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Kanglung Primary School.

Kanglung, Trashigang
Annual Examination 2015
English V Writing Time: 21/4 hours
Date:21/11/15 Total Marks: 100


1. Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions.
After having read the questions, you will be given 2 hours to answer all questions.
2. Answers to all the questions must be written neatly in the answer sheets provided to you.
3. In this paper, there are three sections: A, B and C. all questions in section A and B are
4. Section C has three genres: Short Stories, Essay and Poetry. Each genre has two sets of
questions, Set I and set II. Set I comprises of Question nos. 1a and 1b and set II
corresponds to Question no. 2 across all sections. You must attempt one set of questions
from each section.
5. In section C, you must attempt three sets of questions in all. Your choice must include
one Set II question (Question no. 2) from any genre.
6. In section C, do not attempt questions from two different sets. Your choice is strictly
between the two sets of questions provided for each section.
7. Read the directions to each question carefully and write all your answers in your answer
booklet. Remember to correctly note the section and question number before writing your
8. Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with others,
or move around.
9. Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answered all
the questions.
10. If you finish before the time is over, close your Answer Booklet and sit quietly.

DO NOT forget to write your name, class and roll number on the
Answer Sheet(s)



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SECTION A: Writing

Question I – 10 MARKS

Direction: Write a composition of about 200 words on any ONE of the topics

given below.

1. Write an essay about what you want to become in future (ambition).

2. Write an essay about how you have celebrated 11 th November, 2015(This


3. Write an essay about an animal I would be .


Direction: You are Sangay, a class V student of Bikhar Primary School,

Trashigang. Write a letter on any ONE of the topics given below.

1. Write a letter to your friend Tshering, who is studying at Tsangpo Pry

School, asking him or her how he or she is going to spend winter break. You

also need to mention how you are going to spend your winter break.

2. Write a letter to your parents requesting them to send you some money. You

must include strong reasons for asking money from your parents.

3. Your parents had arrived to Kanglung from Paro to celebrate your 13 th birth

day. Write a letter to your friend who is studying in Monggar lower

Secondary School, inviting him/her to your birth day celebration. Mention

the time, day and the place of the celebration.

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SECTION B: Language

Question I (10 marks)

Direction: Copy the number of the question, choose the correct response and

write it on your answer sheet.

1. My mother has ____________ to the town to buy vegetables.

a. gone b. go c. went d. going

2. I am _____________ to come to your house this evening.

a. plan b. planned c. planning d. plans

3. My brother is ______________ than me.

a. tall b. taller c. tallest d. more taller

4. All of the following are examples of adjective, EXCEPT

a. Beautiful b. intelligent c. clever d. run

5. Sonam didn’t know the correct answer, __________?

a. didn’t he b. did he c. did Sonam d. does he

6. Which of the following words is correctly spelt?

a. Educaton b. eduction c. Edcation d. Education.

7. The sentence “I will reach to class VI next year” is an example of

a. simple past tense c. present perfect tense

b. simple future tense d. past perfect tense

8. I will send you _______ SMS regarding the time.

a. an b. the c. a d. all of the above

9. A __________ is a word which shows action

a. noun b. verb c. adjectives d. adverb

10. I like to watch movies after 9’o clock, _____________?

a. did I b. do I c. don’t I d. does I

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QUESTION II (1/2 x 10= 5 marks)

Direction: Ten words have been left out from the passage below. Each space

where a word has been left out is numbered. Write the number of the blank space

on your answer sheet and against it write the most suitable word from the table

given below.

Once upon a time, there lived a king. He had a ___1____who was motherless, since

the ___2___ had passed away. Her name was Florine and she has very __3__ and

gentle. She missed her __4___ very much. So, the king ___5___ again. His new

wife was also a widow and she too had a daughter by her ___6___ marriage. She

was nicknamed Troutlet, as she was rather ___7___ and selfish. The charm and

__8___ of Princess Florine was too much to be borne by the ___9___ queen and

her daughter. They felt hatred and jealousy towards her. One day, a ___10___

called Charming, happened to stay at the castle as the royal guest.

married ugly prince previous beauty

daughter queen new mother sweet

QUESTION III (1X5 marks)

Direction: There is an error in each of the following sentences. Identify the

error in each of the sentences given below and write them correctly.

1. Dorji ate so many apple.

2. I like to eat fruts after lunch.

3. Sir has gave us a new library book.

4. Pema has three sisters, has she?

5. Our teachers are teach very well.

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SECTION C: Literature

Short Story

Direction: From the two sets of questions under this genre, choose ONE SET and

write your responses in your answer sheet. The questions are based on the story

‘The Ladybug Garden’

Set I

Question 1a. (10 marks)

Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the most

correct answer or response and write it in your answer sheet.

1. The gardener was _______ as the story begins.

a. Sad b. happy c. angry d. jealous

2. Which of the following insect helped the flowers to produce more seed?

a. Bees and butterflies b. caterpillar

b. Aphids c. ladybugs

3. The ladybugs flew away from the garden, because,

a. The gardener chased them away

b. The aphids began to eat them

c. The gardener didn’t like them

d. The gardener sprayed poison in the garden

4. Ladybugs were helpful to the gardener since,

a. It killed the aphids. c. It sucked juice out of leaves

b. It helped in pollination d. It helped the plants grow.

5. Even the bees’ honey tasted strange because,

a. They had made it from honeydew

b. They had made it from nectar

c. They had made it from sweet juice

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d. They had made it from sweet nectar.

6. Who told the gardener that ladybugs are nature’s way of controlling aphids?

a. His uncle b. his brother c. his mother d. his friend

7. Which of the following insects are bad for a garden?

a. Bees b. wasps c. aphids d. ladybugs

8. The fine yellow dust in the flower is called

a. Pollen b. nectar c. yellow powder d. powder

9. The caterpillars damaged the plants by

a. Eating the branches c. eating the leavers

b. Eating the whole plant d. eating the stem

10. There were fewer butterflies visiting the garden, because

a. There were fewer flower c. there were fewer roots

b. There were fewer plants d. there were fewer leaves

Question 1b. (10 marks)

Direction: Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the

number of the question on your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1. Why did the gardener spray poison in the garden? (2)

2. Name four insects which lived in the gardener’s garden? (2)

3. Why did the aphids multiply so quickly? (2)

4. How were the ants and wasps helpful? (2)

5. What happened to the garden after the gardener finished spraying poison?


Set II

Question 2 (20 marks)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your

answer sheet.

1. How were the insects in the garden dependant to each other? (5)
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2. Would you spray poison in your garden? Why or why not? (5)

3. What can you say about the gardener after reading the story? (5)

4. What moral lessons did this story teach you? (5)


Direction: Read the passage given below carefully. From the two sets of questions

on this text, choose one set and write your responses in your answer sheets

Walter’s Red Star

One Friday, Andrew took Walter, his pet chimpanzee, to school. Walter was

allowed to sit at Steven’s desk as Steven was absent. Walter lifted the lid of his

desk and found a bag of potato chips. He ate them. Then he blew up the bag and

burst it. The children roared with laughter.

The class began to work hard at their sums. Jane got ten out of ten. Miss Nash

gave her a green star. Then they had an art class. Miss Nash gave Michael a green

star because he had painted a beautiful picture of a spaceship.

Walter enjoyed the Gym class. Miss Nash played the piano and the class hopped

and danced to the music. Suddenly there was a loud wail. Heather had climbed the

bars at the side of the gym and she could not come down. She was very frightened.

Quick as a flash, Walter swung up the bars. He put his arm around Heather’s waist

and helped her down. The children clapped and cheered.

Miss Nash gave Walter a red star to stick on his fur. Walter looked at Lane’s star

and at Michael’s star and then at his own star.

‘It’s all right, Walter,’ said Andrew. ‘A red star is like a green star, only better!’

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Set I

Question 1a (5 marks)

Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct

answer or response that best fits the given question and write it in your answer


1. Which class did Walter enjoy?

a. Math class c. Geography class

b. Science class d. Gym class

2. What did Miss Nash give to Walter?

a. A red star c. a green star

b. a blue star d. a pink star

3. Walter is Andrew’s

a. Friend b. pet c. father d. uncle

4. The word ‘sums’ used in the story means

a. Subtraction c. addition

b. Multiplication d. division

5. Walter was allowed to sit at Steven’s desk, because

a. Steven was absent c. Steven wanted Walter

b. Steven liked Walter d. Steven was friendly.

6. Who got 10 out of 10 in Miss Nash’s class?

a. Andrew c. Jane

b. Walter d. Michael

7. What did Walter find under the desk?

a. Bag of banana c. Bag of banana chips

b. Bag of potato crackers d. Bag of potato chips.

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8. Miss Nash gave Michael a green star because,

a. he painted a beautiful picture of a spaceship

b. he helped Heather to come down.

c. he was the class captain.

d. he could play the piano very well.

9. What did Miss Nash play during the gym class?

a. Guitar b. flute c. Drum d. piano

10. Andrew’s pet Walter, is a

a. monkey c. chimpanzee

b. gorilla d. golden languor

Question 1b. (10 marks)

Direction: Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the

number of the question on your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1. What did the students do when Miss Nash played the piano? (1)

2. Why did Walter get a red star? (2)

3. Why did the other children roar with laughter? (2)

4. Why do you think Walter looked at other’s star? (2)

5. Who was stuck at the bars? (1)

6. Make sentence using the following words. Do not copy the sentence from the

passage. (.5 X 4 = 2)

a. Pet b. waist c. burst d. lifted

Set II

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Question 2 (20 marks)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your

answer sheet.

1. Do you think that Walter is a clever pet? Why or why not? (5)

2. How would you feel if you were Andrew? (5)

3. Do you think that it’s good to keep the animals as pet? Why or why not? (5)

4. Describe Walter’s characteristics referring the story. (5)


Direction: Read the poem below. From the two sets of questions on the poem,

choose one set and write your responses in your answer sheet.

The Kitten at Play

See the kitten on the wall,

Sporting with the leaves that fall

Withered leaves, one, two and three,

Fall from the elder tree

Through the calm and frosty air

Of the morning bright and fair.

Now she works with three and four,

Like an Indian conjuror.

Quick as he in feats of art,

Gracefully she plays her part.

Yet were gazing thousands there,

What would little Tabby care?

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Set I

Question 1a (5 marks)

Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct

answer or response that best fits the given question and write it in your answer


1. The leaves were falling from the

a. older tree c. younger tree

b. baby tree d. elder tree

2. Tabby, is the name of the

a. Kitten in the poem c. cat in the poem

b. Dog in the poem d. person in the poem

3. The word ‘Fall’ used in the poem also means,

a. Spring c. summer

b. Winter d. autumn

4. How many stanzas are there in the last line of the poem?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

5. How many pairs of rhyming words are there in the poem?

a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8

Question 1 b. (5 marks)

Direction: answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the

number of the question on your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1. What are the kittens doing in the poem? (2)

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2. How are our kittens different or same from the kittens given in the poem?


Set II

Question 2 (10 marks)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your

answer sheet.

1. Do you think that kittens are like children? Why or why not? (5)

2. Discuss the main idea of the poet referring to the poem. (5)

Gelsen, P. 2015

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