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Inglês 11.

º ano

1. Choose the correct option.

If he had more financial support,…

a) he could have developed his scientific research.

b) he could develop his scientific research.
c) he has developed his scientific research.

2. Choose the correct option.

I would have been a doctor …

a) if I had had the opportunity.

b) if I had the opportunity.
c) if I have the opportunity.

3. Choose the correct option.

If he hadn’t been discriminated by his classmates,…

a) he would have adapted to their culture.

b) he had adapted to their culture.
c) he has adapted to their culture.

4. Choose the correct option.

Immigrants wouldn’t be so mistreated…

a) if the political parties had taken stricter measures.

b) if the political parties have taken stricter measures.
c) if the political parties took stricter measures.

5. Choose the correct option.

If parents control the time and the programmes children watch on TV,…

a) they wouldn’t be so easily influenced by publicity.

b) they couldn’t be so easily influenced by publicity.
c) they won’t be so easily influenced by publicity.

6. Choose the correct option.

If the company had given me the chance,…

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a) I could have occupied a position with more responsibility.

b) I had occupied a position with more responsibility.
c) I occupied a position with more responsibility.

7. Choose the correct option.

If developed countries invest more money in the development of green sources of energy,…

a) sustainability would be attained.

b) sustainability is attained.
c) sustainability will be attained.

8. Choose the correct option.

I would work from home …

a) if the company I work for had allowed it.

b) if the company I work for allowed it.
c) if the company I work for has allowed it.

9. Choose the correct option.

If advertising wasn’t so effective,…

a) people wouldn’t have bought so much.

b) people wouldn’t buy so much.
c) people won’t buy so much.

10. Choose the correct option.

If my parents agree,

a) I will take a year off before going to university.

b) I would take a year off before going to university.
c) I take a year off before going to university.

11. Identify the type of conditional in the sentence and explain its use:” If my parents agree, I
will take a year off before going to university.”

TYPE 1 - It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future

12. Identify the type of conditional in the sentence and explain its use:” If he had more
financial support, he could develop his scientific research.”
TYPE 2- It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future (= would + Infinitive)

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13. Identify the type of conditional in the sentence and explain its use:” I would have been a
doctor if I had had the opportunity.”

TYPE 3- It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)

14. Identify the type of conditional in the sentence and explain its use:” If he hadn’t been
discriminated by his classmates, he would have adapted to their culture. “

TYPE 3- It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)

15. Identify the type of conditional in the sentence and explain its use:” Immigrants wouldn’t
be so mistreated if the political parties took stricter measures.”

TYPE 2- It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future (= would + Infinitive)

16. Identify the type of conditional in the sentence and explain its use:” If parents control the
time and the programmes children watch on TV, they won’t be so easily influenced by publicity.“

TYPE 1- It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future

17. Identify the type of conditional in the sentence and explain its use:” If the company had
given me the chance, I could have occupied a position with more responsibility.“

TYPE 3- It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)

18. Identify the type of conditional in the sentence and explain its use:” If developed countries
invest more money in the development of green sources of energy, sustainability will be

TYPE 1- It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future

19. Identify the type of conditional in the sentence and explain its use:” I would work from
home if the company I work for allowed it. “

TYPE 2- It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.

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Conditionals Answer
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future (= would + Infinitive)

20. Identify the type of conditional in the sentence and explain its use: “If advertising wasn’t so
effective, people wouldn’t buy so much. “

TYPE 2 - It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future (= would + Infinitive)

1. b)

2. a)

3. a)

4. c)

5. c)

6. a)

7. c)

8. b)

9. b)

10. a)

11. This is a conditional type 1 and it refers to a possible situation that can or is likely to be
accomplished in the future.

12. This is a conditional type 2 and it refers to a possible or real situation but unlikely to be

13. This is a conditional type 3 and it refers to the impossibility of that situation to ever take
place in the future because it has already occurred in the past.

14. This is a conditional type 3 and it refers to the impossibility of that situation to ever take
place in the future because it has already occurred in the past.

15. This is a conditional type 2 and it refers to a possible or real situation but unlikely to be

16. This is a conditional type 1 and it refers to a possible situation that can or is likely to be
accomplished in the future.

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17. This is a conditional type 3 and it refers to the impossibility of that situation to ever take
place in the future because it has already occurred in the past.

18. This is a conditional type 1 and it refers to a possible situation that can or is likely to be
accomplished in the future.

19. This is a conditional type 2 and it refers to a possible or real situation but unlikely to be

20. This is a conditional type 2 and it refers to a possible or real situation but unlikely to be

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