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8 Plant Adaptations Practice Exam Question - H

11 marks

Q1.          Desert plants are adapted for survival in a dry climate.

(a)     Joshua trees live in deserts.

Joshua trees have two different types of root:

•    a system of shallow roots spread out over a large area•    roots about 1 m in
diameter, shaped like bulbs, deep in the soil.

Explain the advantage to the Joshua tree of having:

(i)      shallow roots spread out over a large area





(ii)     large, bulb-like roots deep in the soil.



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B16.8 Plant Adaptations Practice Exam Question - H

11 marks
(b)     Creosote bushes also live in deserts.

The leaves of creosote bushes:•    are covered with a layer of wax

•    fold together during the day.

Explain how the leaves of the Creosote bush help it to survive in deserts.






(Total 6 marks)

Q2.Plant leaves have many stomata.

The diagram shows a stoma.

(a)     Name cell X . ………………………………………………..


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B16.8 Plant Adaptations Practice Exam Question - H

11 marks
(b)     The table shows the mean widths of the stomata at different times of the day for two

different species of plant.

Species A grows in hot, dry deserts.
Species B grows in the UK.
Mean width of stomata as a percentage
Time of day in of their maximum width
    Species A Species B

    0 95 5

  Dark 2 86 5

    4 52 6

    6 6 40

    8 4 92

    10 2 98

  Light 12 1 100

    14 0 100

    16 1 96

    18 5 54

    20 86 6

  Dark 22 93 5

    24 95 5

The data in the table show that species A is better adapted than species B to living in hot, dry

Explain how.







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B16.8 Plant Adaptations Practice Exam Question - H

11 marks
(Total 5 marks)

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B16.8 Plant Adaptations Practice Exam Question - H

11 marks

M1.         (a)      (i)     increased water uptake

ignore nutrients / food
allow quicker water uptake
allow collects water over larger area

(after) rain
accept ideas in terms of more successful competitor

(ii)     water storage or stability or safety from predators

ignore absorption of water from soil

(b)     reduces water loss / evaporation

accept reduces transpiration
allow stops water loss

wax protects plant or reflects heat or keeps plant cool or unpalatable

ignore reflects light

folding reduces surface area or folding reduces warming

accept enclosed stomata or less exposure of stomata or
increased humidity or less water concentration gradient
allow prevents burning
ignore less likely to be damaged

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B16.8 Plant Adaptations Practice Exam Question - H

11 marks
M2.(a)    guard cell
ignore stoma / stomata

(b)     Species A :
allow converse points for species B

stomata open in dark / at night or close in light / in day


stomata closed during warm(est) period or open when cool(er)


heat (energy) /warmth increases evaporation / transpiration

must give explicit link between heat and transpiration

reduces water loss / evaporation / transpiration

ignore photosynthesis

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