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The First Easter: Flashcards for Little Children

La primera Pascua: flashcards para niños pequeños

Jesus enters Jerusalem
Jesús entra en Jerusalén
Jesus eats the Last Supper with his disciples
Jesús come la última cena con Sus discípulos
Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane
Jesús ora en el jardín de Getsemaní
Jesus is arrested
Jesús es arrestado
Jesus is condemned to die
Jesús es sentenciado a muerte
Jesus is crucified
Jesús es crucificado
Jesus is buried
Jesús es sepultado
Jesus is risen from the dead
Jesús resucita de entre los muertos
Jesus appears to His disciples
Jesús se aparece a sus discípulos
Jesus ascends into Heaven
Jesús asciende a los Cielos
All foreground images of people and Jesus’ tomb by Used under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-Commercial License.
Background image credits:
Images 1,2,8,9,11: Pixabay
Image 3,10: Designed by Freepik
Image 4-5: designed by brgfx/Freepik
Image 6: designed by rawpixel/Freepik
Image 7: public domain

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