correct word and fill in the


a) Earring: a pretty thing that you wear on your ear.

b) Fridge: a big metal box for keeping food and drink cold and fresh.

c) Settle: go to live in a new place and stay there.

d) Tense: worried because you are waiting for something to happen.

e) Vital: very important that you must do or have.

1. We will ___________ in America, because our father works there.

2. She is wearing a beautiful ______________.

3. It is very ____________ to study hard during examination.

4. I will keep the meat in the _____________.

5. I become __________ when I think of my exams.

SECTION C: Literature

Short Story

Direction: From the two sets of questions under this genre, choose ONE SET and

write your responses in your answer sheet. The questions are based on the story

‘The Monkey and the Crocodile’.

Set I

Question 1a. (8 marks)

Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the most

correct answer or response and write it in your answer sheet.

1. The mother crocodile wanted to eat,

a. Head of a monkey c. hands of a monkey

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b. Heart of a monkey d. ribs of a monkey.

2. The monkey in the story is

a. Foolish b. stupid c. clever d. brave

3. The monkey told the crocodile that,

a. He doesn’t have heart c. he left his heart on the tree

b. His heart is dead d. his heart is rotten.

4. The crocodile tried to kill the monkey by

a. Keeping it under the water c. jumping over the rock

b. Using its teeth d. using its hand.

5. The monkey knew that, when crocodile opens their mouth,

a. They open their eyes too c. they show their teeth

b. They shut their eyes. d. they easily kill animals.

6. The monkey wanted to go to the other side of the river to

a. Be with other monkeys c. play with other monkeys

b. Meet its parents d. eat the ripened fruit.

7. In the second part of the story, the crocodile pretended to be a

a. Tree b. rock c. river d. fruit

8. The crocodile promised never to disturb the monkey because,

a. The monkey was foolish c. the monkey was stupid

b. The monkey was cunning d. they became good friends.

Question 1b. (7 marks)

Direction: Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the

number of the question on your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1. What was the crocodile’s first trick to kill the monkey? (2)

2. Was the crocodile successful to kill the monkey? Why? ( 1/2 + 1 = 1.5)

3. Describe the crocodile’s second trick to kill the monkey? (2)

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4. What happens at the end of the story? (1.5)

Set II

Question 2 (15 marks)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your

answer sheet.

1. Was the monkey clever? Why or why not? (5)

2. How did the monkey escape from the crocodile’s trick? (5)

3. What moral lessons did this story teach you? (5)


Direction: Read the passage given below carefully. From the two sets of questions

on this text, choose one set and write your responses in your answer sheets


Alice came upon a little three-legged table, made of solid glass. There was nothing

on it but a tiny golden key. On looking around a second time, she saw a low curtain

and behind it was a little door about fifteen inches high. She tried the little

golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it fitted!

Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger

than a rat-hole. She knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest

garden you ever saw. But she was much too large to get in.

She went back to the table. This time she found a little bottle with the words

‘DRINK ME’ beautifully printed on it in large letters.

Alive ventured to taste it, and, finding it very nice (it had a sort of mixed flavor

of cherry-tart, custard, pineapple, roast turkey, toffy and hot buttered toast),

she very soon finished it off.

‘What a curious feeling!’ said Alice. ‘I must be shutting up like a telescope!’ and so

it was indeed! She was now only ten inches high and the right size for going

through the little door.

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Set I

Question 1a (8 marks)

Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct

answer or response that best fits the given question and write it in your answer


1. Alice found a little bottle with the words

a. Drink me b. eat me c. throw me d. use me

2. The table was made of

a. wood b. ply wood c. glass d. iron

3. What did Alice find on the table?

a. A golden ring c. a golden pen

b. A golden lock d. a golden key

4. Alice knelt down and saw

a. lovely children c. lovely garden

b. lovely house d. lovely picture

5. The table, Alice saw had

a. One leg b. two leg c. three leg d. four leg

6. How high was the little door?

a. 13 inch b. 14 inch c. 15 inch d. 16 inch

7. Alice became ____________ after drinking the water in the bottle

a. Bigger b. taller c. thinner d. smaller

8. The small passage was not bigger than a

a. Rat hole b. dog hole c. cat hole d. rabbit hole

Question 1b. (7 marks)

Direction: Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the

number of the question on your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

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1. What did Alice find on the table the first time? (1)

2. What did Alice see through the little door? (1)

3. What did Alice find on the table the second time? (1)

4. What did the drink in the bottle taste like? (2)

5. What happened to Alice after she drank what was in the bottle? (2)

Set II

Question 2 (15 marks)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your

answer sheet.

1. Do you think that the story is true? Why or why not? (5)

2. Why did she say that she must be shutting up like a telescope? (5)

3. What would you do if you were Alice in the story? (5)


Direction: Read the poem below. From the two sets of questions on the poem,

choose one set and write your responses in your answer sheet.

Upside down world

If everything was opposite

Why, less would be more.

The poor will be rich

And the rich will be poor

Aero planes fly underground

Ships sail up in the sky

Two will be single

One will be a pair.

The tortoise, runs fast

The hare, runs slow.

If things were opposite

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I would be you and you would be me.

Set I

Question 1a (5 marks)

Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct

answer or response that best fits the given question and write it in your answer


1. In this poem, the poet talks about

a. People and animals c. animals, things and plants

b. People, animals and things d. people, this and nothing else

2. Where would the aero planes fly then?

a. Underground b. sky c. under water d. road

3. Which of the animals would run slow according to the poet?

a. hare b. tortoise c. lion d. cat

4. The poet describes her thoughts to us by

a. Asking questions c. giving examples

b. Playing games d. cracking jokes

5. The above poem is an example of

a. Imaginative writing c. descriptive writing

b. Narrative writing d. personal writing

Question 1 b. (5 marks)

Direction: answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the

number of the question on your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1. Write the examples of what would mean if the world was upside down.(3)

2. Explain the last three lines of the poem in your own words. (2)

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Set II

Question 2 (10 marks)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your

answer sheet.

1. What would happen if the world is upside down? (5)

2. Do you like the poem? Why or why not? (5)

Gelsen, P. AND Tshomo,S 2015

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