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Name: Mohammad hasan ATOMS REVIEW SHEET

October 31, 2019

1. Base your answer on the accompanying information and on your knowledge of

The accompanying table shows data for three isotopes of the same element.
State the number of valence electrons in an atom of isotope D in the ground state. [1]

Answer: 2 Valence
2. Base your answer on the accompanying information and on your knowledge of chemistry.
When uranium-235 nuclei are bombarded with neutrons, many different combinations of smaller nuclei can be produced. The
production of neodymium-150 and germanium-81 in one of these reactions is represented by the accompanying equation.
Germanium-81 and uranium-235 have different decay modes. Ge-81 emits beta particles and has a half-life of 7.6 seconds.
State the number of protons and number of neutrons in a neodymium-150 atom. [1]

Answer: 44 electron and 54 neutrons

3. In the early 1900s, evidence was discovered that atoms were not "hard spheres." It was shown that atoms themselves had an
internal structure. One experiment involved gold metal foil.
a On the diagram shown or one similar, complete the simple model for an atom of gold-197 by placing the correct numbers in the two
blanks. [1]
b In the gold-foil experiment, alpha particles were directed toward the foil. Most of the alpha particles passed directly through the foil
with no effect. This result did not agree with the "hard spheres model" for the atom. What conclusion about the internal structure of
the atom did this evidence show? [1]

c In the same experiment, some of the alpha particles returned toward the source. What does this evidence indicate about the charge
of the atom's nucleus? [1]
Answer: A 188 Neutrons and 79 electrons
B. the atoms internal is mostly empty space
c. The nucleus of the gold atoms is positive charge.

4. Base your answer on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
Some isotopes of potassium are K-37, K-39, K-40, K-41, and K-42. The natural abundance and the atomic mass for the naturally
occurring isotopes of potassium are shown in the accompanying table.

Show a numerical setup for calculating the atomic mass of potassium. [1]
Answer: (93.26) (38.96) + (0.01) (39.96) +(6.73) (40.96)

5. Base your answer on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
The Bohr model of the atom was developed in the early part of the twentieth century. A diagram of the Bohr model for one atom, in
the ground state, of a specific element is shown. The nucleus of this atom contains 4 protons and 5 neutrons.
(see image)
State the number of electrons in each shell in this atom in the ground state. [1]

Answer: Atomic Number -4

Mass Number -9
6. Base your answer on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
In 1896, Antoine H. Becquerel discovered that a uranium compound could expose a photographic plate wrapped in heavy paper in the
absence of light. It was shown that the uranium compound was spontaneously releasing particles and high-energy radiation. Further
tests showed the emissions from the uranium that exposed the photographic plate were not deflected by charged plates.
Determine the number of neutrons in an atom of U-233. [1]
Answer: 141
7. Base your answer on the accompanying information and on your knowledge of
The accompanying diagrams represent four different atomic nuclei.
Determine the mass number of the nuclide represented by nucleus 2. [1]

Answer: 18
Explain why nucleus 2 and nucleus 4 represent the nuclei of two different isotopes of the same element.
Answer: They are equal in protons and not equal in neutrons
8. Base your answer on the information below.

The accepted values for the atomic mass and percent natural abundance of each naturally occurring isotope of silicon are given in the
accompanying data table. Determine the total number of neutrons in an atom of Si-29. [1]

Answer: P+n = mass 14 +n = 29

N= 15
9. Base your answer on the information in the accompanying table.
What is the total number of electrons in an atom of Cu-65? [1]

Answer: 29 ELECTRONS
10. Describe the electrons in an atom of carbon in the ground state. Your response must include:

 the charge of an electron [1] Answer: Negative

 the location of electrons based on the wave-mechanical model [1] Answer: In the
 the total number of electrons in a carbon atom [1] Answer: 6 electrons

11. Base your answer on the information below.

In the gold foil experiment, a thin sheet of gold was bombarded with alpha particles. Almost all the alpha particles passed straight
through the foil. Only a few alpha particles were deflected from their original paths.
Explain, in terms of charged particles, why some of the alpha particles were deflected. [1]
Answer: Alpha Particles are positive and deflective by the nucleus which is also positive.

12. Base your answer on the information below.

An atom has an atomic number of 9, a mass number of 19, and an electron configuration of 2-6-1.
Explain why the number of electrons in the second and third shells shows that this atom is in an excited state.
Answer: Electron configuration: 2-7. Which is the ground state, and the atomic number is 9

13. Base your answer on the information below.

A thiol is very similar to an alcohol, but a thiol has a sulfur atom instead of an oxygen atom in the functional group. One of the
compounds in a skunk's spray is 2-butene-1-thiol. The formula of this compound is shown in the accompanying diagram.

Explain, in terms of electron configuration, why oxygen atoms and sulfur atoms form compounds with similar molecular structures.

Sulfur and Oxygen has the same number of valence electrons

14. Base your answer on the information below.

A glass tube is filled with hydrogen gas at low pressure. An electric current is passed through the gas, causing it to emit light. This
light is passed through a prism to separate the light into the bright, colored lines of hydrogen's visible spectrum. Each colored line
corresponds to a particular wavelength of light. One of hydrogen's spectral lines is red light with a wavelength of 656 nanometers.
Tubes filled with other gases produce different bright-line spectra that are characteristic of each kind of gas. These spectra have been
observed and recorded.

Explain, in terms of electron energy states and energy changes, how hydrogen's bright-line spectrum is produced.
Answer: They jump to a high energy level when they are excited and lose energy when they return back to regular

15. Base your answer on the information below:

The Balmer series refers to the visible bright lines in the spectrum produced by hydrogen atoms. The color and wavelength of each
line in this series are given in the accompanying table.

Explain, in terms of both subatomic particles and energy states, how the Balmer series is produced. [1]

Answer: light is emitted when the excited states electron drops from a higher electron shell to a lower electron shell

16. Base your answer on the information below.

In 1897, J. J. Thomson demonstrated in an experiment that cathode rays were deflected by an electric field. This suggested that
cathode rays were composed of negatively charged particles found in all atoms. Thomson concluded that the atom was a positively
charged sphere of almost uniform density in which negatively charged particles were embedded. The total negative charge in the
atom was balanced by the positive charge, making the atom electrically neutral.

In the early 1900s, Ernest Rutherford bombarded a very thin sheet of gold foil with alpha particles. After interpreting the results of
the gold foil experiment, Rutherford proposed a more sophisticated model of the atom.

State one aspect of the modern model of the atom that agrees with a conclusion made by Thomson. [1]

Answer: Atoms are electrically Neutral

17. Base your answer on the information below.

An atom in an excited state has an electron configuration of 2-7-2.

Explain, in terms of subatomic particles, why this excited atom is electrically neutral. [1]
Answer: The number of protons equals to number of electrons

18. Explain, in terms of protons and neutrons, why U-235 and U-238 are different isotopes of uranium. [1]
Answer: U- 235 Has 92 protons and 14 3 neutrons
U-238 has 92 Protons and 146 Neutrons

19. Base your answer on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.

Illuminated EXIT signs are used in public buildings such as schools. If the word EXIT is green, the sign may contain the radioisotope
tritium, hydrogen 3. The tritium is a gas sealed in glass tubes. The emissions from the decay of the tritium gas cause a coating on the
inside of the tubes to glow.

State, in terms of neutrons, how an atom of tritium differs from an atom of hydrogen 1. [1]

Answer: tritium has more Neutrons

20. In the box shown, or on a separate piece of paper, draw the electron-dot (Lewis) structure of an atom of chlorine.

21. Base your answer on the information below.
In the modern model of the atom, each atom is composed of three major subatomic (or fundamental) particles.

State the charge associated with each type of subatomic particle contained in the nucleus of the atom. [1]
Answer: Protons have positive charge and neutrons have no charge

22. Base your answer on the electron configuration table:

Which electron configuration represents the excited state of a calcium atom?

Answer: Y is an excited staff

23. Base your answer on the diagram shown, which represents an atom of magnesium-26 in the ground state.

Copy diagram B on a separate piece of paper and write an appropriate number of electrons in each shell to represent a Mg-26 atom
in an excited state. Your answer may include additional shells.
Answer: 2-7-3
24. In the early 1900s, experiments were conducted to determine the structure of the atom. One of these experiments involved
bombarding gold foil with alpha particles. Most alpha particles passed directly through the foil. Some, however, were deflected at
various angles. Based on this alpha particle experiment, state two conclusions that were made concerning the structure of an atom.
Answer: Most atoms have empty space, and all protons are packed together in the nucleus of an atom.

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