I Hate My Boss. What Are You Going To Do About The Cut in Wages?

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Intermediate 3 Unit 3

of the people in unhappy situations at work. What do you think the

people intend to do? Write a sentence for each picture using an expression of intention
(thinking of, planning to)

I hate my boss. What are you going to do

about the cut in wages?

1. 2.

I am thinking of my boss who is a miser, I am planning to talk to the bass about the
and he doesn’t think about my need cut in wages

They’re wasting time. Why do they

take such long coffee breaks?


I am thinking the emplayees are lady,

because they take long breaks

d. Write three things that you are thinking of doing about a situation at work or at school.
Use expressions such as: I’m thinking of…, I’m planning to…, I intend to...,. Share your
sentences with a partner in class.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 3

More Relative Clauses: Non-Restrictive

a. Put commas around the non-restrictive relative clauses.

1. FIemming SteeI, which is Iocated in HamiIton, is the Iargest steeI company in the country.
2. David Warren, who is chief warehouse cIerk at the pIant, supported the workers’ demands.
3. The workers, who are stiII striking, had aIready had a decrease in saIary.
4. Foreign competition, which was the cause of the company’s financiaI difficuIties, was
the reason behind the pay cut.
5. Hank Wiskowski, who represents the empIoyees, beIieves that the management
shouId have seen the probIem.

b. Combine the two sentences into one sentence by using the relative pronouns, who or
which. Read the sentence to a partner.

1. Mrs. Smith went on strike with her husband. She is one of the worker’s wives.
Mrs. Smith, who is one of the worker’s wives, went on strike with her husband.

2. SoIid SteeI is the Iargest pIant in our region. lt is going to cIose down tomorrow.
Solid Steel, which is going to close down tomorrow, is the largest plant in our region.
3. Hank Wiskowski disagrees with the management. He represents the empIoyees.
Hank Wiskowski, who represents the employees, disagrees with the management.

4. The workers are stiII striking. They went on strike fifty days ago.
The workers, who went on strike fifty days ago, are still striking.
5. lncentives were rejected by the workers. They were offered by the management.
Incentives, which were offered by the management, were rejected by the workers.

c. Complete the sentences using an appropriate relative clause. Share your sentences with
the class.
1. My boss, who is my friend , is very successfuI.

2. The dress shop, where you bought this jacket , is now importing cIothes from the Far East.

3. My coIIeague, who is my , has decided to quit.

4. The management, who is very greedy , has refused to negotiate with us.
5. The products, which we produced , have become too expensive.

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