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Business Plan

HD Videos
This business will be a part time job that I will be trying to gain a bit of income when in
University. This will be a business that is filming music videos for any upcoming artist. The
main reason I have chosen this is because there will be young people at my university who
will be aspiring to become an artist. I personally believe that it will be a good job that I can
easily gain a lot of experience and a good enough income for a student. Also with me being
the only person on my team I will not have to pay any employers and any money that I am
earning can help me or I can put back into the business, with new equipment etc.

Equipment and software

The equipment and software will be the most expensive part of the project because each
piece of equipment isn't each and I would need good quality software and equipment. The
equipment has to be good because if not customers would go to other contacts they know.
The software I use will have to be a software I am familiar with and have edited before
because this will allow me to edit the video a lot quicker and allow the customer to get a
good idea of what it looks like before he posts it.

With each job I do I will be gaining income so I can keep on upgrading each piece of
equipment, as time goes on.

Equipment and software Why Equipment is needed? Cost

Sony Video Camera This is needed because this is what I will be £1075
filming each music video on. It will allow me to
get the perfect shots and it is a high quality

Adobe Premiere Pro This software is needed because I will edit £19.97/mo
each music video on here. This is a software I
am comfortable on and will get the music
video looking professional.

Lights This is needed because it will allow me to get £29.95

the perfect lighting for a range of different
shots I do. It will allow me to get the perfect
lighting for each of the shots.

Memory Card This is needed because it will allow me to £38.57

keep everything safe and each piece of work
can be saved onto a computer. This is
important because I can save it to show future
clients the work I have done.

Microphone This is needed because it will allow me to £55

hear any speech in the music videos if

Video Camera Cage This is needed because it will allow me to £50.99

keep the camera steady and for the shots to
come out perfect.

Cost -

Advertising and Promotional

Advertising and Promoting the business can easily be shared by us speaking to other people
in our classes or trying to get contacts through other people. However, the best way would
be to create leaflets, business cards or letters. We would easily be able to share these
through people's letter boxes or pass them around our university.

Another good way of trying to advertise my business will be social media, as I am trying to
aim for young upcoming artists. They will all be on social media and it will be more appealing
to them after I have worked with them. It can be a lot easier for them to recommend me to
other people. I can also advertise the business on radio shows, as that will be an easy way
to share the message to a large audience.

Advertising method Why is it needed? Cost

Flyers and Leaflets This is needed because it is an easy way to £18.10

promote the business, as we can easily put them
through people's letter boxes.

Radio advert This is needed because it is an easy way to £200 per

contact a large audience because a radio show day
has many viewers and if you put it on the right
ststation you would gain interest.

Social media Advert This is needed because it will reach out to the £5 per day
target audience of the company because it reaches
out to younger people.

Bus shelter Advert This is needed because it will catch peoples eyes £130 per
when they are walking past or any busses and they week
are a good way of advertising.

Business Cards This is needed because it is a product that you can £18.10
always keep in your pockets, as you can always be
promoting the business and finding new

Total Cost
- £371.20

Funding is very important for the business because I will need enough money to pay for my
equipment so I can get a good start to the business. I would definitely need a loan because I
wouldn't be able to afford the equipment but I will have to make sure I eventually pay it back
depending on what option I choose.

There are many options that are available but choosing the right one for my business is
crucial because some may be too expensive and I could eventually be having to pay a large
amount of money back to the company.

Funding method Cost

Santander 7.9% APR


Natwest 7.8% APR






Prince’s Trust 6.2% APR


Government 6% Per year


Projected Income

The projected income is an estimated price of how much I would earn each week. This is
what I will be charging my customers through the different packages. Each package would
vary in price depending on what equipment I would have to use and how big the production
would have to be.

All of the packages would have to be at a reasonable price because I will be a small
company at the beginning but as I start to get contacts who are trustworthy I can start edging
up the prices. Each package would definitely have to be covering the amount of money I put
into the production and a profit.

The bronze package is a small production that an artist wants me to produce. For example,
this consists of a small cast, so not many people need to be hired. Also the bronze package
is only to be filmed at one location, so the whole production can be filmed in one day and
shouldn’t take too long to edit.

The silver package is a bigger production where there will be a bigger cast and a lot more in
the music video. For example, there may be props in the video and this will be a lot longer to
film and organise. This package will also include a range of different locations that we can
film at, so it will take a lot longer to edit.

The gold package is for massive productions that can include a lot of extra people involved.
For example, more crew, actors and editors. The music videos also may have cut scenes
involved and make the music video more like a movie. This package includes filming at
many different locations and will take a long time to edit.

Package Cost

Bronze £250

Silver £500

Gold £750

First Week

Job Income

Silver £500

Gold £750

Bronze £250

Second Week

Job Income

Silver £500

Bronze £250

Bronze £250

Bronze £250

Third Week

Job Income

Silver £500

Gold £750
Forth Week

Job Income

Bronze £250

Bronze £250

Bronze £250

This is an estimation of how many jobs I would be doing each week and how much I would
be earning each month. I tried to be realistic in my approach because the better package the
more time it would take to film and edit.

The overall income for a month would be £4500.

In my first month all of my costs for my advertisements and my initial equipment will be
£2056.68, so I will be left with £7,443.32 So this will be my profit over a month.

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