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Aliyah Rossa D.

Llanes 9/30/20

11-Onesta, HUMSS

Asynchronous Activity

A. Answer the following questions about Cain & Abel:

1. Who is Cain & Abel?

They are the offspring of Adam and Eve, God favoured on Abel which made
Cain hate his own brother and later commit murder on his sibling.

2. What caused Cain to sin?

His overflowing jealousy with his own brother made him sin and kill Abel.

3. What happened to him after committing sin?

He was banished and he was considered to be a fugitive wandering the earth,

God also said that whoever kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times.

4. In what ways do God manifest His mercy on Cain?

He gave a mark to Cain that prevents him from being murdered by anyone,
since Cain was fearing that once he left the place he once belong, any man
would actually come and kill him.

B. Answer the following questions about The Great Flood:

1. What caused a great flood in the world?

God saw the evilness of man and He regretted that he created a man in His
Creation, therefore He have decided that He will destroy the humankind
along with the beasts. He ordered Noah to build an ark and let the animals in
to spare them from the flood, Noah tried to convince the people about the
upcoming Great Flood but they didn’t believe him, hence they were wiped
out along with the Flood

2. Who was spared from the great flood? Why was he saved from the great
All clean animals, seven of each kind in pairs both male and female; and a
pair of unclean animals, also a male and female. Along with Noah’s wife,
children and his children’ wives, they all got inside the ark and let the Great
Flood wipe out what was left outside Noah’s ark. Noah lived his life
corruption-free, he had a simple life and went with the flow in life.

C. Answer the following questions about Tower of Babel:

1. Why did the people decide to build the Tower of Babel? In what way are we
similar to these people?

The people wanted to build themselves a city that could reach the heaven, so
that they can become great people. Today, several people tries to find
reasons or concrete evidences in order to prove that God is not real, so that
they can show that everything is bound and can be explained by Science

2. What did God do to the people who were building the tower?

He confused the language of the people, and scattered them all over the
Earth making the Tower of Babel incomplete.

3. Is God responsible for the evil in this world? Explain your answer.

No, but I do know that He is completely aware that evil will somehow make
its way to His Creation. But that doesn’t mean He is responsible for it, first
of all, He gave us free will to decide for our future. Whatever happens in our
life is no coincidence but it is part of the path that we took, God already
know what will happen in the future but He doesn’t know which path we are
going to take because we are unpredictable and our free will gives us the
power to change our life or journey. Evilness is being bodied by man
because they are being overruled with temptation, we all have that human
nature that shows selfishness, cruelty and ignorance, this is inside of every
single human being and it is normal. But it is not His fault, because ever
since Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit, the future generations
immediately gained wisdom, and along with that wisdom is negativity.
But I do believe that it was meant to happen, because scientifically the
Earth needs positive and negative energy in order to be balanced, and that
may be the same with humankind.

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