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A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

1. Listen to a podcast about an American story called “A princess of Mars”. Please just
listen to it until the minute 6:55.

2. Answer the following questions, based on the previous story.

● What was the story about? Summary the story in 3 lines

● Who were the main characters of this story?
● Where was the story taking place?
● What were they doing in that place?
● What did happen with Powell?
● Based on what you listened, how can you describe the two main characters?
● What do you think is the relationship between the story itself and the title of it?

3. Based on what you hear, write a short possible ending to this story in 10 lines,
implementing just present tenses (Could be present simple, continuous, perfect simple
or perfect continuous). Please begin your story with the following sentence: Powell
was dead. I laid his body down and continued to the cave.

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