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Pain Relief Center PAIN MANAGEMENT

Relief from back and neck pain

ired of back pain? pain disappears.
Tired of neck pain? The technique of doing
Tried drugs, physical epidurals is very important.
therapy, chiropractic, or acu- Dr. Castillo has mastered
puncture without relief? the art of doing the epi-
You are not alone. durals in a very gentle and
There are thousands of nearly painless way. Some
people like you who suffered patients have asked when he
for years until they came was going to start the pro-
to Dr. Alfredo N. Lopez del cedure. They are astonished
Castillo. at his response: “We’re fin-
After treatment these ished.”
patients have said, “You Because Dr. Castillo wants
have restored my quality of only the very best care for
life. Now I am pain free after each of his patients, the pro-
years of suffering.” cedures are performed in a
Dr. Castillo is a compas- new, clean, pain manage-
sionate doctor who takes ment suite built specifically
great pride in his kind bed- for the procedure. Care is of
side manner. He became the highest caliber. The doc-
interested in the field of tor has his own trained staff
pain management in the of professionals who have
1970s when, as a family worked with him for years.
practitioner in Bay Ridge, he Most major medical plans
met many patients suffering cover the cost of the pro-
from severe back and neck cedure. Complimentary car
pain. He referred them to service is also provided.
orthopedic doctors and neu- People do not have to live
rologists, yet many of them with pain.
continued to experience “We want to help,” says Dr.
pain. Castillo. Make an appoint-
Alfredo N. Lopez del Castillo, M.D. (bottom photo)
Dr. Castillo wanted to ment today.
help. He soon realized that Additional information
an epidural was a very effec- less have said, “You gave me established and directed the may be found at www.brook-
tive way to treat severe a new life.” Pain Management Center
back pain. In order to learn Dr. Castillo’s remarkable at Bayley Seton Hospital. At
and master epidurals, Dr. success in this field did not go the same time he served as
Castillo started anesthesi- unnoticed. Happy patients Director of Anesthesiology. Pain Relief Center
ology training at Mt. Sinai kept on recommending Dr. He was the first pain spe- Alfredo N. Lopez del
Hospital in Manhattan. Castillo to their friends and cialist in Staten Island Castillo, M.D.
He began the practice of families who were suffering to be Board Certified in 9731 Fourth Ave,
pain management in 1981 to from severe neck and back Pain Management by both Brooklyn NY 11209
help people suffering from pain. the American Board of (718) 966-8120
back pain and neck pain. For over 30 years, Dr. Anesthesiology and the
This pain could be due to Castillo has safely per- American Board of Pain
herniated discs, sciatica, formed more than 20,000 Medicine. SPECIALIZES IN:
spinal stenosis, arthritis, procedures on patients and Interestingly, Dr. Castillo Back pain
whiplash, etc. He was a has improved their qual- says recent studies prove Neck pain
pioneer in the field of pain ity of life. His reputation that back pain occurs when
management. At that time, became so well known that herniated and bulging discs INSURANCE:
most people — even doctors even doctors and their fami- leak f luid. This leakage Most insurance plans accepted
— had never heard of pain lies came to him for their causes inflammation, which HOURS:
management. neck and back pain. creates pain. Epidurals neu- By appointment
Over the years, his treat- Dr. Castillo was the first tralize the inflammation,
ment has brought about life- pain specialist in Staten shrink the disc and seal the PARKING:
altering changes for many of Island and one of the first point of leakage. As a result, Street parking
his patients. In fact, count- in Brooklyn. In 1987, he the body can heal and the

WHO’S WHO 2010 17


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