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Principles of Marketing (MIS-204)

Submitted to: Abu Naser Mohammad Saif

Assistant Professor
Department of Management Information Systems
University of Dhaka

Submitted by:
Raima Ibnat Choudhury
ID  029-14-054
Section – B

Submitted on:
21st February, 2021

# What is sustainable marketing strategy?

Sustainable marketing is the promotion of environmental and socially responsible products,
practices, and brand values as a marketing strategy. Businesses can use sustainable marketing for
a specific product, time-sensitive cause, or even as their business’ USP.

Consumers today are becoming increasingly aware of the effect of their consumption on the
environment, due to which a growing number of them are looking not only for quality and
affordability but also for green products and services.

Companies are often criticized for non-recyclable waste, profits, and deceptive marketing. To
offset this type of negative reputation, more companies are turning to sustainability marketing,
also known as green marketing.

Sustainable marketing is a way to build relationships with customers in a way that is sustainable
to future generations. While it is a growing concept, sustainable marketing is an important part of
marketing strategy.

LEGO is a company that has excelled in sustainable marketing. It has devoted a section of its
website to its sustainability programs, and is a brand that has a definitive goals for its
environmental efforts. It aims to make bricks out of things that can be grown again or recycled,
yet maintaining the same high quality as before. As LEGO toys are passed through generations
of a family, it has the potential to ingrain a positive message about the importance of
sustainability to a wide group of people around the world.

# Five common strategies for sustainable marketing:

 Consumer-oriented marketing: Consumer-oriented marketing is when a company markets its
products and services from a consumer's point of view. The company wants to show
customers that it is the better choice through marketing that consumers can relate to.

 Customer-value marketing: Customer-value marketing is when a company invests in building

value with its customers. This means a company researches what their customers appreciate
and markets those exact qualities to them.

 Innovative marketing: Innovative marketing is when a company advertises its ability to

constantly improve its products and services with new technologies. This means that a
company would market to customers who appreciate new technologies. 

 Sense of mission marketing: Sense of mission marketing is when a company restructures its
mission in social terms, instead of the company, product, or brand focus. This signals that the
company is environmentally-conscious and progressive.

 Societal marketing: Societal marketing is when a company takes a societal problem and
markets its products or services as a way to help solve the problem. The goal is to show that a
company is devoted to the long-run interests of consumers and society and how being a
customer can be helping to resolve this societal problem. 

# How to implement sustainable marketing strategies the right way?

Many products have received attention for being green, but this kind of attention does not happen
naturally. The company needs the right sustainable marketing strategies to brand itself, position
the company in the marketplace, and become a household name. 

 Enforce sustainable marketing strategies into everything the company does: Green marketing
starts with bringing the idea to life through the company’s activities. The company needs to
make it a part of its brand by simply practicing what it preaches. This means that everything
from how the business is operated, how it sources parts and components, the packaging
materials it uses, and how it addresses a problem is focused around being green. The
company can really ruin its marketing and brand reputation if it is caught not practicing what
it preaches.

 Start with the product or service: While the sustainable marketing strategies of a company
should focus on the bigger issue, the company still needs to make sure that the product or
service can attract consumers. This means the company needs to ensure that the quality of its
products and services matches that of its competitors’, the price is comparable, and it’s just
as easy to use. Once that is guaranteed, the brand can appeal to consumers who really want to
make a difference.

 Tell a story about the brand: One of the most effective sustainable marketing strategies a
company can implement is telling a story. Many green brands are using their websites to tell
elaborate stories, publishing interesting videos on YouTube, becoming active on social
media, and sponsoring related events to get their stories heard. By approaching it from a
story angle, the brand will be more relatable and easy to understand. 

 Build and leverage a community: A vital part of implementing sustainable marketing

strategies is to build and leverage a community. The company should involve itself with local
events, initiatives, and communities to build a following in order to ensure it gets press for
the business and the causes it supports. The company should also post pictures and videos on
its social media accounts to show what it is doing differently. This will help it to build a
following on its site, email list, and social media. And once the company builds a sizable
audience, it can leverage them to get the word out about the business and its initiatives to
make the world a better place. This works especially well on channels like social media.
 Focus on educating consumers: It’s not enough to let consumers know that the company is
offering a green alternative. It needs to let them know everything about the category it’s in.
The company should focus its green marketing on how its product is a better alternative. All
the small details of what ingredients are used, how effective it is, and how it biodegrades
should be included in the company’s message. The better a company is in educating
consumers with its marketing, the more likely the consumers will be convinced to make the
switch and support it.

# The key aspects of sustainable marketing:

 The company’s plan is long-term: Social and environmental issues are extremely large and
need to be tackled in a longer time than seasonal promotions. The public knows that sudden
change is extremely difficult, so the company needs a goal that targets high-scale change
over a large timespan.

 The company’s plan is consistent: Just a sustainable idea isn’t enough to appeal to the
masses; the company has to be consistent with the sustainability of the product. This means
the company should ensure that every single aspect of the brand is eco-friendly. The instant
communication allowed by social media between a brand and the general public means that
any promises not being fulfilled will be called out.

 The company delivers its plan responsibly: Sustainable marketing is an essential part of the
company's strategy and aims to form a strong bond between the brand and the concept of
renewable energy in the mind of customers. This means even the production processes,
transportation of products, and advertising activities should be made as green as possible.

The concept of sustainable marketing is that the company should actively participate in solving
environmental or societal issues. It can personify the brand’s messages and provide another
reason for customers to choose the brand over its competitors. But the commitment needed to
participate in sustainable initiatives should not be underestimated. Going about a green
marketing strategy is quite different than a normal marketing strategy. It can be much more
challenging, but it’s worth the effort at the end of the day. The company gets to build a company
and brand it can be proud of while also being able to make a positive impact on our world. It
dedicates elaborate programs towards reducing carbon emissions, increasing recyclable
materials, and improving prospects for the next generations.

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