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Thành viên:
Trần Tiến Dũng(Nhóm trưởng)-B17DCCN165
Lâm Quốc Khánh
Lê Quang Đạo
Đề tài: Xây dựng hệ CSDL phân tán quản lý ứng dụng smartphones
I. “real-world scenario” description ,Design a distributed database system
and Setup local databases
a. Real-world scenario
i. Applications of database system
- Manage smartphone applications
- Manage upload application
- Manage download application
- Manage edit application
- Manage add, delete,update customers and partners
- Manage list of customers and partners
- Statistics of app download
ii. Database requirements to be archived
- Applications data :
- Customers data:
- Supplier data:
- Staff data:
b. Design a ditributed database system
i. Design centralized databse
1. Entity analys
After analyzing, we build the entities and standardize
them as follows:
Customer entity:
Attribute Describe
IdCus Customer’s code
fullname Customer’s fullname
Address Customer’s address
Gender Customer’s gender
Phonenumber Customer’s
Country Customer’s nationality
Dob Customer’s birthday
username Customer’s username of
Password Customer’s password of
Email Customer’s email

Supplier entity:
Attribute Describe
IdSup Supplier’s code
Fullname Supplier’s fullname
Address Supplier’s address
Gender Supplier’s gender
Phonenumber Supplier’s phonenumber
Nationality Supplier’s nationality
Dod Supplier’s Date of Birth
Username Supplier’s username
Password Supplier’s password
Email Supplier’s email

Censor entity:
Attribute Describe
IdSup Censor’s code
Fullname Censor’s fullname
Address Censor’s address
Gender Censor’s gender
Phonenumber Censor’s phonenumber
Nationality Censor’s nationality
Dod Censor’s date of birth
Username Censor’s username
Password Censer’s password
Email Censer’s email

Information_of_the_download entity:
Attribute Describe
Id_info_download Code of the download
Download_date Date of app download
Price Price for downloading the app
Discount Discount of the dowload
idApp Code of the application
idCus Code of customer

Information_of_the_download entity:
Attribute Describe
Id_infor_upload Code of the upload
upload_date Date of app upload
idApp Code of the application
idSup Code of the supplier

Information_of_censorship entity:
Attribute Describe
id_infor_censor Code of the censor
is_valid The content test attribute
is valid
invalid_describe The content notification
attribute is not valid
idCensor Code of the censor
idApp Code of the application

Downloadable_country entity:
Attribute Describe
idDownload_country Code of the country can
country Country can download
idApp Code of the application

Application entity:
Attribute Describe
idApp Code of the application
name_app Name of application
type_app Type of application
Rate The rate of people who
download the application
Price The price that the user pays
to this app
Discount The percentage for which
users receive a discount
Required_age Age groups can download
the app

c. Setup local databases

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