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" I



Students Present Play

IBorough Council Will Ask School Board
To Appropriate. Additional Money to Library
· L•M B d 11' 2 Commlttee
- P-Ights L-Iven GOP Request for Joint Meeting Will Be Made
CO. DeIegat Ion • an s By Formal Letter; Plan to Diacull Aid
Discasses New Will Present·d '.' Primary; Regulars Unopposed During 1948 and Future Years
Narberth's Borough Council, handicapped by limited
Tarnpi ke Cat' CoRcert Ffl ay funds, will request the Narberth School Bo,ud to fill in the
Met With Governor Group to Combine For ~7~;::'~~, gap and appropriate more money to the Borough
In Harrisburg For First Time in History The l'equest will be made to the School Board by a
140-Mile Extension At Festival of Music formal letter which will be sigend by Walter Fox, president
Extension of the Pennsylvania The bands of Lower Medon of the Council, and other Council officials.
tlon WIlS
In an eastwardly direc- Township's three High Schools will
discussed this week by combine for the first time In their Air Parcel Post
The request was recommended
Monday night at a meeting of Coun-
history to present a Festival at
Governor Duff and a delegation of music Friday evening. at Down~
Service Inaugurated cil by Sterling M, Chain, a member
Montgomery County officials, Gymna~lum, Lower Merion High All' parcel post will be Inaugurat- of the Council Budget co~mittee.
The meeting, held In Harrisburg, Schoo\.
was attended by County Com:nis-I The three bands, Lower Merion
senlor High School Band, Ardmore
I ed between the United States and 21
foreign countries effective March 15
acordlng to an announcement made
Chain asked that the meeting be
held to discuss the financial condi-

sloneI' Fred C. Peters, ot Ardmore, Junior High School Band and Bala-
IClIl'ford C, Collins, and Norman T'\CynWYd Junior High School Band
this week by Postma8ter General
Jesse M. Donaldson,
tion of the Library and to plan for
aid during the latter part of 1948,

"~;, f~ltu~e,

\ ,: \HayeS' of the Rosemont Civic As- will perf,or m both separately and II \ AII' parcel
' , post will be acepted and In theactIOn' Ch a i n ' s recom-
\fo,II'lmalh,ng Ilt an ~Joshtl Offi d ce at~d mendation stat~d "is caused by the

<1..,"".. ' sociation; Richard \V, Thorington, as allum,t. th I f th
WI receive a ll aV1l1 e e
member~ ca~t
.•.. resident of the Lower Merion Fo oWing e open ng 0 e pril-, omes IC ' ,
Two of the of "My Slstl'r Eileen." eaught by p gram with the presentation ot t.hel airmail service In adltion to trans· inability of CounCil to ,appropriate y
the photographer durin!\, one of their hig seenl's. They are: .Jlm Township Commissioners; H, Orvel national anthem, F, A, Dubois, Su- pOl'tation overseas by air, This new/more ,money to the Llb::ar than
Shlple)', who Is burning his finl:'l'rs while he admires hlA At.age Sebring, ot Villanova; John L, Rll.n- perlntendent of Schools, will makel service does not apply to territor· was given In I ~a~t
years, ,
Fergu~on, d~Il" addres~ imp(lrtan,~c pos~esllions olflclal~
wife, Pegg)' The llroduc!illn was given b)' the lIenlor
class of I,ower Ml'rlon Hll:'h Sehonl l\[oIlrch 5 and 6 In the audl-
torlum of the Bala-C)'nw)'d .Junlor llil:'h SchOOl.
of the Gladwyne Civic As.5o- a brief
Clallon; Henry R. Hallo\\<eil, of lof music In genel'al .lducatlon.
the Merion Civic Association, and; A dlscu~sion
on t.he

on "The Bands ')f i

• .. :t'or State
ie! or
of the United
ILihrary stated thiS week
that dUl'ing 1947. 5,914 Juvenile
Weight and size limitations, cus. I'eader's, mllst of them Narberth
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ICharles R. Kimball, I..owp.r Merion\Lowe Merion," by Dr, Bruce C'I' ••• For Congrellll I,eglslature toms declarations and oWer t:ondi-!Puhllc SCh~OI, students, used the

-1 C
t T It e ompany . Township Commissioner. Beach head of the Music Depa~t-

Discussion at the melting cen-'ment ~t Lower Merion, wllJ follOW.

MIT h' 1111
Narberth Candidates
llons that govern int.eI"national sUl'_llihrary'~ faCIlities, or a t?tal o~ 24
face parcel post will apply to Airipel'ce~t of the total clrcul,atlon,
C · - A d , tel'ed around a HO.mile extension I Lower er on
The Ardmore Juniol' High School have two local comml.tee fights to
10f the Turnpike trom Carlisi.. to Band, under the direction of Ken- enliven Its RepUblican Primary on
o,wns Ip w

Neither the RepubllcanA nor

parcel post, and in addition, an aiI'I Juvenile reader~ are thf)se children
mail sticker must be applied to the i up to 14 years of age,or eighth grade

O ens Brane h Off Ice In r more Philadelphia which would follow alnard Markley, wllJ open the pro- April 27, but othel·wlse. the organ- the DemocratR will have' any parcels. AII' parcels may be regis I'student~,
1i;J:ation-endorsed slate Is unop' cont$t", for committee posts tered or insured to those countries In .Januar~-, alone, the, offici,al
P _ ,) , '
".", . ,
northerly route passing, through the gram.
'vicinity of Lebanon and Reading, It will play "Patriotic Overture" posed, at the April 21 primaries. Can- whel'e 1;ueh service isnow In ope raJ added, approximately 336 Juvenile
land joining local highways at J{ln~\and "Irish Overture," both by The contests became public on dlilates who filed nomination tlon l'eadE'l'~ used the library, Adult
,of Prussia., . IBuchtel; The "EI Capitan March," Monday, deadline for filing petitions
TerminatIOn of the extensJOn\b Sousa will be directed by W. E. by those seeking party nomina·
petitions Monda)- are:
Flr!'lt District: .Joseph
"'hlte and I,ouiRe Cocl,rlll, Re- I
P. Dr. Frew TeIIS circulation amounted to 1,46;;, Dur-
ing the month 90 new regi~trationll

near King ot Prussia would dove- Geist, of the elementary Instrumen- tion,
tail with the Valley For~e Parkway:taJ mu~lc department. When petitions were filed, it was
project ,Whic~1 ,has been pushed by I The Bala-Cynwyd .Tunior High di~closed also that .Joseph N, Pew.
publicans; .Joseph Magarltyand
}{athr)'n O'Brlen, Democrats. R0 t ary CIUb Of
were record,ed, with only three list-
ed as Juvelule,
"Our flgure~ Ilre \lnly aproxl-

Iron Cartaln
Main Lme CIVIC groups for se\,erlll Band, under the baton of Herman Jr" of Ardmore, and Jay Cool,e, of
years, , C, Giersch, will play "Plantation !WyndmoOl', had raceivl)d the organ-
Second District: .John Batch-
elor ami Isabel Pittinger, R e - ,
mate," the otllcial stated, "hecause
a great many adults VIi\] come in
! The parkway, which would g'l Echoes," by Brocl,ton; "DonkeYlization's nod to serve al' Montgom- lluhllcans; Jesse Hause and to get hool{~ ~or them~clves,
leastward from Val1ey Forge tv,Serenade," by Frlml, 3nd "Our DI- ery County's delegates to the Re- Elizabeth Keli,)', Democrats. at the same time, take book~ out
West Conshohocken, then fOllnwlrector March," by Bigollow, pUhlican National Convention in Third DI!'ltrlct: Harry Pnlch Russian Complex Cause for their childr~n, ~-{owever, dn
the old River road along the west IFollowing a review Jf the actlvl- PhiladeJphia in .June.
'\bank Of the Schu~lkll1 to City Line ties of the Lower Merion High For alternate delegates, the or.
anll Marll'aret Griswold, Re-
puhllcans; Ellen Brinton, Dem- Of 'Scare Act,
average of 10 children per day use
the library for reading,"
would make a logIcal feeder for thelBand, by Philip Loung, drum-ma-!ganization's unopposed candidates ocrat (no candidate for oom- P t S School olflcial.. , on the other hand,
ITumpike. Its proponents say, It jor, it will present a selection of are Russell Crawford, at We~t Nor- mltteeman). as or ays
'would also relieve, the congest;ollinumbel's under the direction of D:',!riton, and Louis Hirsch, of Chel-
along Lanca.~ter pike through Bryn Bruce C, Beach, head of the musIc ten ham.
,,--I stated that the majority of pupils
Dr. Allan McLachlan Frew, pas-Iof the School used the School's own
wyne. ,to repre~ent, Mo~tg~me~y,tor of the Ardmore Pre~byterianIlibrary f~I' their requircd reference
Ma~r an,d Ardmore, , ! d e p a r t m e n t . Congres~man Samuel K. McCon- Coullty s first IcglRlattve distrIct 111 Church. wa.q guest speaner Tues-: and readlllg' work.
Fmanemg is the big pl'oblem, IflThe program will include "CO;l- nell, JI'" of Wynnewood, was slated Hal'l'isburg, day at the Internation Sen'ice, "Our school library contains ap-
~raffic counts ~upport sU~h, a pro-I~tellatlon Overture," by Peter Buys, for hi~ third term as U, S, Con- Count), Commissioner Fred C. meeting of the Bala.cynWYd.Nal'-! proximately 2500 to 2800 hooks,"
Ject, the Turnpike Comml~SlOn ma)'lwith tl'umpet solo by Sheldon Ar- gre~sman, and state Representa- Peter~, of Ardmore, is on the slate :herth Rotary Club, held at noon \'I'. J, Drl'nen, p,:'incipal of, the I
be aal,ed eventually to bring thelnold; "The World Is \Vaiting for Ilive Lambcrt Cadwalader, of Glad- (Continued On Page Six) in the Overbrook Golf Cluh, Ischool declared, and III addition,
or. 'V. 'West
TUI'nPIl<e In close to West consho-Ithe Sunrise," "Begin the Beyuine,"i
jhOICken-posSlbllY even down to City by Cole Porter. and "American pa-If IA IT bee T Ii s
' Dr', Frew, who was introduced, many rooms in t he school havEl
by w, J, Drennan, discu~sed somej!\]er lihraries of several hundred
ot the Impressions he had carried bool,~,"
L ne Itself, Th,s idea. however, has trol," by M e a c h a m , .
!J.C?~_ prellmlnal'~' pXl'cl"ding th(l -,grand tln41e t>J:': ane grees "oyn
I0'n Red A-
'~ '

10f Ch anee In
.. i9ne bl'ytnd" dis· back (I'om his recent two.monthsr D,'. Waltel' SteckbecJ<, president
wealth Title Company ()f Phlladel- cusslon. L. ,"'. Zimmerman, president of the
ImS · I tour of westem Europe, Calling I' of the School Board, stated that no
his talk "Amerlca'~ Stake in \Vest- action On a larger appropriation
according has been to opene
' A d
an dannouncement
111 I' more, F. Fromhehl
It alsO was learned that the com- Lower Merion Board of School DI-I
mission hopes to finance the super- rectol's. will speall on "A Father ITeII 0 f At' Brl-t-ISh LI-fe em Europe," Dr, Fl'ew pointed out I could be made until the budp;et for
:made this week by William M.
West, president, I
highway through bank loans rath- Looks at the Band,"
·~----Ier than by floating a hond Issue. It As the finale the entire assem-
The office, located In the pennJ,thi~ new office now established was felt, authentic sources said. blage will present a demonstra·
om " D A Id J T b d' t'1ll
that there al'e two "Curtains" di·lthe year was passed,
viding the world today. I "There Will he a preliminary
One the so-called "II'on CUI" budget meeting," he said "Maleh
, that a great deal of money could tlon of rehearsal technl'que and A newspapel'man and two sClen- I lh" d rBno't' h' 'h' tOY~ ee, diS a 11- tain'" I'~ the Ru~siRn, And the oth-' 25, when the new budp'et will be
sylvania Company for ,~Banking and Iin West
Lanca-t'I" Ardmore, '
is also presidcnt of the be saved on Interest charges If sight reading of music which they ltists on Monday evening cOllabora~-lth gu s' e f tl 1'1 IS' I~' onan
t I "A I ,.,
an Stud - el', which he called "'1'he Golden di~cus~ed, However, the hudg-et will "
" to I ' method 1S . followed. " ' , that the total -lin· 01'H'0 t Ie"1110numen
Trusts building, 7 .l'.,
"e" wl'll be managed b Fred " Colonial Title Surety Company of thIS have not seen before led
I 111 an opmlOn of I~ ory, t Id
a y"
an au lence 0 f Veil," belongs to the
d' , , UllIted
, State~, not " he pas~ed, finally' until later
" thiS
Philadelphia and treasurer of thel CommiSSIOn eng.lneers were '~" The ~nal number Will be Sousa'slpasse between Russia and the USAl1000 at Bryn Mawr College Stln-\ "The Iron Curtam IS, 111 my opin- Rprmg, It, IS po~slble that It Will
, J
v L.'. . , . , 0
In opening the otllc"!, the Com- Philadelphia Real Estate ~oard. ported to be fav,orm g the ~orthe:-n Washington Post March," present-lcOUld be broken only if the pel'-I day night that BI'italn's "silent and ion, a psYC~ologic~1 'c~ve,r-up' tor; he pa~~ed III Api'll, hut It v;,as not
1any has anticipated great advan<'es FI'omheld has ,been aclive 1Il the route . after cal eful co.nsldera~lon ed b~ th~ combined bands unaer sonnel of the Politburo were \hloodle ss revolution" had reversed \a vast, natIonal ~nferlOl'1ty com.: passed last year u~til 1I1ay,
In the real estate' busmess, partie- tit Ie business since 1936, He served of aenal surveys of thl ee pOSSIble the dll'ecllon of Dr, Beach.
ularly In areas such all Lower :V1er.' for three and one·half years in the courses.
The three
the entire outlook fo the middle plex," Dr, Frew said. "Tn the years i Last year the LI,br~ry operate1
men-John McCul· and lower clas~e~
in that country. from 1917 to 1939, 'he country Ion a ~2800
apJlropnatlOn the [ro~1
Ion Township, a noted educational !arl11ed forces during World War In gene,ral, the survey~ ,:e~'e
con- Building in Borough ]Iough, of the Philadelphia In-\ Before 1914, DI', Toynbee explain_\pulled itself, out of the backwasll Council and a $300 ~ RPpropnat~on
center and a community with lar"e' II. He attended the Wharton cerned Wlt~
theSe pOSSibilitIes: Sterlin" !If Chain ai' I uirer' Dr, Thomas Jones, asso- ed "the wOI'king' class had little lof medie\'allsm, and developed all: from the Rehool Boal'd, A dnve
, .• hank, commercial establishments 'School, Univer~it! of Pennsylvania, h I. A mldd~~ ro~te ~atthwOuldhl'the BO;ough cou'nc~lh ';~~I~I:; ~iate ~rofe~or
I of chemistry at Hav- op~ortunity,
little chance to save '\ its resoUrces, t,riplln
Its PI'oduc' l f?I' funds, inauguratl'd for the, ~rst
d ind strie~ ;and Temple University. ave run sou eas WJ.I roug , I f d C II d D \V E St' If Id g d few ducational tion and catching up as fast ae lime last year, brought dn addItion..
an u "
\Vest stated: "\'I'e except resl-
'I" 'I he Title Company has seven Ic
the rich farmlands 'Jf Lancastel' comnlltlee, reported Monday night \' er or
0 ege, an , . c- Or 0 a e, an ,e
Iat a meeting of the Council that phens, associate professor of phy- opportunllie.;, It was rare for a PO~SI e WI 1 S mo e pi ogl e~slv
1', , 'hi 'th 't I' " 'e i a I $1000
'I '
com;trucliO'1IOlflCe~ un Z' fall~n ri~e wa~ cam~,
OanCI-, Appro Ves
dential and business In Philadelphia, and other °2 th 't th t Id' building in Narberth had be- sics at the Uni\'el'sity of pennsy:-I man of that class to on the so- n,elghbor, Then the R'J ,- ---------
l~U ~ou ~Ia
Glen~ide, Is~unyg ~Ieeting divl~ion ~he
to risl', bringing new activity in branch oftlc I'S in Upper Darby.l ' sou ern e a d hind that of last year vania Wl're members of the panel cial and economic ladder.' was devastated. 10 thiS d/lY
h e, kSOU hdeashtwar
' P0 I-Ice Car B-d
the huying 'and selling of rcal Chester, Lancaster, and Cavl rom, During .Janual'V 1947' Chain stat- at a titled "The Atom an-i The sharp of social op- has not repaired the damage,
estate in the terntory covered by, ,II mmg on,
1\, 'I ' t D I'
e awal e.
ar IS e ...o or an t ence across
th e S usq u e h anna an d eas t wal' d ,
J' , '
ed ' the Borough received $30 for You," In the" Ardmore Prebyterlan portunlty " has troubled
' I ' the
3, The northerly route, crossing permlt~ i~sued, while in January, Ch~rch, ThiS ,was ~h,e ~ourth 1I1 a sCience at the ~Iddle c ass slllce up a big front on the .nternatlonal
con· I,
nor returned to her former produe-I
lion levels. But, In order to 'pl,t ' I
Letter to the Editor the Susquehanna below HarriSbUrg"1948, only $5 was received, III s~\'les ~~ m;etl~gS J;I~~IY ~ons~r- 19~~ the ~p~ak~,1 Isaid. I t' f scene, and to frighten the :lations\! W'thh Id A t"
Sir: running toward Lebanon and then February, 1947, h,e ad:ied, $37 was I e by ,e ore gn 0 ICy ~soc a· ne Sl~ s an ta conso a Ion or she deems more powerfUl, she lOS C Ion on
Kenneth Pray's death is a Slid loss, ,All ?f hi~ ,life was devoted passing abou,t ten miles south of received as to $6 1I1 Fcbruary, 1948. (Continued fl'om Page Three) (Continued On Page Three) adopted a 'scare techniquE"," Bids for Truck
to plans for a better world. and \\'hlle thIS fl'lcnd dId not slle €ye-to- Reading on Its eastward course. The speaker conlm~nted on the
eye with him on soml' of his convictions, there wa~ never. any doubt The probability that the north-
a~o~t the ~inc~rity o,f ilis n~oti\'es nor of the manner ,in W~IC~ he was ern route will be chosen was Indl-
ShOW ' C hatrmen
- M d e Is 0
Russian Infliltratlon into tlil' coun-"I The Narberth Borough Council
tl'il's ot 'Vestern Em'opl', pointir.~ Monday night approved a bid ot
w~llll1g to ~~cl'1f1ce hnn::elf ,Ill ord~r to I:a\'~ wm'th·whlle th,lI1g~ accom~lcated after an ael'ial survey that out that her tlr~t act on enterlnp' $623,58 fill' a new 1948 Chevr,llet
,coupe to be u~eli as a police car.
Important Rctl\'iLie~ and ,hCl'e is evidence that if he had sought tol ,a country IS to ~elze ItS reSOlllces,
pllshed, Plobably no olhel man m NUl bel th had to do With so man) cost about $86000 and to J . I I " ,
serve only hi~ own cu;"~e his financial I'moluments would have been Imonths.
' 0, sevela " -
,He felt this was an indication of The bid, received fcom h,irsch
fill' than what th~y were, fm' he had thc talents nece~~ary tol Informants we re necessarily Ithe fact that she was not prepared, Chenolet CompanY",of Bula-Cyn-
put him in the forefront in an~' fll'ld where money is made and per- ~'ague on exact plans because of at this time, to wage war. w)'d, wa~ lhe only bid l'eCl'lved for
sonal prosperity well as~ured, He chose the hcttcr way, the danger of land specUlation. For
His passing stirs ma:lj' reflections of local application, tor thelthe same reason they were silellt
The youngest of the family of Ihe CRr and included '~n allowance
nations-the United States-has the of $800 for the old car, The hid
stem fact is that Narberth t?ok on II completel~ diffel'ent, aspe~t
on what improvements are contp.l\1 most, In wealth, In re~ource~ I
and will re reduced aproximately ~2no
immcdiately after hp; was depnved 01 the opportulllty O,! ~ervll1g hl~ plated to Improve the highway sys. in freedom. 8he should give to the' if a new hea~'y-duty hallerr and
cO,mmunlty in COU~CII. , Here was a man who was, acclaimed .far ~nd tern between King of Prussia utmo~t Dr. Frew ~ugge~ted to tho:' gl'nerRlor are not requircd· fur the
narily well.lnfol'med, but he was rejected becall~e he was not a whIch IS on route 202 III Montgo~- dlstres~ed Europe, new ca~,
Wide as an expert III CIViC procedure, clean, forthright and extraoldl- , , ' ' , '
,countl'ies , ,
"parly man" and at a time when the Borough needed skilled help e~y County, and the PhiladelphIa Only In thl~ fashion can she lIlus- The Council also opened hld~ fO,r

more than at any other time in its history, The ~hockll1g incident city line, trate the fact that democracy is a new heavy.duty truck and a hug:-
(along with other na~ty epi~odes) put thc stamp of a 'polilica~ town'\ the tlnest and the mOst l,eWardlngl ne~s coupe to he used for the High.
on Narhprth and it would he easy to demonstrate that the loss of the
old-time freedom and Inoepl'ndence has been chiefly accountable for
PTA t0 Hear way of life on earth. way Department work, hut with-
I Befor-e concluding, Dr, Frew react held action until the hid could be
thc .~own-hill course of events which has been so evident In recent aloud an 81'tlcle trom a New Yor;, Istu~il'd,
yeals, " ' ,.", ,
The Pity I~ that thl~ InSidiOUS Ilk of ~hl~gs d~e~ not s,top with a
ca p Of Ar tIS t

newspaper, dated 100 years ago, The Bids for theRe two vehicll',;'were
article, written at the hel ht f the! received from the Kirsch Che'/l"Olet
'I C m al1\ '\'1
u oear :~Om!l'.~IY,
E I'
dull sort of town management, because It IS plum that It has also
llf'Cected prelly nearly e\'ery other feature of community existence B hG , Rig 0
ng Ish· uss an misunderstanding 0 p "", ,Ie I At'
and has put an end to thc dream of making the' Borough an example oroug roup ot 1948, bemoane~ the dangl'r to and the ~ Illte Rl~les and Se~\'lcl)
of Amel ican life in it~ bl'st e~tate, What used to be called the To Meet March 15 Taking part. In thl' Narherth ,Junior \\romen's Club Fashion Show, helll at the Narberlh Public wOI'Id peace which would come Company In Norrl~town,
and thQ
"Narberth Spirit" has gone completely and it is Iitlle wondel' that the about Khould RII~sia gain control H, R . .Tacoh Company, of AI',lmorl',
outside promotors who wanted to buy the plaY~Tound fOl' development George Sklar, Philadelphia sculp- School Thursday e\'ening, are, from left t~ right, Mrs. K. Mitchell, ChalrmlU\; Miss Llta Ovnlle, aide; of cel'tain ports and rivl'r~, Ironic· The hids which wel'e I'ereived
as a shopping center had full conviction that If they I'allled th'eit' tor and artist will be guest spenllel' MrK. Gorgl' Co~way (Cele), Co-Chairman; 1\1188 George Torchlanna, a model; and JIoJrll. GI~orge MII- ally enollgh, it was signed hy K:J"I fOl' the tl'lIck were: Autocar ClJm-
money.hags sutftcienll~' loUd they could easily accomplish their at a meeting Of the N'.irberth Par- leI', a model, nnd membl'r of the Narberth Women's COlllmunlt.)' Club. --Staff Photo Mal'x, the father of!company, $1;,874,81 wnich included

PUI'P;~~' d . t' I'

to bestir itself abollt any thin'"

' , , ent-Teachers' Association to be helJ
,IS oes no lI1~P ~ venaht~, hut I,t could mean that N~rberthlMarch 15 at 8:1:1 P. M. In the
was I egarded as havlllg lost Its proverhlal zest and was no'" dl~posed "
Outrugeous yes but would such School audltol'lum,
While Winter held sway outslde'Zlegler, Miss Dorothy I..owe, MiSSjheld Monday evening at the home Russian Communism.
Nal'berth women got thelt· fil'st Edith Lowe, MI~s Llta Ovalls. MI83 of MI s, Stel ling Chain, 94 Wynne
Peggy Blyth Mrs, Chal'les Ricker: dale Rd, Narberth
, ' , '.
President Wallac ~mlle
s con
ducted the buslne~s meetlllg which
I' "
- . an allowance ot $600 for the old
tnlck, and the White Sales Co -
,.) "
pan), $5,_80 which lIlcluded $801.25

e1'l'rontery have been dared, e 10oyeal'!!

· ago'? " A dd
war e th e P ar Is pI' Ize In 1929
' " glimpse
, of the pI'etty
, new f a s.hMrs.
i oGeorge
n s ' H. Stryker, M1'I1, Rich- The following were accepted Into piece II e d D 1'. 'I"
F lews
- ' speech, , f 01,'th e 0 Id t'IUC"I ,
,Witness also that "new bridge" on. Narberth Avenue, and on Sklar received his masters degree which make spnng the most antl-!ard 'Valsh, Miss LalJra Masters, membership at the meeting: Mrs, Twelve guests, members of neigh· Bids for the HIRhway Depart.-
W~l1ch ,the rall~'oad is, said to have spent ~40,OOO, but which stili remains from Yale University. He attend- cipated season of the year, at the Iand Mrs, \'VilIlam Clipsham. Kenneth L, \Vi!son, of 510 Beech- boring Rota~'y Clubs, were present, ment coupe wel'l': Kiz.'sch Chevr'>o
the, dlab, un~lghtly thing It ha~ been fOl' more than 1iO )'ears, The ed the School of Indust.rlal Arts In Narbel'th Junior \Vomen's Club I
Drawings for a hat by Cele and wood Lane' Mrs, Adon Horsely of The meetlllg' next TUellday, It let Company, $726,20 lIlclliding all
~~~m~~t:i~ccnanaProsbab~y explain ,What has been done" hut ,all the ord!- Philadelphia, and also studied over heneflt fashion shOW held at the a dl'ess from Mrs. NOI'man Jefferil's ;;00 Essex' Ave,; Miss Dorothy was announced, will be In the form allowance of $:'00 for the old 1941
, c ~ etehls thha~ It ~s a~ ugly and a~ unimaglllative as It two years In EUI'ope through a Tlf- Narberth School Thul'sday evenlng,!shop were won by Mrs William H Spark~ of 403 Woodside Ave' MI's of a Sl. Patricks Day program.
I y
was,b C\ en
ef oug
or It might
e , 'be somewhat more adequat-e for f any F oun d a tl on f e II ows hi p. I
The gowns which wel'e fro~ the Ewing, Jr" Of Merion, and Mrs. J. Jeffries Eyster, of :>12 Barkley ' ' 'I',
• • ., ' Ford, and H, R, Jacob, $891.07 In-
th dl ng a~, a II owance of $421 ' for
The atrocity simply would not have becn allowed to occur if 'there A~ter
serving In the AII' Corps In shop of Mrs, Norman Jef'Cerles OflRobert Morford, of Narberth, re- Rd" all of Nal'berth, and Mrs. Her- A l11ere l11an VISIts a o~d e cat. ,
had been any real care in what happens In this neighborhood and It Is WOlld War II, Sklar I'eturned to Narberth were completed with spectively following the show. Miss man Giersch, of Bryn Mawr. J' un' or 0 ' 1 b' A bid was also received fl'om the
not at all fa,r-fetched to hang the penalty on the surrendel' of home- teach at the Parsons School of De- hats by Cele, of Narbel·th. IMar y Phillips was awarded the It has been announced the cov- I W ll1en S CU. SelbY-B~tlel'sby Company for $91:1
town sovereIgnty to those who make "politics" their one and only sign In New York and the Moore Modeling the dresses were Mrs.!floral centerpiece on the stage trom ered dish supper and dance to have Read to repair the, f10r ~t the wi~g at
interest, Inatltute ot Art, Science and In- Irvin Furlong, Ml's. Robert Rlck-,the Valentine Florist Shop In Nar- been held at the Community Build· "HOBBY NIGHT" the Community BUilding which III
bod Part of t,",e same, c~oth is, this, business of, haling ollr government dustry In Philadelphia. He has' abaugh; Mrs, Paul Weiman, MrS'\berth. lng, March 18, has be"!n postponed used by the Women's Club and the
t y t~ Cobultt ~lld I~~vmg a lu~e unposed ~1l It that ~ould make the held three one-man shows at the IGeol'ge 'rorchlanna, Mrs. George The setting for the show was from IIntil April 1 in Boy and Girl Reout Troops.
ax ra e
should b~ e tel eOllespond With What dissenting citizens thought Natlll' I HI t
the case. I do \lot know exactly What was Involved, as a Allia a s ory
useum. t, e
h A ·t' '
I MIller, Mrs: Raymond Staley, Jr" the Little House Shop ot Ardmore,
!he Fashion Show Committee 0 ----
nc e , and the Weylle Alt Gal· Miss Connie Case, Miss Frances and the PIlI'slan rug runway was wll1 meet at the home of the co· UR TOV\TN
too-long Illness has diverted the usual attention, but I do J,now that
nevel' before has Narherth )lrotl'cted its tithes and I do 1I0t think INles. He bas developed an lin- Hynson, and Miss Beth Canfield, from the Alavl'rde Rug Htore, Ard. chall'lllan. MI's. GeOl'ge Conway, ot
complaints would have occul'l'cd on this occasion if there bad been usual techniqUe In pOI'traylng the all of Narherth, mOI'e. , : 1 0 9 Grayling Ave., Narberth. Frl-
:~~:~ence our public Ill'oeedure enjoyed the same respect that It was characterization ot animals. and Miss Nancy Gl'aham Simpson, of At the Youth Dance sponsored day evening.
t ed In the years that have pas~ed. It would also be Interesting holds many classes at the Phlladel· Nal'berlh, was the narrator. by the Juniol' Club Friday evening, Announced as delegates from t h e ,
~)(J'I' ~)'JI)

I Da"iA Siore, 224 Haverford Ave"
I~ ~:~nt hO: many taxpayers were III Nonistown for the town':! day p/1la Zoo. Co-Chail'lllen tor the event, pro- at the Community B'Jlldlng door clUb to the meoting of the Mont- Granito Drug Storl', Montgom-
summ I' a~ what testlmo\lY was offered by citizens not undel' direct Entertainment for the evening ceeds of which will go to the club's pl'lzes whiCh wel'e donated by Dr gomel'y County Federallon ot Jun- The popular ne~ col-' ery Ave" Nal'berth,
.el1er:t:ltu:t~r:~a:~b~~g ~~:~~~I~e;OUld be qUite pet'tlnent to the\;;l1 also InclUde plano selections bylwelfare Fund, were Mrs. K. Mitch-IRels~an. 0t Philadelphia. a Nar: lor Women's Clubs to be held at umn with a ,Main Line Narberth News, 238 Haverford
Ordinarily, In a place of this ki~d, with every dollar ot official B~; I Charles Sauerbrey. Samuel ell and Mrs. George Conway. \berth merchant, were awarded to Kugler's Restaurant, March 16, have Locale Ave" Narberth,
(Continued on Page Three) mk ey, president of the group, They were assisted by a commlt- Sally Lace~' and Mike Cook. been Mrs. Miles Clipsham and Mrs. Tralner'II, 238 Woodhlne Ave,
w preside. I tee which inciuded Milia Patricia An EXecUtlV8 Board meeting was J, Harper Claycomb. r- lfurn to Page 2 Narberth,

, I

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