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Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Communication and Networking System

Volume: 08, Issue: 01, June 2019, Page No.25-31

ISSN: 2278-2427

Integration of IoT and Cloud Computing

Challenges: Survey
C. Linda Hepsiba1, R. Jemima Priyadarsini2, S. Alexander Suresh3
Assistant Professor, Department of CS, Bishop Heber College, Trichy, TamilNadu, India
Associate professor, Department of CS, Bishop Heber College, Trichy, TamilNadu, India
Research Scholar, Department of CS, Bishop Heber College, Trichy, TamilNadu, India

Abstract - The two technologies are IoT and cloud computing have seen an instantaneous and independent
development. The integration of IoT and cloud has the chance to enlarge the use of the available technology that
provided in a cloud computing environment. IoT can service from the resources and virtually unlimited
capabilities of cloud to compensate its technological constraints such as processing, storage and
communications. Cloud will use from IoT by increasing its range to handle the important world
things during a lot of new services and distributed dynamic manner for an outsized variety of real-
life eventualities. This paper provides a survey of the IoT and cloud computing. It also focuses on challenges in
the integration of IoT and cloud computing.

Keywords: IOT, Cloud computing, Integration of IoT and Cloud, Challenges, Storage, Communications, Real
world things.

IoT is their extension of internet connectivity in two physical devices and everyday objects embedded with
electronics internet connectivity and hardware. Another recent technology is cloud computing. Cloud computing
is an engineering technology it provides computing storage services and implications over the internet. The
integration of IoT and cloud have the chance to expand the utilization of the out there technology that
provided in an exceedingly cloud computing.

A. Internet of Things
IoT is one of the auspicious technologies that have fascinated a lot of consideration in both industrial and
academic field [1]. It is a collection of "things" embedded with electronics, actuators, sensors software and these
things are interconnected through the Internet to exchange and collect data with each other [2]. It needs a
managing competences and enormous amount of data storage [3]. IoT architecture is classified into three
fundamental layers such as the application layer, perception layer and the network layer. The application layer is
the top layer and is moreover known as the business level layer. It receives data from the network layer and uses
that data to deliver operations and services. The perception layer is a bottom layer and it also is known as the
sensor layer. Its main intent is the interaction between components and tangible devices by smart devices. The
network layer is a middle layer and is also known as a transmission layer. Its main objective is data transmitting
through various communication technologies [4]. It also has challenges like performance, scalability, mobility e
availability reliability and security [5-7].

B. Cloud computing
Cloud computing has emerged as an important computing model. In this model infrastructure computing
platforms and software (database applications etc.) are widely used for management processing and data
storage. It has four deployment models three service delivery model and five essential characteristics.
Deployment model searches about the categories of cloud such as private cloud public cloud community and
hybrid cloud. The five essential characteristics or resource pooling, broad network access, on-demand self -
service, measure the service and rapid elasticity and the three delivery models are infrastructure as a service
(IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) [8]. In cloud computing security,
interoperability and portability are major challenges.

Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Communication and Networking System
Volume: 08, Issue: 01, June 2019, Page No.25-31
ISSN: 2278-2427

The technologies of cloud and IoT have seen a hasty and an independent evolution [9]. IoT drought from their
limited competences in terms of processing power, storage and cloud also benefit from IoT by and large in its
boundary with real-world objects and provide new services in a shoe number of real-life consequences. In
general cloud computing overcome most of these issues .the integration of IoT and cloud leads to believe that
cloud feels some of the gaps of IoT and IOT fill cloud. In complementary aspects of IoT and cloud, IoT was
pervasive (things placed everywhere) and the cloud contains ubiquitous resources (usable from anywhere). The
IOT consume big data source but the cloud provides unlimited data storage and IoT embedded with real-world
things and the cloud had a virtual resource.

Cloud computing and IoT integration make new model cloud IoT. The advantages of integration with cloud
computing are storage resources new capabilities such as easy to use, Android used deployment cast easy to
access computation resources communication resources and new models such as DaaS, SaaS, SAaaS, SLaaS,
SenaaS, DBaaS, IPMaaS, VCaaS. [10]. The Cloud IOT has proposed number of smart services and applications
such as smart home video surveillance healthcare smart cities and communities’ smart energy and automotive
and smart mobility, smart logistics and Environmental Monitoring [11-15].


The integration of IOT with cloud enhanced the efficient utilization of resources and provides a large number of
useful applications but it also had some challenges. Such as security and privacy, legal and social aspects
heterogeneity, performance, reliability, large-scale and big data.

(a) Security and Privacy

Security and privacy is a big challenge in cloud computing and IOT integration. In cloud computing security
and privacy issues are faced by two different sets of people. First set of people or cloud providers (an
organization providing a software platform and infrastructure via the cloud) and second set of people for cloud
environment consumers (companies or organization) who store data or host applications on the cloud
environment. When IOT applications move to the cloud computing technology it leads to arise lack of trust in
the knowledge about SLAs or service providers [16].

(b) Legal and social aspects

Legal aspect square measure extraordinarily necessary and actual in the current analysis for specific application
eventualities. In social aspects of the internet for analysis and personally thought about motivating challenge
because often the investment into ubiquitous internet-capable devices is not cheap in each situation. It is a lot of
convenient to give the chance to users to participate in submitting knowledge that represents an object.

(c) Heterogeneity
A big challenge in the integration of cloud with the IOT model is expounded to the wide heterogeneity of things,
operational systems platforms and services out there and probably used for novel or enhanced applications.
Cloud environment heterogeneous is additionally and non-negligible concern. This issue you are often
exacerbated once users adopt the multi-cloud approach. These aspects are solely partially solved by cloud
service providers voluntarily enforced by cloud suppliers (in sort of federation) or by third parties. IOT
applications and services have usually been planned as isolated vertical solutions. Within which all the system
parts are strongly coupled to the precise application context. This challenging involves many aspects, wherever
solutions area unit being investigated in terms of the inter-operable programming interface, knowledge diversity
and unifying platforms.

(d) Big Data

Big data must pay attention to storage transportation access processing of the large volume of data they will
produce. Managing this data conveniently is a big challenge as the entire application performance is vastly

Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Communication and Networking System
Volume: 08, Issue: 01, June 2019, Page No.25-31
ISSN: 2278-2427
dependent on the attributes for the data management service. Inappropriately, No accurate data management
solutions educe for cloud computing to survive big data.

(e) Performance
Integration of cloud with IOT applications introduce carrying out and quality of service (QoS) needs at many
levels that are storage aspects communication and computation) and in some specific eventualities meeting
needs might not be simply possible.

(f) Reliability
IOT and cloud computing integration is implemented for mission-critical applications. Reliability issues usually
arise within the context of smart mobility. Vehicles are typically on the move and therefore the transport
networking and communication are commonly intermittent or unreliable. Once applications are developed in
resources strained environments a variety of challenges associated with device failure or not perpetual
approachable device exists [17].

(g) Large Scale

Cloud IOT permits to style novel applications aimed toward integration and analyzing data returning from real-
world devices. A number of the represented eventualities implicitly need the integral interaction with a really
sizable amount of these devices sometimes distributed across wide-area environments. The large scale of the
ensuring systems makes typical challenges tougher to beat for example needs responding storage capability and
system capability for more processing become arduous to the satisfied when facing long-lasting knowledge
collected at a high rate.

Table1: Integration on IoT with Cloud applications and their Related Challenges

Applications Descriptions Related Challenges

Automation of home activities (Smart metering, home Reliability, performance,

Smart Home security control) Heterogeneity

To manage, store and process video content from video Security,

Video Surveillance sensors efficiently and extract information from seen as Reliability,
automatically Performance,
Improve and develop health care service (intelligent drug Privacy,
Health Care / medicine control, hospital management) Legal and social aspects,
Large scale,

The generation of services that can communicate with the Privacy,

Smart cities surrounding environment. (Smart street lights) Legal and social aspects,

Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Communication and Networking System
Volume: 08, Issue: 01, June 2019, Page No.25-31
ISSN: 2278-2427
To provide consumers with smart management (Smart Privacy,
Smart Energy appliances, renewable energy resources) Legal and social aspects,
GPS and others Security,
Automotive and Transportation technologies represents to solve many Reliability,
Smart mobility challenges (remote vehicles, traffic state prediction and Performance,
notification) Heterogeneity

The automated management of goods flow between Legal and social aspects,
Smart Logistics consumers and producers (Logistics industry, trading Large scale,
shipments) Reliability,

Pollution source monitoring, water quality and air quality Large scale,
Environmental monitoring Security,
monitoring Reliability,


This section presents the study and analysis of prior articles which have been disclosed in the field of cloud
computing, IoT and their integration. The following paragraphs present the article which contributed
significantly in this study, To begin with, Kouicem et al. [1] represents a comprehensive top-down survey of the
foremost recent projected security and privacy solutions in IoT. Next, discuss significantly the advantages that
new approaches like block chain and Software Defined Networking can bring to privacy and security in Internet
of Things in terms of flexibility and quantifiability. Finally the study provides a general classification of
existing solutions and comparison based on necessary parameters. In [2] this survey consists of four segments.
The primary phase can explore the foremost relevant limitations of IoT devices and their solutions. The other
can gift the classification of IoT attacks. The ensuing phase can target the mechanisms and architectures for
authentication and access management. The last phase can analyze the safety problems in numerous layers.
Atlam et al. [3] has proposed on system, to confer the requirement for the creation of the Cloud -based IoT
approach. The discussion additionally centered on the Cloud-based IoT design, completely different
applications situations, challenges facing the undefeated integration, and open analysis directions. Lin, J.,
Yu, W et al. provides a comprehensive review of IoT has been presented, as well as architectures, sanctionative
technologies, and security and privacy problems, additionally because the integration of Internet of Things edge
or fog computing to support various applications [4]. Van et al. [5] claims that the issues revealed by the net of
Equipment cannot be deals with the policy tools and analysis programs, as these are too deliberate and too
contributory. These challenges are a) ethics, management society, surveillance, consent, and data-driven life, b)
international cooperation and standards, c) novel currencies and innovative business models, and d)
technological challenges are determined by the require to save lots of energy. Silva et al. delivers a summary of
IoT within the context of the design and connected technologies and concludes with some applications of IoT,
so as to realize the practicability of the IoT thought in real-world eventualities [6].

Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Communication and Networking System
Volume: 08, Issue: 01, June 2019, Page No.25-31
ISSN: 2278-2427
Emrah et al. [7] explains IoT emergence and IoT history intimately, future IoT directions, overall IoT
architecture and well-liked designs, security and privacy concerns concerning IoT. Singh et al. [8] mentioned
the fundamental options of cloud computing, threats, security problems, and solutions. in addition, the paper
describes many key topics associated with the cloud, cloud security ideas, service and preparation model, cloud
technologies, specifically cloud design framework, threats, and attacks. The paper additionally discusses plenty
of open analysis problems associated with cloud security. Botta et al. focuses attention on the mixing of Cloud
and IoT that is what decision the CloudIoT paradigm [9]. In this survey, survived several works on Cloud and
IoT an individual basis and, features, more precisely, underlying technologies, their main properties, and open
issues. A brief survey of IoT and CC was bestowed, with attention on the safety problems with each
technology [16]. Furthermore, the safety challenges of the combination of IoT and Cloud Computing
were surveyed through the planned design. In the end, to survey the safety challenges of the
combination of IoT and Cloud Computing with the aim to supply associate design counting on the
safety of the network in order to enhance the safety problems. Stergiou et al. [17] presents a survey of IoT
and Cloud Computing with a spotlight on the protection problems with each technology. Specifically, mix the
said technologies (i.e Cloud Computing and IoT) so as to look at the common options, and so as tο discover the
advantages of their integration. Concluding the contribution of Cloud Computing to IoT technology. Thus, it
shows, however, Cloud Computing technology improves the performance of the IoT. And survey the protection
challenges of the combination of IoT and Cloud Computing.

A survey regarding open problems and challenges toward the top goal: their coordination, seamless inter-
probability, and integration to the current finish, initially this article presents a comparative analysis of the most
characteristics of IoT publish-subscribe protocols communication protocols, as well as request-reply and
communication protocols. After that, the article surveys every protocol intimately, and discusses their
implementation in various segments of the system (IoT, fog, cloud), and therefore parade the discussion on their
wider system integration and inter-probability [18]. In [19] this study aims to focus on existing security threats
and vulnerabilities of the IoT heterogeneous atmosphere and proposes attainable solutions for raising the IoT
security design. Ammar et al. [20] focused on security of the main IoT frameworks, a total of eight frameworks
square measure thought-about. For every framework, clarify the planned design, the necessities of developing
third-party good apps, the compatible hardware, and the safety options. Relating security architectures shows
that constant standards used for acquiring communications, wherever as completely different methodologies
followed for providing the safety properties. Conti, M., Dehghantanha et al. [21], concentrated on existing major
security and forensics challenges among IoT domain. Kobusińska et al. determine the issues and challenges in
IOT, Big Data, and cloud computing [23].


The data frame out auto handles the life cycle of sensing computing presenting knowledge and delivering. Some
IOT devices will reach the surface world directly and the few others should connect with a need for an entrance
so as to attach to the external world for the IoT framework Thought about during this survey, the cloud is that
the backbone richer office database for storing data services for knowledge analytics security models for
predictive confidentiality and supports privacy and different services. Customers use their sensible phones,
tablets or laptops to move with different IOT devices indirectly through either a cloud backend or an entrance of
real world. In future, applying the proposed security and privacy enhancement into the above mentioned
applications will find the better performance. Also the integration of IoT with cloud could be considered in
future for better outcomes.

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Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Communication and Networking System
Volume: 08, Issue: 01, June 2019, Page No.25-31
ISSN: 2278-2427
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